{Kian's group is successfully finished. The last person was successfully dealt with. And Kian is lying low. He hasn't left his house.}

When she heard that, a smug smile blossomed on her face. With him facing all such kinds of threatening circumstances, she didn't think that he would have time to even dare recall any forgotten memories.

She didn't need to worry about Kian at all.

For Sullivan, she felt disgusted when she heard how Sullivan had gone public and now his fans knew about his relationship with Izzy. Listening to the tale, that shameless couple spun. She felt even more disgusted. It was a good thing she cut herself with this person. And when she thought of the day Sullivan would learn the truth about Izzy, all the disgust vanished.

That day would be a good one. This dish was going to be served cold at another time, but not now.