Chapter 69

Power is a very simple yet complex intangible power and is inseparable from 'people'.

Power is essentially a 'power', so it is natural. Historically, the one with power has always had the stronger power, and the one with less power tends to bow or look for opportunities.

So, how do you get power? A very simple way is to be stronger than your opponent.

If the power is strong, no matter how much you attack from the other side, it is meaningless, and on the contrary, it is likely to be reversed. That is why people who are strong will bow their heads and follow them voluntarily or unwillingly.

The first princess of the Minerva Empire, Lina, is such a case. She didn't get it herself, but she belonged to the powerful side by nature.

Who dares have the guts to touch the most powerful princess? He can assert that none of them will be anyone else who wants to commit suicide.

"… …"

After everything was finished, Lina returned to her dorm and lay blankly on her bed. Even though it was a dark bedroom with no light on, her golden hair took the place of light.

Normally, I would study or read a book, but today I had a lot to think about. Lina looked up at the ceiling, and she recalled the events of the last three days.

After the announcement of the hiatus from Zeno's biography volume 10, Minerva's empire fell into great chaos. Demonstrations demanding clarification poured in from all over the country, and people from above moved quickly to settle the matter.

In fact, the protest itself appeared not only in the Minerva Empire, but in all countries, but the Minerva Empire was worse.

Other countries blamed the Empire for the sole reason that the publisher was in the Minerva Empire, and the criticism was stronger because it was an empire that was notorious for invading culture.

Lina came out to calm it down somehow. If the reason Isaac really took a break was because of himself and Leort, he would have to apologize to make the situation go away.

In the process, he was determined to accept whatever offer Isaac had to offer. Even when the imperial princess bowed her head down to the point where she bent all her pride, she tried to accept all the strange proposals.

But Isaac made an offer that Lina would not understand, just to let go. If it was a suggestion to bow down at the very least, I can understand.

'I don't understand.'

Lina was born with the power and authority worthy of a princess. She said she was in her early teens and she entered politics at an early age and she knows politics better than anyone her age.

Here's one thing I noticed.

There are people who do not know the taste of power, but no one has tasted it only once. In addition, those who have tasted power are eager to have more power.

Even when I was living in the Imperial Palace, I saw such a person countless times. He was flooded with people farting all the way to get the Congolese that somehow fell on him, slyly attempting to undermine his power.

Those people were handled by Lina herself. Her education, which she had received from her mother from her old days, paid off, and with her unique observation skills, Lina, she was able to foresee it in advance.

Due to this growing environment, he had no choice but to wear a 'mask', which led to a major conflict with Marie.

At that time, Marie mistakenly thought that he was approaching him to lust for power like everyone else, but Marie came to be friends with a pure heart. But she didn't know it either, and she betrayed her expectations.

'Isaac, that kid… is amazing.'

Lina thought of Isaac, a boy with red hair. A boy with very unique characteristics, the son of Hawk, who was famous as the Red Lion, and the writer of Xenon's biography.

At first glance, the expression of a blunt or reticent expression is impressive, but that is not necessarily the case. Observant Lina knows that he can make a variety of expressions.

And Isaac is strangely averse to power. He could have solidified his position if he was by his side at the last meeting, but he didn't.

Rather, he firmly expressed his wish, saying that he wanted to enjoy the meeting normally, and that he did not want to get entangled with that part (politics). He really wanted to enjoy the meeting in a normal way rather than being a burden.

'Do you really hate power?'

The reason I called Isaac and Nicole separately last time was for symbiosis or cooperation. It was wrong to press him while accusing him of tax evasion, but with that as an excuse, Isaac also had a weapon.

Even though he did not reveal his identity, Isaac had an authority that could not be reached in the cultural world, and he had overwhelming authority in terms of his identity. When these two are in harmony, you can do just about anything.

But Isaac didn't. Even though he had authority, he did not want to exercise as much power as he had planned. Thanks to this, Lina was able to realize it too late.

Ah. Isaac is not a person who can do anything. If he jumped on him for nothing, he'd be in trouble for himself.

The author's words only announced the notice of the closure, but the world went crazy. Lina was the first to be puzzled by a major incident that she could not do even with authority rather than power, and then she was puzzled a second time by Isaac's true intentions.

'Writing with a pure heart without a purpose…'

Isaac himself said that he was writing Xenon's biography just as a hobby. It was clearly not a lie, it was the truth.

So I couldn't understand any more. A person with enough power and authority tells the story of Xenon as a hobby without a purpose…

'…no. So he must have had that kind of authority.'

Lina grinned. It's hard to understand Isaac at this point.

Even Marie, who was far from a sense of authority in the first place, couldn't understand it. Is there any difference with Isaac? There was a reason they both liked each other and died.

But that's why I wanted to understand more. Why is Isaac reluctant to power? And did he make a proposal to leave the horse with him?

A person who controls the world even though he doesn't brag about himself. Lina began to wonder more and more about the person Isaac was.

At first, I approached it out of simple curiosity, but today I was able to make a decision. Let's learn about the person himself, not about Isaac's abilities and background.

'It's my first time seeing people and approaching them… is it possible?'

So far, when Lina approaches someone, it is to see the person's ability or potential. It is for this reason that I stood up after Isaac's announcement at the time of the first lecture .

However, he had never approached by looking at the person himself. Can you really do it well?

'you can do it.'

Although Marie is holding on to her side, she must have the courage to approach this question in order to solve it.

Maybe he and Marie will get close and be forgiven for that. When Lina recalled the mistakes she had made in her past, her melancholy expression briefly appeared on her face, but she immediately made up her mind.

'Let's lay down the power as much as we approach Isaac.'

He hates power, so he might have to let go of himself. How much more so, since we put it all together, we will be able to break down each other's walls.


The protests that are currently taking place all over the world must end. there's nothing you can do right now

Isaac said that he would send a letter to the publisher himself, as there would be many problems if a spokesman was appointed at the Imperial Palace. He was an Isaac who wanted neutrality, so it would take some time, but it was a surefire way.

'Will it end well?'

Lina slowly closed her eyes, hoping that Isaac would solve it.

I don't know for some reason, but the image of Isaac flashed in my mind.

'…I'm sorry, so I'll give you a present later.'


It's been a while since the 10th volume of Xenon's biography was released.

The protests that have taken place around the world show no sign of diminishing, but rather have become more radical as the days go by.

Not only did the crowds in front of the publishing house increase, but also the daily aristocrats who came to us begged for what to do.

It's not just publishers who do this. Whether it's a large city square, or a street that people often pass by, etc.

In any place where protests can be held, they are holding signs and urging for clarification. Leaders have struggled with how to deal with the protesters, but they are not standing up for fear that something like the Zeroth Revolution will happen again.

They say they have power, but the moment they use it recklessly, it can be completely destroyed. This forced him to act cautiously.

"… …"

The publisher's president was leaning on a chair and staring blankly at the ceiling. His eyes were out of focus, and his expression as if his soul had been drained is superb.

The cheeks, which had been chubby after suffering so much, were also in a state of exhaustion.

[Let's see how long we can hold out! Say it quickly!]

[Can't you send me a letter too?! You guys are hiding the author! Huh?! Say!!]

The sound of harsh protests crept into the boss's ears. These are the voices of protesters who are protesting while encamped in front of the entrance to the publishing house.

Protesters have been yelling at whales for a full month as if they are not tired. As a president, he would go crazy and jump, but now he didn't even have the energy to do so.

Not until recently, I had to deal with the more arrogant nobles, not the protesters. Fortunately, they also have to work, so they left right now, but they will have to deal with it again tomorrow.

When he thought of that, the boss trembled as if he was fed up, and then sighed. Then he glanced at the newspaper lying on the desk.

[People's voices. Will it really reach the author?]

[Publishers and leaders remain silent. Silence is not the only way.]

[I was really worried that something might be wrong with Xenon… I went out to meet him in person, but I got bullied…]

[I beg for something like the Zeroth Revolution to be prevented… I beg the Minerva Empire as it is something that I do not know.]

It is difficult for individuals to fight against power, but if they unite and unite as one, no matter how much an empire it is, it has no choice but to raise its hands and two feet. The president could deeply feel how Zeno's biography changed the world.

Fortunately, there was no such thing as a zero-loss revolution, but it will be soon. Because of this, I heard that there are many cases where the military is stationed in various places.

And if there really is a revolution… the publishing house is doomed. Protesters outside right now will be rushing in, so it doesn't make sense to say that they hire mercenaries.

"Ugh… Really…"

The boss shook his head in agony. It's been several days since he sent the letter, but there was no reply.

I was really afraid that the author of Zeno's biography would disappear like this. I wanted to pack up and run away at night, but it's difficult because the company I've built up so far is a waste.

'Let's be patient. If you wait a little bit, you will be blessed.'

The president prayed earnestly to Luminous. Please, I hope this situation ends soon. Only then could he live on his own.

And did that earnest prayer really reach Luminus?


"Boss! I got a letter from the writer!"

"What, what?!"

Matthew, a secretary and trusted employee, hurriedly opened the door without knocking and delivered the good news.

Normally, I would have scolded him out loud, but the circumstances and the news he delivered were like rain showers in the dry sky.

The president jumped up from his seat and called out to Matthew.

"I, really? Are you really Xenon?"

"Yes! The messenger delivered it, so it must be true!"

"Hurry up and give it to me!"

When the boss reached out and urged him, Matthew delivered it to him without delay. After that, the president roughly checked the envelope and hurriedly took out the contents.

And I checked the contents of the letter. Judging by the handwriting, he is indeed the author of Zeno's biography.

[hello. Dear readers, The author of Zeno's biography is called Zeno. The world is very noisy these days. To be honest, I couldn't help but be a little surprised.]


don't need it all One first sentence is enough to calm the situation.

But there is one problem. Will the citizens really believe this letter? As the situation is the situation, there is a very high possibility that it will be dismissed as a lie.

It would be a different story if there were drafts where handwriting could be compared with each other…

"Ah! And in case people don't believe it, the author even sent me a draft! It's the first draft!"


The president was truly thrilled.