Chapter 80

The pen is mightier than the sword. It's a saying you've probably heard at least once, and it has a variety of meanings.

The 'man holding the pen' that Dmitry told me is similar. It is a metaphorical expression, but it could be a literary writer who literally writes with a pen, or a journalist who writes a newspaper.

However, we have to reconsider Dmitry's position here. Dmitry is the second highest duke in the Minerva Empire after the emperor, and naturally has a great relationship with 'politics'.

In other words, the person holding the pen mentioned by Dmitry is most likely a 'politician'. But he used metaphorical expressions, so it would be right to see them all.

Above all, I could roughly guess what Dmitry meant by asking the question. It must be referring to the biography of Xenon, a book that slowly began to melt into daily life after not having a significant impact on the cultural world.

There has never been a book that lifts and releases the world, so it is clear that it is something that a person who holds a pen must be wary of.

'You must be careful.'

If you want to feel the power of the pen, you don't have to go far. There is a name that no earthlings would ever know and the protagonist of World War II, Hitler.

Hitler maximized the power of the pen and brainwashed all of Germany to use it at will, and furthermore, World War II started. That one war engulfed Europe in flames and helped awaken the two giants, the United States and the Soviet Union.

If only one country had such a catastrophe, what if the influence was the whole world? Of course, there are bound to be limits.

Above all, this world is a fantasy world. A place where mana, magic, monsters, and even non-human races exist, and the social civilization is nothing more than the Middle Ages.

Even the Earth, where society has advanced a few steps further, has written a terrible history with a single instigation, and this place will add more, but not less. In the Xenon biography, it has been a long time since he had a sharp sword called 'Demon' in his hands.

If I, the author of Zeno's biography, put my mind to it, I might be able to wield a forged sword called a demon. Of course, I'll never say that I'm crazy.

However, this is only from my point of view, and like Dmitry, the story is different for others. Xenon's biography is a time bomb that never knows when it will explode, and it is a risk factor that can lead to annihilation if done wrong.

Besides, Dmitry belongs to Requilis. As he said that he talks to the past and glimpses the future, a family boasting a wider range of knowledge than anyone in history.

Since you have learned a lot from history, you must have a clear understanding of the power of the person holding the pen. And he asked me a question with all this in mind.

"It's a natural phenomenon… and history proves it?"

"Yes, it is."

"Do you know what I mean by asking a question?"

When Dmitry asked with interest and anticipation rather than reproach, I nodded my head silently.

Even if one person influences the whole world, looking at the whole history, it is not an unsettling factor, but in the end it is just a trend of the times. Even Hitler in his previous life had a huge impact on the world, and even 50 years later, that influence persisted to the end.

Besides, there are similar histories in this world. The 'tribal war' lying on the table right now.

In terms of past life, it is a great war that is comparable to World War II, and its influence remains even after 500 years.

"The person holding the pen that the Duke said about must have many meanings. You can literally be a novelist or a politician. There's this. Whether it's direct or indirect."

"I know you well."

"And the pen that changes the world right now… With my shallow knowledge, I can only think of Xenon's life. A novel that creates another culture, not at the level that leaves a mark on the cultural world."

It is a shameful evaluation to say with my own mouth, but the critics of the newspaper gave it the same evaluation as above. I am only borrowing their words.

Dmitry listened to my explanation and just stared at me. I don't know what he is thinking because of his almost expressionless face, but I think it would be good to continue with the explanation.

"The influence of Zeno's biography on the world is so powerful that those who hold the pen can never ignore it. Not only did it change the perception of the demons, he proposed a new concept of the Seven Deadly Species and re-established theology. It wouldn't be a problem to change the subject accordingly."

"Last time, I also wrote a story about criticizing the nobility. Fortunately, the dark side of the nobility as well as the bright side were written together, so there was no big impact."

"Yes. Xenon's biography is slowly changing the world like this. As the perception of the demons has changed, more countries welcome them, and more countries naturally lead to exchanges and take diplomatic profits."

"And recently, the Princess of Helium entered the Halo Academy. Things that could not have been dreamed of until five years ago are now happening one by one in reality."

After that, Dmitry slowly lowered his upper body forward and spoke in a serious voice.

"I am one of those readers who love Zeno's biography, but I can say that I know history better than anyone else. So I can't ignore it."

"… …"

"If the world changes in an instant, what kind of devastation will happen, don't you know?"

Dmitry pointed to the tribal war-related books on the table and asked me. As he said, the rapid change of the world is in line with the meaning of the process itself being chaos.

It doesn't matter if it's not a large-scale war like World War II. The biggest example is the 'industrial revolution', which literally changed the world.

'Machine' appeared in earnest, 'time' increased, and at the same time, the population of the world exploded. However, in return, 'imperialism' appeared in the world, and many countries were looted and suffered great damage.

If the world changes so rapidly, millions of people will bleed, and pens and knives will simply break silently. Change is so painful.

Duke Requilis is judging that the current Xenon biography will be the same.

As someone who loves history more than anyone else and has a good understanding of it, he treats Xenon's life as a powerful pen, not just a culture.

"Changing the world doesn't just mean making progress. It's bound to have a big impact on society as well, good or bad. In the past, there was no concept of kings, nobles, and commoners. There were only the ministers of righteousness, and the people who became the last root."

"… …"

"However, as time went on, a tribal war broke out and it began to take on its present form. There are three classes: kings, nobles, and commoners. But even this has many problems. There has even been a Ze-Roth revolution in the Kingdom of Sue. Even recently, protesters were formed when Zeno's life was on hiatus. Do you really think that all this is a natural phenomenon and has no meaning?"

I replied to him without any hesitation.

"Yes, it is."

"Then, the moment the author of Xenon's biography accidentally presses the wrong pen, a terrible tragedy will occur. Would you dismiss this as a natural thing too? I think I'm too optimistic."

For some reason, I had the illusion that Dmitry was giving me a direct warning. If you press the wrong pen, I will kill you myself.

However, contrary to his worries and concerns, I am writing Xenon's biography purely as a hobby. I can assure you that it will never change the world or anything like that.

However, as Xenon's biography is already changing the world, the 'responsibility' remains the same. Dmitry reminded me of that once again.

'Am I vaguely aware that I am an author?'

First of all, I think it would be better to answer this without thinking about it. I looked at Dmitry, who was waiting for my answer with a serious face, and pulled out an answer.

"It's not optimistic, it's a phenomenon that has already happened several times historically. When society changes, 'people' naturally change too. Of course, there will be a lot of noise at first. It has to be embraced and it's like exploring the unknown. Humans are afraid of change, but ironically, they are intelligent creatures that can only develop when they meet change."


"The Duke loves history, so you probably know it well. How we humans fought to fight the elves during the tribal war. And through what process the Minerva Empire was founded. It is a thing of the past. For us living in the 'present,' it is already a thing of the past and it is naturally accepted."

The reason I became interested in history is simple. Just because I was born in Korea.

To explain it precisely, as everyone knows, the Republic of Korea suffered the tragedy of the Korean War only 50 years ago. Not long after liberation, everything was torn down like a sandcastle due to one man's greed, resulting in horrific human casualties.

But now? The Republic of Korea has developed into a great power to the extent that it is doubtful whether such a war really broke out. Traces of the war remain in many places, but when you see Seoul, you will never feel that way.

So I became very interested in history. In order to know a little bit about how people felt at that time in the 'past' that we naturally accept.

I continued to speak, making eye contact with Dmitry, who was listening to my story.

"People of the future will think of this moment as just something that happened in the past, a past that they take for granted."

"… …"

"It will be very confusing for us living in the present, but in the end, it is nothing but immersing ourselves in the flow of a long history. It is a history that people in the future naturally pass by saying that it is just that way."

"So, what you're saying is that everything that happens in the midst of great change is all natural from a historical point of view. So it's meaningless to stand by or fight back. Change is natural."

"Yes. Yes, but this is a historical point of view, and realistically, it is better to prepare. In order to receive a better evaluation from future generations."


When my whole story was over, Dmitry stroked his chin and began to ponder. During that time, I picked up my teacup to moisten my chapped lips.

I feel like I'm running out of sugar because I somehow squeezed out the story. The sweet scent of the tea was excellent.

"I understand what you're thinking. You tell a pretty interesting story."

Dmitry, who was lost in thought while stroking his chin, said to me with a gentle smile. I put down the teacup completely before answering.

"Thank you if you enjoyed listening. This is the limit with my shallow knowledge."

"No. Thanks to you, I feel like one problem has been solved. Then I'll ask another question. Actually, this is the main point and the most important part."

Did I mention that this is the most important part? I was more nervous than before, waiting for his mouth to fall.

Then, Dmitry put his interlaced hands to his face, looked at me, and opened his mouth in a low voice.

"Where is my daughter going to be dating?"

"… …"

"I want you to answer this honestly. He's the man my daughter chose, but it's a problem that can't be easily overcome."

His appearance as a duke disappeared, leaving only his daughter's foolish father. I smiled bitterly, barely stopping what was supposed to be a laugh out loud.

Just in case she glances at Marie sitting next to her, she is bowing her head as if she is ashamed of everything. Seeing her buried her hands in her face, she looked quite embarrassed.

I couldn't hold back my laughter, so I smiled and answered honestly and frankly.

"Because you're pretty."

"Hey! Don't answer me!"

When I answered, Marie shouted out next to me. This alone would be enough to put her to shame on her, but here's Dmitry's booze.

"Um… That's an honest answer. My daughter is pretty just like her mother."

"Dad! Please! Please!"

Marie almost got to the point of howling.