Say my name, without the title.

Zamora P.O.V

Prince Aragon came back from the forbidden chambers looking all bothered.

"Did the talk with your brother, the fourth Prin—".

"Don't ever call that...he's not my brother" he looks at me with disgust.

"Ye... Yes My Prince" I bowed slightly.

"But why do you look disturbed My Prince?".

"Amora, I'm not in a good mood to discuss petty things with a maid" he sits on his bed as he ponders.

I walked up to him and stood in front,

"You've never called me 'A Maid' before, did I do something wrong to you,My Prince?".

He hugs my waist and places his head on my tummy, this feels a bit intimate but I'm glad he feels more relaxed now.

"I'm caught between two stools, I have to kill one to save the other", he says,

"I've always wanted to bring her back to life, I've been caught in the hall of nightmare and lost the ability to sleep comfortably since it haunts my dreams, but now I've found a way out of this misery, A way to save her but I have to sacrifice someone's life in order to achieve that". He continues.

"I don't know what's going on and I don't really seem to understand your predicament, but if your decision makes you this worried, then it's wrong". I said trying to calm him down.

"So you're saying I shouldn't go ahead with that psycho's option right?," He looks at me worriedly.

I've never seen him this way.

"I have no idea who the psycho is, but I never said whether you should go ahead with it or not, all I have to say is, 'To kill someone to save another is a very common situation, as a Prince you've attacked kingdoms and other villages to save yours, it's just the same thing, as killing a person to save the other, it's a natural phenomenon The strong shall always prey on the weak".

He looks up at me.

"You always seem to amaze me with the way you think, it would've been great if you were a royal or betrothed to one".

"I'm glad I was able to ease your troubles My Prince". I bowed.

Once again I'm reminded of the burden I will carry when our kingdom is saved.

But if I was in a similar situation as Prince Aragon, I would sacrifice anyone for Kingdom Neodessa, over and over again.

"Amora.. Amora..., why are you lost in thoughts?" he stares.

"I'm fine My Prince, would you like to have your lunch now?".

"No I'm fine, I just want to sleep for a while"

"Then I'll take my leave now, and let you sleep comfortably" I bowed then walked towards the door to leave the room.

"You've been my maid for a month now, and it seems you don't realize I have trouble sleeping and you're the only one I feel comfortable sleeping with"

"I noticed, but what can I do to help?,My Prince".

He taps on the bed twice, and ushered me to come over.

I hope it's not what I'm thinking?, I walked towards him..

"Can I sleep on your laps once again?" He asked politely as he stretched out his hands.

"But it's not befitting for a Prince to sleep on a common maid such as me".

"Amora you're not just a maid, at this point consider yourself as a sleeping pill, I hope I don't get addicted too" He smiles.

His calm voice and dark brown eyes shimmered as I grabbed his stretched out hand, he sat me down on the bed.

"You have the smoothest palm for a maid" he interlocks our fingers as he rubs it lightly.

He stares at me.

"And also the prettiest dreamy eyes" He gently lies on the bed as he places his head on my laps, he stares at me until he finally fell asleep.

I understand what you're going through,the burden of running a kingdom, having it rest on shoulders.

I placed my hands on his hair as I gently ruffled it, I watched him sleep.

"You look more attractive when you sleep Aragon, I hope you get the sweetest dreams".

I slightly pecked his forehead,

looks like I've finally been swept off my feet, I really don't want to see him worried or troubled.

He held my hand as he opens his eyes, I'm too shocked to react.

Has he been awake all this while?.

"My Prince, did I wake you up?".

"Say my name"


"It's not a request Amora it's a royal order from the first prince".

He lifts his head from my laps and faces me.

"You mean I should call you Prince Aragon?".

"Drop the title Amora!".

"But My Prince, that's dishonour to call your name"

"Just say it, you've already said it but I want to hear it again".

"Ar.. Aragon" I finally said it, but it left a weird impression on my lips, the fact he's staring at me as I said his name, makes it feel like he could read my mind..

He stares at me blankly and intently without any expression.

"Nevermind, you are excused" he says as he points at the door, ordering me to leave the room, I walked out.

What was that?, sleeping on my laps, making me say out his name, swaying my heart and then telling me to leave... Why did he do that?.