Chapter 51

"Heh heh heh heh heh"

The white-haired beautiful girl, Marie, was walking down the street humming happily. She was a dignified gait far removed from the figure of a nobleman who always had to protect her dignity.

Also, she was holding a book in her arms, which was the newly published Nine Xenon Biography.

'I was really lucky.'

Xenon's biography boasts phenomenal popularity as a new book is sold out in less than an hour. As a rumor floating around every now and then, when a publishing house spreads the news that Zeno's biography is coming out, it's a war from then on.

Hiring people to wait in front of bookstores all day, as well as hoarding and fraud. A number of difficult situations emerged one after another.

Fortunately, as each country recognized the seriousness of the situation and imposed severe punishment, the incident disappeared, but the people waiting in front of the bookstore remained the same. It was impossible to prevent this part because it was not illegal.

Of course, it was also strictly prohibited for one person to purchase more than one book. To prevent that one, even a magic technique for background check was invented. It would be ridiculous if Isaac heard this, but now he doesn't even care.

Nevertheless, Xenon's biography was often sold out one after another. Even Marie, the daughter of the Rechilis family, was almost impossible to directly purchase Zenon's biography unless they had someone, or a family member ask her to do it.

'I'm not going to ask my father anything this time.'

But this time it was different. This is because the publisher decided that Xenon's biography boasted a huge sales volume beyond imagination.

Originally, all the printing houses were replaced, and the Xenon biography was printed like a factory, but even that has limitations. So, a new large printing house was established, and new technology was introduced.

Thanks to this, even commoners could easily obtain the biography of Xenon, which was difficult for even aristocrats to purchase.

'To buy the only one left. You won't have this kind of luck.'

Marie hugged Xenon's biography in her arms and smiled happily. On the first day of release, I made a mistake and could not purchase it, but three days later, when I visited the bookstore, there was only one book.

At that time, I was so nervous that I almost lost it to someone else, but I barely managed to play it and bought it. The competitor looked angry, but Marie didn't care.

Since then, I have now been on my way home with a light footstep. Although the piles of assignments and tests are important, I plan to read Xenon's biography first to cool my head.

'Do you want to buy a child?'

As Marie was walking down the street with a happy heart, she suddenly remembered Isaac. These days, Isaac's face often comes to mind.

In addition, when we were in class together, the number of people staring at his side increased more and more. If Isaac notices the gaze and turns his head, avoiding the gaze is common.

At first, I thought it was just a good feeling, but as time passed, it became clearer what this feeling meant. Marie hugged the Xenon biography in her arms more strongly and smiled warmly.

As I mentioned at the last meeting, Isaac is honest in his dealings with others even though he hides his secrets. That alone was enough to win Marie's liking, and he fell in love with it more and more.

At first, they were just friends, but things changed from the moment I realized that talking to Isaac was the most comfortable thing to do.

When I talk to Isaac after being stressed for some reason, it melts like snow, and before that, Isaac catches his expression and asks what's going on.

'But these days, Lina's behavior was unusual…'

However, such happy thoughts did not last long. Because she's been acting out of the ordinary for Lina's recent show to her Isaac.

Isaac was nothing more than an interesting subject for Lina. So, she's rarely been pranky or friendly with her Isaac like herself or Cecily.

However, in the last month or so, the frequency of approaching Isaac has increased. As Marie, I can't help but use it if I don't care.

The biggest problem here was Lina's attitude, and she often treats people with a 'mask'. Although she can't help it because of her position as a princess, she had an attitude that was very unpleasant for Marie, who had been severely burned once.

'…that mask is disappearing more and more.'

But the big problem is that he took off the mask and started to treat Isaac. She originally took Lina off her mask only when talking to Cecily, but she recently took it off more often when she's talking to Isaac.

I have no idea why she's been wearing a mask since she was a child and suddenly acting like that, but it's not something that Marie likes at all. Fortunately, Isaac is still reluctant to Lina, but no one knows about people.

'I can't understand why he's suddenly acting like that. Does he know something I don't know?'

Marie was on her way to the dormitory feeling unfamiliar. Suddenly, a very familiar color of hair caught her vision.

There were a lot of people coming and going because it was the time when all classes were finished, but it was bright red, so it stood out. As soon as Marie saw the color, she blinked her eyes a couple of times and then smiled.

At the moment, there is only one person in Halo Academy who has red hair.


As she was about to call her name, she realized that there was another person next to the red-haired student and quickly shut her mouth.

Black hair is not uncommon in this world, but dark colors like jet black are rare. Also, black hair wasn't the only feature.

As if proving that he was a demon, the horns towering on both sides of his head.

The woman next to Isaac was the princess of Hellium, Cecily.

"… …"

Marie wriggled under her eyes as she watched Isaac and Cecily walk side by side. She felt the last time she was at the meeting, but she's nobody else and she sees Isaac hanging out with Cecily, and she becomes acutely uncomfortable.

Most of all, Cecily could not give Isaac a kind gaze because he often jokes around with Isaac.

'Where are you both going?'

Marie felt the discomfort rising in her chest for a moment, then quickly figured out where they were headed. In my mind, I wanted to intervene suddenly, but I plan to follow in the footsteps.

Like Isaac's crimson hair, his white hair was quite conspicuous, so he had no choice but to follow it carefully.

It feels like I'm being followed, but in reality, it is. Marie paid close attention to everything she did, lest she would be caught by them.

Eventually, the place they entered was none other than…


It was a cafe. It is also a cafe suitable for secret conversation.

Marie stared blankly at the cafe where Isaac and Cecily had entered. She doesn't even visit her brother to share her family's situation with her, and she never sets foot in this cafe other than that.

Although it is a bit expensive, each room is soundproofed, and it is a cafe famous for 'lovers' usually visit.

'…isn't it?'

Marie's blue eyes began to tremble wildly with anxiety.


Upon entering the cafe, Cecily and I were given a room first. After the cafe employee saw Cecily, there was a slightly startled incident, but it passed smoothly.

After a while, we were assigned a soundproof room and entered. It is neither cramped nor spacious, so it is perfect for secret conversations.

"I heard that this cafe is usually a place for lovers."

Cecily, with her ass on the other side, spoke to me in a soft voice. I put on an expression that I heard her for the first time.

"Really? It's the first I've heard of it."

I really didn't know. The reason I know this cafe is simply that Nicole brought it once.

Cecily looked at my expression and then smiled softly and then smiled softly.

"You didn't know? Well, you must have come here because you didn't know. But you don't have to worry because there won't be any strange rumors. It's a place lover often visit, but it's not really like that."

"What kind of place is that?"

"Um… there's something like that. Little kids don't have to know."

At my question, Cecily smiled amusedly and then flicked her index finger. Thanks to this, I kept my mouth shut because I thought I knew roughly what lovers were doing when they came to this cafe.

No matter how secretive it may be to have a conversation, I feel like I'm here for nothing. I patted the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"…or would you like to change seats?"

"No. It's okay. Isaac's not doing anything strange to me. It's just a secret talk, right?"

"You think my sister, not me, will do strange things to me?"

"It's a joke too."

Cecily waved her hand and trembled softly. I said it as a joke, so I tried to laugh it off.

"Did you hear it?"


Until she mumbled in a small whisper-like voice. It was hard to tell if she was serious or joking, as she was audible.

Cecily shook her head from side to side with a characteristic mischievous smile when I asked her with a look of great bewilderment.

"Pretend you didn't hear me. I can't do anything weird to you, can I?"

"Uh… yes, yes… I guess."

For some reason, I felt anxious, but dismissed it as an illusion. It's true that Cecily is powerlessly stronger than me, but because of her personality, she wouldn't do that.

For a moment, the situation almost seemed strange, but fortunately, it was resolved when the staff requested an order. Cecily ordered an Americano, and I ordered a cappuccino.

After that, the staff resigned and the situation returned, leaving only the two of us. As soon as the clerk left, Cecily put his hands on his chin and began to stare at me.

I did not back down from that gaze. I came here to reveal my secret anyway, so I had nothing to kneel on.


"Yes. Sister."

"Does little boy like to write?"

Instead of asking directly, Cecily asks indirectly. I listened to her question and nodded her head without hesitation.

"Yes, I like it."

"Yeah. That's right…"

Cecily heard my answer and lowered her gaze slightly. He seems to be trying to clear his mind for a moment.

I wasn't nervous because I was going to tell you all the secrets anyway.



"Do you remember the story you told me two months ago? You taught me what demons are like."

Every time i remember After that, I have a clear memory of making hasty revisions to the manuscript.

As I nodded in affirmation, Cecily smiled softly. And he brought out every single thing that happened at that time.

"At that time, you expressed our demons like this. You know that you can't be human, but you desperately want to become a human more than anyone else, more human than anyone else."

"… …"

"I'll never forget that story for the rest of my life. But there's a similar story in Zeno's biography. It's what Zenon told me while Sakran died, and Jin was thinking about it. Do you know?"

I nodded again. Originally, I was going to write down what he had said to Cecily in Zeno's biography, but I edited it right away.

But I had to convey a meaning somehow, so something similar was inevitable. Maybe Cecily saw that part and noticed it.

"As soon as I saw that part, I immediately remembered what you said to me. It could really be a coincidence, but there are many suspicious circumstances in many ways."

"For example?"

"First of all, a pen hump on my middle finger."

Cecily pointed her finger at my pen hump.

"You said that you have to hold the pen for a long time to fly? But this alone is not proof. Because Isaac has a habit of taking notes in his notebook."

"… …"

"Secondly, your attitude towards Zeno's biography. I overheard the conversation you had with Jackson at the last meeting. He said he knew almost all of the story for his pitiful attitude. Normally, you have to be passionate about it, but when the story of Zeno's biography comes out, I was strangely indifferent every time."

Did you hear the conversation I had with Jackson at the meeting? Then she knew that Cecily had been away from her, but she could not understand what she had heard.

Maybe it's because he has grown his hearing with magic. Magic is prohibited in the Academy, but there was no problem with developing the senses.

As I was thinking about it, Cecily presented the final piece of evidence.

"Lastly, the identity of the demon you told me about. How many people in the world think of us, who were treated as demons, like that? Even though there are many people in this world, it will be extremely rare. It's almost impossible to have one. Especially considering the discrimination our demons have suffered in the past."

"… …"

"The three above alone are enough to make you suspicious. Besides, did you just say that you like to write? Putting all these clues together, we have one conclusion."

Cecily, who spoke a variety of words without a break, looked straight into my eyes. I also faced her with her calm expression without avoiding her gaze.

It seemed like it would be better for me to open my mouth first here. After exhaling a long nose, I leaned my upper body slightly forward and spoke in a quiet voice.

"Sister. There is one thing I want to ask you, but may I ask?"

"it's okay."

"If you could find the author of Zeno's biography, what would you do?"

Here is the fork in the road. If Cecily responds frankly, I'll be happy to reveal it, otherwise I'll put it off until later.

Of course, delaying it won't hide the secret, but you should check what you need to check. Even if you don't go far, Lina's example is there.

Cecily listened to my question and smiled deeply, then lowered her chin on her chin and held them together. Also, perhaps because of shame, there was a blush on both cheeks.

As I felt it was unusual to see the reaction, Cecily answered in a voice like a young lady.

"As you know, Zeno's biography is the benefactor who made our demons' dreams come true. It is thanks to him that I am able to enjoy a happy life here."

"… …"

"If I could find him… I would gladly give my all. It doesn't matter whether he is a man or a woman, handsome or ugly, old or young. Compared to the grace I received from him, this Not even enough."

It's not lacking at all. When I heard Cecily's answer, I couldn't help but be greatly perplexed.

I thought it would be nothing more than inviting or protecting the helium, but to give everything is a return that is far beyond my expectations, even if it is unexpected.

who is cecily Isn't she the princess of Hellium, and she is destined to be the next demon king? If she said that such a person would give her all, her ripple effect would be beyond imagination.


It was a time when my mind was so jumbled up that I couldn't even think of anything. Cecily smiled at my reaction, then grabbed my hand and slowly led me somewhere.

And where she led…


It was the chest side that boasted an overwhelming presence, that is, the chest. I feel like my mind is suddenly awakened by the soft feel of my hand.

For a moment, I was confused as to why she was acting like this, even though she hadn't told me the secret yet, and Cecily spoke to me in a voice full of color.


"… …"

"Want to touch more?"

Thump- Thump- Thump-

The sound of Cecily's heart pounding through my chest and my heart pounding at the same time. I stared at Cecily for a while, forgetting what to say.

Her face was red as if she was about to explode, perhaps because she was ashamed to do something like this. But compared to me, it would be a medicinal fruit. Because I thought I was going to faint right away.

Meanwhile, Cecily leaned forward and came closer to my face. She then opened her mouth with a voice that gently tickled her ear.

"If you reveal the secret yourself and show the evidence, I can do more here. I'm always ready."


"Isn't our little boy and eunuch?"

can it be My alter ego is gradually charging up power with the voice that stimulates the instincts of men.

I'm holding it tight because I feel like a catastrophe is going to happen if I give even a little bit of strength, but I don't even know what I'm going to do when the ties of reason break even a little bit.

This was the moment I was trying to retrieve my hand, barely holding on to my mind. Cecily gave his strength to the reporter as I grabbed his arm and pulled it towards his face.



I bit my middle finger into my mouth. After that, I put the knuckle where my pen hump was located in my mouth. It is truly a daring act.


If you didn't know until this point, I could vividly feel the touch of Cecily's tongue gently touching my pen hump. The sensation of her soft tongue passed through her hands, making her brain tingle.

As a result, any remaining reason was completely cut off. I took a deep breath.

'Eh. f**k you.'

If you step back from here, you can't be called a man. I think I should sleep with a secret and stick to my instincts now.

It was the moment he closed his eyes tightly and was about to get up from his seat.

Knock- Knock- Knock-

A sudden knock on the wall dispersed the tense atmosphere. I did not get up from my seat, but stared at the door with a slumped posture.

It was the same with Cecily. As soon as she heard her knock, she looked at her door with her dazed eyes and frowned.

"At least…!"

Cecily mumbles as if chewing. Thanks to that, the lost reason was restored and he hurriedly pulled out his arm. Cecily gave me a look of regret when I pulled my arm out.

'I don't know if I should say I'm happy or not…'

In an atmosphere of embarrassment, I glanced at Cecily once and walked towards the door. It was supposed to be an employee who brought coffee.

If it had proceeded as it was, there would have been an accident. Instinct is shouting that it is unfortunate, but reason is relieved because it is fortunate.

It was after opening the door to welcome the employee who brought coffee.


Not an employee, but a very familiar face caught my eye. Blue eyes with snow-white hair. And to the beautiful beauty.

"…number of animals?"

Marie stood in front of me with a mixture of anxiety and anger.