The Celebration.

Zulia P.O.V

The nobles, commoners and the rest, shouts with joy in their heart at the arrival of the fourth Prince, two white knights guarded him as he sits on the table with the rest of the royal family.

With the praises, one might misinterpret him for being the Crowned Prince at this rate, I stared at him as he smiles at his people, he looks somewhat familiar, though it's just a part of his face that can be seen.

Trumpets and drummers were played, as the Herald gives a loud shout.

"Our King, The Royal Majesty and the Pride of Ztoa, The Forever Burning Flame, blessings to our king" He says loudly.

"Blessings to Our King" everyone bowed.

"Blessings to Our King" they all repeated.

"Blessings to the Pride of Ztoa" everyone claps and rejoices.

The King strides in, this is the first time I'm meeting the King, now I can see the resemblance between him and the Princes, I thought he would look old and tired but he look so young he could pass for Prince Aragon's elder brother.

Prince Cyrus tap me, "Quit staring at the king, don't tell me you're planning on being my step mother, stare at me instead" Prince Cyrus never surprises me with his teases.

The king finally sits down, as he addresses his guest and his fellow people, and the guest from other kingdoms who came to celebrate with him.

It is time for Flina's performance, she walks in gently and softly, as the assistant dancers sprayed flowers on her to walk on, it made her look like a Goddess, her blue eyes and her blonde hair, with the gold anklets which made a dangling sounds as she walks barefooted, the scent of flowers, I'm impressed with how she looks and how she moves, the wind seems to be her accomplice blowing into her hair, and her pretty white dress.

It's so magical to see, her bright smile.

The musicians began and she sang so beautifully it made me tear up a bit, her melodious voice like that of enchanting birds,

"She's really pretty and has a beautiful voice, I should make her marry you" the king smiles as he points at the fourth Prince.

Flina's moves gently and captivatingly, everyone watched her in silence, seems she has attracted their hearts as she moves her hips according to the beat, the rest of her dancers follow her in harmony.

"Father, she really is seductive, I won't mind being betrothed to her" The fourth Prince says smiling.

Time passed as everyone feasted, Zamora keeps her eyes on Aragon as she helps with it every of his needs, but yet it seems there's a bit of friction between them.

"Now for the Presentation of Gifts!!!" The herald says.

"From the family of Estrius, we present treasures from the cave of Mona" He says, as Princess Irina bows

"Blessings to his Majesty". she says

"Such beauty, you're about to be engaged to Aragon I presume, where is your brother?, I thought he came with you" The king asks her,

"I have no idea where my dear brother has wandered off to, the Empire has a beautiful scenery maybe he has been captivated by one and has forgotten me over here" she giggles.

"You have quite the humor, maybe you can touch the heart of this cold young man" The king taps Prince Aragon, he stares at Princess Irina distastefully.

Everyone claps and the next kingdom presented, so many kingdoms came in to celebrate with the king, how much power does this kingdom have?, if the fourth Prince were to marry Flina, could he help us in reclaiming our kingdom?, I wonder.

"From the kingdom of Neodessa, Toketa Roland presents to you a rare gem from the deepest part of the ocean"...

I'm frozen in fear as I see Batria right in front me, Batria ...You... you who killed my mother, you're right in front of me but I can't move an inch.

"My name is Batria, The Courtier of the Queen of Neodessa and I present to you this" She bows to the king.

Batria notices me as her eyes pierced through my skin.

"Hello Zulia, it's nice to see you again, never knew I'll meet you here" She says at me smirking.

"Our runaway Princess" she whispers as I read her lips, I checked around to see if anyone heard her.

She smiles then she walks away, I signaled Zamora who seems to be shocked in fear just like I am, I checked around but I couldn't see her.

"Where's Flina?" Zamora looked at me worried,

I try to run off as Prince Travis hold my hand back, "As a knight of honor, you're meant to stay by myside till the end of the celebration"

"Don't try to stop me, you know of nothing" I yanked his hand, Prince Cyrus looks at me calmly as he smiled "Go, you're excused".

Did he plan all these?, I search around but I can't find her, but I could hear her voice call unto me, slowly, I follow the voice hoping to find her.

Batria appears in front of me, "Hello Princess" she smiles.

"Tsk.. tsk.., you look weaker than I expected, how disgraceful, Toketa will be delighted to hear the news of finding her lost nieces"

I held her by her collar, I couldn't move before but now that Flina's missing.

"Where is Flina?",

she smacks my hand,

"Last time was pure luck, if you annoy me, I'll kill you this instant and take your head as a gift to my Queen".

"As you remember you cut my arm but as you can see, each time I see my prosthetic arm I'm reminded of you, and one day I'll make sure I kill you, I just need permission from My Queen".

"Death awaits you, Princess" she laughs evily as she leaves on a horse.

I couldn't fight back, I felt a dark aura around her, she's stronger than before, what is going to happen now...what am I going to do?, where's Flina?.

Everything is... everything is shattered.

'Lial...Lial.. Orah...Lial... Orah' the voice calls

I run towards the voice, I notice Zamora going towards the voice also,

"I can't find her, I checked around but I can't find Flina" Zamora looks devastated,

"I can hear her but can't find her".

What am I going to do?