Chapter 57

"Because I just like you."

As Marie said those words, she slowly pushed her upper body back and sat quietly in her seat. After that, she smiled as if nothing had happened to her. Her smile is so pretty that the word "beautiful" is not enough.

In the meantime, I couldn't understand the situation, so I blinked for about 5 seconds and then fumbled my lips without realizing it. If Marie's courageous action earlier was my mistake, it means that all the sensations on my lips now are false.

But this feeling is by no means an illusion. The soft texture I felt in my mouth for a brief moment lingered in my mind clearly.

'So… Marie just…'

did you kiss me Not a deep kiss, but a kiss commonly called a bird kiss?

He couldn't even say anything about the unbelievable reality. Then, Marie looked at my face and opened her mouth with the nuance of embarrassment.


"… …"

"Whatever you say, this is my answer."

Ah, seeing that, you are not mistaken.

It's true that I kissed you lightly.

Marie really likes me.

…Oh my God.


After three rational judgments, a silent clamor erupted. At the same time, my face started burning in less than a second.

I lowered my head, thinking that I might not be able to make eye contact with Marie. It's getting better thanks to you… What's wrong, the accident didn't work properly, and my head was tangled up in a jumble.

'Really? Is it true?'

Only the above thoughts were floating around. That was the only thing that came to mind.

No matter how much I remember it, it is undeniable that Marie kissed me by Bird. Kissing is more than just a friend of the opposite s*x, it's an act that can be done between lovers.

We haven't officially started dating yet but coming out like that was so embarrassing that I couldn't handle it. I've had a girlfriend in my past life, but I've always been the lead, and I've never been on the female side.

'It's getting dizzy…'

Is it because of the heat all the way to the top of the head? She didn't even drink, but her head was a little dizzy.

Occasionally, I've seen people complaining of dizziness due to high blood pressure, and this seems to be the case. The difference is that they are chronic, and I am temporary.

"Whew. Whoo. Whoo."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the burning heat somehow. Every time you exhale, it feels like the heat in your face escapes.

For some reason, it was much worse than when he touched Cecily's chest. Maybe it's because I also have a rational affinity for Marie? What's more, the emotion I'm feeling right now was closer to a pure 'heart' rather than a gloomy 'desire'.


Finally, with a long exhalation, he was able to quell his aimlessly beating heart. Of course, that didn't completely subdue the fever, but it was enough to get the accident circuit back on track.

Then, he slowly raises his head and looks at Marie, who is sitting opposite him. She was busy fussing whether she knew what she had done.

"…number of animals."


When I called her name, she spoke in a voice full of aegyo. She looked straight at me in a pose often referred to as a 'callyx'.

At the end of the day, my heart was about to be strained again, but I managed to stop it. I took a deep breath and asked her in her slightly trembling voice.

"Now do you know what your actions mean…?"

"You did it because you knew?"

"… …"

"Would you like one more time?"

After saying that, Marie slowly moved to get up from her seat. It looks like they want to do it one more time.

At that action, I reached out and hurriedly stopped her. It's shameful to be ashamed, but I have a strong feeling that it won't end 'lightly' if I do it one more time.

It's not that they don't trust Marie, it's that they completely don't trust me.

He could have endured the part where he touched Cecily's chest before, but his quick fingers made his instincts jump out.

To emphasize, I am by no means and eunuch, and I am just an ordinary man who likes beautiful women like Marie.



Marie, who ruffled her hair with one hand as if I was in trouble, was busy fussing. In my mind, I wanted to grab that ugly ball and keep it longer.

The 'confession' I was going to make today was by no means a confession in this sense. Just letting Marie know that I'm the author of Zeno's biography, and her relationship with her was her knack for slow thinking.

But now the order has been completely reversed. Snowball, the message I handed to Marie at the entrance of the restaurant came back as a huge snowball.

Are you in a bad mood though? Absolutely not.

Rather, thanks to Marie's courageous act, all hesitation disappeared.

If I really want to be by Marie's side, I want to become a man who suits her.

And I can be that man. No, I was already qualified long ago.

"…number of animals."


Marie answered with a voice full of charm while maintaining the calyx.

I stared blankly at her spreading the happiness virus everywhere, then bowed my head.


Could it be that she has been infected with the happy virus that she exudes? She laughed out of nowhere.

It was no ordinary laugh. It is a smile full of happiness and sincerity.

If I had to pick one enemy that I was comfortable laughing at after reincarnation, it was when I was with my family, but now I can laugh like that. That's why my mood is flying like crazy right now.

"It's going to be crazy. Puhuh…"

"Why are you going crazy?"

"Don't ask. Khyuk…"

it's a big deal I have to say it, but just looking at Marie's face automatically reflexes a stupid smile.

Even when I met my first girlfriend in my previous life, this wasn't the case. I don't even know why the hell I'm doing this.


Fortunately, the laughter stopped shortly after. At the same time, the heart that was beating aimlessly and the face that had burned like fire had mostly subsided.

Then I raised my head and faced Marie head-on. Marie is staring at me without a single change in her flirtatious expression.

Now I really have to say it. However, it is surprising that the tension is much less than before.

"Marie. Did I tell you something before?"


"Before I say that… Can you take a look at this first?"

I handed the envelope containing the first edition to Marie. As if she had already guessed, as she said herself, smiling, she took her envelope and pulled out the contents inside her.

Seeing that, I couldn't help but be a little nervous. No matter how relaxed you are, there is nothing more tense than revealing a secret with your own mouth. Even the secrets I reveal will have a huge impact on Marie.

"… …"

The more I read the manuscript, the more Marie's raised corners of her lips went down. At the same time, squinting at me is a reaction I expected myself to not believe easily.

I licked my lips as Marie skimmed through the first edition. It was the first time that 1 minute and 1 second felt so long like now.


how much time has passed Marie, who was quickly scanning the first edition, swung her manuscript down and sighed.

It was a strange sigh, which seemed to have been somewhat refreshed.

After that, she fixed her gaze on the first edition for a while, then raised her head to face me. There was some doubt in her blue eyes.

"Somehow, Cecily was very interested in you… Was it this?"

"…Cecile's sister?"

"Yeah. Last time you told me after you left. You and I share a secret. Since then, I've been skeptical…"

Blurred, she looked at the manuscript once more and spoke with a hint of disbelief.

"…I didn't know it was real."

"…do you really believe it?"

"Honestly, it's hard to believe. As you know, people are speculating that the author of Zeno's biography is a wise man. Not someone under 20 like you.

As Marie said. At the time Leorth also had people track it down, he had predicted my father to be the author, not me.

But Marie is really convinced that I am the author of Zeno's biography. I had some doubts about him.

Why did she make me the author of Zeno's biography?

"Do you really believe that I am a writer?"

"It would have been hard to believe if I hadn't shown this. It's exactly the same as your cursive, and the paper is on the verge of discoloration, so you can tell it was written a long time ago."

"Don't you think I copied it on a discolored manuscript?"

"If it's impersonating, it might be, but look at the ink here. It's about to change color like paper. If the ink and paper are both dirty, you don't know, if the ink is clean, a person with good eyes will quickly notice that it's an impersonation."


That might be it. I was amazed by the fact that even I didn't know.

Marie blushed slightly, embarrassed by my admiration, and then coughed. She and she glanced at the manuscript, then urged her in a shrill voice.

"By the way, do you take good care of it? Do you know how valuable this is?"

"Um… I don't know."

"Yeah. I don't know, so they're just managing it like this. Just one alone is enough to be designated as a national treasure rather than a masterpiece.

"Is that enough?"

At most, I thought the rich people with rotting money would do money for money, but it's hard to imagine for me to transform into a country. My ransom was high, because I didn't know the value of the first edition.

In response to my reaction, Marie said, 'What should I do with this guy?' made that face. It seems to be unusual.

After that, she took another deep breath and opened her mouth in a slightly subdued voice.

"…Did I tell you today? The author of Zeno's biography, so you're a giant enough to be respected by the country. No. You can think of it as a culture that walks beyond the giants. The original culture is a unique characteristic of that country, but you It becomes the characteristic itself. We can tell the world that we are a country with an author of Xenon's biography!"

"…Isn't that dangerous?"

"It can be dangerous depending on what you do."

Marie gave advice with a serious face. I couldn't help but smile bitterly.



"You may have heard my answer earlier, but I don't care if you reveal your secret. But this is a different matter. I'm worried that you're writing with impure intentions. Changing the perception of demons is an achievement that no one else has achieved… You know the story from the beginning of Xenon's biography, volume 8? A scene where the name and cancer of aristocrats are revealed."

A somewhat controversial scene was mentioned from Marie's mouth. She is a nobility, and she is also a member of her duke family, so it is a matter of concern.

I realized what she was trying to say and leaned my upper body forward. Marie's worries can be said emphatically that it is useless.

"…number of animals."

"Yeah, tell me."

"I never intend to write with that intention. I just want my readers to enjoy reading my writing."

This is the reason why I have avoided the situation so far. As I always said, I was just an ordinary web novel writer in my previous life.

It's a job far from politics, and I just wrote because people enjoyed it. And I plan to keep writing because people enjoy it.

As Marie said, I never intend to write with a specific intention. It was unexpected for even me to change the perception of the demons, and as my popularity increased day by day, a feeling of pressure weighed on my shoulders.

I just want to write. I just like the reaction that people read and enjoy my writing.

"If my writing is causing harm to the world, I will never write. If someone forces me to do it with malice, I will cut off my hand."

"… …"

"I don't know if you'll believe this. But know that it's sincere. I just want people to enjoy reading my articles."

I feel relieved when I let out all the troubles in my heart. I said it to my family, but I was able to say it because it was my family, and it was the first time I told anyone else.

Although I didn't realize it, it also means that I believe in Marie. Maybe that kiss a while ago was a catalyst and turned into trust.

"…I see."

Marie listened to me and nodded her head slowly. She then asked me with a curious expression on her face.

"I see you say that to me, so do you believe me?"


"Probably, what is perhaps? If it's just right, you're right. You're not being honest about this."


I smiled in embarrassment as Marie grumbled. Marie, who was looking at me with pointed eyes, smiled as if my smile had relieved her mood.

"It feels good though. It's because I'm the person you trust next to your family. Anyone else know about this?

"No. Lina is thinking of my father as a writer, not me. Leort-sama is the same."

"What? What do you mean? Why do you both know and not Lina?"

"That's it…"

I explained everything that happened to Marie. Even though Marie had a bad feeling for Lina, she was a little worried that it might get worse.

And as I continued to explain because of that concern, Marie's expression became more and more serious. When I see it, I feel like I'm scared.

"That b*tch is really… to someone who stands still…"

"Still, things have worked out, so don't be too harsh. As you said, they won't even touch me."

"Probably so. But we need to be careful, okay?"


"Ah, and I have a favor to ask you…"



When I was puzzled by the word, please, Marie began to hesitate. As if he was embarrassed to say it himself, he twisted her white hair that had a blue light on it and looked at me.

Seeing that his face was also slightly red, he seemed embarrassed to take it out of his mouth. Then the more I did it, the more my doubts grew.

Unlike other people, Marie won't ask for strange requests, so it's normal. Why would she do that? About the time she heard the thought, she opened her mouth quietly as Marie coughed.

"Hmm… that… autograph…"


"Is it possible to get an autograph? First of all, since you're the author of Xenon's biography… I thought one autograph would be okay…"

"… …"

I blinked without saying anything, and Marie laughed like a fool.

