Chapter 76

Vacation is the most valuable break for students. A perfect time to soothe the mind and body who have been tired of looking ahead or to plan for the future.

Even a very short period of one month is sufficient. A month may seem short at first glance, but if you can tune it well, you can spend a good amount of time.

And I plan to go to Marine's mansion during vacation and roll around hard. The academy life was very busy, but there were many incidents, so I was a little tired both physically and mentally.

Now that I have changed my mind to some extent, I was able to live a comfortable life, but until I realized my value clearly, I spent every day worrying about it.

"Isn't your sister coming home?"

"I'll probably come back in the middle of vacation and plan to stay for a week or so. I'll have to fight my father."

"Why is it a week? It just keeps going. I'm bored."

"It's true for her too. So you're staying at your girlfriend's house, too? And there's a lot of work to do at the academy. I'm graduating soon and I need to find a job."

By the way, it doesn't matter if you stay at the academy dormitory instead of at home during the vacation period. Halo Academy is like a small city, and you can also work part-time, so you can pay for your living expenses.

In particular, people who have a very difficult round-trip because their home is too far live in the academy during vacation. There are some things that cannot be helped as there is only one month vacation until the second year.

"So, Adele noona? Is Adele noona at the academy too?"

"Perhaps it is? Adele is away from home. Come to think of it, she doesn't seem to have been home during vacation. Anyway, have a good vacation and don't be rude to your girlfriend's house. Okay?"


Before the full-fledged vacation, I finished talking with Nicole. Before she met her, she had talked about her with acquaintances, each of whom seemed to have a lot of work to do during her vacation.

First of all, Lina said that she plans to pursue the culprit in the super high theft case until the end, and Cecily did not say otherwise. She just smiles kindly and tells her it's a secret.

Since it was a secret, I didn't ask any more, but the way he looked at me wasn't serious. Should I explain that I am looking for opportunities from time to time? It may be purely my misunderstanding, but it seemed to have something to do with me.

'Well, I don't care.'

By the way, I also asked Leona. What are you going to do during vacation?

And she confirmed that there was no one around, and answered with her characteristic cynical voice.

"It's okay. I'm going to stay at the academy. It's annoying to go back to my hometown, and it's okay to live here."

"Yeah? Money?"

"I have to do a part-time job or something for the money. It seems like a pretty good experience."

It's the appearance of Leona who works part-time… It's subtle, but it doesn't suit me.

When I looked at him with that expression, Leona frowned slightly and opened her mouth with a blunt voice.

"Why. Does it look weird because I'm working part-time?"

"No. I just wanted to know what kind of part-time job I was going to do."

"What are you going to do on your own? Why, come visit me?"

"If possible."

It is not a bad experience to go to a place where an acquaintance works part-time and play.

Leona heard my answer, smiled and waved her hand, telling her to do whatever she wanted.

"Okay, let's go. Isn't your female waiting now?"

"Huh? Female? It sounds a little strange, isn't it?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm not used to it yet."

Seeing that he was touching his mouth, it seems that he was really wrong. In addition to that, until you see my eyes.

I glanced at Leona's face and shrugged. Since they are of different races, we can tolerate such a mistake in speech. Leona herself is also apologizing.

"Anyway, have a good vacation. Don't get caught in a weird way like me."

"Hey. It was a real mistake back then. If you weren't vigilant, you wouldn't have been caught."

"Okay. Then I'll go. Bye."

"Yes. Goodbye. Red penguin."

He still calls me a penguin.

Leona waved her hand with a chuckle that I had never stared at. It's a shame because there's no one around right now, but it's very rare that he smiles like that because he's hiding his identity.

'I'm done saying goodbye with this…'

Now I'm going to have to go on vacation in earnest. I headed to the meeting place with a light footstep.

The meeting place was the entrance to the academy, but my lovely girlfriend, Marie, will be waiting there.

There is nothing unattractive than a person who makes his lover wait, so naturally, his steps speed up.



Almost as soon as I reached the entrance to the academy, I heard a familiar voice in my ear.

He turned his head to the side where the voice was heard, and Marie, running with her white hair fluttering, caught his sight. She was still wearing a school uniform, not plain clothes.

Still, Marie's youthful charm could not be hidden. Unlike the others, she was rather wearing a school uniform and she seemed to have increased her charm.

I smiled brightly as I watched Marie approaching this way, then spread my arms wide. When I stretched out my arms, Marie naturally embraced me.

"Wow…why are you so late?"

While feeling each other's warmth, Marie raised her head and asked me. Her blue eyes that sparkle like jewels are full of love for me.

I opened my mouth as I gently touched her cheek with my hand. The smile on her lips showed no sign of disappearing.

"I'm sorry. I'm late to say hello to others. Since when have you been waiting?"

"Actually, I just came. I was late talking with my brother."

"Then why did you ask why you were late?"

"Doesn't 1 minute and 1 second equal 1 hour?"

Although at first they started dating as if they were going crazy, but not now. It's nice to see her face like this, but there's no reason I shouldn't like her.

Above all, Marie is beautiful. That's great too.

No matter how angry I am, the moment I see Marie's pretty face, the anger in my heart melts away. It can be seen as a kind of healing.

That is why Marie's existence grew bigger and bigger for me. Even if people passing by look at me or talk, I don't care.

"Shall we go slowly now?"


So my first vacation started with my cute girlfriend.


Time when Isaac and Marie had a happy time and started their vacation in earnest.

The Princess of Helium, Cecily, returned to Hellium even though vacation had been less than an hour away.

Cecily is not only a demon that is unmatched with the elves only in magic, but also has excellent magic skills as she is reserved as the next demon king.

Therefore, there is no problem with using teleport that ignores all space constraints, and since he accurately remembers the coordinates of the royal castle, he was able to reach the castle faster than anyone else.

Instead, magic cannot be used inside the academy, so it was activated from a distance.

"I'm here, Dad."

"Come on."

As soon as Cecily returned to the royal castle of Helium, she met the King of Hellium, Descal. Descal, who had already heard that Cecily had returned, greeted Cecily with a soft smile.

Since she is a princess of a country, she can have someone bring her, but Cecily is not concerned with that. He doesn't like to see people under him suffer because of himself.

Descal was well aware of Cecily's character, so he was not surprised by his sudden return. In the first place, Cecily sent a letter saying that he would be back soon, so he was expecting it in advance.

"Yeah. Was the academy life worth it? Were there no bullies?"

But wherever he goes, the heart of a father who has children is the same. Descal asked Cecily in a voice brimming with concern.

Although their gaze has been diluted now, they are demons who were persecuted as demons until a few years ago. So, before becoming a king, as a father, I had no choice but to worry.

At this, Cecily smiled and eased Descal's worries.

"It was really satisfying. I made a lot of good friends. Thanks to Xenon's biography, there were only people who treated me as a human rather than a demon."

"That's good."

"Ah. Of course, there were people who had feelings for me after seeing my face and body."

"What kind of bastard are you?"

Descal was relieved for a moment, and immediately looked down on Cecily with a grim expression. As a father of only one daughter, this is a story that cannot be overlooked.

What if that daughter is more than beautiful in the eyes of others? Of course, she has no choice but to roll her eyes. I feel like I want to find him right away and tear his limbs apart.

Cecily smiled at him, waved his hand and trembled softly. As time passed, her own father remained the same.

"It's a joke. It's a joke. There were a lot of pretty people besides me, so I didn't look at them like that."

Of course, there was only one. Jackson, the count's son who looked to his chest whenever he talked to him.

But after the group assignment, Jackson began to avoid himself. It was because he took the group assignment as an opportunity and gave him a lot of trouble.

Moreover, except for Jackson, few people approached him. Even if it is a beautiful flower, if it has thorns, you are hesitant to cut it.

"…I see. But, don't play around like that. It's a story that can't be overlooked as a father."

"Yes. I see. I'm sorry if I was surprised."

"Well, it's safe to say that Bohani seems to be doing well at the academy. It's really nothing, isn't it?"


There's something special about it. It is also an event that cannot be dismissed as such.

Cecily remembered the boy with the impressive red hair and smiled brightly. Just thinking about the boy made me smile and his heart pounded.

Although there is a person occupying his side, there is no problem. If you can't attack the outside, it's enough to attack slowly from the inside.

Sending and receiving letters is also part of that strategy. There's no better way to open someone's heart than to show your sincerity.

Even if it took a long time, it didn't matter to Cecily. He is a demon, one of the long-lived species, and he has very strong patience because he has nurtured 'temperance' since childhood.

'Someday the opportunity will come.'

Nothing is forever in this world. This is also true between a man and a woman, and it is as natural as a burning firewood is gradually extinguished.

Cecily opened her mouth hoping that moment would come someday. The figure of the boy with red hair was still playing in her mind.

"It wasn't a big deal. To be honest, the academy life itself isn't a big deal, right?"

"Hmm. That's right."

"By the way, Dad. Is the investigation going well?"

Cecily quickly changed the subject. Although Death Cal is insensitive to certain parts, she may be suspicious the moment she notices it.

If you get suspicious, your eyes will naturally turn to Isaac, and the moment you look at Isaac, you may make someone else. Cecily wanted to stop that.

Fortunately, as she feared, Descal didn't seem to notice. Death Cal listened to Cecily's question, patted his chin, and quietly answered.

"If it's a super high theft case, it's going well. I've sent a letter from the Minerva Empire, so I'll get back to you soon."

"Is that so? Who do you think stole the draft?"

"I said that the Empire did not come up with any clues, so they said they were in trouble. But I think this is a clue. If the Imperial side didn't get any clues, there's only one thing left."

Descal then guessed the suspect in a serious voice.

"Elf. It must also be a dark elf with a highly specialized ability to hide in the dark."

"Why do you think so?"

"As I said before, there are no clues. If the criminal had thought even a little deeper, he would have left some clues. Rather, I don't have any clues, so the dark elves are more powerful."

Descal took the part as a clue that no clue was found despite the Empire's investigation. Cecily listened to him and nodded, convinced.

The demons and the dark elves have not had much contact so far. But as of today, a connection has been made.

The ultra-high theft incident was enough to raise the anger of not only humans but also demons. Zeno's biography was nothing more than a treasure among the treasures that made the wishes of the demons come true, in other words, 'holy relics'.

From the point of view of the demons, there is no choice but to show a kind of 'mission', that they must somehow find the draft and return it to the owner. In fact, Helium's association 'Reaper' started to move.

'We will definitely give it back. benefactor. Do not worry too much.'

Cecily envisioned Isaac having his first draft returned.

The appearance of a cute and lovely boy who is genuinely happy and thanking himself.

Even though I had only imagined it, I felt so happy that I didn't know where to go.



Descal, unaware of Cecily's inner feelings, had no choice but to question.