White cloaked man

Zulia P.O.V

The rest of the day went by really slow, and I've still not seen Prince Travis ever since we talked early this morning.

I was given the duty of guarding the second gate alongside a black knight names Prigio.

"Hi Lia, my name is Prigio" he approached me with a smiling face.

"Okay" I ignored him and continued with my duty, he steps back and kept quiet

"Seems the rumors are true, for a commoner you're quite rude" He snickers

"And ...how should this piece of information affect me?, or should I be wary of you?" I glared at him.

"You're really pretty but your attitude is just not it,really terrible".

"Thank you Prigio, I'll take that as a compliment" I faced the other side and ignored him for the rest of the day and headed back for the castle when I was done with my work.

Prigio keeps tagging behind

"I heard you're Prince Cyrus whore, you sold your body and that's why he treats you special" He concluded.

"Think whatever you want, stop bothering me" I walked away.

"You know what, I could also treat you well if you do it with—" I punched him before he completed his sentence

"I heard if I hurt a royal I could get killed but I doubt it would cost me a fingernail if I hurt you, Don't test me or you'll be bedridden for life"

I ignored him and walked away

"You wench!!!" he runs towards me pulling my hair

I kicked him in his face,he falls to the floor as he spits out blood with a tooth falling out.

"Seems you don't need that head of yours anymore Prigio?"

"Touch me ever again, you might lose more than your tooth next time".

I walked away leaving him in pain.

I arrived at Prince Travis room and knocked on the door.

"Come in"

I opened the door and entered, Prince Travis is sitted on his bed, he seems to have an large cut around his waist,seems like he was slashed with a sword.

I walked closer to him,and stood by his side

"Ohh my!!!" it's way worse than I thought,he's bleeding alot.

"Don't shout, it's just a little cut"

"No it's not,you're bleeding and that's not just a cut, that's a—"

"Who gave you the right to stare" he scowled at me,

"I only told you to come in,not stay close to me...Step back" He said with a cold glare

"Yes My Prince " I took a few step backwards.

I'm scared,he scares me... he gives me the chills

He continues to treat his wounds by himself, as he lets out a little slight groan as he poured alcohol on his wounds.

He wraps his wounds with a little white strip of cloth over and over to stop the bleeding and ties it.

He puts on his shirt as he buttons it slowly, seems he is in a bit of pain.

"Have you eaten?" He asked softly but still with a slight frown on his face.

"No I haven't".

"Get my food from the royal kitchen and yours also".

"Yes My Prince"

"Call me Prince Travis not your Prince".

"Yes Prince Travis" i bowed slightly. Seems like he is really not in a good mood,

not like he is ever in a good mood.

I walked out to the royal kitchen and got the food, went to his room and served him.

"Are you going to eat while standing?,you can just use my desk" He points at the desk.

"Thank you Prince Travis" I bowed.

I've never felt so uncomfortable while eating with someone,The aura around him was dark and thick as fog, he looks furious and calm at the same time as he eats.

"Are you done?" he asks .

"Huh!..hic! ...hic!!" Why am I having a hiccup at this time.

"Get ready, we'll be leaving in the next hour" He takes off his robe.

"You need to take off your knight crest pin".

"Yes My Pri... Prince Travis"

We headed it to the Oaz District, we stood at the corner of an abandoned cottage and waited.

"Prince Travis, are you sure we might catch someone here?".

"Shush!!!, don't say a thing" He whispers in my ear,which felt a bit ticklish.

We waited for a while and nothing happened, I'm gradually getting tired of waiting for someone that might never show up.

Finally we noticed a man in a white cloak who appeared from nowhere, We followed him discreetly, Prince Travis focused on his breathing, seems his wounds are unbearable, he has been putting up a tough front but he can't hide his pain anymore.

His eyes looks dull and his face looks pale, I don't know why he has to put up with the pain to catch a random stranger.

The white cloaked man meets up with another man in a brown-rag like cloak.

They interacted for a few minutes but we could barely hear what was going on between them.

"Urgh..." Prince Travis groans.

I look at him worriedly.

"Keep your eyes on the target Lia" He whispers,

even in his voice I could feel his pain.

The man in a white cloak gave the man in a brown-rag cloak a sack, with the clinging sounds from the bag,I suspect it's filled with coins.

"They're making a trade".

The brown cloaked man brings out a green gem and gave the white cloaked man.

"The brown cloaked man walked away until...

"He stabbed him" the white cloaked stabbed him the minute he turned away.

The white cloaked man notices us, he runs away as we chased after him

We finally caught up to him, I'm panting and trying to catch my breath, Prince Travis looks unfazed and draws out his sword.

The white cloaked man does the same thing.

I could barely keep up with the speed.

But Prince Travis disarmed him with the very little strength he had left.

Prince Travis points his swords at his neck.

"State your name,or I kill you" he says firmly.

"Hahhahahaha" the white cloaked man laughed out with a cocky smile on his face.

"You think you've got me cornered". The white man did a couple of multiple hand signs.

I could see an aura line in a green.



All I heard was a loud boom sound,Prince Travis throwing himself on me,as my body fell to the floor.

He stares at me with blood dripping from his mouth, he says something inaudible as a drop of blood fell on my cheek.

He slowly closes his eyes,as he laid his head on my chest.