Chapter 12

It was the first weekend I had after entering Halo Academy. Although the world I live in claims to be the Middle Ages, the concept of a week itself has been implemented since ancient times even in previous lives.

"Um, I slept well."

It's been a while since I slept until late, so I feel refreshed both physically and mentally. Then I stretched out and checked the watch, it was only half past eight. I thought I slept quite a bit, but I guess not.

However, today is the end of resting comfortably. If I hadn't inspected the manuscript yesterday, it would have been a disaster, so I rushed through the review.

'It was really, really dangerous."

I floundered in bed, then jumped up to my feet. When I looked toward the desk, traces of the hard work I had done from yesterday evening to night graduating remained intact.

Everything I said to Cecily in front of the restaurant yesterday was written down in the manuscript. Zeno's words to comfort Jinn, his close friend and second protagonist.

It is a very important scene as it provides a foothold for Jinn to grow internally through that situation. But perhaps the problem is that he said those words to Cecily as it was.

In the end, I replaced it with a little modification, but the nuance was similar, so it was a little annoying. With the amazing memory of the demons, they will remember everything I said, so you might notice something suspicious.

'What then…'

I'll have to pretend it's a coincidence. Given the circumstances so far, most people assume that the author of Zeno's biography is an experienced sage. I'm not a blue-eyed teenager like me.

I scratched my stomach and figured out how to make breakfast. Classes are supported during the week, but you have to pay for it in a restaurant on the weekends. However, the price is rather cheap because the students are given benefits.

'But where do you exercise?'

When I am at home, I tend to exercise lightly every morning. His father encouraged exercise by sitting at his desk every day, bending his back and stiffening his body.

I also exercised hard with my father to take care of my health. Jogging is basic, and various stretching exercises were performed to relieve the stiff body.

Thanks to that, there was hardly any discomfort or pain anywhere in the body.

Occasionally, though, I get so absorbed in my work that my eyes dry out and my vision deteriorates.

'Come to think of it, the auditorium here looks spacious…'

After wandering around the academy whenever he had time, he found that there was a public gymnasium. In fact, it is even more strange that there is no gymnasium in a yard where there is mumak educating knights and wizards.

But he didn't go inside. Because I didn't feel the need to go in.

'After a workout, you should eat breakfast as takeout.'

Halo Academy has several take-out restaurants. It is for students who think that even time to eat is a waste of time.

Also, there are far more cases where literary students take out than non-students. Non-students tend to eat well-balanced meals because their bodies are important, but they are not literary students.

You can say what kind of take-out it was in the Middle Ages. Surprisingly, the restaurant industry is well developed in this world. A variety of spices exist, and trade is very active.

With a little exaggeration, the food was not much different from the previous life, and there are snacks sold on the street.

'There is no carbonated beverage like cola.'

If that had been the case, chemistry and mechanical engineering would have also developed. I don't even think about making soda by magic.

I changed my clothes one by one, thinking that I had to finish my workout and eat a sandwich. I plan to take a shower after exercising, but I didn't skip washing my face. Because this is basic.

"Let's see… I'm sure I'm wearing plain clothes here… Ah, there it is."

I didn't have a few sets of clothes I brought from home, but I brought the clothes I wear every time I exercise. It may be because there is a Dwarf who is a representative of dexterity, but the types of clothes are as diverse as in previous lives. Not to mention the sweatpants, they even have leggings, so I said it all.

However, since there is no 'factory' that is a symbol of the industrial revolution and that makes mass production possible, workers have to work hard to make it one stitch at a time. Therefore, clothes made of special materials, such as sweatpants or leggings, are extremely expensive.

It's a shame because I'm a noble, but if I had been a commoner, I would have bought it with trembling hands.

'It really is a strange world from one to ten.'

With mana and magic, not only humans but also other races, this seems to have resulted.

Maybe it is because of this subtle imbalance that the development of mechanical engineering is delayed. There is a high possibility that they can only compensate for the inconvenience with magic.

So, you may ask, what is a refrigerator or air conditioner-like thermostat, but I don't know. I am a writer, not a wizard.

From what I've heard roughly, the wizards also categorize combat and support, but the support wizard seems to be similar to the engineer from a previous life.

'Actually, mechanical engineering is more important to things like washing machines and steam locomotives. Even magic must have its limits.'

I went outside wearing a red sweatshirt that matches my hair color. When I went out, the fresh morning air greeted me. It's the perfect weather for a really light workout.

'From the gymnasium…'

The restaurant has a place in mind in advance, so it's okay to visit it later. The taste is good and the price is low, so it is perfect for me.

'It's the weekend, too.'

I looked around as I walked to the public gym. Because it was a weekend, there were definitely more people in plain clothes than school uniforms.

"Hey. That looks delicious. Shall we go?"

"Let's go, let's go."

"Sally-sama! Let's go together!"

"Follow me, Kay! This looks so much fun!"

Nobles wear clothes that look like they have been painstakingly crafted, and commoners wear clothes that are easily available in the market.

Occasionally, there were people in training suits like me, but I am running hard without paying attention to the gaze. Even passersby only saw the person once, and from then on, they started doing their own thing.

It seemed to be a familiar scene within Halo Academy. Everyone was busy enjoying what they wanted to do.

'It is similar to the downtown area of ​​the university.'

On weekdays, after lectures, they visited the library or went directly to the dormitory, but the number of people coming and going was relatively small. However, on the weekend, it was crowded with people and full of life.

In addition, there were rare races that I had never seen before. Elves called the incarnations of beauty, as well as dwarves, caught my eye occasionally. However, it was difficult to find as many people as possible.

'What are the demons…'

Cecily was the only demon who entered Halo Academy, so of course there would be none. The reason why there is no Suing is probably because the current relationship with humans is not good. If you look at the history, you can see why it's not good.

As I was walking around, looking around, I was able to arrive at the public gymnasium I wanted sooner or later. Exactly in front of the entrance to the public gymnasium.

"…it's really big."

Literally, it was a 'public' facility, so it boasted such a massive scale that you could go away from the soccer field. The auditorium was also large, but the public performance hall was much larger than that.

The building format was similar to the Colosseum as a whole, and it was explained at the entrance ceremony that it was coated with defensive magic, so it is probably the best in terms of robustness.

"Huh? Isaac?"


As I gazed at the majestic public gymnasium, a familiar voice pierced my ears. Then I shifted my gaze to the direction the voice was heard.


My sister, Nicole, was standing there, with her long navy-blue hair tied in a ponytail and wearing a navy-blue sweatshirt.

As soon as she met me face to face, she folded her arms and asked with a questionable expression.

"What are you doing here? Are you going to exercise?"

"Oh, yes. I'm here for a simple workout."


Nicole heard my answer and turned to the public gym. Then he looked at me again and said firmly.

"Isn't it?"

"Huh? Why?"

"That's a gymnasium. A place where martial arts are practiced. It's definitely not the best place to warm up as you think. Maybe it's 'training'."

"You can't even do simple exercise?"

"It's possible, but…"

As if it were difficult to explain, she scratched her chin, looked at the public gymnasium, and opened her mouth in an ambiguous voice.

"Well… there are so many weird guys. There are some guys who enjoy tormenting others."

"How? Let's fight while suddenly throwing gloves…"

"When the hell are you talking?"

Nicole answered my question with a look of absurdity. I let out an embarrassing laugh.

Instead, it seems that such a culture itself exists when Nicole asks when was the story?

"Anyway, there's nothing like that, and it's convenient if you think that kids are making jokes a little bit, especially for freshmen."

"Are there any literary students who are not students?"

"Yeah. I don't know about the commoners, but there are quite a few nobles who visit. Usually people from their families learn basic martial arts and enter the academy. You are a special case."

As Nicole explained, I know very little about even basic martial arts. To be precise, I could understand it with my head, but my body didn't follow it.

It is also possible to increase the physical ability by controlling mana, but that is the end. Although she barely used her body in her previous life, it was no different than being reincarnated in a fantasy world.

My father's concentration rose astonishingly, but his stamina couldn't support it, so he was speechless.

"I'll go in anyway. I'm more curious because my sister said that."

"Uh-huh. Did you mean not to say it? I just said it."

Nicole scratched her head with a troubled smile and placed her hand on her waist.

"Okay. It wouldn't hurt to come as an experience. If you go inside instead, it'll be hard to help you."


"I have to fight with students. Did you forget that your sister is a teaching assistant?"

"Ah, that 's right."

Being a teaching assistant in Muhak is only possible with excellent skills. And Nicole is currently working as a teaching assistant at Halo Academy with Dave.

If you can't get a sense of what your role is, it's easier to think of him as a martial arts instructor. Even if the physical strength is exhausted, if a student wants to compete, it is quite physically demanding as he has to stand firm.

I nodded at her warning, then opened my mouth to remember something.

"Then can I watch the fight?"

"It's okay to watch. To write in a book?"


"Okay. That'll be fine."

So I followed Nicole around and entered the public gymnasium. Upon entering, the structure was surprisingly very simple, contrary to my expectations.

Locker rooms and showers were divided according to gender, and as you went further inside, various weapons presumed to be used for training were arranged. I pulled out a sword out of curiosity, and the blade was not set as it was also for training.

As I was looking around for the training sword, Nicole stopped at a fork in the road and asked me.

"Where do you want to start? The dungeon or the playground?"

"Huh? Is there a place to exercise?"

"Of course. Try competing next to me while exercising. Is there any way to get it right? It's dangerous."

"Then let's go to the playground."

The reason I came to the public gym is to exercise. Nicole nodded at my words and moved on.

"Oh, I'll tell you in advance, don't be discouraged after seeing it. Okay?"


How the heck did Nicole say such a thing?

"¡Whoa…! Whoa…!"

"Hey! Good job! Good job! Pull faster!"

"Mike! If you lose this, you're in big trouble for me!"

There were times when I thought that way too.

As soon as I entered the playground, I could not close my jaw when I saw the scene unfolding before my eyes. I really couldn't tell if what I was seeing was real.

First of all, to explain the situation, there were two men, each with a rope tied around their waist, dragging a lump of iron. Only one person is dragging such a lump of iron.

"Are you going to bring something bigger than this?"

"That's enough. Let's start."

"… …"

But the other side wasn't too bad either. People who put iron balls on their backs while doing push-ups were yangbans, and there were people who performed art with pull-ups.

If there is one thing in common, is it that it is an outfit that fully reveals the beauty of the body, regardless of gender and race? Most of the men are with their coats on, and the women are all sleeveless.

Thanks to that, it's pleasing to the eye, but more than that, I started to wonder if they were really people.

While I opened my mouth in amazement, Nicole raised one corner of her mouth and asked me.

"How about it? Isn't it great?"

"… …"

"If you want to exercise here, I won't stop you."

"…No. I'll just run outside."

I didn't even have the courage to join those monsters. Nicole patted my shoulder as if it was okay.

"Then watch your sister fight for an hour and then go to exercise. Okay?"


In the end, I turned away from the playground and headed for the dungeon. I'm relieved that Dalian can be seen comfortably.

'Next time, I'll have to bring a notebook and a magic pen.'

As we all know, hearing and seeing are two different things. Moreover, it is clear that it will be of great help to the battle scenes of Xenon's biography, which were rather poor.

Right now, I have no choice but to remember it in my head as I regret it, but I thought it would be good to use this as an opportunity to come every week. At the same time, my sister is also a teaching assistant, so there is no need to pay attention.

'By the way, the passage is quite long.'

Perhaps for safety, the passage to the dungeon was quite long. Also, as we got closer to the exit, we could occasionally hear the sound of metal rubbing against each other, but it seems that a battle is already underway.

It was around the time Nicole and I reached the exit.


Suddenly, the sound of an object breaking through the wind reached my ears. I was about to recognize the sound.


The object that had been blowing hard through the wind soon stopped right in front of me. Before I could raise my hand, Nicole quickly stopped me.

I blinked, not knowing what was going on, then checked what was blocking Nicole.

It was just a simple ball. A ball that looks like it will be soft. However, it flew quite quickly and Nicole caught it before I could even catch it.

In a completely unexpected situation, he blinked his eyes and glanced at the ball, then slowly shifted his gaze to Nicole. My reaction may be a little slow, but Nicole was also very quick to respond.

"…this bastard is really… even if he doesn't want to do this…!"

Either way, Nicole's impression was wrinkled.

It was the first face I had seen as a younger brother, and it was the first time I had ever heard abusive language. And…

"Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. The ball I threw flew there."

A husky woman's voice came out of the exit.