It's goodbye now

Zulia P.O.V

My body is in so much pain i can't even identify what is what, Zamora looks at me worried and anxiously.

"I have something to tell" Zamora says anxiously, rubbing her hands together.

Flina looks at her giving her assurance to talk.

"The Princes... offered to help us".

"Help?, could you care to explain how they plan to help?".

"I will be betrothed to Aragon and then—".

"Seems your feelings has taken over your mind, Marriage isn't the way forward and if you get married to the Next King of this Kingdom, what about Neodessa?, who would rule?".

"Zulia... if you would just let me speak" she holds my arm,

"I'm not going to stand here and listen, when you're absolutely making the worse choice, I can't take it anymore" I yanked her hands off and walked away.

Why?... why does she keep doing this, Is Aragon all she cares about?, and Is Ivan all Flina can think about?, I'm also Human i have feelings too, I...I have someone I also want to express my feelings to, but I didn't let my heart be swayed by those useless feelings.

"Zulia!!!" Flina yells,

I turned back facing her, she looks worried,

"I'll be fine". I smiled at her.

I left back to the castle, going to the arena, I notice a body at my back as I turned to it.

He stares at me intently, but quiet, his gaze fixed on me.

"It was you..." I faced him.

He smiles,

"I have no idea what you speak of My Princess".

"You're manipulative, of all the Princes i know you're the only one who could make Zamora think of marrying your brother!" I yelled.

His smile fades,

"You hurt me Princess, I'm not manipulative" he places his hand on his chest.

"But yes... I tried to convince her to get married to Aragon"

"And what would you gain from that?".

"Your eyes are glaring at me, I mean no harm Princess"

"Cyrus... you are always plotting something, and I'm watching you" I walked away and he grabs my hand and pulls me closer.

"You're right, I am plotting something" his arm wraps around my waist but I couldn't care for all that matter is what he says next.

"You can't deny you have no idea of my feelings towards you" he leans in, as he nudges my nose with his.

"I care not for Neodessa or what happens to it but that kingdom belongs to you, and You... you're my collection, which I plan to protect".

"Let us help you Zulia".

"And also regardless of us being of help to you, Neodessa is a threat to Empire of Ztoa, Sooner or later, if we don't defeat Neodessa we'll be attacked by her forces".

"And how sure are you that—?"

"Toketa has defeated 15 neighboring kingdoms since she became the new Queen, they've expanded and gotten stronger and next in their line will be Ztoa, Neodessa isn't the same as it was Princess, It's a large Empire even bigger than ours, if we don't attack first... we might lose".

"Give it a thought, it's really beneficial to form an alliance with us". he smiles then walks away.

I may have been swayed by his words, but he is right, I can't take down an army and Toketa on my own, and also An army can't take Toketa down.

Regardless I have... to hone my powers and that's the reason I came here.

I closed my eyes and sat on the floor, hoping to connect to lial. I'm falling from a high ground just as before, the deeper I go, the hotter it gets but somehow it feels bearable, finally I reached the bottom of the cave, with liquid fire-like substance escaping from the ground more rapidly than usual.

I saw her still nurturing the red egg, I approached her

"I AM READY!". I said firmly.

"You're not ready, your face is clouded with vengeance and with that, this power will be the death of you". She says calmly,

she pauses as she rubs the egg lightly then looks at me,

"You're not ready, Go..."

"I am, I can't be waiting till forevermore!!!".

"If you forcefully want this power... so be it",

"As expected, all Lials are stubborn just like I was, I also wanted this by force, but as you wish I'll grant it to you" she stretches the egg to me.

"Take it, it's YOURS".

My finger grazes the shell, it burns as I pulled back. It's hotter than I thought, but I must receive the egg.

I finally got the egg on my palm, a sudden flame pulls me to the ground, the smell of my burning flesh intoxicates me.

Lial looks at me worriedly, the power moves through me as the egg hatches, a Phoenix flies out, the red burning flame is blinding, its pretty gold eye stares at my burnt body on the larva ground. it makes a loud screech sound as it flies towards me, it lands elegantly on my body, the inscriptions grew more and covers my whole body... it hurts.

Lial appears again, "You weren't ready, I will take your body now as your soul will die",

"You're nothing but burnt flesh, but I'll gracefully take your body and groom it well in your absence".

she raises her hands up chanting "I Lial, sister of helios fuses you". she touches the bird, which fused with my body, my heart becomes tired and weary, it feels like the light of my eyes is being taken away.... slowly fading...

I wake up, standing in the arena my body doesn't hurt anymore, neither does it look burnt any longer.

"It's goodbye now," Lial voice says till it vanishes into thin air.

I stood right there as the memories of previous lials floods my brain... an uncontrollable desire to cry came flushing down, my teary eyes couldn't bear it, I sobbed and sobbed till my eyes tire out.

I stepped out of the arena.

"And once again you've proven how weak the security of the castle is" Prince Travis walks out from behind a pillar, his eyes swollen and ruffled hair.

"Are you having difficulty sleeping?" I asked him, his dark circles shows how tired he is...

His eyes changed fiercely as he instantly pulls me closer, swapping our body positions.

I heard a loud slash sound as I noticed someone standing behind him.

Travis body gently falls to the ground, his blood trails on my dress.

Fear... and shock fills me,as I stare at the man at the window, he jumps off landing inside the castle.

"Pardon me my lady, I am Orpheus, the shoulder and the sword of Queen Toketa" he stands close as he smirks as Travis wounded body on the floor.

Travis forces himself back up as he unsheathes his sword.

Orpheus laughs maniacally, "You think a wounded horse like you could harm me" He walks closer to Travis and stab right through.

I let out a sharp scream...

A loud boom sound coming from outside the castle walls was heard.

"Thats my cue, Goodbye my lady, until we meet again". He jumps out through the window following the trail of the sound.

I run after him as Travis yelled

"Zulia... you can't ... go on your own" Travis groans in pain.

I run towards him, checking his wounds.

"You're badly injured" I stare at him, as he loses so much blood.

it makes no sense, how did they breach the castle walls, where are the knights, the maids ..m no one is seen in the hallway.

I loft Travis's body as we walked gently to seeing a pile of corpses, one heavily injured maid yet alive.

"De... demon... DEMON!!!" She cried out until her last breath.

Travis begins to breath heavily, I tore a piece of my dress and wrapped him tightly.

"Zulia... I can't... I will protect you" He closes his eyes ...

"No no no no... Travis, wake up".

,"The King has been assassinated, search all through the castle" I hear Prince Aragon.

He walks out with Prince Cyrus who looks drenched in sweat.

"Why are you here?"

My body shivers as his cold voice pierces through my skin...

Travis body began to turn cold and pale, I rub his palm hoping to make it warm.

Cyrus stares at me.

"Just one of her men cause so much havoc, imagine ten thousands?, Do you still think you can fight her head on" Cyrus says with a stern look.

"The White Knights will help in this battle, Princess"....