Mingyou began to prepare for barbecue.

A few little fluffy squat squatted on the ground, staring at him with piercing eyes.

Mingyou's slaughter of wild beasts was shaking.

What's going on here? What is going on here? He was just giving a gift, why did he stare at him collectively? Even the big white bear that has always been reliable has become a little white bear, sitting on the ground with her claws shrunk like a teddy bear, staring at him aggrievedly?

"This...this is the most suitable gift for Big Green and Little Green. When I get rich, everyone will have a lot of gifts." Mingyou admitted.

Regardless of whether you can afford it in the future, make a promise first.

High-luxury brand bags! Everyone has it! When the breeder earns money, the money will buy bags for everyone!

Arthur Tiger licked his paws and washed his face: "You fool, you are like a scumbag with a silly talk."

The other fluffy nodded vigorously.

After finally regaining his sanity, the little gray wolf actually didn't want to nod, but everyone was nodding, so he reluctantly followed the crowd.

As for the two fawns, which were originally only half a meter long, but now shrunk a circle, they looked at each other with confusion.

Although I don't know what's going on, since everyone is bullying the Little Spirit Beastmaster, let's bully it too.

Mingyou's heart is broken.

He grabbed the two fawns in his arms and rubbed his ears vigorously.

Two little unscrupulous people! Who am I being criticized for? The two of you are also helping you to abuse!

The two fawns tilted their heads, blinked their watery eyes, and acted like a baby with all their strength.

Mingyou sighed deeply. Forget it, these two little deer still have a child mentality, and they don't understand anything. Why is he wronged?

"I warn you that the spirit of the beast master will affect the taste of the food, be careful you bully me, the food I make for you is bitter." Mingyou had to resort to a killer.

The plushs all showed the expression of "Σ(°△°||.

Arthur's cat face was shocked: "You foolish, you're actually threatening people! You've broken your studies!?"

Mingyou stuck his waist, arrogantly: "The one who is near Zhu is red and the one who is near Mo is black!"

The other fluffy fluffy turned around and stared at Arthur Cat with condemnation.

Arthur Cat:? ? ?

At this time, is the cat's head smashed by the small question mark?

Arthur the cat shook his head vigorously, throwing away all the small question marks. He slapped his cat's claws on the ground and exclaimed, "What does this have to do with me? Don't shake the pot!"

Seeing that the other fluffy began to criticize the little black cat and ignored him, Mingyou set up the barbecue with satisfaction.

"Right, do you want to start a live broadcast?" Two more spirit beasts were found. Mingyou thought it was time to tell the audience in the live broadcast room.

Since the spirit beasts may own an entire planet, there may be not only the comrades of the spirit beasts, but also the families of the spirit beasts among the viewers watching the live broadcast.

His live broadcast method should also change, from being a breeder of spirit beasts to being a spirit beast itself.

The spirit beasts with their own civilization and planet should have the right to watch live broadcasts and purchase goods independently, right? Now that there is more plush to be raised, make more money so that you can buy bags for plush.

The things in the system mall can't be bought, and if you work hard in reality, you can still make money every day and become the richest man. Mingyou set himself a small goal.

"Wow, Rijin Doujin, it's a small goal to be the richest man, what is the big goal?" Arthur Cat likes to hear Mingyou brag the most. Because he also likes to brag.

Mingyou pointed at the sky with one hand on his hips: "The sea of ​​stars!"

Arthur cat jumped on top of Mingyou's head and wiped the dirt and grass clippings from his feet on Mingyou's hair by the way. Anyway, they would take a bath and wash their hair every day, so he rubbed a mat on Mingyou's head, not called a bully.

"Okay, set a small goal first." Arthur Cat said, "Now we can start the live broadcast. By the way, we will reveal the energy crystallization to the audience."

"Can you disclose it?" Mingyou asked, "Will it cause prices to soar?"

Arthur Cat's tail twitched Mingyou's ear lightly, and said, "Oh, I'm not stupid anymore, I know it will cause prices to soar."

Mingyou murmured: "I was not stupid. If others see it and they drive up prices, what should you do if your spirit beast planet can't buy energy crystals?"

"Relax, these two days, the emergency bill has been passed, the energy crystals have been nationalized, and private sales must be priced in accordance with the state." Arthur cat shook his tail and said proudly, "That kind of ore is an associated ore of energy mines. State-owned mines produce the most. The emergency bill is just a stick that is not easy to use. Whoever dares to drive up prices, the Star Alliance government will let them lose even their pants."

Mingyou immediately remembered the state regulation in the previous life of China, patted his chest and said: "It turns out that the control of the Star Alliance government is about the same as the world in my previous life. It will not affect people's livelihood, so I feel relieved."

"What is the original? Did you think that the Star Alliance government was very weak?" Arthur Cat said in a bad mood.

Mingyou nodded: "Yes, I am at Sky Blue Star, and I don't feel the presence of the Xingmeng government at all."

Arthur the cat fell on his back with anger.

Little White Bear and Little Gray Wolf looked at each other, and turned their ears together, as if each of them had become cats.

The autonomous region is normal. An autonomous region is equivalent to a franchise country, can it be the same as a central region?

But listening to the little spirit beast master said, they still (crossed out) very (crossed out) a little unhappy.

They have a sense of awkwardness of making a fool of themselves in front of their little spirit beast master.

A few people secretly made up their minds that the other autonomous regions don't matter, they must find a way to take back the autonomy of Sky Blue Star. When the time comes, if the Little Spirit Beast Master is willing, he will give him a long ball.

After the other comrades wake up, discuss with them, and they will definitely agree to give this gift to the Little Spirit Beast Master.

The little gray wolf, little white bear and little black cat formed a chat group in Guangnao to discuss the matter.

Arthur Cat very much agreed with their proposal and began to compose a paragraph.

"Patriarch Tan: Did the young master who was expelled from the house starve to death?

The subordinate replied: No, sir, now the young master is the ball leader of the sky blue planet, and you have become his subordinate. "

The little gray wolf and little white bear thought that what Arthur Cat said was very good, and then disbanded the group.

They still feel that if they stay in a group with Arthur Cat, they will be embarrassed to death by Arthur Cat sooner or later.

His Royal Highness (crossed out) has a lot of bad things (crossed out) and everything is good, but it's too uncomfortable to be too secondary.

Mingyou didn't know that the three plushs were discussing to give him a ball. He finished the draft and opened the live broadcast.

There was no advance notice for this live broadcast, which caused a lot of hair to jump around when the live broadcast started.

However, there was no prior notice for several live broadcasts before, and the audience was used to it. They quickly found a good position and started watching the live broadcast on their stomachs.

Come, let me take a look, what will the little anchor broadcast today? Cooking? Singing? dancing? Or make toys?

They saw the night sky, meadows, rivers, and a huge barbecue grill.

"Hello everyone, I am the anchor Mingyou, today we will live broadcast a picnic." Mingyou said while cutting meat, "In order to avoid some viewers feeling uncomfortable with hunting and slaughtering wild animals, the live broadcast has skipped the hunting and slaughtering process."

"If there are viewers in the live broadcast room who are uncomfortable with the handling of meat ingredients, they can temporarily exit the live broadcast room and come in when the barbecue starts."

"Then if there are audiences who feel the same painful feeling for barbecued meat?" Arthur Tiger was yin and yang strange.

Mingyou thought for a while and said, "Then come in when you eat meat?"

"What if the audience feels the same painful feeling about eating meat?" Arthur Hu continued to be yin and yang strange.

Mingyou is not sure: "Would you like to make an announcement on the live broadcast room, today live meat eating, vegetarians please watch carefully?"

Seeing that Mingyou was discussing with him seriously, Arthur Hu rolled around on the grass with a smile.

The Herman bear stepped on Arthur Tiger's tail with the seasoning.

"Meow!" Arthur Tiger jumped up from the ground.

Herman Bear apologized insincerely: "I'm sorry, I didn't see it."

Arthur Hu hugged his tail and said angrily: "I am such a big tail, are you blind?"

Herman Bear observed Arthur Tiger's tail carefully, and said seriously: "Sorry, it's too dark, where is your tail?"

Arthur Tiger: "..." Am I just a bit dark? I don't believe you are still night blind!

Mingyou believed it to be true, and quickly took out a reflective vest from the system backpack and put it on the **** cat, and put a fluorescent bow on the tip of the **** cat's tail: "So everyone can see the **** at night, no I'll bump into the big black!"

Big black cat=_=. Is my young man really stupid or deliberate?

"Yes, this vest is very suitable for Your Highness." Herman bear nodded his head and smiled.

The **** cat glanced at the big white bear lazily, lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, the bow on the tip of its tail was floating in the air-because the tail was too dark to see, only the bow was floating around.

Mingyou thinks his joke is funny, but everyone can't laugh, and even feels a little bit cold.

Mingyou, who was despised and laughed, had to go to bacon in a dingy manner.

The audience chatted in the barrage.

"The wind is so comfortable today, and I really want to join the picnic."

"The little anchor said that there will be people who are afraid of killing wild beasts? Is he serious? Does he not know who is watching the live broadcast?"

"In addition to soldiers and family members watching the live broadcast, there may be people who really look down on handling meat."

"Noble, understand that all meat grows out of the refrigerator."

"Is Colonel Herman really the guardian of His Royal Highness? It's not that the Colonel's heart is on His Highness. There are even rumors that the Colonel has a crush on His Royal Highness? Is this a secret love? How do I feel that the Colonel dislikes His Royal Highness?"

"His Royal Highness is really good-tempered, and I won't be angry when he is stepped on his tail. It is said that His Highness is a violent temper that must be reported. After watching the live broadcast these few times, how do I feel that Your Highness is too temperamental?"

"So the Black Highness has either a problem with his head or a problem with his butt, or there may be problems with both."

"Never mind the bow, but the reflective vest is quite practical. I am also a black fur, and I always get trampled on my tail during training at night, which makes me uncomfortable."

"Come on, who is going to wear a reflective vest at night? Are you setting a target specifically for someone to hit?"

"Why does the spirit beast have a tail? The tail is too anti-human!"

"Second second! I feel that the tail is not part of my body at all! I have been frightened by my own tail several times! I bit my tail as an enemy!"

"I was scared by my own tail, and bite the tail as an enemy +1 (light a cigarette)."

"Take the tail as an enemy +2. The tail is really uncomfortable!"

The audience didn't know why they started to line up, and they criticized the tail as something that shouldn't be a spirit beast. No matter what, it would get in the way too much. Fights between spirit beasts are due to their tails in eight to nine cases.

Why did you step on my tail? You pressed my tail, your tail flung my face, and your tail poked my food. In short, it's all the tail's fault!

We should build an anti-tail alliance!

His Majesty Golden Lion said weakly: "Is the focus of the most elite soldiers of our Star Alliance a bit too boring? Ouch! Who will step on my tail!"

The big snow leopard tilted his head, his face blank.

His Majesty the lion turned around and slapped, and the poor snow leopard slapped on the ground several times.

The Snow Leopard was very wronged. Dad, your carpet is golden, and your tail is also golden. Big cats walk with their heads up and their chests high. I don't see how normal your tail is? Why do domestic violence me?

Hey, I really picked it up, I have to find a way to sneak in and go to my uncle!

Daxue Leopard clutched his beating head with his paws and made up his mind.

"By the way, I want to tell you good news. We have found two more companions. Big Green and Little Green, say hello to everyone." After Mingyou marinated the wild animal meat, he waved to the distance.

The audience followed Mingyou's line of sight, and the two deer were jogging and running towards them.

Big green and little green?

The level of the naming of the small anchor is still as difficult as ever.

Among the ten heroes, there is only a pair of twin brothers and sisters. The audience can guess who this pair of deer brothers and sisters are.

Kerry Clyde and Allie Clyde, a pair of muscular siblings who beat the barracks with bare hands.

Kerry and Ellie were once sent to a training camp as instructors because they were at odds with Shangfeng, specializing in teaching soldiers to fight unarmed. Many spirit beasts present have suffered their devastation.

To be honest, Ellie's face looks pretty good, like a girl of seventeen or eighteen. And her face is very thin, and she usually smiles shyly, blushing when she gets a little excited. Just looking at her face, Ellie is a rare soft and cute girl in the barracks.

It is a pity that the head of this cute little girl grows on a pile of steel bars.

Allie is a really good woman who can run horses on her shoulders and smash boulders on her chest. Although she is a plant power, she uses plant powers to strengthen her body, and she has set a **** record for dismantling small battleships with her bare hands.

Now the strange woman in this barracks has become a delicate fawn wearing a flower head, and the boys and girls who have been tortured by Ellie in the barracks can't help but get a layer of goose bumps.

When this little white flower-like deer was nestling next to the little spirit beast master, while gently rubbing, while "yoyo yo yo" acted like a baby, many viewers felt a tumbling in their stomachs, and even the smell of barbecue could not arouse their appetites. .

When the strong steel Han Kerry also lowered his head, rubbed his beautiful antlers against the little beastmaster's palm, raised his head, revealing a pair of big watery eyes acting coquettishly, many viewers were forced to stop watching the live broadcast, ran to the toilet and vomited. .

Enough of you guys! Even if the age is forced to shrink! Don't have too much personality contrast!

Arthur Hu glanced at the soldiers trained by the Clyde brothers and sisters in the barrage, Fat was on the verge of collapse, and began to talk nonsense, like a crazy barrage, showing a big cat-like disdainful smile.

The race of the Clyde brothers and sisters is like this. When they were young, they were super cute and soft, and their body genes would change when they were adults, and they would develop towards steel and iron bones.

The same is true of their spirit beasts. Does the deer look cute now? The adult body is the muscle deer deer. How else do you think they are assassins? Of course, first sneak into the enemy camp with the ability, and then tore the clothes to reveal the muscles and open Wushuang.

The **** cat scratched his ass. His **** was beaten severely by the muscle demon deer before, but now that he thinks about it, he can still feel the pain that the cat's **** seems to have turned into eight petals.

I don't know if Duyou can say the disgusting words "big green and little green are the cutest deer" when he sees the fleshy demon deer that the elf deer grows up.

The **** cat seemed to have seen the poor little spirit beastmaster's expression of collapse, and couldn't help but uttered aloud.

Mingyou rushed over, just rubbing and rubbing, "Da Hei, don't be lazy, just help me barbecue."

The **** cat, who wanted to be lazy, stood up helplessly, shy of the cat's belly that had grown a layer of soft fur, two cat's claws clutching the barbecue grill, and a look of irresistible barbecue.

As a hairy creature, you actually want to barbecue near the fire? Only fools like Duoyou who don't know what weird things are in their heads can do this kind of thing.

The big white bear glanced at his house.

Yes, yes, I spit out my mouth, but never refuses the request of the Little Spirit Beastmaster. Your Highness, are you going to add another "trideful" to your character label that is already worth a thousand words?

Tsundere's Highness? The big white bear trembled.

It's disgusting!

"Is Da Bai cold?" Mingyou shuddered when he saw the big white bear, and hurriedly took out a certain felt hat from the system backpack, and buckled the big white bear's head on tiptoes.

Dark green, with two ears and a felt hat with a red five-pointed star in the middle!

Mingyou gave the big white bear a thumbs up: "Russian Bear! Want vodka? Tons, tons, tons!"

Big White Bear: "..." Little Spirit Beast Master was saying something that people didn't understand again.

"This hat is pretty good-looking, give me one too!" The **** cat said to Mingyou.

The wind in the mountains and forests was so strong at night that it hurt his ears.

Mingyou took out a stack of dark green felt hats from the system backpack like a trick. This felt hat is also high-tech. It can automatically change the size according to the shape of the spirit beasts' heads, and it can even expose the ears and horns of the spirit beasts.

So the **** cat, the little red fox, the little gray wolf and the two deer all became the spirit beasts of the Great Northeast.

Mingyou also put on his hat, and opened his mouth with a string of northeastern dialects.

Big black cat: "..."

Oops, I think of the horror of being "shown to me for the whole live broadcast".

"Da Hei has also become a Siberian tiger." Ming You said with a smile.

The **** cat helped his hat: "What does that Siberian tiger look like?"

"It's as fat as an orange cat." In Mingyou's head, there was a certain Siberian tiger who had overweight in the winter in the news he saw in a certain year.

Big black cat: "..."

He decided to break up with the Little Spirit Beast Master for a minute!

Arthur Tiger looked down at his slightly bulging belly.

Am I really fat? no? A month ago Stupid Woo still said I was skinny? Dislike me for being fat now? But the form of the spirit beast has nothing to do with the human form. My human form must still have eight pack abs!

Or, eat less meat today?

"Da Hei? What are you in a daze?" Ming You wondered.

"Not in a daze." The **** cat shook his head vigorously, almost throwing his hat out.

What does he think! The Siberian tiger is an orange cat! He is not a Siberian tiger!

Even by color, he is a **** cat, and his brother is an orange cat! Orange cats will become fat pigs!

His Majesty the Big Golden Lion sneezed a big sneeze, spraying cat saliva on the face of the snow leopard rolling in front of him.

snow leopard:"…"

I really can't get through this day! Dad beat me violently for a while, and slobbered on my face for a while! Dad shouldn't have Alzheimer's? I can't live this day! I must find a way to go to my uncle sooner!

Snow Leopard made up his mind again.

Mingyou didn't know that soon he was about to welcome a big snow leopard sneaking away. He is now wondering how to tell the audience in the live broadcast room about energy crystallization.

"Today's barbecue will use a new ingredient called..." Mingyou asked after a meal, "What is this called?"

The **** cat said lazily: "Energy-associated mine."

Mingyou couldn't laugh or cry: "I know it is an energy-associated mine. It should always have a name, right?"

The **** cat glanced at the two fawns who were playing you and me, and I was playing at you: "Unnamed. Call them Greenstone."

Mingyou was speechless: "Da Hei, is this too perfunctory?"

The **** cat sneered: "Why didn't you feel perfunctory when you named us?"

The other fluffy nods one after another.

Mingyou: "..." Isn't it impossible to get around this matter? I persuaded!

"Ahem, this kind of ore is familiar to everyone. It is called green stone, which is a wood attribute energy crystallization."

"Wood attribute energy crystals are very suitable for plants with supernatural powers. But my spirit beasts are picky eaters and refuse to eat stones, so I had to use it as a seasoning."

"The spirit beast master can introduce the energy in the wood attribute energy crystals into the food, but the ordinary spirit beasts can only eat the energy crystals directly. However, I have submitted the relevant research papers, and maybe the Star Alliance will find it more convenient soon Yes, a method of using energy crystals to make food for spirit beasts."

"Dahei said that in addition to the people who keep the spirit beasts, there are many economically free spirit beasts among the audience watching the live broadcast. The spirit beasts can buy some energy crystals and taste it. The taste is really good."


Who TM can eat stones! Little anchor, are you kidding me? !