Grieve with me

Zulia P.O.V

Six months has gone by and a new castle has been built in between the two old kingdoms, certainly more issues would arise soon.

"Don't you think so Princess Lumina"

she grabs hold of my pinkie, her subtle lips as she sucks on them, I have no idea how she could do that but she looks really adorable.

I carry her to Ivan's room, which as usual is in a horrible state.

"How do you even live here?"

he looks at me then goes back to reading his book.

"We finally gave her a name" I said to him, he didn't even look back up but is focused on the book.

I snatched the book from him,

"'Forbidden spells and souls'" I read out the title

"What are you dabbling into now?" he snatches the book back.

"Leave my room" he says in a cold tone.

"You look like a walking lifeless being, eat something, smile, be with her" I pointed out the baby in my hand.

"I want nothing to do with her" he says

"Won't you even ask for her name?"

he remained silent.

"You know she isn't at fault for Flina's death?"

Ivan throws the book away in a fit of anger.

"I KNOW, I KNOW, but what more do you want from me?" Ivan stares at me dead in the eye,

"Here, have her, take her, let her warm your lonely heart". I place her gently into his arms.

He takes her into his arms and burst into tears.

"She has Flina's hair, right?" I asked him

He nods as he feels her hair.

"She has your eyes, isn't it a perfect combination of the two of you?"

"Yes, yes she is" he hugs her tightly.

"Waitttt!, not so tight, she's still small" I help him release his grip around her.

I giggled as I watch him try not to hurt her.

"You carry her like this" I said as I help him out more.

"I have somewhere to be, if you get tired just call for Ma Gwen" I smiled at him.

I went to Travis' room, knocking on the door but no response was heard from the room.

I walk right in.

"Prince Travis!!!" I called out.

Seems he went out for a walk, he could have laid his bed properly, are we short of maids, why is his room so unkempt?.

I help in cleaning his room, as I feel a shadow behind me.

"What are you doing?"

I faced him, then holding his hands as fast as I can.

"I haven't seen you in months, you've been avoiding me deliberately, haven't you?"

"No I have not, why are you here?" he tilts his head waiting for my response.

"I came here to see you"

his dark brown eyes as they draw me in, has he gotten taller than the last time I saw him?.

My neck hurts just from looking up at him.

"Do you plan to bore a hole into me?"

"Ohh no, I will take my leave" I hurriedly walk past him.

"Didn't you come here to see me?, why did you want to see me"

I turned back facing him.

"I do... I do not know".

I walked here without much thought, he walks over to me, his demeanor certainly has changed.

"How can you say you do not know, your eyes says otherwise, What do you have to say My Princess"

"Er...your niece!, yes, she has a name now" I hurriedly said.

"You came all the way here to tell me that?".

"Yes... her name is Lumina".

He leans down a bit as his face right in front of mine, he moves his lips closer to mine as–

"Prince Travis, His Highness summons you... Ohh I'm sorry for my impudence" the butler scurries away.

I could feel my face redden with embarrassment.

"You were saying" Travis faces me back after closing the door.

"You disappeared for months, we both stay in the same castle yet you were hard to see".

"Lia... I mean Zulia, I didn't know in what way I could approach you, you lost so much, I felt out of place".

The butler walks back in again

"Pardon my impudence but His Highness really needs you"

"I'll be back soon, Princess, wait for me".

he leans in and gives me a quick peck, my tummy squeezes as I watch him leave happily.

I sat on his bed waiting for him, he comes back after a while he walks back in, closing the door.

He stands and calls me "Zulia"

"Yes Travis" I smiled at him.

he walks slowly to me as he sits beside me, clasping our hands together.

He looks at me with a sad look on his face

"Do you want to go for a walk?, let's check the garden, camellia are in season" I asked.

"Not yet, I have something to say, I'm still collecting my words in my head" he says awkwardly.

I smiled as I pet his head, "Take your time, I'll be here".

"Zulia, Pardon my words if they're incoherent" he pauses.

"I took some months to ponder on what to do, I do know you love, you do right?"

"Yes Travis, I do love you, and do you?" I said hesitantly

"Zulia, I do... I love you so much I'm afraid to approach you, I do not know how to come to you, we lost so much, people dear to us... I do not know if I deserve to be in love" tears rolls down his eyes, he looks so vulnerable.

"You must be in so much pain losing Flina and I couldn't comfort you,... I was so lost after Cyrus death... I...I"

He stares with his teary brown eyes as I wipe his tears with my fingers. I place my head gently on his, "You do not have to be so unsettled, I understand how sad you must feel, you also lost a brother" I kissed his forehead as he let's out a slight sigh.

We hugged tightly, him wrapping me his arms, our heart beats, beating so loud.

"Oh.. how much do I love being in your arms"

Flina,Travis... I hope you–