Know My Name

(Sometime after the fall)

This couldn't be true Kyle thought .After the fall he couldn't be alive, that wasn't possible. He felt lighter, like his body was air. All his best memories flashed in front of his eyes like a movie, a movie of his life. The fun he had with his family, the time he spent with friends, his time near nature and the clearest memory was his time with Alexis. He had never seen her yet he found her so close to himself, like she was a part of his heart.

He didn't need her outward beauty to know her; he already knew the best part of her, which was her inner beauty, her thoughts purer than the stream of water flowing in a forest. She had her own different way of describing and comparing things. She was the observer, the wallflower who stayed in the shadows analyzing every change around her. She could give weirdest examples and comparisons, the best advices, which seemed dumb superficially.

(Few weeks ago)


Kyle: Heyyyyyy, Garciaaaaaa..... U theeerreee?

Alexis: Yep, always. You sound excited, what happened?

Kyle: So hear me out, don't be freaked out. Wayho, that rhymes!!

Alexis: Okay, what is it?

Kyle: So....I'm having a guy problem right here.

Alexis: Like, you' love him' type or 'can't hide the body' type? Finally I get to use this meme reference

Alexis: You've approached the perfect person for getting away with murder. First clean the blood, use bleach and then Floor cleaner to get rid of the stain and smell of blood. Hide the body away from the site of murder. Put sodium hydroxide to cover the body, so that it decomposes faster. Wait, Is there any blood or u poisoned the person?

Kyle: First of all, CHILL OUT... it's not a dead guy I am worried about. I never knew you would be so obsessed with murders. But Right now I need some advice.

Alexis: Oh... I'm disappointed, but it's fine. I'm better at murder stuff than love, ya know? Ooooooooooooooohh, who's he btw? The science nerd or the Smiles-like-sunshine guy?

Kyle: Gods! You've named them in such a weird way, but it's the sunshine smile guy. I thought I should ask him out, what say? Doughnuts and ice cream?

Alexis: adsjkllsfs!!! That's perf!!! May the sand be with you. When r u going?

Kyle: Shouldn't it be force? And yeah, Imma go in the evening .Another Question.....Should I ask him and directly kiss the way it happens in movies and books?

Alexis: No bitch, sand!!...NOOOOOOOO, Wait for his reaction and go with the flow, I'd say. One suggestion, don't go tongue in at the first go XD

Kyle: Okays...not like I was gonna force him, but I'll consider ur suggestion. You sound experienced, eh? *Lenny face*

Alexis: No I'm not experienced at all. I have theoretical knowledge of *cough* many things *cough*.

Kyle: Wait.. Really?!?!..You do sound like a person who has kissed anyone. Damn ...The first guy is gonna be lucky to have you.

Alexis: First of all how does a person who has kissed sound? Like an alpaca? Dying mermaid? Loll. Never mind that tho.., All the best you guys are my otp..Its gonna be cannon don't you worry. I have to go now ...BYEEEEEEEE

Kyle: I hope it does become cannon. And WHY ARE YOU OBSESSED WITH ALPACAS?.... anyways BYEEEEEEE!!

Those sweet times he thought. He took a quick glance at his hand, it looked translucent. 'Am I a ghost now?' he thought. He knew spirits could reach places in no time, like think of a place and 'poof' you're there. He thought of Alexis and the scenario around him changed.

It was a cliff 'must be the one Alexis used to talk about, greenery, clear sky, soft grass. He caught glimpse of a girl lying on the grass. Dark hair spilled across the grass, skinny body, and tan skin. She had her eyes closed and had a peaceful expression on her face, somehow he knew she was Alexis; it was like finding the lost piece in a puzzle, which fit perfectly.

She was about to roll off the cliff. "Alexis...Alexis...Alexis" he called out. He was doubtful if she could hear his voice, since he was a spirit now. But she seemed startled after he called out; she hurriedly woke up and left. 'It works' he thought, Maybe he was sent here to watch over her, his wish left incomplete was to be fulfilled after death. He followed her, more like she was the iron and like a magnet his now transparent body seemed to go behind her involuntarily.

'I am your guardian angel now on' he thought.

On reaching home her mom was standing in the living room," Would you mind explaining why you left your cousins abruptly? Noelle called to tell me that you weren't well. Now is that another lame reason of yours to not socialize?" She looked a lot like her mom, Kyle thought, same dark hair and dark brown eyes which looked like drops of chocolate in sunlight. "I'm not feeling well, mom. Besides, I have homework" Alexis lied and left for her room.

Alexis changed into her usual black shorts and the gray t-shirt she loved, tied her dark locks into a messy bun and flopped herself on the bed. 'Who's voice was that back on the cliff, or was it just my imagination?'She thought to herself.

"No, it wasn't your imagination, it was me" Wait what?!?, Alexis thought, it's that voice again!"Don't shout, it's me. Yeah I am the same voice, spirit rather". Alexis looked scared."Since when are you spying on me? What the heck do you mean by spirit, where are you? And who?"She asked fiercely. "Well, long story in short, I am your guardian angel, The Spirit. I am here to watch over you, your ghostie. You really can't see me because I am transparent, spirit, you know? And I am following you since the time you heard me on the cliff" he said coolly.

He was sitting on the foot of her bed, she couldn't see him though. "You creep, you saw me changing? Who else can hear you? Get the hell out of my room, you pervert!" she was punching in random directions with a hope that at least one blow would reach him.

"No, I am not standing there, you fool. Besides, I don't have eyes for females, I'm a gay spirit, and I woo guys, besides, I looked away. And if you haven't realized yet we're conversing through minds, telepathy or whatever it's called."

Alexis was standing now, she looked as if she just saw a ghost, and well actually she did hear a ghost talk to her. "Whoa, wait right there. So you're saying that you are a gay ghost, who is going to watch over me? What's 'woo guys' where are you from? The Victorian era?"

"Precisely, save your life, help you find the good things around you. Basically keep you going and stop you from becoming all depresso."

The word 'depresso' rang in her brain like an echo. Kyle used to say that to her, she thought. 'Holy shit, I'm probably going crazy', Alexis thought.

"Hold up, one more thing. I have access to all your thoughts now, I must say, you've got too many thought hovering in your brain, over thinker, I assume. You don't need a therapist, you just need a hug." Kyle said.

"A friend of mine used to say that. Stop going through my brain, it's a nasty place; I know. Sometimes I wonder which one is more messier, my cupboard, my desk or my brain." Kyle knew who exactly she meant by her friend, it was Kyle himself.

" Though I have a question" she asked, "what's your name?" Was it too early for her to know about his death, kyle thought.