Artemis Eye

Travis POV

I'm too hurt to move, I'm bleeding alot, if I don't stop it, I'll lose consciousness and probably die.

Lia stands before the Gryphon and yells, even after I told her to run away.

She took a deep breath and unleashes her power, I'm amazed on the amount of fire force she could pull out, I don't even have that much power,

Even after all that fire, the Gryphon is still standing but he looks angered.

The Gryphon picks her up with just a claw and tries to gobble her up.

Lia places her palm on its head.

"Your eyes looks just like My Artemis" she pats the head of the Gryphon.

It proceeded to eat her as he puts her in it's mouth and swallowed her.

I feel my eye tear up, did I just kill Lia, even with my current power I couldn't protect anyone.

I really am a failure, no wonder I lost Leonora.

After a while, the Gryphon coughs Lia out, spitting her to the ground, she rolls and groans in pain, covered in Gryphon saliva.

It flies away,leaving us in the dark cave, Lia drags herself to Cyrus's bleeding body.

She cries,wails and yells ...

"Father!!!, I still couldn't save anyone, I'm far too weak, your daughter is a useless warrior" She cries out.

She tears her top, and wraps it on Cyrus's head and body to stop the bleeding. She crawls out of the cave on her knees, leaving a trail of her blood.

I still can't move or speak, I'm too weak.

Is she planning on abandoning us, she's been gone for a while.

She crawls back after hours, with water in a leaf bowl, she pours it into Cyrus's mouth, then sat him up, she rest his back on the statue.

She crawls over to me, she's bleeding from her head and every part, and bruised all over.

She undresses me and sprinkled a bit of water on my back.

"I will get stronger Father, Mother , I'll avenge your death" she murmurs, tears rolls down her cheeks as her eyes glowed gold, she ties her legs with with rest of her torn clothes.

She tries to walk on her feet but she fell to the floor, she tries over and over, this is painful to watch.

"Lia, rest a bit you can barely stand" I said using every bit of my energy, but it seems she couldn't hear me, I could barely make any sound.

She tries over and over again non stop, as she fell more and bruised her knees.

Finally she was able to walk, she walks out of the cave, tripping along the way.

She out of sight ,I tried to drag myself on the floor but I barely moved an inch.

After a while she arrives back with bunch of leaves.

She kneels beside me with a bruised knees, she squeezes the juices of the leave on my back, it stung a lot but the pain was bearable, she placed pieces of leaves on my back, wrapped me up with cloth then sat me up.

She stares at me, then hands over the gem of Xanxer to me.

"This is very important to you right?".

Her lips looks dark and coarse, her skin pale and white as a ghost, her eyes looks lifeless like a dead tree, her blood tickled down her face.

"Do you even realize how hurt you are?" I managed to say.

"I'm...fin—" she faints on the floor and hits her head again, bleeding more.

I can barely move, if this keeps up this way, she'll die.

I grabbed her hands and dragged her body close to mine and laid her head on my laps.

"I don't know what she has gone through in the past, but I don't want to ever see you in pain like this, your sad face didn't look like your pretty face, don't die on me Lia".

I slowly closed my eyes, I'm a bit sleepy...

After a while, I heard a loud screech, the Gryphon is back, it sniffs Lia and stares at her then moved closer to her, he licks her blood with the tip of its tongue gently, which made her bleeding stop.

It left the cave and came back with a lot of edible fruits from the forest, it makes a hole in one of the fruit,held it up and allowed the juice to trickle down into her lips.

It did the same for Cyrus and I.

It lays on the floor staring at Lia not taking it's eyes off her, like a dog guarding it's master. Each time she moves a bit, it makes a little noise like it feel her pain.

The cave is get darker, seems the sun is about to set,

How long have we been in this cave?, I turned a bit to see Cyrus, who is still unconscious, I'm the only one awake.

The Gryphon leaves and come back again but with raw fishes, still flapping to their death.

The Gryphon tries to feed the fish to Lia.

"Wait!, They're raw, she can't eat raw fish" I said firmly.

it backs off for a while.

"Why does it feel like Lia tamed the Gryphon?".

I used my element to smoke the fish, Cyrus is awakened by the aroma of the fish.

He stares at the Gryphon and tries to attack.

"I mean no harm, I'm just watching over my master" The Gryphon says or did it?

Am I hearing things?.

"Did it just talk?" Cyrus asked, he slowly walked over to our side.

He stares at Lia,

"Her hands are a bit burnt, what happened when I was concussed".

"Her element is Fire and she used every ounce of her power to defeat the Gryphon which made her lose all her energy"

We both faced the Gryphon.

"Who are you or what are you?" I asked.

It kept quiet and stared at Lia.

"I'm sure I heard it talk" Cyrus said.

I smoked the rest of the fish, we ate and waited for Lia to wake up..

It was getting dark, I created a burn fire to light up the cave.

Lia finally wakes up, The Gryphon eyes brighten as he picked her up

"You should let her lay a bit, she's still weak and injured, you shouldn't be moving her around like that"

It ignores my warning.

"It's fine, I feel less hurt" she said to the Gryphon, she pets it's large beak, it carefully drops her down, she can barely stand but she's acting all tough.

She moves closer to Cyrus as she checks his head

"Can you see clearly, you hit your head against the wall, really hard".

"I'm fine Lia, Travis looks worse than I do, what about you?"

"I am fine and I already applied herbs to Prince Travis cut, it will help heal his wounds faster".

"Uhmmm, yummy!" she picks up the fish and eats.

She ate till her full and lays on the floor, the Gryphon picks us up and laid us on it's fury back but kept Lia under its feathery wing.

"How many days have we spent here?".

"If I'm right this is the second night, so tomorrow will be the third, we have to get back to the Empire and get you checked up, especially Lia,I'm sure she's pretending to be fine"

Cyrus nods in agreement.