You Really Changed Me...

He came even closer and closer.

Now he is a few inches away from me. He looked down at my lips. Comes even closer. Now I can feel his hot breath on my face. I don't know why I am not moving, even in my mind I am preparing to move away from him. But something stops me from doing that. I didn't look anywhere. I looked into his eyes. Now he can also hear my heartbeat because it's so loud.

Then suddenly the door busted open.

"Buddy!" Someone opens the door.

We quickly move from that position. But that person saw everything.

"Oh! Umm… I am sorry… you guys carry on… I- I will leave now…" He said. Then I looked at who that person was. I guess he is Ryan. I'm not sure but I guess.

Oh God, this is embarrassing.

"It's fine. I will go and check what Lia is doing." I said awkwardly to Harry. He nodded in response. Then the doorway I saw Ryan looking at me. I smiled awkwardly and ran to the kitchen.

What have you done Nia? This is not good. Harry is your friend. Why did you try to kiss him? Wait a minute! He tried to kiss me. Oh Go,d what is this? I don't understand anything. I am so confused.

*Harry's Pov*

She looks so beautiful today. In this dress. She started to look around my room. She is so pretty. I can't take my eyes off her. I was just looking at her. Then she came near me.

"What are you looking at?" She asked me.

"You look pretty in this dress." I told her. I don't know why I say it.

"Thanks!" Shyly she said.

Then slowly come near me and sit beside me on the bed. Then I slowly go near her and tug the strand of hair behind the ears. Because of it I can't see her beautiful face. She smiled at me in response. Girl you're driving me crazy.

"Don't smile." I said.

"What?" She stopped smiling.

"Because you look so pretty when you smile." She started laughing. I don't why I admire her each and every move.

Then she looked at me. I look into her eyes deeply. It was like something I got stuck on which I can't come from. I slowly lean toward her. And I looked at her lips. Oh God I want to kiss it. I got closer and closer to her. She is now a few inches away from me. I got even closer. I was about to kiss her. But then the door. What he was he doing here? Now? God!!! We moved away from her. She said she was going to check Lia and she left the room.

I and Ryan were in the room. He came and sit near me.

"Dude! What's happening?" He asked me teasingly.

"Nothing!" I said coldly.

"Nothing? But I saw everything." He said.

"You saw everything then why are you asking." I get annoyed for no reason.

"I saw you're going to kiss that girl." He said.

Kiss… oh no I almost kissed her. No what will she think about me? Oh no! What I have done?

"Who is she?" Ryan asked me.

"My friend," I said.

"Your friend? Ohh, girlfriend." He said and start laughing.

I glared at him. Then we heard my mom calling from the kitchen.

"Harry, lunch is ready. Come." She said loudly.

"Coming." I said.

Then me and Ryan left the room and go to the dining table. I saw Nia was already sitting. I just walk and sit opposite of her. Ryan go and sit near her. Why he was sitting near her? I glared at him and look at Nia, she is already looking at me. I just smile at her and she smiled back. Then Lia walked with some food. And then she looked Ryan. She stands there without moving.

"Hey, Lia.. keep the food." She looked at me. I signaled her.

"Oh, you!" Ryan was surprised by looking at her.

"Hi!" She said awkwardly.

"Do you know her?" I asked him without knowing anything.

"Yeah. I saw daily her on the bus. We go on the same route." He said smilingly.

I think they will get together.

Then mom and dad come and joined us.

"What is your name?" He asked Nia.

"Nia!" She said smiling. Aww, she is so cute. Then I look Ryan looked at me teasingly. He saw me awwing at her.

"You and Harry were classmates, right." He asked.

"Yes." She said politely.

I know she was embarrassed because he saw us like that. Ryan starts asking her about her. She was answering it. Mom and dad also asked about her, her family and everything. After a few minutes, we all finished eating. Then we sit and start talking randomly. Mom and dad went to the garden.

Then Nia looks at the time.

"Oh my God, it's late." Then Lia looks at the time.

"Yeah, we have to go." She said.

"Don't go now." Ryan said to Lia.

"No way. If our dad finds out that we are still out. He will kill us. So we are going. Lia come." She said standing up.

I stand up.

"Harry… um, we have to go." I nodded.

Then we all get out and saw my parents.

"Auty, uncle we have to go now." Nia said to my parents.

"Ok, dear. You both have to come here when you are free. Because I love you both." Then she kisses them on the cheeks.

My dad pats softly Nia's head.

"Take care of my son in school, okay?" He said.

"Okay, uncle." She said laughing.

"I will walk them till the bus stop. And you also come with me." I told my parents and ask Ryan to come with me.

We waved to our parents and we start walking towards the bus stop.

"Dude, I have to talk to Nia about something. So you and give company to Lia." I said to Ryan.

So that they can speak to each other. But he thought that I want to spend time with Nia alone that's why I am asking him to go. That's somewhat correct but I don't why I not accepting it.

"Ohh okkkayyy." He said and go with Lia.

I pull her backward by grabbing her hands. I don't want to leave her hand. So I hold it. She tries to leave my hand. But I didn't leave. She also holds my hand. My heart beats so fast. Ryan look back at us and saw us holding hands. He smiles teasingly.

"Nia!" I called with a low voice.

She hummed and looked at me.

"I- I want to say something." I am getting nervous. I want to tell her how I feel around her.

"Tell!" She said casually.

"Maybe later." I said. Because I am scared of what I said about my feelings and what if she leaves. No, I won't say.

"Come on Harry. Say it. Or my head will blast off." She said. I laughed at her.

"I will tell."

"Okay." She smiles brightly.

"But not now." I teased her.

"Harry!!" She is mad at me.

"Cute." I didn't mean to say it but it came out of my mouth without warning me.

"I know." She said sassily flipping her hair. I laughed at her.

"You're so funny." I pinched her cheeks.

I don't know why I am doing this. I doing this without any warning. I think nowadays my brain is not working properly. At the same time, Ryan turn back and saw that I was pinching her cheeks. God, why did he turn at the correct time? How does he know that I am doing this? He gonna kill me by teasing me.

Then we arrived at the bus stop. Within minutes the bus arrived.

"Okay, Harry. We are leaving. Thank you for everything." She said. Please don't leave. My heart keeps on saying it. I don't want to leave her.

"Bye Ryan and bye Harry," Lia said.

"Bye Ryan. Harry bye." Nia said.

"Bye," I said.

They get into the bus and wave at us. Then slowly the bus leaves. She waved at me until she can see me. I sign and slowly we started walking towards home.

"Do you love guys love each other?" Ryan asked me.

"No, we are friends." I said without thinking about anything right now.

"But you don't look like friends." He said.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because you guys are like a lover, holding hands and pinching her cheeks…" before he finishes I cut him and said

"Friends also hold their hand and pinch their cheeks," I said annoyingly.

"Yeah! That's true. Friends also hold their hands and all. But they won't kiss." He said. Yeah, that's true.

"If you want to talk with me, or you want to ask about anything you can talk with me about anything."

"Ryan. I don't know why I am behaving like this lately. I understand that I am acting weirdly. But I don't know what to do. I can't myself when I am around her. I am not sure if I love her or not." I said worriedly.

"It's ok bro. You will understand everything later. That's all I can tell you." He said.

"Bro dad also said the same thing. Why? Why you are not telling me exactly what the problem is?" I asked.

"The same way I too feel toward someone I love. Then I understand that is the feeling of love." He said. But I was shocked.

"Do you love someone?" I asked him.

"Yes." Oh no!

"Who is it?" I asked him curious yet worried about Lia.

"Lia!" He said. My eyes widen.

"What?" I asked.

"You hear me right." He said.

"Do you love Lia?" I asked him excitedly.

"Yes. Why are you excited?" He asked.

"Bro. She loves you. She came here to see you." I said.

"Really. " His eyes widen. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes," I said. Hugged me he was so happy now. He forgot to tease me.

After reaching home I went to my room. I am so happy that Ryan loves Lia. Now Nia will be so happy. A few hours later I got a call from Nia. I pick up the call.

"Hello. Nia." I said

"Hello, Harry. We reached home half an hour before." She said.

"Oh okay."

"Nia.! I have happy news." I told.

"What is it?" She asked me excitedly.

"But I won't tell…" I tease her.

"Come on, Harry, tell me please." She begged me.

"If I have to tell then you have so something for me." I said.

"Ok. I will do whatever you say. Now please tell me." She asked.

"Okay. Ryan loves Lia." I said Finally.

"What? Seriously!" She screams through the phone.

"Yes!" I said while laughing.

"I am happy for them. I don't know what to do now. God. I will go and tell her first. No no no, let her know by herself. That's will be nice." She said in one breath.

"Woah Woah Woah Woah, relax Nia." I said.

"You don't know how happy I am now, Harry. You're a lucky charm for me." I laughed at what she said.

"Ok, then bye Harry. I think my dad was home. If he sees me talking to you, he will bury me." She said I laughed.

"You're funny Nia. Bye then." I said.

"Bye" she said in a low voice and the call ended.

Now I laying in my bed thinking about Nia. Only about her. You really changed me.