After leaving the hotel, Diamond didn't bother to meet with the hotel's CEO or the directors, who were eager to see her.
What would be the point of meeting them when she wasn't in the mood to see them?
So, after she was done with Raya, she drove straight home, which wasn't her actual plan in the first place.
It was a Sunday and Diamond had planned earlier to drop by Ruby's place and see how the young girl was faring since she hadn't seen the other for a while now.
Unfortunately, the mysterious seed happened, which took all her focus. As a result, she drove straight home.
When she got there, her parents weren't at home. They have taken Auntie Grace, who would be leaving Frin tomorrow instead of the day she previously told her.
Since she wasn't free, her parents took Auntie Grace to the farm to let her see the farm as well as find a few things for her to bring over to her place.