Chapter 65

[Xenon's biography, Volume 10. One more day until release.]

News appeared in the newspaper that the publishing house had set a release date for Xenon's biography. Other than that, there was no news.

It seems that the publisher intends to inform the news that I will be taking a break on the day Xenon's biography is released. It's a matter that doesn't matter to me.

People tend to feel more relaxed when they finish everything. The exam is over. Day after day, I listened to lectures with joy, and after that, I enjoyed a friendly date with Marie.

Well, it's not like I'm playing around. There is about a month left before the vacation, and the final exam remains in that time.

Fortunately, there aren't many group assignments, and it's not that important. I have no intention of getting a scholarship, as long as I get paid.

Above all, Halo Academy can be said to start from the third year. Even if you barely fill the score, you can go up if you get favored by a specific professor.

"You come to me as soon as the first year is over. I'll write a letter of recommendation."

Like Professor Elena, who likes me, for example.

As usual, I was teaching Cindy how to write in the lab, and during a break Elena spoke.

So I sip the tea that Cindy had brewed for me, and blinked my eyes to express my doubts.

"A letter of recommendation?"

"Yes. Letter of recommendation."

In Halo Academy, the value of a letter of recommendation written by a professor himself is very strong.

With a little exaggeration, you can go on to the 3rd year even if you take your grades up to the 2nd grade.

However, there is one condition. The professor who wrote the recommendation must be in charge of the major, and the grades must be good for one major.

However, the recommendation letter cannot be abused because the professor is directly responsible for it. Literally, the professor has to choose among the talented people to judge.

There is a high possibility that Professor Elena also said that to me for the above reasons. It's a bit disconcerting to me.

"I'm a freshman who hasn't even been on vacation yet, am I in a rush?"

"It must be so to others. But recently, there have been few students as passionate about history as you. By the way, my standards are not human standards."

When Professor Elena, an elf who was no other person, spoke like that, the sense of weight changed drastically. How the hell are there so few people interested in history?

Anyway, it is true that Professor Elena is very interested in me. As a person who likes history, this is a good thing.

I was about to die trying to study another major in a situation where I had already secured a firm path, but I was able to lighten the burden a little.

"It's good for me. It's history, not another major."

"I'm glad I did. By the way, the letter of recommendation I wrote will be quite different. I can take you to Albenheim with me."

"Is it Alvenheim?"

I widened my eyes at the story that Professor Elena had brought up.

Albenheim, as I said before, is the country of the elves, and the place where the first civilization was established.

The world tree, the holy land, exists in the capital, Yggdrasil, and a living history is breathing as much as the first civilization was established.

"Yeah. You're right about Albenheim. If you want, you can visit during vacation."

"Isn't the immigration process very difficult in Albenheim?"

Although Albenheim opened diplomatic relations after the tribal war, it still boasts a strict entry and exit procedure.

To the extent that the general public needs to personally certify at the national level in order to visit it once.

From an elf's point of view, it's a natural position to see humans who try to imitate people from one to ten because they lack civilization. Even more so since we fought a blood battle with humans in the tribal war.

Professor Elena nodded at my question and opened her mouth, taking a sip of Cindy's brew, just like me.

"That's right. As you said, it takes cumbersome procedures for humans to enter Alvenheim. But if you accompany me, it's a different story. Our elves are merciful only to those they admit. It means that the other person is noble enough to admit it. It qualifies you as a

"It's kinda…"

"Yeah. It's really an elf-like mind. I've been through a lot in the tribal war, but it's still the same."

Even though she is an elf, she is Professor Elena who stings elves. She didn't have much to say, so she replaced her answer with her bitter smile.

"Anyway, just know that if you get my letter of recommendation, you can visit Albenheim. I'll take you later."

"I'm not that great of a student, but…"

"Yeah. You may not be as great a student as I thought you were. But your love for history is sincere?

Professor Elena took out the answer sheet I wrote down in the history exam. I met the bright green eyes shining through the glasses.

My conscience was pricked because I copied a saying that was widely spread in my previous life. In this case, silence is the only answer.

Professor Elena let out a subtle laugh as if she had taken my silence in a different way.

"After seeing that, I thought about it quite a bit. In fact, as in the answer you wrote, there are countless times where history has been repeated. Then why does history repeat itself? Why do you think that way?"

"Well. To be honest, I don't know. History always shows similar patterns. For example, if you look at how wars started, they are surprisingly similar. It's bound to happen."

In fact, if you look at wars between countries historically, the reasons are often similar. If we go into detail, there are many things, but as a result, war is an extension of politics.

Because of someone's greed, a nonsensical cause can be attached to it, and a war can break out by causing a major event that will anger the entire nation.

A war like this is not easily decided, but ironically it is the simplest way to solve a complex problem. Even in past lives, where social civilization developed, wars often broke out in the past.

"And war is not just the use of force. The cultural battle that broke out between the Minerva Empire and the Kingdom of Teiros can also be seen as a kind of war. If it intensifies, it turns into force."

"Hmm. It certainly makes sense. The tribal war was also a war that was caused by cultural differences between races."

Professor Elena nodded as if she understood my explanation. In fact, the cause of the tribal war was a number of major events, but it was fundamentally caused by cultural differences.

Elves did not like humans who had no power but were greedy, and humans hated the appearance of elves who pretended to be noble on the outside but looked down on them.

This ideological difference gradually inflated the size of the racial war broke out. After that, the war ended with numerous casualties on each side, but the aftereffects still remain.

"Then what do you think are the most likely wars at the moment?"


I looked up at Professor Elena's question and pondered it. Currently, there are various countries in this world, each with its own culture and characteristics.

Because of this, there are conflicts in many ways, but it is quite peaceful. There are no problems like this, and there are no parts to catch the gnarly.

If there was, it would be the Minerva Empire and the Teiros Kingdom, these two countries. The two argued with each other over culture until recently.

Of course, this will not cause a war. If we were to invade the culture in earnest in the first place, we would create a very absurd cause.

"I don't know. What do you think, Professor Elena?"

"I have one. I don't know if I should call this a war, but at the center of it is the life of Zenon."


Why is Xenon's biography mentioned out of the blue when talking about war?

Professor Elena, who was not even bewildered inside me, took a sip of tea. Seeing her serious expression, she seemed sincere.

"As you may know, Xenon's biography is running high all over the world, not only for humans, but for all races. The problem here is whether it's popular in a specific country or not, and the biggest problem is that it doesn't matter."

"Wars start because of just one book?"

I know how great my worth is. People around me told me that, but it's weird if you don't know.

However, I think the war was a little harsh.

"I'm not talking about a book, it's the person who wrote the book, that is, the author. The publisher who signed a copyright contract with Zenon's biography is in the Minerva Empire, but it's not completely subordinated. No. You know what I mean?"

"Aha. If a writer is subordinated to a certain country, does that mean that in some cases, that country can drop tariff bombs on Xenon's life?"

A trade war is one that does not only use force during war, but can inflict severe economic damage.

It may seem a bit ridiculous to impose a tariff on books, etc., but it will be a different story if the state steps forward.

Imposing tariffs on certain goods may prevent distribution at all in some cases. If that happens, what the outcome will be is obvious.

"Yes. The moment the tariffs are imposed, the country will develop greatly economically. Not to mention the diplomatic advantages."


"Think of imposing tariffs on items that cost less than 3 silver each. Tariffs are a bit complicated."

To be honest, it doesn't come easily.

I heard from Marie, but my values ​​are so terrifying that even the Empire cannot easily touch them. In fact, I heard that the Minerva Empire and the Kingdom of Teiros were engaged in an under-water struggle.

"It's my opinion, so there's no need to take it too seriously. It's true that Xenon's biography makes huge commercial profits, but it's only a fraction of the exports. Moreover, if the artist hides his identity like now, nothing will happen. there."

"… …"

"As you know, wars happen for odd reasons. It'll only get worse if you're equal in strength."

In my past life, there were times when a war broke out because of one soccer, and conversely, there were times when the war stopped because of one soccer.

When Ct d'Ivoire was confirmed to qualify for the World Cup, Drogba knelt in front of the camera and appealed to stop the war.

As a result, surprisingly, the civil war that had plagued the country was stopped. Even soccer players have that kind of influence, but there is nothing that I can't say.

If war really broke out, I would say that I am too anxious to write. Of course, if it's a trade war, we'll just keep an eye on it and appeal to it only in case of a direct armed conflict.

Or maybe we could publish a war-related novel and tell us about the horrors of war. As long as my awareness is on a global level, I will be able to resolve minor disputes between countries.

'I'm going to take a break though.'

I need some rest too. I'm wandering all over the place.

The day had passed so comfortably.

[Zenon biography volume 10 finally appeared. By the way…]

[Shock! Xenon's biography on hiatus for at least a year and a half! Fans who can't help but be astonished.]

[Currently, the crowd has begun to gather in front of the publishing house… Urgently urging for clarification.]

[Significant words written in the words of the author. What happened to the writer 'Xenon'? Could it be the work of a nobleman?]

Within two days, a bitter storm came upon the world.


This was a bit unexpected.