Chapter 35

The biography of Zeno, a book that had a huge impact on the world.

On the surface, it is the anecdote of an ordinary hero, but the story contained within is very profound. Depicting demons, who were usually treated as demons, as unfortunate beings, or exposing the names and cancers of nobles in fragments, etc.

So far, novels have only been books with twisted sentences and complicated words, but Xenon's biography takes the opposite route. The sentences and descriptions seem to be replayed in the mind, and the famous scenes and messages that leave a lasting impression.

Above all, it was fun. The biography of a commoner who led an ordinary life, who met 'Ki-yeon', developed his talents, and grew into a hero who saved the world. There are attractive female protagonists and supporting actors.

As such, the biography of Zeno has become a popular book to the extent that common people find it easy to read and enjoy. A book that can be enjoyed by all people of all ages and races.

And readers are most curious about the next priesthood in Zeno's biography.

Who is the author of Zeno's biography? Who could write a book like this?

Numerous critics have offered various opinions, but among them, the most reliable hypothesis is that it is an elderly sage. In particular, strength was focused on the hypothesis that he was an explorer who had traveled all over the world in the past and accumulated various experiences.

Teenagers who need to be looked after by their parents, and those in their 20s who have just entered society, are of course excluded from discussion. That's because there were so many scenes in Zeno's life that only he had to have a lot of experience to write.

At least unless you live in another world.

"…why are you asking that?"

Isaac, the red-haired man with his eyes half open, asked Cecily in a hoarse voice. His golden eyes, which were shining like amber, lost their light and became cloudy, and his blunt voice had no power.

His face was also red like hair, so anyone could tell he was drunk. It was very different from usual.


Cecily remembered the situation she was suspicious of, even though she thought it was cute. First of all, the calluses on the middle finger that Lina mentioned, that is, the pen hump.

Just as the palm of a knight who has been holding a sword for a long time is hard, the calluses embedded in his middle finger are a token that can only be possessed by holding the pen for a long time. It is a callus so severe that it has to last for at least a year, not just a month or two.

Of course, Isaac has a habit of taking notes on a regular basis, so calluses are enough to have. He also said that he likes to study, so it's worth skipping this far.

The second is the attitude of Isaac, who was usually bitter about Zeno's life. He obviously likes Zeno's biography like everyone else, but not to the extent that he's as enthusiastic as everyone else. I just read it as a hobby.

However, the story with Jackson, whom I had secretly heard before, and the attitude I had until now, was looking through the story of Zeno's life. It means that he is passionate enough to know almost all of the story, but Isaac was strangely indifferent.

Finally, last time, Isaac mentioned the identity of the demon tribe.

'It's similar to what Zenon said to Jinn. Is this really a coincidence?'

Another main character, Jinn, is concerned about the identity of the demon tribe as he sees Sakran making sacrifices, and there is a scene where Zeno alleviates the worries a little. Other races, including humans, might just be encouraging Zeno, but this is a context that cannot be easily passed on to Cecily.

Isaac defined demons as 'the most human beings who know better than anyone that they can't be human, but desperately desire to become human'. And here's what Zeno said to Jinn:

[don't worry. Contrary to what you fear, demons can die like humans even if they become demons. look at Sakran Even gods can't help it with their innate nature, but that's why demons are more human.]

Zeno's maxim has something in common with what Isaac did to her.

What if Isaac was really the author of Zeno's biography? Surprisingly, all of the above evidence fits. However, this alone is not conclusive evidence.

Above all, Isaac is now 17 years old, and in terms of human beings, he has just reached adulthood. Although knowledge may be plentiful, experience is never rich.

Isaac himself also revealed that so far, he has lived at home and seldom went out. Even more so, Zeno's biography is full of stories that can only be revealed by having a lot of experience or seeing the experience with your own eyes.

Because of this conclusive evidence, the proof that 'Isaac was the author of Zeno's biography' was not established. Cecily heard Isaac's question and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm just asking because I'm curious. Isaac likes to read and write something? I thought maybe you're writing a book too."

"…No. I didn't write that book…"


Cecily turned the wine glass round and round, watching the wine inside sway, and then turned her attention to Isaac.

Maybe it's because I'm drunk Normally, Isaac had all his thoughts on his face, but now it's hard to tell.

People tend to make mistakes when they are drunk, but Isaac is hiding it more tightly. So, I'm more suspicious. Doubts, once originally bloomed, do not bud and grow quickly.

'I'd like to use magic even if I feel like it… but that's never going to happen.'

The uses of magic are limitless. There is magic that can be used easily in daily life, and there is magic that manipulates the mind to vomit out one's true feelings.

Although it is a complex magic that a human could not even touch, he is a demon who is called a master of magic. With a little effort, you can use it well enough.

However, magic cannot be used except in certain areas in the Halo Academy, and there are many dangers and aftereffects in mental magic. It is impossible to delve into the mind of someone who seems to be confident and has a crush on him for nothing.

If it was someone I didn't know, my heart would have been inclined towards that, but it's Isaac. Small children are special to her, so it is right to treat her with respect.

'There are a lot of humans. After all, there must be cases where they overlap by chance.'

Even if I say that I am very considerate and thoughtful for my age, I am 17 years old anyway. In addition, the number of humans is overwhelmingly large compared to other races, so there is no need to pinpoint Isaac.

'Still, you need to keep your doubts.'

The probability that Isaac is a writer is remarkably low, but if it is related, it rises slightly. It took a moment for Cecily to ponder who was around him, but to check Isaac's condition.

Isaac was on the verge of going unconscious, and it seems like he would collapse and fall asleep. He seemed to have to sit in a chair or take action.

"Isaac. Are you okay?"


"It doesn't look good at all. Let's sit over there and rest."

Cecily pointed to a chair placed in the corner of the auditorium. There's also a wall, so it's the perfect place to lean back and relax.

Isaac shifted his gaze in the direction she was pointing, and then quickly moved forward. With a wine glass in her hand, it looked a bit funny, but she was more concerned than that.

We are walking together in case we fall, but we are still very anxious. Newborn penguins seemed to toddle with their parents.

"Liquor… a little… it's delicious… Hehe."

Now he's even laughing out loud. Cecily looked at Isaac's smile and put on a new look on his face.

Isaac is usually blunt and sometimes has to play pranks to change his expression, but he rarely smiles at all. He was only giggling when he smiled, but he wasn't laughing as stupid as he is now.

'It's cuter because you smile.'

The more you look at it, the more it resembles a baby penguin. Although his body is not that small, he felt small, and his distinctive appearance only made him feel cute. Maybe it's because I'm a lot younger than you.

However, it seemed that excessive drinking should be banned in the future. Rumors of drinking too much at a gathering like this made a joke aren't good for Isaac either. It is questionable whether he will care, who is indifferent to the people around him, but he was not comfortable with himself.

"I'm resting here until I'm drunk, okay?"


"By the way, Isaac. Writing is really not a hobby, is it?"

Cecily asked a question, secretly changing the word to a hobby. As Isaac, who was drunk and whose accident did not work normally, he intended to make him vomit out as much evidence as possible.

When Isaac heard the question, he looked at Cecily, then smiled mischievously. And she answered brightly.

"I don't know about that…"

"… …"

Cecily smiled faintly as she looked at Isaac, who responded brightly like a child.

I used to have a strong adult side, but now I feel like a child. It is said that a person's true nature is revealed when he is drunk. Is this the nature of Isaac? It is indeed a desirable nature.

At this, Cecily placed her hand on Isaac's head and said softly. It was the moment when her unique playfulness was activated.

"Yes. My sister is going, so stay calm here. You are a good child, so will you listen to me?"


"Yes. Yes. Isaac is also a good kid."

He gently stroked his hand on top of his head. Even if she had taken care of it separately, she felt a soft touch.

In the meantime, when Isaac patted Cecily, he smirked as he did before. She had a strong feeling of being in a good mood.

"Then I'll go now. Just like my sister said, you must stay here. Okay?"


Cecily left behind Isaac's powerful reply and moved on. As he moved, he didn't forget to check Isaac just in case.

Isaac is moving left and right like an Ottogi doll with his back straight. Seeing that, Cecily was a little nervous, but she said it would be okay, and moved on.

After that, it was less than three minutes before Cecily started talking to the others.


Isaac's eyes slowly closed, and eventually he fell.