Chapter 33

You can laugh out loud to the point of having a discussion with a coupling. Perhaps some may find the topic of the logical confrontation that Jackson talked about strange, but by comparison, it goes like this.

Just as we interpret the relationship between the characters of a literary novel in the Korean language class, Zeno's biography has a similar format. Also, Zeno's biography is written in such a way that it catches the eye without twisting and explaining like other novels in the world, so the relationship between the characters is rather clear.

Right now, many people know what the relationship between the main character Zenon and the heroine Mary is, and the relationship between Jean and Lily. If you include Zeno's colleagues and assistants here, it's quite complicated.

"f**k. What?"

However, the words Jackson brought out were so outrageous that I, the original author, could not understand at all. I tend to refrain from swearing, even unconsciously, but the swearing comes out of my mouth spontaneously.

Jackson looked slightly surprised that he didn't know I was going to swear, but that was only for a moment. He stretched out his index finger as if to see this and drew out an explanation with his characteristic arrogant expression.

"You must have admired the swearing, too. In fact, no one expected Lily to go to Xenon. Everyone thought so, didn't they?"

"Well… I heard it and it seems to be true."

"Since their nature is different, there is nothing we can do about it."

When Jackson asked the crowd for opinions, it was generally agreed. Reading the atmosphere, he is waving his hand and running away from home, clearly in his eyes.

Did I get agitated, or is there a story that hasn't been brought up yet? However, considering that not one or two people agree, it is presumed to be the latter. Even if these people are stupid, they won't be able to easily convince them with just that.

I asked Jackson, barely calming my bubbling chest. I want to scream right now, but not now.

"…that's all? Just because Lily has a crush on Xenon?"

"Of course not. In the world in Zeno's biography, not the world we live in now, discrimination against demons still exists. Much less, Lily is a priest with a promising future in the Church of Light. This is enough, but the birth of Jin is more important to me. I think so."


As if rubbing cold water, the heat that was boiling inside cooled down rapidly.

Until recently, I was hearing some kind of bullshit, but after hearing the birth that Jackson 'referred', the story changed.

That's right, because Jin's birth was one of the most important rice cakes in the future development.

Jackson laughed as if he had read my expression and continued to explain in a triumphant voice.

"Yeah. It was mentioned so passingly that most people wouldn't have noticed it, but Sakran, the leader of the Demon Hunters, said this to Jin. 'It is extremely rare to find a demon with large horns and dark mana like you.' Also, Zeno's biography There is a characteristic that the blood of demons gradually fades as the generations go through the generations."

"… …"

"If you put all of this together, this is it. Jin is not born between demons and demons, but rather as demons born between real demons and humans. So, the devil's characteristics will inevitably stand out more strongly."


pair- pair- pair- pair-

I really admired and applauded. The beginning was strange, but the process all fits the story I wanted.

In fact, unlike other demons, Jin is a demon that is infinitely closer to the devil than to humans. Her mother was raped by the devil and had no choice but to give birth to her, and she was brought up with severe abuse from a young age.

Even the demon who raped Jin's mother is no ordinary demon. Among the seven deadly sins that will appear in the future, he is in charge of 'foodie' and possesses the ability to usurp other people's power accordingly.

That ability is passed on to his son, and in the future, Jin will use it to absorb the power of Diablo, the ultimate fake boss and archevil. Of course, after that, it was engulfed by power and tragically repelled by Xenon.

'I'm not that stupid though.'

His actions are rude and unlucky, but he doesn't seem like he's stupid. Rather, he is more of a lover who read Zeno's biography more than anyone else.

However, even if you are a lover, you are not cheap. In addition, Jackson currently has both luck and unhappiness. The luck is that I am the original author of Xenon's biography, and the unfortunate is that I am the original author of Xenon's biography.

In the meantime, Jackson had a proud expression on his face when I applauded and admired him. He was brimming with confidence to look up to himself.

"How about? If you have something to say, you better do it now."

"So, you mean that Jin's birth issue and Lily's position overlap, so it will never be connected?"

"Yeah. I heard…"

"But doesn't it make sense for Lily to turn her eyes away and go to Xenon just like that?"

I cut off Jackson's words to express my opinion. As if he didn't know that I was going to categorically deny it, Jackson's expression looked embarrassed.

Jackson's reasoning was really good, but unfortunately, I have to deny what I have to deny as an author. In fact, Jackson's explanation is so plausible that many may take it differently than I intended.

At the very least, I want to avoid as much as possible that the characters I create are evaluated in a strange way.

"…what doesn't make sense?"

When I rebutted, Jackson spoke in a low voice with displeasure. It seems that he is not in a good mood because the reasoning he had poured his passion into has been denied.

Of course, Jackson's reasoning is correct to some extent, so it's good to mention it.

"As you said, there is a questionable part about Jin's birth. Maybe it will become a big obstacle later. No, it will definitely become a stumbling block. ."

"… …"

"But doesn't Lily really know about it? If she's been with her since childhood, would she still be by her side even if she knew about it?"

There are many reasons why Jin and Lily's love line is painful, but one of them is that they are childhood friends. Jin was abused even by her mother as a demon, and she went through a lot of hardship just because she was her demon.

If he had grown up like this, he would have truly become a 'devil', but his life has changed completely since he accidentally met Lily. He often expresses that he has been saved.

Lily is also making love to Jin, who shows the end of her devotion, but she is not ready to approach them due to their respective positions and circumstances.

"And the kindness that Lily showed to Zenon was not of reason, but rather of human-to-human. In particular, Zenon had prevented Jin from turning into a demon several times. People know each other's feelings very well. There are quite a few descriptions of them smiling while looking at each other from time to time, or secretly holding hands."

" … …"

"Above all, Lily gave Jin a few flowers. Do you know what kind of flower it is?"

Jackson frowned as he listened to my question and seemed to ponder it. To tell you the answer in advance, the flower that Lily gave to Jin is a lily (Lily).

There are several flower languages of lilies, but the most representative of them is 'pure'. Lily, as her name suggests, she is revealing her love for Jin generously.

"…a white flower, a lily. And the flower language of a lily is unchanging love, that is, innocence."

After a while, the answer came. But the answer came not from Jackson, but from one person who was watching our situation closely.

At this, I turned my head to the person who got the answer. The person who answered was a young man with neatly tucked brown hair back, and it is presumed that he was not a student because he was tall and had a muscular physique exposed on the outside.

He also had sharp eyes and a chin as slim as a veil. Overall, it was a cool, cool-looking man style.

Anyway, I have to say something. I shifted my gaze from the brown-haired man back to Jackson. After hearing the flower language of the lily, Jackson kept his mouth shut as if he had nothing to say.

"Lily is emphasizing that she will not change her heart until she gives Jin a lily as a gift. Jin knows her heart, so she is dedicated to her more than anyone else. It's impossible for me. It's a story that completely goes against the probability and character of Lily. The name Lily in the first place proves that."

"… …"

"Nevertheless, my admiration was sincere. You said that Jin's birth was unusual because he caught the double lines that other people could easily skip. To be honest, I was a little surprised by that."


It was praised by others, but not for Jackson. I wondered if he had misunderstood him for a moment as Jackson clenched his lips and started blushing, but I soon figured out why.

The previous remark, 'That was a little surprising to me,' was from the original author's point of view, but Jackson does not know that I am the original author. So, the above statement can be taken as meaning that I am above myself.

But what do you do? Words that have already been spit out cannot be taken back.

In addition, when I recall that Jackson usually quarreled with me, I did not feel the need to correct it. He just tells him to go out on his own.

"So, you also think that Jin and Lily can't be connected?"

While Jackson's face was blushing, someone asked me a question. He was a brown-haired man who, a while ago, had come up with an answer about the language of the lily.

I spent a little time contemplating looking at him with a nice low-pitched voice and, unlike Jackson, who was very polite. As soon as he talks about the future development, he feels like a spoiler, so my conscience is pricked.

Moreover, in the worst case, you may be trampled on by this event as an excuse. Because I have a characteristic that I will never forget once I met. In such a case, it is the Hansako specification.

So, after thinking through my head, I opened my mouth with the nuance of my hypothesis.

"Well. Only the writer knows that, but I want to focus on the point that it can't be continued."


"Jin is a very dedicated knight to Lily. It means that if Lily is in danger, he is willing to give his life. In fact, such descriptions appear occasionally."

"Ah! Is that really? Jin's monologue that he would be willing to become a demon for Lily's sake."

This man knows that far. I flinched at the sight of the brown-haired man who answered with a bright expression.

It's cold and doesn't seem to express a single emotion, but looking at it now, it's kind of like… Seeing the twinkling eyes, I was overflowing with passion in certain areas.

"Uh… maybe that's part of it too? Anyway, Jin is ready to give his life for Lily, even if it means becoming a demon."

"I'm sorry… Is that really going to happen?"

"Only the writer will know that. Still, I wish the two of them would continue."

"When I get back to my dorm, I'll have to look for them one by one. I didn't know when I read it, but it's really amazing to hear it like this."

When I finished my words, the people watching started exchanging opinions with each other. I looked at Jackson as things seemed to have settled somewhat.

Jackson had a resentful look on his face when things didn't go the way he had hoped. Staring at me with scorching eyes feels a bit ugly.

'So, who would say such absurd things?'

Again, his only misfortune is that I am the original author of Zeno's biography. If it was someone other than me, it is highly likely that I would have been persuaded by his logic.

The certainty that Jin and Lily wouldn't be able to connect is good to see, but that Lily, who is a pure example, would go to Zenon couldn't be quiet.

I looked down at Jackson, who was trembling and couldn't even speak, then quietly opened my mouth.

"So, do you have more to say? I'm fine with anything."


The sound of biting teeth was clearly heard, and Jackson walked away as if he didn't want to run into me anymore. As Jackson walked away, no one looked at him.

Seeing that, I was also about to move slowly.

"Excuse me, gentleman with red hair? What's your name?"

It was thwarted by a cold-haired, brown-haired man calling me. I looked at him a little perplexed.

Then, a face filled with anticipation and interest caught my eye. When I saw that, I could intuit that I was involved in a troublesome thing.

"…My name is Isaac. Isaac Ducker Michel."

"Ducer… Michelle?"

"If it's Michelle, isn't it the Red Lion's Castle?"

"By the way, assistant Nicole is also Michelle."

Maybe it's because they're not students? As soon as they heard the last name of my father, who was famous for the red lion, everyone started talking.

Occasionally, Nicole's name was mentioned as well, but it seems to be famous among new students. Haha, it's that face and that skill, but it would be strange if it wasn't famous.

"Somehow… I was familiar with the red hair and golden eyes, but you are the son of the Red Lion. Nice to meet you.

"Nice to meet you, Edin-sama. By the way, may I ask why you called me?"

The brown-haired man, who introduced himself as Edin, answered my question as if nothing had happened.

"I want to talk about this with Isaac. As Jackson-nim said earlier, everyone here is passionate about Xenon's biography. I think it would be fun to hang out with Isaac because he seems similar."

"… …"

I'm not a fan, I'm the original author. I listened to Edin's suggestion and smiled vaguely.

Still, unlike Jackson, he wouldn't argue with me, and I had a few questions. It would be good if we could increase our network of people working together.

"Yes. That's right, well. Can I drink wine before that? I'm a little thirsty."

"Oh, yes. If it's wine, it's on the table over there."

I approached the table Edin pointed to. Then, as I approached the table, the waiter, who was waiting in advance, poured the wine myself, so I didn't have to choose my own.

The wine in the wine glass had a deep purple color, and when I smelled it, the sweet grape scent stimulated my sense of smell.

'Shall we take a bite?'

I don't think it would be bad to take a sip before going back. I drank the wine to a sipping level while watching the people around me.


There was no bitter taste at all, and there was a tangy sweetness in the mouth. It's perfect for my childish taste.

I returned to my seat, feeling satisfied with the taste of the wine. Seeing that the group did not disband even after Jackson left, it seemed that only fans of Xenon's life had gathered.

Among the stories that come out of the herd as proof of that, the placenta is the story of Zeno's life. There were so many different stories coming and going that I was embarrassed to hear them all.

"Ah. You're here. We were just talking about something interesting at the time."

"An interesting story?"

It seems that something happened while they went to pick up wine. As I questioned, Edin nodded his head and opened his mouth.

"Yes. Everyone was discussing the origins of Mary. As Isaac knows, Mary is a wizard, right? But magic is a very difficult ability for commoners to learn. So, most of them see the possibility that Mary is a nobleman, even more than a marquis. I'm leaving it."

"Hmm… yes? What do you think of Edin-sama?"

"I'm guessing that Mary might have something to do with the elves. Xenon's biography tends to describe her appearance consistently, but it is always mentioned that Mary has thick hair and her ears are covered. It would be easy to hide."

"… …"

"What do you think, Isaac-sama?"

what is this bastard How do you know all that?

I had no choice but to come up with a stupid answer to Edin's explanation, who seemed to have understood everything one by one.

"…I don't know that far, do I?"

When I said this in front of my dear readers, my conscience was pierced.