Chapter 62

As soon as all the lectures were over, I put everything else aside and went back to my dorm. I hadn't even made an appointment with Marie today, so I was able to go straight to the dorm.

After a while, after returning to the dormitory, I lay down on the bed and took out the envelope that was tightly hidden between the notebooks. As everyone knows, this is the letter Cecily delivered to me during class today.

Cecily whispered in my ear, saying that she has sincerity with her towards the benefactor. As I said back, it is actually a letter to me.

'Is it like a pen letter? Or what?'

I looked closely at the envelope.

From the outside, it looked just like an ordinary envelope. However, the contents were quite thick. It is certain that there must be at least three letters.

She said that she contained her sincerity towards the benefactor, so it can be said that it is close to a fan letter. So far, I have never received a fan letter directly because I hid my identity. This made her feel even worse.

What did Cecily really write in this letter? I flipped through the envelope and jumped up.

It is desirable to sit at a desk and read slowly rather than lying in bed. I'm sure Cecily wrote it with all her heart, so shouldn't I also read it with her sincerity and sincerity?

And when I finish reading it, I plan to write a reply right away. After all, after all 10 manuscripts have been written, my free time has greatly increased.


I sat down at my desk, prepared everything, and carefully ripped the top of the envelope. When I looked inside, as I expected, a neatly folded letter was asleep.

With half anticipation and half worry, I took out the contents and opened it slowly. There were a total of 3 sheets of paper, and as soon as I opened the page, the elegant font stood out.

[hello. Dear Sir Isaac. As you may already know, my name is Cecily Drat Eisilia Bean, Princess of Hellium. I am very moved to have the honor of being able to deliver my heart to the benefactor of the Asmodian tribe.]

From the first line, I felt an unusual energy. The title of the writer was witty, and the word 'Kyungmo' was very troubling.

'Kyungmo' is a word that is not often used in previous lives or in this world, but I know what it means because I have read a lot of books.

– Deeply respect and long for, or longing for with all your heart.

So, it means that Cecily has a reasonable affinity for me, that is, she has a heart. It feels a little out of place, so I can't help but be embarrassed.

Cecily was friendly and even joked around from the moment she stopped talking, but that was close to what she was doing to her close sister. It was understandable that I was well received and that Cecily's troubles were partially resolved.

I read the first sentence carefully once or twice to make sure that the words I knew were really correct. Although common languages ​​are used in this world, there are several words with different meanings for each race.

But when I tried to focus on the first sentence, nothing came out. I think it would be better to put your questions aside and read the following content slowly.

[First of all, before I express my feelings, I want to apologize for the disrespect I did a few days ago. I was so excited about meeting the benefactor I had always admired and made a mistake. No matter what feelings the benefactor had at that time, it doesn't change that I was rude. I will once again offer an apology.]

As I read, I realized one thing. As you can see from the letter, Cecily is coming out with a fairly low profile.

who she is Isn't she the princess of Hellium and a demon who is scheduled to be the next demon king?

My influence on the world is strong, but Cecily doesn't need to come out with her head bowed. Helium has diplomatic relations with other countries, so her position is boundless.

You're treating me like a benefactor, isn't it? you might ask But I am too uncomfortable for that.

Because the Cecily I know was a person who had a lot of playfulness and had a lot of pain inside. Like Marie, I can't help but want to play pranks or chat as usual.

'By the way…'

What on earth is this gloomy feeling that creeps up in your chest? I felt the same way the last time Cecily spoke to me with respect.

It's close to bliss, but it feels like it's never meant to be eaten. I usually didn't know it, but once I taste it, it's a dark feeling that I can't get out of.

I shook my head vigorously to shake off all the emotions. Even though her Cecily appears as an author, it was not in line with my personality to treat her rudely.

Above all, Marie will be most disappointed. Other than that, I never want to see her disappointed.


I sighed, cleared my mind, and looked at the letter. In addition to the elegant handwriting, Cecily's beautiful style was pleasing to the eye.

[As the benefactor knows, we demons were treated as demons until the Xenon biography came out. We were forcibly cut off from the outside world, and we had no choice but to unite our demons. Some courageous demons came out and pleaded that we were not demons, but they were all in vain. There were even demons who could not overcome the criticism and took their own lives or became demons through tragedy. And…]

[Thank you so much for making the dream of my people come true, even as a princess, I couldn't achieve it. It doesn't matter if it's not intentional. It is true that he gave a ray of light to the demons who had nothing but darkness. That light was the best hope for our demons, and he showed us the way forward. The sun began to shine on the helium sky, which had always been covered with clouds. The smiles spread across the faces of the people of Hellium, and a new feeling of 'pride' was realized. I can assure you that this single ray of light that illuminates the darkness will illuminate the future of our demons.]

In the contents of the letter, it was written in detail how the demons were treated, and how it changed after Zeno's biography was published.

As I read the contents of the letter, the more I read, the warmer my heart felt.

When I put my mouth to my ear and said that I had 'sincere', I was a little nervous, but now all those feelings have disappeared. Cecily wrote the letter with sincerity in the truest sense.

And that sincerity is being conveyed to me unfiltered. Even if it was unintentional, if the result was positive, anyone would be proud.

'It's a huge difference from what I saw in the newspaper.'

Cecily, a demon who is no other person, expresses it like this, and it touches me even more deeply.

When I heard the newspapers or rumors, I thought it was so and moved on. Even talking directly to Cecily didn't feel like this.

Because Cecily focused on the part where I was the author of Zeno's biography, she never really spoke out. As such, he seldom spoke sincere words.

But now, reading this letter, I realized how hard her life was and how much she felt grateful to me.

What I did without my knowledge could be hope for someone else. It is an emotion that I have never felt in my previous life.

'It must have been very difficult.'

100 years is unreasonably long for other races. Cecily had been working countless times to fulfill the wishes of her people for the past 100 years.

Of course, I wasn't aware of this at all. She had a glimmer of guesswork from her conversations with her, but compared to the contents of her letter, it wasn't even the level of blood in her new feet.

That wish was fulfilled not by her hand, but by my hand, but the joy is indescribable. If you think about it in your past life, it must have been that black people who had suffered terrible discrimination because of their dark skin were liberated.

I turned to the next page, vividly feeling the warmth of my heart. It's a whopping three pages, so I expected it to take a long time to read all of it.

[However, the wounds suffered by our demons are unfathomable, and not all of the discriminatory views have been resolved. Even at the time the benefactor is reading this letter, someone will be discriminating against the demons, and the wounded demons will be corrupted into demons and causing damage. Unfortunately, even if the view towards demons has changed thanks to Xenon's biography, it does not mean that the world has completely changed.]

[It doesn't matter though. As the princess of Hellium, I will represent all demons and let the world know. We demons can live a normal life just like other races, and are never demons. That way, the benefactor will not be disappointed either. We will work hard so that our demons can find a brighter light through the grace given by the benefactor.]

The second page talks about what Cecily's aspirations are. Thanks to this, her speech at the time of her entrance ceremony came to mind naturally.

How many people can confidently state their aspirations in front of so many people? It would never be possible for me.

Cecily's courageous actions are enough to set a model for not only the demons but also many others. This is the part I usually forgot to play pranks on me.

'Isn't that what you mean when you say it's extraordinary?'

I turned the page and started reading the last chapter. It's the last page, so it's only about 2/3 full.

[The grace that the benefactor has bestowed on me is so much that I cannot even dare to put it in my mouth. Again, the benefactor fulfilled the wishes of the demons that had not been fulfilled for hundreds of years. I want to give my body and heart to repay the favor, but if the benefactor does not want it, I will not do it. It will be even more difficult because there are people who are currently by the benefactor's side.]

[However, I wanted to express my sincerity, even slightly in this way. If you only know that the content of this letter is my sincerity, I will be more than happy and happy.]

[I don't know how to deliver the last greeting… I hope Eun-in is healthy and full of happiness. Because the happiness of the benefactor is my happiness.]

[Then I'll leave it alone. Not from Helium's princess, but from a demon who loved Zeno's life.]

On the last page, Cecily's heart towards me was written intact.

I am willing to give my body and mind if I want. But now I have Marie by my side, so I won't do it if I don't want to.

Instead of getting confused by the message that I would give my all as a single woman, I became confused. She thought the last time she said that just to seduce me.

However, the letter was filled with sincerity. It seems that Cecily is willing to sacrifice herself without hesitation if I really want to.


Will Marie go mad when she sees this? The fact that Cecily sent her fan letter (?) seems to be completely hidden.

Of course, I don't know if I can hide it because I can't make my acting dirty. I think it would be beneficial to live with the mindset that one day you will be caught.

Anyway, since Cecily wrote the letter with sincerity, it must be polite for me to reply as well. I opened the desk drawer after reading the fan letter once again that made me smile just by looking at it.

Until now, I had thought that there would be no one to send a letter to except for my parents, but as of today, that has changed.

'First, the greeting… Yes. I wish I could write this down.'

Unlike before, I began to slowly write down the reply I would send to Cecily with joy.

'By the way, it's a fan letter…'

Didn't other people write fan letters like Cecily? As I was writing the letter, a thought suddenly occurred to me.

Even though Xenon's biography was a worldwide hit, it seemed a little strange that he didn't have a single fan letter. Most likely, his father blocked him thoroughly so as not to shed any clues.

Then it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask the yard like this. I plan to ask for a fan letter after confirming that there is a fan letter.

It doesn't matter if my father finds it difficult because of the chase. I had someone else to ask for besides my father.

'It's a little reluctant, but the result will be certain. I hope I will not make a demanding request with this.'

After reading the fan letter, I realized it belatedly. It's very similar to the feeling of reading comments in a previous life. I can assure you that there is nothing that makes a writer feel happy and sad as much as a comment.

I moved the magic pen smoothly while wishing for a fan letter.

'Is there anything Marie wrote?'

I'm kind of looking forward to it.


Meanwhile, at the same time, a dormitory for female students.

"Phuet Chuk! Eh…"

Marie, who was leisurely eating bread on the bed, was embarrassed by the wit that came out without warning. Thanks to this, the bed was dirty with crumbs.

"Seeing… Why are you sneezing all of a sudden? Annoying."

It is a bonus that the characteristic sharp nib is activated while grumbling.