Kavya is in danger

Anaira Pov

I couldn't bear to see Jai going into the den of death but I couldn't even stop him else Kavya’s life would be in danger. I can't choose between the two. The father and daughter duo is very precious to me. The wave of pain surged through my veins. My heart was bleeding. I couldn't control myself and ran towards Jai shouting his name.

“ Jai, please listen to me. Jai. take me with you.” Tears were streaming from my eyes. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my wrist and a force that was not letting me move forward. I turned and was surprised to see the person.

“ What are you doing? Do you even realize what would be the outcome of your actions?” Gayatri Aunty was looking at me with anger. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her face had tear stains. I think even she was crying and she was scolding me.