
Flina P.O.V

Days passed after Zamora announced her marriage,Prince Travis has finally gotten on his feet and is also training for the war, despite our cries for him to rest more.

The depth of the starry sky for some reason tonight seems more enchanting and the night feels so breezy and cool.

Ivan walks behind me wrapping his arm round me, kissing me neck and turns my body to face him.

"Why do you looks so pale, what are you staring at so intently". he tilts his head waiting for my response.

"The night feels gloomy, don't you feel the cold"

"It does?... Let the night be as cold as it wishes to, I could warm you up if need be".

He walks towards the bed as he sit down, patting his lap lightly,

"Come here Princess" I walked gracefully towards him as I sit on his laps.

"I'll love if you sang to me" he stares at me with those dreamy eyes.

"Ohh Ivan, you don't need to cajole me with your eyes" I stood up from his laps and then to the bed as he gently lays his head on my laps, the tension in the castle has really taken a toll on him.

I sang to him like a child seeking his mother's bossom, I hear my voice echo melodiously around his room,as he slowly falls asleep.

From a distance I could hear large thumping sounds approach the kingdom gradually.

Ivan wakes up immediately and stares at me.

"The time is nigh".

We both run out to seeing the Princes and My sisters already stationed outside.

"The castle walls has been breached!!!" Several knights run back towards us, they're fleeing from somethi–

Flaming arrow pieces through them with no hesitation, falling from their horses,

Blood splatters around...

... I knew what war was, I just never expected it this way, my body frozen in a spot.

Ivan pushes me back using his body as shield

"Guard the Kingdom with your life!!!"Prince Cyrus yells, shouting at the top of his lungs to the knight.

Travis signals Aragon to head back inside, yet he refuses.

"You're the King!, you're life comes first!" Travis says.

Zulia all suited up, she unsheathes her swords.

"Seems the time has finally come" her eyes glistens as the moon seems to guide her.

Zulia runs to the crowd swarming with enemies.

Slashing and cutting them down like thorny weeds.

"You must be shocked, just stay close to me, I'll protect you with my life " Ivan uses his second free hand to assure me.

Travis and Cyrus join the herds of monster that kept coming and trampling on the ground

... What are this horrific monsters?.

Zulia looks joyful, the way she fights seems like a dance, she moves swiftly yet gracefully, she gives me a smile, her face giving the look "this is going to end easy"

I had already forgotten this is not her first war, she definitely was the captain in our kingdom who won many wars, The nickname warmonger really does suit her.

Our knights also seems to be keeping up, the casualties were kept minimal.

Then ... finally, A Chimera-like monstrous atrocity was seen, and it seems Toketa was the one riding it, but it's not just her, I notice another person–

"FATHER!!!" Zulia cries out.

"Fa...Father?" I try to run towards the chimera monster as Ivan holds me back.

Father's body looks tattered and destroyed like a walking corpse.

"What a happy reunion for you to cry so pitifully in my presence" Toketa voice echos round the ground.

Toketa struts down, dragging Father by chain linked to his neck.

Zamora falls to the ground, her face filled with anguish,

"All this time... Father was alive, living in pain".

"My darling nieces, shouldn't you give me a warm welcome, with open arms?"

The eerie silence as her purple eyes gleams, resonating the moon.

Zamora looks at her with Pure Evil, A pitch black aura envelope Zamora as a thick dark fog emanates from her.

"How foolish of you, openly using your aura right in front of me",

"For acting so foolish, you deserve to be punished" Toketa releases the chain around father's neck ... then slashing his head off.

Father's head rolls off.

Zulia filled with more rage heads straight for Toketa.

Toketa looking at her with no sign of fear.

"Your resolve is so weak, I can't believe you charge at me with that measly power of yours".