The never forgotten kiss?

Zulia P.O.V

I knocked on Ivan's door, he opens up and stops me from entering.

"What brings you by?" He covers the door path with his body, why does he look more muscular this morning?.

"Where's Flina?"

"She's sleeping, don't bother She's doing fine" He tries to close the door, I held his arm

"But She's my sister,it's natural for me to be bothered".

"I know she's your sister, but she chose to stay here than with you" He slams the door.

Was Zamora right?, is he just protective of Flina, it doesn't seem like he would hurt her but why can't I get that bad feeling about him out of my head?.

I knocked again, "Ivan, when she wakes up tell her I came to apologise for yelling and I didn't mean to hurt her feelings" I yelled hoping Ivan tells her. I left for the castle.

On getting to the castle, everywhere look and feels busier than usual.

I saw a group of maids and walked up to them.

"Is there any upcoming event?" I asked.

"Yes, one of the best event, it's the king's birthday in the next two weeks".

"Two weeks!?, that's still a bit far to start the preparations right now".

"Well what can we expect from a commoner of low caliber?, you have no knowledge on royal ethics" They giggled then walked away.

"Wait aren't they also commoners?, how dare they look down on me".

I walked away angrily to Prince Travis room, on getting there i saw him dressing up.

"Where are you going? you're not fully healed yet" I stopped him.

"And who are you to try to stop me, My mother?" he said in a cold tone, i could feel the aura of bitterness around him.

"I might be a nobody to you, but the doctor clearly told me to take care of you and your wound might reopen if you move around too much, it's too dangerous to move around". I held his hand.

He yanks my hand away.

"I hate pesky peasants like you, just do your duty as a knight and stop bothering me".He grabs the scroll of a map on his table and heads out.

I ran to him and stopped him.

"I will follow you then, if i can't stop you from leaving then I'll follow you".

"And why would I let you?" He frowns

"Because... I could be of use to you, I could help you treat your wounds if you get hurt and help—"

"Lia, stop being annoying and get out of my sight" He says in a calm tone, as he avoids my eye.

Erin runs towards us, then bows to Prince Travis.

"You called for me commamder".

"Be at ease, I'll not be in the kingdom for a couple of days around 2-3 days, so you'll be in charge of the black imperial knights till I'm back."

"Yes Commander" he bows.

"You may leave" Prince Travis says.

"Stop ignoring me like I have no existence, I will follow you,you can't go alone".

"I'm going with Cyrus, carry your petty attitude away from me Lia, when did you lose your mind? and forgot how to talk to me, don't forget I'm the Prince of this kingdom, if you still want that head of yours, Get Out Of My Sight!!!" He yelled.

I held his hand

"It's so obvious you're scared of something, something is bothering you, I can help".

"Just let her come along, I also want to see how capable she is in unexpected situations". Prince Cyrus walks up to us, Prince Travis tilts his head, and seems a bit annoyed.

"Before we leave can I at least help you by dressing your wounds,I doubt you changed your wrap since the doctor came". I said to Prince Travis.

"Just let her do it, there's nothing to lose". Prince Cyrus says.

I followed him to his room as he undresses.

"I was right, the bandage is already soaked in blood"

"Just get on with it Lia," He says with a frown.

I wonder what is really bothering him.

He made little to no noise as I dressed his wound, he still looks disturbed.

"Done!" I tied the bandage and stood up.

"So where are we heading to?" I asked.

Prince Travis walks ahead ignoring my question, Prince Cyrus puts his arm round me.

"You might regret following us, Travis is really in a bad situation right now" He whispers then hands me the second copy of the map.

"Do you know this forest?" He points at a place on the map.

"No I don't"

"We are going here. and the path might be a bit rocky and might not have water to drink for days or food to eat, but don't be worried about me, I could just eat you out, if I get hungry".

"I'm used to your tactics now Prince Cyrus, you just love spewing nonsense".

We departed on horses and left the castle, we are miles and miles away from the Empire, it's been so long I've been outside.

I'm reminded of the first day we came to the castle, after feeding off fruits and leaves for days in that forest".

I stare at Prince Travis who seems to be engrossed in this mission, he is directly at the front of us.

"Did you really have to give me the particular horse?, it smells" I yelled.

"We've been moving for hours and the sun is about to set, it's best if we find a place to stay for the night" I said.

"We'll keep going" Prince Travis said in a stern voice.

"And why would we do that?, it's hard to travel at night, it's best to rest and continue the next morning and you especially need to rest".

"I never forced you to come along, don't forget your place here, you're nothing but a commoner"

"I don't care about us traveling at night, what's important is, that you need to rest!!!".

He turns towards me sharply and give me a scornful look.

"I don't know what is so important you're risking your health over". I said.

"What can you understand?, you've never lost anything precious to you before" he frowned as he kicks his horse and rides faster.

Prince Cyrus smiles at me,

"He isn't really in the of best moods, I told you already but if you really don't want to die in the middle of nowhere, keep your mouth shut,if Travis gets angry, I can't save you".

I nodded and followed behind them.

We ended up riding till midnight, Travis isn't even planning on stopping for the night.

The stars are up and the moon which is our only means of light source is dimming as the clouds cover it.

"Travis, we should rest now, we can't find Xanxer this late at night " Prince Cyrus says

"If there's no light, then I shall make one" Prince Travis brings out his hands and burns it.

"Prince Travis!!!" I yelled at such sight.

Prince Cyrus looks at me.

"He has a fire element, he can make things burst into flames and as well, himself".

"I clearly told you, I didn't want to bring her along but you're so adamant Cyrus" Prince Travis says.

"Prince Travis, I came only to take care of you and nothing more".

"If you're misled about the kiss we had then you're wrong, i mistook you for someone else so stop getting the wrong idea and thinking we have a close relationship" Prince Travis said.

He knew all along and pretended he didn't.

"You knew and never said anything" I said.

"Do I have to explain myself to you?, seems you've forgotten what position you're in, don't forget I could've killed you months ago when I locked you up in the dungeon, you're nothing but a loyal dog" He says in a furious tone.

"I didn't forget who I am to you Prin—"

"Let's rest over there for the night" Prince Cyrus points at a tree and we tied our horses to the tree.

"Lia we have to talk and clear things out, Seems disrespect is coming in between and I have to get you back on your toes" Prince Travis says.