When the big red fox woke up, he smelled a very attractive fragrance.

There is still chaos in his head, just looking at the fragrance by instinct. He saw a two-legged beast that looked weak from the outside, holding a basin full of meat, and smiling at him.

It's not a two-legged beast... The mist in the head of the big red fox seemed to have been blown open, and a thought came out.

It's a human being, it's a kind.

What is human? Why are human beings of the same kind? These big red foxes don't know anything. But when he faced the young man, he still obeyed instinct and put away his claws and fangs.

"Dahong! Are you awake? Hurry up and eat something!" Mingyou smiled and placed the food bowl in front of the big red fox under the protection of three little fluffy ones.

Arthur worried that the three big plush pestles would once again stimulate the vigilance of the big red fox, and the three of them all turned into little plush. Arthur crouched on top of Mingyou's head, and the other two each took one of Mingyou's shoulders and guarded Mingyou together.

However, the little gray wolf had lost his wits again now, and it was not considered combat power. He was trying to jump into the big red fox's food bowl, and he was tightly tied by Arthur's drooping tail.

Da Hei's cat's tail is getting stronger and stronger, Mingyou thought, maybe Da Hei can learn how to use energy to strengthen the tail.

But Mingyou is also a little worried. He is the one who gets the most tail drawn by the **** cat. When Da Hei learns how to strengthen the tail...cough cough, it is also possible that Da Hei learns how to strengthen the tail. For the sake of his safety, no Use his tail to draw him again.

Mingyou walked away for a while, and the big red fox had already started to eat.

Spirit beasts are energized life forms, and their instinct will guide them to eat food that is beneficial to their bodies. The meat strips in the food bowl in front of him were very fragrant and had more energy than the wild animals he usually hunted. The long-hungry body of the big red fox immediately rushed to the edge of the bowl and swallowed.

Mingyou took a small horse and sat next to the big red fox, holding his chin on his hand and watching the big red fox eat.

He helped the red fox to check his body while he was sleeping. He is in a bad mood now.

Seeing the big red fox gulping, Mingyou's mood improved slightly.

The spirit beast did not give up the hope of survival, how could he, the spirit beast master, be trapped in negative emotions?

The big red fox gobbled up the meat strips in the food bowl. After a contented hiccup, the big red fox wandered to the stream to wash his face and tidy up his fur.

He sorted it out very carefully, and at a glance, he knew that it was very unexpected.

The fiery red hair of the big fox under the sunlight, like a flame, made his half-burnt face even more eerie and terrifying. The flesh and bones that wriggled with the expression were disgusting.

At least the big fox himself thought so. He looked at his reflection in the water blankly for a while, then stretched out his front paw and stirred it on the surface of the water to scatter the reflection in the water.

The big red fox turned and looked back at the young man who was giving him food.

At this moment, the pain in his wound has not yet attacked. Although his memory is blurred, his reason is still there. The big red fox knew that this young man saved him who was crazy.

The big red fox faced the young man, squatted on the ground, with his claws in front of him, his front lowered and his head hanging down: "Wow!"

Wow...wow? !

"Da Hei Da Bai Da Hui, have you heard! Da Hong's cry is so cute!" Mingyou screamed softly, holding his chin in both hands, "Da Hong is so polite! He is thanking me, he is thanking me, right?! "

"Hmm, his cry is very cute, and he is very polite." Arthur Cat's paws shaved the black curly hair that had been turned into a messy chicken coop by him, and said, "Take out you as a spirit. The skill of the beast master, he has a good impression of a tall red fox, so that he can take the cute and polite little red fox away from his arms."

Although Dahong has an immortal name "Xianluo", don't their names sound good? They are all called **** big white big grey, then this big fox must be called big red.

"No thanks, we are companions, I am here to find you." Mingyou took out the nutrition cube that was invincible against the spirit beasts, "will you leave with us? Let's find other companions. We will live together in the future. , No one will go hungry or cold."

Mingyou speaks very slowly, just like treating a preschooler. The light blue emotional energy rippled like ripples, gathered towards the red fox, enveloped the red fox like a mist of water, and conveyed the feelings in Mingyou's words to the red fox.

companion? The red fox chewed the word repeatedly in his heart.

His brain is not enough for him to understand the word, but he likes it very much.

When he thought of this word, it was as if the pain that had always plagued him was relieved from the wound that spread over half of his face.

When spirit beasts degenerate, they do everything by instinct. The big red fox likes the young man in front of him very much, and likes the "companion" in the young man's mouth. He swallowed the nutrition cube first, then turned his head and looked for it in his big fluffy tail, took out a flower, and placed it in front of Mingyou.

The three little plush squatting on Mingyou looked at the big red fox in disbelief. How did this big fox hide a flower in its tail? Is there a different space in his tail?

Mingyou picked up the flower and unlocked the introduction of the flower with the knowledge value.

The flower is called gypsophila, and it is a low shrub. Its flower has the effect of a neutralizer, can neutralize the violent energy, and is also useful for the energy of the Zerg.


Mingyou understands why the red fox hides a gypsophila in its tail. The wound on the half of the face of the big red fox was entwined with violent energy similar to that where the **** cat hurt his leg. This kind of flower can ease his pain.

"Dahong, where did you find this flower?" Mingyou saw that the big red fox was very kind to him, so he stretched out his hand, touched the big red fox's long-mouthed tube, and injected his emotional fluctuations into the spirit of the big red fox more concentratedly. .

After receiving the meaning of Mingyou's words, the big red fox said "Wow" at Mingyou twice, beckoning Mingyou to follow him.

At the invitation of the big red fox, Mingyou mounted the big red fox and asked the big red fox to take him to the place where gypsophila flowers grow.

The three little plushs naturally followed Mingyou.

The demented little gray wolf lay in Mingyou's arms and began to doze. Arthur Cat and Little White Bear squatted arrogantly on the head of the red fox, blowing air while chatting.

"Xianluo's temper is too good." Arthur Cat was slightly dissatisfied with the fact that the red fox and Mingyou were willing to use him as a mount the first time they met.

You are struggling!

Little Baixiong didn't understand why the red fox was close to Mingyou, and His Royal Highness would still be dissatisfied. He changed the subject and said: "I thought you would make Xiaoyou be more careful. I didn't expect that you would let Xiaoyou leave with Xianluo directly."

"Be careful about what? We are all here, what are we afraid of?" Arthur Cat licked his paws and used his paws to treat the fur on the face that was disturbed by the wind. "I have seen his dreams. He is in the wound on his face. Zerg will go crazy when the residual energy of the Zerg is attacked. Moreover, his madness is basically torturing himself and will not actively attack other creatures."

Xian Luo is such a gentle person, even if she loses her memory and reason, this gentleness has not changed.

Little white bear was silent. His bear ears were drooping and he was very depressed.

Among those who survived, he was the least injured, which made him a very heavy psychological burden. Did he not try his best? Is he too useless? Herman couldn't control his negative emotions.

Arthur Cat glanced at the depressed Herman Bear without comforting him.

Unless everyone's injuries are healed, Herman's psychological burden will always be so heavy, and he will always deny himself, and no one can persuade him. Arthur cat is too lazy to spend his tongue.

Anyway, there are young people, everyone's injuries will be healed, and the psychological shadow of the stupid bear will be dispelled. Arthur cat licked his paw and continued to wash his face.

The big red fox ran too fast, blowing the hair on his face.

But even if the fur on his face flew around, Arthur Cat was not ready to get off the red fox's head.

Because it's so handsome!

Little Bai Xiong gave a look at the handsome Arthur Cat, carefully followed the back of the big red fox, and crawled back into Mingyou's arms.

He doesn't know how handsome the hair dryer is. Let the little black cat blow it by himself.


When the big red fox was carrying Mingyou on his back to pick the flowers, Xiaotian controlled the RV and followed them unhurriedly.

When the big red fox came to a hill full of stars, the RV had been parked under the hill by Xiaotian.

On the hillside, bushes about one meter high are clustered together in twos and threes, forming a dense grove. Small beige flowers are dotted among the dark green branches and leaves. From a distance, they look like stars in the night sky.

There is a small cave on the side of the hillside. Looking at the leftover bones and fur at the entrance of the Xiaoshan Cave, Mingyou guessed that this place should be the temporary residence of the big red fox.

Mingyou jumped off the back of the big red fox, and before he could tidy up his messy hair, he immediately squatted on the ground to study the stars.

There were no gypsophila in the supplies shipped from outside. The gypsophila is not a "special product" of this planet, but the Star Alliance did not realize the role of the gypsophila, and the wild beasts did not use the gypsophila as food. So they did not collect the gypsophila as a useful resource.

Mingyou checked the records of gypsophila in the encyclopedia of the Star Alliance. Gypsophila paniculata is non-toxic, slightly bitter, has no edible value, and has no medicinal function.

Why didn't the Star Alliance detect this gentle energy fluctuation in the gypsophila flowers? Mingyou was puzzled.

Although it is impossible for the Star Alliance to study all the plants on all the planets under its jurisdiction, since this planet is used as a spiritual beast sanatorium, the main plants that grow on the planet should have been studied carefully. From the plant book of this planet he got, the gypsophila is a common wild flower at this latitude, so it shouldn't be ignored.

"Of course I have studied it." Arthur Cat explained to Mingyou, "but the energy in this flower is not only weak, but also difficult to collect. Even if it is barely collected, the effect is not as good as the current mitigation agent commonly used by the Star Alliance. So it's treated as a weed."

Mingyou carefully read the records of the gypsophila in the system, and said: "The energy of the gypsophila is a kind of neutralizer, and it has a very good diluting effect on the violent energy of the Zerg energy. I made it into After incense, the effect will be doubled."

The materials used to make incense with gypsophila are included in the materials found by the spacecraft. Mingyou can also redeem the incense production method from the system.

He finally found a supplementary medicine made entirely of local materials from the Star Alliance that could work on the wounds of the spirit beast.

"Da Hei, you said before that after being irrational, spirit beasts will instinctively look for things that are useful to the body, just like wild beasts?" Mingyou asked, "Does that mean that you are near the place you chose to live in the wild? , May have something useful to your injury?"

Arthur Cat's ears moved left and right like a radar. With a kick on his hind legs, he stepped on Mingyou's nose and jumped onto Mingyou's head.

"You fool, your conjecture is very interesting!" Arthur Cat's tail was raised high, and the meat cushion patted Mingyou's head. "After I get them all back, I will send someone to their residence to collect plants and plants. I'll study the specimens of the ore for you."

Mingyou hesitated and said, "I'll do it myself. I... I don't believe them a little bit."

Mingyou lowered his head, looked at the flower branch in his hand, and muttered: "Find foods that are useful to spirit beasts from the recipes of wild beasts, and find medicines that are useful to spirit beasts from the self-help actions of spirit beasts after they lose their rationality. Is it really difficult to think about it? No one has ever thought of a spirit beast breeder in the All-Star Alliance?"

Mingyou still didn't believe that the Star Alliance really did their best against the **** cats.

"Yes, it's difficult." Although Arthur Cat hates certain people in the Academy of Sciences, he still has to evaluate this objectively, so as not to be too sentimental and foolish. "Is the process of proving the theorems in elementary school textbooks very simple? It was proved by the predecessors, and the latter knows the simplicity."

"There are so many types of resources in the Star Alliance. To immediately understand each function of each resource is tantamount to idiotic dreams. When the direction of research is wrong or the way of thinking is wrong, scientific exploration is the opposite. You know when researching a new drug, How much money and time will be invested? How high is the failure rate?"

"Stupid you, don't think that people in this world didn't study it well because some knowledge was common sense in your previous life. This is very arrogant." Arthur Cat's cat's tail hung down, and Mingyou lightly flicked, "Of course Now, the Academy of Sciences of the Star Alliance does have some problems, but most of the scientists in the entire Star Alliance are still trying very hard to solve the problems in the cultivation of spirit beasts."

Mingyou bluntly admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry." He was indeed too arrogant and too pessimistic.

"It's okay. You provided the research direction. I think they will be able to come up with useful research results soon." Arthur Cat comforted, "Don't worry too much, time is too late. We have survived all these years, not bad for a while. . You said that this gypsophila can be made into incense? Does it smell good? Does it produce energy?"

"Yes. I write down the recipe and production conditions. With the technology level of Star Alliance, I should be able to research the corresponding mass production machines by myself." Mingyou said.

He originally wanted to directly exchange the drawings of the machine for making incense, but the machine drawings in the system were based on the technology of the Elf World, and it might be unacceptable in the Star Alliance. It's better to write down the formula and production conditions needed for the incense, and let the people of the Star Alliance study how to mass-produce them.

Dahei is right. The Star Alliance is just studying in the wrong direction. It doesn't mean that the people here don't want to study, let alone they are stupid.

"Send me a copy of my brain, and I will pass it to my brother. I will help you register a company, and you will have shares in everything that flows out of your hands." Arthur Cat looked around and said, "Now you Can you make incense?"

"Yes." I have super powers! Mingyou rolled up his sleeves, "I will do it now! Incense is good for both the big fox and your injury!"

"Well, let's start a live broadcast. By the way, tell the audience that we have found another spirit beast." Arthur Cat jumped from Mingyou's head and turned into a **** cat.

The big red fox was startled, but he looked at the **** cat carefully, and then went back obediently.

His subconscious tells him that the **** cat is worthy of trust.

The **** cat walked on tiptoe to the big red fox and squatted down. After a while, the **** cat stretched out the cat's paw, placed it on top of the red fox's head, and rubbed it a few times.

"Thanks, stupid fox." The **** cat patted the top of the red fox's head.

The red fox's head was tilted, as if thinking about something, but his hollow eyes seemed to be thinking nothing. But after he was slapped on the head by the **** cat, he was neither angry nor resisted, and his expression was very clever, unlike the violent red fox before.

The **** cat rubbed the head of the big red fox again and sighed deeply.

Mingyou said that he saw the tombstone in his heart.

Hidden among the flowers, it is endless, extending to the tombstone on the horizon.

He knew that those were his soldiers, the lives that fell on the battlefield under his command.

As the commander-in-chief, sacrifice should have been only a number in his mind. This will allow him to use the most rational thinking to command this war.

But after the war, he couldn't take the lives lost on the battlefield as a medal on his shoulders.

Those tombstones are all his responsibilities.

He promised these young or not young comrades in arms to exchange their lives for a better future for the Star Alliance.

Can Mingyou help him find a better future for the Star Alliance that he doesn't know where he is heading?

must be able to.

The **** cat put away his serious expression, changed back to the old lazy appearance, and walked to Mingyou who was debugging the holographic live broadcast equipment, and his head lightly bumped Mingyou's waist: "Remember to bring the live broadcast close to Dahong's rotten one. Make a close-up of that half of the face and show it to him when the red face is over."

Mingyou hugged the head of the **** cat and rubbed it hard: "Da Hei! Can you not be so bad!"

"I'm so bad. Everyone must have a black history, must!" The **** cat tilted its tail, and the tip of its tail slowly drew a circle.

"Bad big black!" Mingyou carried the **** cat's two fluffy pointed ears, "I hear you! Bad big black!"

"I didn't hear, I didn't hear." The **** cat screamed, "The ears are going to fall! You are going to screw my ears off! Ill-treatment! Is there any king?"

When the **** cat was howling, the live broadcast started.

The audience rushed into the live broadcast room, did not see the warm little house before, but saw a sea of ​​flowers.

Huh? Where is this place? Did we go to the wrong room?

It was not until the howling of the **** cat almost pierced their eardrums that they were sure that they did not go to the wrong live broadcast room.

This time it was broadcast live in the wild? This sea of ​​flowers is pretty pretty.

and many more! Who is that big red fox? ! Is it also one of the ten heroes? !

The little anchor has found a convalescent hero again? !

The big red fox seemed to feel something and glanced at the live camera.

The live broadcast camera zoomed in, and all the audience in the live broadcast room saw his gorgeous fur and his half-burned face.

In the distant Maple Leaf Star, a gorgeous man in a gorgeous dress overturned the tea cup in his hand.

"Xiao Luo." The man closed his eyes, and his body flashed brightly, turning into a big flaming red fox.

This big red fox looks almost exactly the same as the big red fox in the live broadcast room.

If the face of the big red fox in the live broadcast room is intact, they will indeed look exactly the same.

Because they are identical twins.

The twins go together, but part ways in the middle.

The gender culture in the Maple Leaf Star civilization is inverted from most of the Star Alliance planets. When the birth of life outside the body became the mainstream of the Star Alliance, women were liberated from fertility. After the evolution of women on some planets, their strength is no different from men.

The females of Maple Leaf Star are martial arts, while the males prefer more literary activities. Especially the upper-class noble men engaged in various artistic activities.

Xianjia is a family of dancers, and the boys in the family have been dancers for generations, and Xianluo is a genius who has never met in the family for generations. As his compatriot brother, Xianwei was suppressed by Xian Luo's light since he was a child, and once loathed this too good younger brother.

But this too good younger brother actually chose the path that Maple Leaf Star aristocratic men would never choose-joining the army, and handed over the position of the Xian Family Patriarch to himself. At that time, Xian Wei thought he was pitiful.

He was insulted.

But when Xian Luo entered the special forces directly under Prince Arthur, participated in the beheading of the Zerg queen, and became one of the ten heroes, Xian Wei knew that there was no pity or insult. Xian Luo gave him the position of Xian Family Patriarch, and gave him the crown of the first dancer of Maple Leaf Star, just because he didn't care.

No matter how beautiful the dance is, is there a battlefield fighting to defend the home and the country?

No matter how beautiful the dress is, is there any bright color splashed by the enemy?

No matter how noble and elegant the dancers of the gods are dancing on the high platform, is it comparable to the big red fox with half of his face ruined and lying in the flowers like stars?

Xianluo's dance is shocking, because his dance expresses the ideals and persistence that originate from the heart.

And his own dance is just a pile of skills.

The beauty is the soul, not dance.

In the live broadcast room, the mysterious little anchor is making incense with the not-uncommon viewing flowers and stars in the Star Alliance. It is said that this kind of incense is very useful for the wounds of spirit beasts.

Beside the little anchor, the big white bear was beating the drum, the little gray wolf stood on top of the big white bear and howling, and the **** cat was tap dancing in the flowers like a convulsion.

"Come on, jump together!" The **** cat lifted all four feet off the ground, hunched back and jumped to the big white bear's drum, and jumped in front of the big red fox.

The big red fox tilted his head for a moment, stood up and stretched his body.

Mingyou looked up, just in time to see the big red fox wagging its tail and stepping on the drums, dancing lightly.

Standing on tiptoe, spinning, flicking, jumping, every movement of the big red fox is breathtakingly beautiful.

Even if half of his face is ruined, it won't hurt him at all.