Chapter 41

No matter how angry you are, there are things you should never touch. One of them is the family.

Most people in the family get angry when they touch their family, but are they still patient? That person isn't a big guy, he's just a hogu.

In addition, I am a person with strong trauma to my family. This is because my parents died in an accident in my previous life and I was left alone in an instant. Without siblings, the link between the family was completely cut off.

Of course, Aira won't let anyone know that I'm a reincarnation, but so what? If you have a minimal concept, you shouldn't say that. A person who is also the daughter of a military family.

"…what, what? What are you saying now…"

Aira stuttered at the cool swear word that came out of my mouth. It seems that she was shocked to see her eyes wide open and her mouth wide open.

So what do you mean? I looked at Aira with cold eyes as she backed away. As everyone knows, I'm not good at cursing.

But Ira made thick swear words out of my mouth. At the time of the meeting, Jackson was absurd and came out with an absurd mind, but now he is angry and comes out of his mouth.

I was so shocked that I looked straight at Aira, who was unable to speak, and said what I wanted to say.

"Why? Didn't you hear it? Would you say it again as a twin?"

"You, you…! How dare you…! Do you look happy because I take good care of you?!"

Aira even pointed at me and became furious. Seeing her face turning red in real time, she seems really angry too.

However, it is me who should be more angry than her. Ira touched something she should never have touched.

I opened my mouth, barely quelling the rage that was boiling like an active volcano. He tried to keep his composure as much as possible, but his voice could not be stopped as low as he could.

"You said you were treated well? You have to stop talking about bullshit. It's bullshit. What you're saying is just bullshit. Forcibly dragging people you don't like, and blaming your family because that's not even possible? That's a soldier working at the border who might die anytime. ?"

"Hey, it's a bigger mistake to swear like that! And the knights and soldiers who aren't commanders are just watchdogs! Don't you understand this any more?"

"Wow… Really…"

f**k. I'm just admiring What I heard in Korea, even after reincarnation, I hear it.

I don't know how she received her home schooling, but if such words came out of the mouth of a daughter of a military family, it must have been serious. Or maybe the house is fine, but his personality is so bad that he accepts it strangely.

I took a deep breath and exhaled a long breath as I looked at Ira's spirited spirit. It felt like I ate a sweet potato.

"Are you the real Marquis Marquis Youngae? Daughter of the border guard in charge of the border?"

"Why would I lie? Don't you know that impersonating a noble is a crime? Being stupid is…"

"The stupid thing is you're talking about insulting a soldier, and it would be interesting to hear that the daughter of a military family insulted a soldier. Isn't it?"

In her previous life, the daughter of a four-star general sacked and insulted Hwihwa soldiers. Of course, if that story reaches the soldiers' ears, there is a high probability that trust will be shaken and destroyed.

"What about that? They're all under me anyway?"

"Didn't your parents or siblings tell you to cherish your subordinates?"

"I was only taught that to be a good leader, you have to lead the people below well? Is there any problem?"


That's why I'm losing awareness. I heard what she said and realized that there was no answer from her, and shook her head. Aira's current mindset was very serious.

Born into a family of marquis, the natural idea of ​​the chosen people and, as she said, how to become a good leader. These two created a really beautiful synergy.

Plus, up to the age of 17. The reason why he took on the role of captain himself seemed to be that he believed strongly that he would be in control.

"…I'll give you a piece of advice. You keep doing it and one day you'll get worse."

"Trust me like that? What do you say?"

Even if I gave her sincere advice, Ira looked distrustful. However, 'death of superiors' is a historical fact that does not change regardless of age or age.

Moreover, in dangerous places such as front lines and borders, the killing of superiors occurs frequently. In most cases, a commander has his subordinates tormented in order to save his life, and conversely, his subordinates cut their throats.

Does Ira really know this? I've never been to a place where lives come and go, so I guess I can say something like that.

I thought about how I could truly educate that immature kid, but I gave up talking. No matter what I say, Ira will never listen.

"If you don't want to believe it, you don't have to believe it. I'm asking out of boredom, but you don't want to become a military commander in the future, do you?"

"Isn't it obvious? I am the daughter of Marquis Mathius. After completing all military studies at the Academy, I will be commissioned as a commander."

"Yeah, congratulations. That's going to be several times worse than I'm swearing at you now."

In my heart, I want to be sarcastic about getting worse than that. But it was an act that crossed the line, so I persevered.

Even though she touched her family, she might give her some kind words and then do something else. Above all, she wanted to get out of this situation as quickly as possible.

"You really…! I don't know what you believe in, but you're done. I'm going to get to my dad right now! Got it?!"

Ira exclaimed loudly as if she was offended by my straightforward words. To him, I replied as if it was no big deal.

"Say it or not. Anyway, do you have any plans to participate in the assignment?"

"Who's with you?! Do you think you're good because you're interested in professors?"

"Isn't that what you're talking about? What are you talking about with us? And the marquis' daughter? There are people around me who are much taller than you."

He didn't mention who it was. Even if I was friendly with those people, I didn't want to use them.


Aira clenched her teeth and trembled when I pushed her back with the facts. His face was noticeably red from the heat.

Then she screamed as if there was nothing more to say. She didn't pose any threat at all.

"Okay! I can do well on my own, so I don't need it all! How difficult is it to predict the development of Xenon's biography…!"

"Are you the leader? You're not trying to lead by yourself, are you?"

"Whatever you do, two commoners do it for you! I'm so annoyed I'm dying!"

Aira was acting on her own, then she turned her back and walked in stride. Seeing her clenched in her small fists, she seems to be very angry.

As I was sighing in a complicated way, wondering if the situation was over like this, Aira stood in place and looked back at me. And she cried out again in her evil voice.

"You know what's really wrong?! Do you know what kind of person my father is?!

"I don't know, so I'll just go ahead. I'm going to die of noise."

"Cee…! Bad guy…!"

As I waved my hand as if annoyed, Aira disappeared as if running away. I rubbed the back of my neck as if a storm had passed by.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting it to touch my family, but it was somewhat foreseen. She just rushed.

'What should I explain to the professor…'

I can only hope that Professor Beerus is flexible. I don't know if it's just a simple feud, but this happened because Aira crossed the line.

'Doesn't other nobles really think like Aira?'

The military is a profession that should never be underestimated. They are heroes who are willing to give up their freedom for the sake of the freedom of the country.

Even in the Republic of Korea in her previous life, even though her status as a soldier may be low, if she insults them openly like Aira, they will be severely criticized in society. In the United States, where soldiers are treated like heroes, they are even buried.

In addition, the Minerva Empire has a very large territory, so the ratio of soldiers to warriors is higher than that of other countries. So, I know that the status of the soldier is also high, but I couldn't understand why he was talking like that.

'Is it easy to see war?'

They may be doing this because they do not know what kind of situation soldiers on the front line face. I've never experienced it myself, so I'm just saying.

In fact, this is a phenomenon that often occurs. During World War I, young men who enlisted in the military with a dream of 'romantic' experienced a living hell called trench warfare. I don't need to explain what the Middle Ages would have been like in the 1900's.

Above all, even my father, who had a high reputation as a 'red lion', could not sleep if he did not drink alcohol at one time. This is the story Nicole told me last time.

'It's war…'

There is also a war part in Zeno's biography. Originally, it was supposed to be a scene showing Zeno's heroic performance, but after seeing Aira, I was a little worried.

Wouldn't people take war lightly because of my description? I had this vague thought.

In addition, in Zeno's biography, the main enemy is the devil, not the person. I do not know the war with the devil, but there will be no war between the same people.

'…this must be portrayed in the next work.'

Although the plan went awry as Xenon's biography was an unintentional hit, he originally planned the next work separately.

If you write fantasy in a fantasy world, it's an ordinary novel, but wouldn't it be fantasy if you write modern stuff? It is a work that came out of the idea.

Right before the end of Xenon's biography, I plan to write it slowly. I'll probably use it in about a year or so.

"So what are we going to do now? Do we do it together?"

While I was in my thoughts for a moment, Leona spoke in a blunt tone. He came to his senses and looked at Leona.

She had her arms crossed and she had a look of a frown on her face, but I answered with a pat on the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"I can't help it. Honestly, aren't you good too?"

"It's good, but it's hard to get good grades. Are you confident that you have to make a good presentation somehow to cover that up?"

Leona's question mixed with concern, I smiled and said confidently.


I'm a writer, but I'm afraid I can't do that either.

Leona made an expression of surprise at my cool answer, then shrugged her shoulders.

She seems to know that no matter how long she pondered, she couldn't come up with an answer.

"Are you confident? I'll take a look somewhere."

"Are you going to pick it up too?"

"I don't sell my conscience like that bastard. Oh, by the way…"

She didn't speak fluently and looked at me. As she tilted her head as if observing, Leona's heavily closed mouth opened.

"…Did you say your last name was Ducker Michel?"


"Is your father's nickname 'Red Lion'?"

It seems that my father is quite famous. As long as Leona the beast knows.

I nodded my head in response to her question. Then, Leona's expression turned a little strange, and she muttered in an audible volume.

"It's a penguin that came from under a lion… He said he's a good-looking dog, so even if you know the world, you don't know."


"It's nothing. By the way, when is this guy Benjamin coming?"

"I'm here!"

Even a tiger would come when I said it, and as soon as Leona mentioned it, Benjamin returned. His arms were waving and he was jumping like a dog.

Next, Benjamin confirmed that we were the only ones after going to the bathroom, and said with an anxious expression.

"Oh, Aira-sama hasn't come yet?"

"I've been here, but I'm back. You won't be with us in the future."

"What?! What does that mean? What happened?"

"Because there was. But don't worry. I'll take care of it."

After that, the grouping task proceeded smoothly.

"…so only three of us were able to attend the discussion. Even so, I can't stand it because it touches the soldiers and even the brothers who work at the border."

"Um… I see. In the original case, everyone would have to deduct points for equality, but this case is a special case, so I will only deduct points for Aira student."

"Thank you professor."

Next Monday, I went to Professor Berus and fed Aira a very big piece of shit.