The **** cat and the big white bear quarreled.

Big Black Cat said that he and Mingyou are the deepest bond, and he is the most suitable candidate for degeneration. Moreover, he had injuries on his leg, and he could do a control experiment after he deteriorated.

The big white bear said that he is in the best health and has the least injury. It is the first time to experiment. Of course, he should be chosen.

The two quarreled and fought. The **** cat slapped the cat slap, and the big white bear slapped the bear slap, snapping the fans frantically, as if two martial arts masters were facing each other.

Mingyou tried to persuade him to fight, but was forced back by the **** cat and the big white bear with super fierce eyes, and could only shrink to the side, holding the big bad wolf shivering.

The big bad wolf was also shivering. He tried to rush into the battle, but was beaten by the **** cat and the big white bear before throwing it out.

Mingyou sat on the carpet holding the wolf's head. The wolf was lying on Mingyou's thigh and his front paws were holding Mingyou's waist. The expression of one person and one wolf was like a retreat, panic, helpless and super pitiful.

The **** cat and the big white bear fanned for a long time. They didn't use their abilities to bite their teeth. The two were evenly matched. In the end, they both slumped on the ground with their tongues out of breath, like two blankets that could pant.

Mingyou patted the big bad wolf's head. The big bad wolf immediately stood upright, his orange eyes full of eagerness.

"Don't rush." ​​Mingyou saw Big Bad Wolf's thoughts and hurriedly stopped him, "Be careful of you, Da Baibing."

The wolf's tail drooped immediately. Yes, even if the great white bear has no energy, there are still abilities.

When will he defeat the Great White Bear and become the king of this race?

Mingyou walked over and touched the two big cute ears panting on the paralyzed floor: "I suggest letting Da Hei try first. Da Hei is my first partner, and he really trusts each other the most. Da Bai feels relieved and degenerates. The failure of the operation is just invalid and will not cause damage to Da Hei."

The big white bear's dark eyes looked directly at Mingyou's light brown eyes for a while. After a while, he turned his face and closed his eyes and said, "I see, I believe you."

"Thank you Dabai!" Mingyou fed the **** cat and the big white bear the nutrition cubes to restore strength, and the big bad wolf immediately held Mingyou's arms and his tail almost broke.

I want me too! The big bad wolf's saliva almost came out.

"Okay, both." Mingyou thought to himself, anyway, he can only eat ten pills a day, now he will take one more, and he will eat one less later. It is estimated that the arithmetic problems of Chaos Three, Four, Four or Three, based on the current IQ of the Big Bad Wolf, cannot be calculated.

"How can I cooperate with you." After eating the nutrition cube, Arthur became energetic. His tail was wrapped around Mingyou's waist, and his expression was very proud.

He just said, Mingyou would definitely choose him.

Mingyou said: "Believe me is enough."

Arthur raised his hind legs and pressed his ears: "That's it?"

Mingyou nodded: "Although we have not met for a long time, I believe that the depth of the bond has nothing to do with time. Under the guidance of destiny, we crossed countless galaxies and time to meet each other. This miracle that the probability is infinitely close to zero is enough to prove Our fetters."

The big white bear stretched out his paws and scratched his ears expressionlessly.

Xiaoyou is good at everything, but the second form declaration made from time to time embarrassed Xiong. He now pierced the floor with his two hind paws, and was about to dig out two sets of four rooms and one hall.

Arthur squinted the cat's eyes and showed a naive tiger-like smile. Obviously, not only did he not think Mingyou's lines were too embarrassing, but they were very useful.

Arthur stretched out the cat's paw: "That's right!"

Mingyou and him met, indeed, they crossed countless galaxies and time, and it was a miracle that the probability was infinitely close to zero.

When he and Mingyou meet, they are destined to once again set off the blood and blood of the Star Alliance, they are the darlings of the destined era!

There has never been anyone who suits his appetite like Duyou, even the big brother who took care of him and the dumb bear who accompanied him when he grew up!

Mingyou also stretched out his hand and tightly grasped the fluffy paws of the **** cat. The two looked at each other, as if two flames were burning in their eyes.

This is the flame of bondage!

The big white bear walked to the side of the big bad wolf and stretched out his paws to cover the big bad wolf's eyes.

Big Bad Wolf: O_o? ? ?

Great White Bear: Don't look at it, you will learn badly.

"Ah, Da Hei! I'm so excited!" Mingyou let go and rushed towards the Da Hei cat.

Arthur squatted on the ground, spread his two front paws, and caught Mingyou, the meat mat lightly patted Mingyou on the back.

Mingyou pressed his cheeks against Arthur's cat head so hard that Arthur felt that his cheeks were about to be rubbed bald, and he started to push him with a meat cushion before he let go.

"Quickly, quickly! Let's try the degeneration technique now! If it succeeds, we can turn the big bad wolf into a little bad wolf, and the furniture at home will not suffer every day!" Mingyou clenched a fist with one hand, with restraint in his eyes. Uncontrollably excited, "Even if there are eight more plushs, our home will not be torn down!"

The **** cat remembered the cat crawling frame that he had been bitten all over.

Gan! ! ! The young man worked so hard for him to create a cat climbing frame by hand! He was taken apart by a stupid wolf before he played for a few days!

The big white bear remembered his battered bedroom.

As long as he wasn't paying attention, the stupid wolf tore his pillows, quilts, and sheets into strips, and the tables, cabinets and chairs were chewed into pits, and nothing was good.

If the remaining eight demented comrades all have the destructive power of the Big Bad Wolf... As an ice-type supernatural power, the Big White Bear actually shuddered.

"Let's start now." Ming You took out the spirit beast master bracelet from the system backpack.

The Beastmaster's bracelet was originally like an ordinary metal bracelet. When Mingyou put it on his right wrist, the Beastmaster's bracelet seemed to melt, and it deformed into a transparent brace following the shape of Mingyou's wrist. If you don't look carefully, you can't see that Mingyou is wearing something on his wrist.

"This thing is cool, can our technology be replicated?" Arthur stretched out his paw to pick Mingyou's "transparent wristband".

Mingyou held Arthur's demon's paw and said, "It should be possible, but my knowledge is not enough now. When I light up the mechanics of the spirit beast, I will know how to copy it with the materials of the Star Alliance."

"Then before you know how to copy, don't tell others that you have this thing." Arthur said solemnly with a cat face.

"Yeah, I know." Mingyou nodded vigorously, "rest assured, except for the partner who signed a contract with me, other people can't see the spirit beastmaster bracelet, it comes with optical stealth!"

The big white bear has almost guessed Mingyou's secret. Although Mingyou didn't take the initiative to confess, Mingyou didn't avoid him when chatting with the **** cat.

Even if there are few strings in Mingyou's head, His Royal Highness will not neglect. His Royal Highness must have deliberately let him know Mingyou's secret.

This is a secret that only belongs to them and Mingyou, even if they are family relatives, they can't reveal it. The big white bear believes that the other nine comrades in arms will surely be able to keep this secret and protect this young man who has tried to erect an unsound thorn, but is still too simple.

"Come on, Da Hei, take a handsome pose!" Mingyou's feet are slightly apart, his hands are drawn in a circle to the left and right, and then he stops on his chest, holding the spirit beast master bracelet on his left wrist with his right hand, "Come on! Let the world feel us A bond that is more dazzling than the sun!"

Arthur shook his hair and tried to make his injured leg stand upright, his upper body slightly slumped, posing in a posture of a tiger descending the mountain. His eyes narrowed slightly, revealing the fangs in his mouth, and his expression changed from the usual lazy big cat to a domineering beast face.

The big white bear was shocked, a little glad that he was not the first beast to experiment.

Do I have to pose and read lines for Degeneration? No way, no way? Wouldn't it be so ashamed?

Just when the big white bear was messy in the wind, Mingyou's eyes and the **** cat's eyes met in the air.

At this moment, they felt the other's heartbeat without using their heart power specifically.

Plops, plops, heartbeat is accelerating, but the rhythm is slowly approaching.

Mingyou's right hand touched the spirit beast master's bracelet, the light blue spiritual power poured into the spirit beast master's bracelet, and then was turned into a powerful energy wave by the spirit beast master's bracelet, and rushed to the tiger who was posing as the tiger descending the mountain. Se.

When Arthur received this energy, he felt as if he had entered a different space composed of pure energy, and his energy also escaped and merged into this different space.

When he was about to lose his consciousness, he heard his heartbeat again.

Plop, plop.

It was the heartbeat of that stupid young man.

Arthur touched Mingyou's emotional depths again, the cold and dark sea.

In the icy sea, there is a small ball of light, which is clutching an old pallet, trying to scratch it towards a bright spot.

This young man is still trying to save himself. Arthur smiled and sighed.

Mingyou also touched the emotional depths of the **** cat.

Compared with the vague emotional touch before, this time Mingyou saw a scene transformed from Arthur's inner emotions.

Here, there is a vast field full of flowers. The **** cat squatted among the flowers, as if resting with closed eyes.

This should be a warm and beautiful place, but among the flowers, there are stone monuments standing one after another. Some of these steles are engraved with names, birth and death dates; some are vague, with only records of death in a certain battle.

The flowers looming in the bushes are actually tombstones.

Surrounded by flowers, the tombstone has spread to the horizon. The **** cat squatted quietly, like a statue of a town tomb.

In Da Hei's optimistic heart, in fact, there has always been deep sadness hidden in it.

The heartbeat beats again. Mingyou and the **** cat are looking at each other across different spiritual spaces.

"You foolishly thinking again. You are so sentimental, you need me to sing a song for you, how difficult is it for me, how difficult is it?" The **** cat disliked his face.

Mingyou laughed out loud.

Even if there is deep sadness in his heart, Da Hei is still a sun that will illuminate others.

The torrent of energy dissipated. With a "pop", the **** cat spread out like a holographic projection, and it frightened the big white bear who was dazzled by the light.

"His Royal Highness?!!!" The big white bear pounced on all fours.

"Meow?" A little black tiger with a strange collar stood where the **** cat originally stood, licking its paws and let out the cry of the little milk cat.

The big white bear slammed the brakes and almost knocked the little black cat into flight.

Arthur Cat glanced at the big white bear with disgust, kicked his hind legs.

"Meow!" The legs are ready! !

The cat's eyes were wide, and immediately meowing, spreading four cat's paws, from one end of the house to the other end of the house, the whole house was so fast that there were only afterimages.

Wow! My legs are healed! You can have fun!

The cat Arthur was dissatisfied and was happy. He started jumping up and down, from one cabinet to another, and even to the top of the big white bear.

"Meow!" Arthur cat stood on top of the big white bear, roaring like a vicious cat.

Great White Bear:? ? ?

The big white bear grabbed Arthur Cat from the top of his head, held it in his palm, and said with a trembling voice: "Xiaoyou! Your Highness has a problem!"

Mingyou took the little black cat that could be held up with two hands, wondering: "Where? No, it's very lively."

Great White Bear: "It's too lively!"

Arthur cat jumped, kicked Mingyou's poor nose, and slammed into the top of Mingyou's head: "My legs are good. A run and jump will make you lively too much? Herman bear, are you old-fashioned?"

Herman Bear:? ? ?

What is this magical name?

"His Majesty, even if you feel good, it would be too much to step on someone else's head. You are only temporarily recovering your infancy, not your IQ and mind." Knowing that Arthur Cat was not lost by the degeneration technique. After gaining IQ, the big white bear breathed a sigh of relief, and resumed his previous cold attitude, "With all due respect, it's stupid."

Arthur Cat held his paw and said righteously: "There is no one else, only you and Duoyou."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, I'm willing to be stepped on by him. It's so beautiful to have a cat on his head, no one can ask for it!" Mingyou also said.

"Xiaoyou, you will go to heaven if you pet your Majesty again." The big white bear hugged Arthur Cat from Mingyou's head. "After your Highness has become smaller, how can he restore his original size?"

Mingyou said: "Da Hei's body is not too weak, so as long as he concentrates on mobilizing the energy in his body, he can evolve on his own. It's just that the leg injury still has to be recovered step by step."

"If it's Da Hui, in an emergency situation and urgently need to evolve, I can use the Beastmaster bracelet to help him evolve, the steps are the same as degeneration."

"However, my strength is limited. I can only help the spirit beast degenerate and evolve. If you want to enhance the spirit beast's moves, you need to borrow high-purity energy crystals."

Mingyou asked the big white bear to lend him ice gems temporarily: "Da Hei, you also have ice in your attributes. Would you like to try using abilities in this size?"

Arthur cat jumped out of the big white bear's arms, shook his fur proudly, and said with his tail cocked: "Try and try. Let's turn the stupid wolf into an ice sculpture first."

The big bad wolf understood.

The big bad wolf jumped behind the big white bear and hid.

Although I don't know why the **** cat could actually become smaller, the smaller black cat made him feel extremely dangerous.

In short, I can't beat it, counseling.

"Don't bully Da Hui." Mingyou squatted halfway in front of Arthur Cat and put the ice gem on the bracelet of the spirit beast master, "feel this power...Ah, Da Bai, go to the kitchen and get a clean bowl. Da Hei Let's try to condense a piece of ice, and let's eat shaved ice later!"

"Shaved ice? You asked me to use abilities, just want to eat shaved ice?" Arthur cat twitched Mingyou's calf with his tail, but did not stop, "I want to eat shaved ice with braised pork flavor."

Mingyou acknowledged that he really thought about it, and said: "Okay, I will cook you a bowl of braised pork now. Is it braised pork with ice or braised pork with ice? Or beat the braised pork into meat sauce and pour it on ice? "

Arthur Cat: "...You fool, you really don't have humorous cells."

Mingyou looked confused.

"Okay, let's eat fruit-flavored shaved ice, and pour meat sauce on the shaved ice." The big white bear brought a small basin over, "Your Highness, do what you say."

"No, I can't do it." Arthur Cat began to sneer, "Okay, let's do the experiment quickly. With this ice gem, can I really use abilities? Although my legs are better now, but the energy in my body Haven't accumulated enough to use the ability."

Today's Mingyou is still easy to change the subject. He immediately put the braised pork shaved ice behind and said, "No problem, leave it to me."

Mingyou held the ice gem in his right hand and swiped on the bracelet of the beast master. The energy wave similar to the degeneration technique just now rushed towards Arthur Cat. Arthur Cat's tail swayed, and a diamond shaped condensed on the tip of the tail Ice cubes.

"Oh, that works!" Arthur's cat flicked his tail, and the ice cubes flew into the basin. "It's easier than using the ice power by myself."

"By using external force to induce the energy in the spirit beast, it is naturally a little easier than using the abilities of the spirit beast itself. However, this requires a high level of spiritual beast masters, and we need to find energy crystals." Mingyou explained, "This is actually right. The young spirit beasts are very useful. The spirit beast master can help the young spirit beasts master the power. Even if it is not their own power, when they get used to how to use the power, the spirit beast will gradually master this power move."

"Spirit Beast Childhood Education?" The big white bear nodded his head, "Very useful."

"It's not just the preschool education of spirit beasts. With this thing, the adult spirit beasts can finally train their abilities repeatedly." Arthur Cat said.

After Arthur Cat explained, Mingyou learned that the way the spirit beasts use their abilities is very crude, basically they throw them out when they condense their abilities, and they don't play any tricks.

Because the energy in their bodies is limited, their recovery is slow. So energy training cannot be spent. Especially for the special type spirit beasts, once the power is used, the energy in the body will be reduced by a little, and it can hardly be supplemented from food. When fighting, they plan carefully, not to mention the extravagant thing of training.

"I have a little bit of any kind of abilities in my body. Although miscellaneous and not refined, what kind of food can replenish me a little energy, so my state is better than other special spirit beasts." Arthur Cat revealed its shortcomings.

Some big cats call themselves the Shadow Liger, but they are actually small and weak cats. Too many types of energy are needed to show that you have never really eaten enough, and even the power of supernatural powers is very poor.

However, Arthur Cat played tricks with very poor power moves, and firmly established the throne of the young generation's first power.

Seeing Arthur Cat's beard curled up with pride, Mingyou nodded: "Da Hei is the master of coordination!"

"Master of coordination?" Arthur Cat tilted his head.

Mingyou immediately hugged the little black cat who was killed by tilting his head and kissed him, and was slapped by the little black cat's nose: "The spirit beast needs to be advanced, not only to increase its energy in the body, but more importantly, to use its abilities as desired."

"For example, the ability of the same energy must be more powerful after compression. But how to compress? Is it round or diamond? Will it be more lethal if it is rotated? Will it be more concealed if condensed into thin needles? Different attributes How to coordinate the moves? This is the coordination ability."

Mingyou remembered the previous life in the "Elves World" world game, the game chairman and chief designer violated the rules to install ordinary players, first used praying for rain to turn the tornado into a waterspout, and then used a blizzard to turn the waterspout into a super-cold waterspout. The side of the roll is frozen, comparable to the freezing light of a battle tornado.

This is the magical effect of combo moves, which requires a strong coordination ability.

Although the most influential player in this world game is the CEO and Chairman of Domestic Violence, the ranking of the world game is rearranged, and the quarterfinals are restarted, and the players are softened with compensation. However, as a powerful educator, Mingyou is very interested in coordination and wants to study deeply in this area.

The spirit beasts of the Star Alliance can carry out large-scale battles with the Zerg invaders. It stands to reason that the use of these moves should have been studied long ago. Because the cultivation knowledge did not keep up, the spirit beasts did not dare to waste energy training moves, forming a vicious circle.

"When your stamina and abilities have recovered, I will help you train the ability moves." Mingyou has found something to do, "The spirit beasts after degeneration treatment can also train the ability moves in advance, which can strengthen the rehabilitation. The effect of this. When you regain your original body shape, you can also master the techniques that you trained when you become a juvenile."

"Come on." After Arthur Cat finished speaking, he jumped to the ground and changed back to Arthur Tiger with a "bang".

"How come back?" Mingyou said, burying his face in Arthur's collar.

Sorry, this is a conditioned reflex.

"I'm going to eat, I won't go back to the big cat, am I stupid?" Arthur moved and injured his leg, "I feel that the energy is running smoother than before. From now on, I will be a cat for a few hours every day. Oh, yes, Fool, take a good rest today and play the piano live tomorrow."

After rubbing the cat's collar a few times, Mingyou raised his head and said, "Why do you play the piano live?"

"My brother said that the spirit beasts in the military camp are not sleeping well recently. You can play some tunes for them. Although there is no energy fluctuation after recording, it is at least a placebo?" Arthur said uncertainly, "I heard the placebo effect. Very useful."

Mingyou laughed: "Okay."

"At that time, the three of us will become small animals together, and we will startle them." Arthur Hu stood up, and winked at the shoulders of the big white bear.

The big white bear looked tangled: "Do I have to pose?"

Arthur Tiger thief said: "Not only do you have to pose, but you have to exchange your heart with Duanyou."

The big white bear looked horrified.

"No need, no need, don't listen to **** nonsense." Mingyou hurriedly said, "I and Arthur just saw each other's hearts because we took the initiative to show each other our secrets. Generally, it's just a blend of minds and no illusion. Even if it is shown, there will be no privacy involved. Don't worry!"

Arthur sat down on the ground, raised his paws and waved wildly: "I'm not me, don't talk nonsense!"

"You are what you have, I don't talk nonsense."






The big white bear carried one paw on the back collar of Mingyou's clothes, and one paw grabbed the nape of Arthur Tiger's neck, pulling away the two naive ghosts who were inexplicably "arguing".

The big bad wolf stared at the big white bear for a while, then turned his head to signal that the big white bear also carried the nape of his neck. It seemed very fun!

Great White Bear:...


I hope that Yan Yi will be a little obedient after she becomes a little wolf.


The audience looked forward to it and finally waited for the third live broadcast.

This time, they collectively swiped the screen to protest, condemning the anchor for being too lazy.

Why can't it be broadcast live every day? It is best to install a camera in the No. 1 Nursing Home, they can watch the live broadcast every second!

Even if it's live broadcast, His Royal Highness sleeps...

"You have been banned, and you will break the rules next time and be kicked out of the live broadcast room."

The administrator Herman Bear goes online.

The audience shivered, and the newly established offensive and defensive alliance fell apart in an instant.

Was kicked out of the live broadcast room? Is this punishment too heavy? Persuaded. It's fine to watch live broadcasts. Why do you ask for so much? The anchor is in a bad mood and asks for a one or two months off. What if everyone doesn't have to watch? Who on earth urged us to protest the demonstration first? beat him!

The audience began to fight inwardly, like a mob, so angry that His Majesty the Emperor quickly slapped a hole in the floor with a cat's paw.

"A little threat made them give up? Is this still a soldier of our Star Alliance!" His Majesty the Emperor was very angry.

The secretary suggested: "Why don't Your Majesty directly tell His Royal Highness that you want him to broadcast live every day?"

His Majesty the Emperor buried the fluffy lion's head between two paws: "If Arthur disagrees, wouldn't I lose face?"

The secretary's mouth twitched slightly and her belly slandered. With all due respect, you are now very shameless.

At Dulan's house, Ian, the blond young man, was also frantically swearing at these weak people.

When Lieutenant General Mondy, who was thirty years older than him, knew that this stupid boy was being used as a gunman again, if it weren't for Ian, he was just a weak brother who had just broken through S rank and could not transform the beast. He really wanted to shoot Ian flying with a bear paw!

Think of Herman! Although he was a little simpler when he was a child, and let His Majesty the little milk cat Arthur abduct him as a guard with a lollipop, at any rate, Herman is a natural S-level supernatural ability, and he can transform into a beast when he is in elementary school. The brain is a little stupid, which can be explained as the energy spent on abilities.

But what about Ian? Only S grade now! The head is not smart either! You account for one of the two at any rate! How many times have you been bullied!

Lieutenant Mondy was very tired. He was talking about the live broadcast and quickly turn to Herman. He needs to watch the big white bear brother wash his eyes, so as not to be **** off by stupid Ian!

Yan Tong received a special notice from Arthur to start the live broadcast in advance, and asked for leave early and returned home to wait for his rebellious cousin to appear.

The Yan family has always stood in a neutral position, not participating in the power struggle within the Star Alliance. Behind the stern behavior, there is a philosophy of life-saving life.

The Yan family believes that the first rebel among the younger generation will be Yan Tong, who has never been obedient since childhood. They guarded Yan Tong strictly, but they didn't expect that Yan Yi, the most honest child in the family, would actually stand on the side of Prince Arthur that no one was optimistic about at the time, and joined the special advance team organized by Prince Arthur.

A group of elderly people in Yan's family were almost ill by Yan Yiqi, when the family announced in public that they had severed relations with Yan Yi.

Anyway, Yan Yi's parents had already sacrificed on the battlefield, and they bullied an orphan who had eaten Baijiafan, and they didn't feel any pressure at all.

Now, this group of people regretted that their intestines were all blue. They are probably waiting for Little Wing to die, so that they unilaterally announce that Little Wing and Yan's family are reconciled, and borrow the name of Little Wing's hero for their own benefit. Yan Tong smiled sarcastically.


"Hello everyone, I'm the anchor of the No. 1 Live Room... Hey! Don't fight the big black, big white, big gray!"

Mingyou had just started the live broadcast, and before he finished reciting the opening words, he was interrupted by three small animals under his feet.

The viewers who entered the holographic live broadcast room took a closer look, and even though they were very strong, they were still very soft and cute, and there were three little plush cubs beside them.

Little black tiger? Little white bear? Little gray wolf?

"Yaoshou! Is the anchor so good? Have three children so soon?"

"Hey, hey, not to mention whether the anchor can give birth, even if he can, he can't have three children in just half a month!"

"I don't care about me! I unilaterally announced that the anchor and His Royal Highness Arthur gave birth to a kitten cub, ah ah ah ah, I am dead!"

"You wait to be banned. Huh?! You are not banned?"

"Well, there is no silence, Shichui, these three children are really born by the anchor."


Mingyou couldn't see the barrage, otherwise he blushed and explained loudly that I didn't have one, and why he wanted to defile the innocence for no reason.

He is now chasing behind the three little plushs of different colors that have scrambled in a ball, trying to separate them.

The cause of the incident is like this.

Mingyou successfully helped the great white bear and the big bad wolf degenerate to their juvenile stage.

That's it for the big white bear, but it feels that his body's abilities are stronger, his head is very clear, and there is no difference in normal times.

By the way, maybe because of the "hormonal" influence of the body, his behavior is a bit regressed to when he was a minor.

In short, doing things is a bit arbitrary.

Therefore, when the little gray wolf rushed to bite his ear, it was usually a big white bear who made a gray wolf ice sculpture at most, and it slapped the little gray wolf with a slap.

The little gray wolf has become younger, his body has become stronger, but he has also become smaller for some reason, and now he has become particularly aggressive.

Does this little bear dare to slap me? Watch my wolf bite!

"The two of them went from kindergarten to elementary school, and the relationship gradually improved after entering junior high school." Arthur squatted on Mingyou's shoulder and explained, "It seems that your degenerative technique is not without side effects. Their minds have obviously become smaller."

"But Dahei, your mind is okay...huh?" Before Mingyou's words fell, Arthur was seen crouching on his shoulders, jumping between the little white bear and the little greyhound, each slapped them. Cushion, and then ran off with his tail and toes.

"Hurry up and start the live broadcast! Don't you think this scene is particularly fun!" Arthur Cat grinned openly while sneaking around the house with a little bear and a little wolf.

Although Mingyou thinks that Dabai might think this is black history, he has always listened to the words of the **** cat. When the **** cat said the live broadcast, he immediately opened it.

"Well, let me explain. There are no new spirit beasts in the Spirit Beast Sanatorium. These three are Dahei, Dabai and Dahui. Uh, has Dahui introduced before? It seems that there is not? With new materials, I have new gains, and I can temporarily help them degenerate to their infancy."

"Degeneration is equivalent to energy compression, and their rehabilitation efficiency in this form will be higher. But degradation seems to make their character return to childhood?" Mingyou looked worried, "Da Bai and Da Hui started fighting as soon as they degenerated. , Da Hei said that they had a bad relationship when they were young, is it true?"

Just thinking about the troubles of the Yan family, Yan Tong couldn't help laughing out of his anger.

Although her smile is still very stiff, she laughed out loud, which proves that she is now in the extreme mood.

Dabai is the ice supernatural power Herman of the Dulan family, right? When Little Wing was in elementary school, she and Herman were at the same table, and every day she came back from school, she would scold "that mentally disabled at the same table" several times.

"During my self-study, I knocked on the stationery box and said it was a drum?"

"Take my clarinet apart and say I want to form an orchestra?"

"Every day the ghost yells in my ear that you are hanging your throat?"

"Is that mentally retarded? I can't stand it anymore! I euphemistically reminded him that he doesn't understand at all, and asked me if I want to form a band together! I want to switch to the same table!"

For Little Wing, who was rigorously educated by the noble model at home, Herman, who was unorganized and could not understand any noble language, was his nemesis.

Yan Tong smiled and cried, covering his face.

She is useless and can't protect her brother. Fortunately, my brother followed a good boss.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he no more nutrition cubes! There are no more desserts made by spirit beast fruits!

The three fluffy dumplings stiffened in an instant, and the Arthur cat immediately rushed to Mingyou's feet, climbed up along Mingyou's trouser legs, and squatted on Mingyou's shoulders and said: "I didn't do anything, don't care about my business."

Mingyou couldn't help laughing when he heard the meow sound in the words conveyed by Arthur Cat.

He flicked Arthur Cat's forehead: "You are the worst."

Arthur Cat laughed triumphantly. Quandang Mingyou was complimenting him.

Mingyou picked up the little white bear and little gray wolf, and smoothed them one by one: "No fights, everyone should get along well."



The little milk sounds of the little white bear and the little gray wolf make Mingyou's heart almost cute. If there are no nutrition cubes, it will naturally not be counted.

Mingyou placed the three plushs on the piano stand, and finally started live broadcasting.

"Da Hei said, let me play the piano live today. I don't play the piano well enough. I hope you don't dislike it."

The song Mingyou prepared is the seventh song of Robert Schumann's "Important Childhood" suite, "Fantasy".

"Fantasy" can be used to express the remembrance and yearning for love, affection, and friendship, as well as the longing for a better life.

Mingyou thought, this song should be very suitable for the spirit beasts and their partners who have experienced the battlefield.

Mingyou tapped the keys with his fingers, and the light blue energy fluctuations around his body spread to every corner of the instrument room with the melodious piano sound, gently soothing the spirits of the audience watching the live broadcast.

This is always the case.

Whether it's live cooking, making toys, or playing the piano, the little anchor will calm their hearts in an instant, as if they have returned to the most comfortable and quiet environment.

His Majesty the Emperor closed his eyes, and the fluffy golden lion's face showed a peaceful sleep.


A series of noise interrupted the emperor's meditation, and he raised his head impatiently.

"Ah! Da Hui, don't step on the keys, don't squat on the keys." Mingyou hugged the little gray wolf and said embarrassedly, "Let's continue."

The melodious melody sounded.

"King, ding, jingling!"

"Eh eh eh! Da Hui don't play the keys! Go down."

"Da Hei, why are you here too?! Don't dance on the keys!"

"Da Hui! I've said it all, go on!"

"Big Black!!! Ballet is not good either!"

The little white bear has a dull face, and the ice power in his body erupted