Chapter 24

As soon as I came up with the answer, something popped out of Leona's head again. If it was once, I could see it twice, so I could get a rough idea.

Leona is not a human, but a different race. It's not a different part, and if you look at it rising above your head, there's a good chance it's a beast.

'Did Suin also enter the academy?'

As you may have heard in lectures, the relationship between humans and beasts is the worst. It's worse than the elves and dwarves who have had a bad relationship since time immemorial. Because of this, there has never been a case where Soo-in entered Halo Academy until now.

If so, you can say what the prisoners you see occasionally in the downtown area over the weekend are not students but hired as security guards. Suin has outstanding abilities as a security guard thanks to her innately excellent five senses.

Above all, despite the worst relationship, the biggest reason for working in human society is 'money'. The state of the prisoners is similar to that of a developing country since it was recently established. So, it is often the case that I work hard while enduring all kinds of gazes.

'It must be something.'

But I don't care. She must have been hiding her identity because she must have her own reasons. Rather, it is more important to solve Cecily's question first.

"…Because humans are stupid, can they take the lead in the world?"


"Sometimes it's hard to understand what Isaac is saying."

Saying so, Cecily put the dishes down for a moment and looked at me with a subtle gaze. I also stopped eating for a while at the red gaze that seemed to be sucked in.

After that, she seemed to be contemplating, and then she put her hand on her chin and opened her mouth.

"Can you explain so I can understand? I don't have to twist it like last time."

"It's not a particularly grandiose reason. It's a point similar to what the professor was explaining in an anthropology lecture."

"I'm still curious. Tell me quickly."

He glanced at Leona over the shoulder of Cecily who was rushing. Her ears, which had risen above her head, had already sunk, but her gaze was still staring at me.

I tilted my head to see if I could hear it from this street, and then I tried to ignore it and brought out an explanation.

"As Cecily-sama knows, humans are nothing good except for their excellent acquisition ability. They are inferior to other races in terms of longevity, physical abilities, magic, and wisdom and dexterity. They are not even good at mana. Their lifespan is short. A race with no inherent merits. Can't you just get a feel for it?"

"I don't know?"

"It has the advantage of being able to learn quickly, but in the days when it started from zero at all? There would be nothing to learn or learn, so how do I survive until now?"

"Huh? Is that so?"

Cecily's eyes widen. She also seems to have listened to me and harbored her doubts.

In a previous life, there were only humans, so it was possible to compete with each other, but this world is different. Right now, there are a lot of races that are born with superior abilities to humans.

Can humans compete in such a situation? If a human were smart, he would have lived as a slave by hiding or bowing his head without competing.

But humans, either stupid or reckless, chose to compete with other races. Perhaps, in the eyes of a heterogeneous race, why would that bastard do that? I wouldn't have been bewildered. Even if you're like me right now, if a certain monkey competed with me, you would snort.

"Of course, it would not have been easy in the beginning. Because I didn't learn anything. However, humans did not give up and started to imitate the strengths of other races. From then on, 'knowledge' was accumulated but still lacking. In the end, imitation is just imitation. ."


Cecily nodded and agreed with me. In fact, humans have a population of over 1.5 billion, but among them, there are only a few who can fight against this race.

No matter how long and flying a human being, unless he is a genius of unearned money, his innate limitations are obvious. If an ordinary elf warrior was compared to a human, it was out of balance from having knight-level force.

"I think this is the reason why their breeding ability is superior to other races. In the early days, we had to compete with quantity rather than quality to survive, so we increased the number recklessly. Beasts have good physical abilities, but humans aren't that good, right?"

"Um… By the way, don't beasts have a good reproductive ability? During the racial war, beasts were slaughtered by humans, but wouldn't it have happened before?"

"At that time, human ability to learn is truly appreciated. Historically, elves were the first to establish 'civilization', but it was 'humans' who built civilization next. Based on the knowledge and abilities learned from the elves, civilizations were established, one after another. We gathered our scattered people and amassed our strength. The tribe that lives a tribal life and the tribe that created civilization and society. Isn't there already a difference?"

"That's right. Suin founded their own country only 300 years ago, didn't they?"

As mentioned before, Suin founded the nation only 300 years ago. It is said that during the Tribal War, many of his people were slaughtered by humans, and he felt a sense of crisis.

However, unlike human beings who were strong from the root, there was a sense of haste to set up, so I was still very anxious. Even within Suin, there are various ethnic groups, and a barbaric climate is maintained.

"Yeah. Anyway, in conclusion, humans are stupid to do nothing and just die. If they were smart from the beginning, they would have given up long ago?

"It's a paradox, isn't it rather stupid and you die quickly?"

"No. Again, stupid, reckless and stupid, I chose to compete even though I had little merit."

"Is it guts?"

Cecily got the point right. Although the explanation was lengthy, the biggest reason that humans have survived to this day and have been able to take the lead in the world is the 'gutness' that never gives up.

Humans are the race that made it possible by digging into what everyone thought was impossible, and the race that fought against the end of the war with the devil 3000 years ago, regardless of age or gender, is also human. If you don't know anything else, you can think of it as a kind of 'ability' to the extent of human ingenuity.

However, there is one more decisive reason why humans have been able to take the lead in the current world.

"It is true, but human beings have a much stronger cohesion than other races. Usually, they are busy fighting among themselves, but when a crisis comes, they unite and defeat it."

"Like a race war and a demon war?"

"That's it. The tenacity that never gives up and the cohesiveness that becomes one in a moment of crisis. These two characteristics are intertwined, and humans have taken the initiative."

The scariest thing here is that human potential is limitless. Humans are aware of their own shortcomings better than anyone, so they tend to constantly improve. I can assure you that this is because I have memories of my past life.

But that's not to say there aren't any concerns. I opened my mouth as I poked the food with a fork.

"Of course, that's not necessarily an advantage. It can be a horrific sin like the prisoner massacre. What's scarier is that such an incident will happen again someday in the future. I can be sure of this."

"Why do you think so?"

"Even if you don't go far, the demons were slaughtered thousands of years ago, right? Who do you think is the leader of the massacre?"

"… …"

Cecily's face hardened slightly at my question. Although she may be direct to her, there is no better example than this.

"Anyway, did you understand?"

"…Yes. Thanks. Humans are very complex beings. I need to study a little more."

"It's good to know about humans, but I don't want them to learn the bad things. As you can see from the demon massacre and the beast massacre, humans often commit worse things than demons."

"Thanks for the advice. Still, I'm glad that there are only good people around me."

Cecily said it was refreshing and smiled roundly. I smiled following her smile, then moved my gaze to Leona behind me.

She was staring at me, forgetting to eat. Looking at it, it was as if he had really heard everything I was saying.

"Where are you looking?"

"It's nothing. Have you finished your meal by the way?"

"No. I couldn't eat because I listened to your story. Is there any next class for Isaac?"

"I don't. How about Cecily's sister?"

"I have one math."

"Isn't math very difficult?"

"Not really? I thought it was easy?"

There was an incident that Cecily was not aware of, but the meal itself went smoothly. She and she had a good time chatting with Cecily in the dining room until class started. She sometimes joked around with her, but it wasn't a big deal because she had no one to look at.

However, Leona was a little concerned. Looking at her with her characteristic blunt eyes, I feel burdened with everything.

"It's already time. I'll get up first."


"Little child?"

"I'll eat some more before I go. Go first."

"Okay. See you next time~"

When the meal was over, Cecily smiled brightly and waved her hand. Her me and her also waved her hand and sent her off warmly.

So, when I left for Cecily, only me and Leona, who was sitting far away, were left in the restaurant where there had never been anyone.

"… …"

I stared intently at Leona, who was also staring intently at me.

I was thinking about what to do with this, but an interesting way came up and I took action. First, he placed his clenched fists on both temples, then opened his tightly clenched hands.

It is an expression of the ears that popped out above Leona's head.


The effect was awesome. As soon as I put it into action, Leona opened her eyes as wide as a candle and stiffened her body.


As a bonus, Leona's ears, which had become uncontrollable, came out. Since then, it seems that she is urgently trying to fix it, but she is meaningless because she has already been caught.


As I was grinning inside, Leona jumped up from her seat. I also tried to get up from my seat, wondering if she wanted to talk about it separately.



"You follow me for a second."

Until she came right in front of me in the blink of an eye and grabbed my collar and dragged me. She didn't even know it was at all.

I blinked my eyes without knowing the English language and cried out urgently to Leona, who grabbed her by the collar.

"Si, you need to organize the dishes…!"


"… …"

As soon as I responded, Leona barked wildly.