Chapter 82

The road back home went very smoothly with no noise.

The carriage, which Dmitry had paid a high price for, was equipped with facilities comparable to that of a dormitory, adding to the comfort, and the dishes he handed over to eat on the way were also delicious.

The food the cook at Rekilis's house made was a kind of kebab, and although vegetables are vegetables, the quality of the meat was excellent, so I didn't get tired of eating it. I didn't feel hungry thanks to three packages to keep eating on the way.

Usually, kebabs are inappropriate to eat in a moving wagon, but the inside of the wagon is covered with shock-reducing magic, so it wasn't a big crowd to eat. Rather, it provided comfort enough to stretch out and sleep.

After slicing one of the kebabs that Dmitry had given me to fill my hungry stomach, I read a book, fighting off the oncoming hunger. For reference, this book is a history book related to the tribal war that I had read intensively until I met Dmitry.

Dmitry didn't read it all, so he gladly gave it to me. He was a little reluctant to receive a remover as a gift, but Dmitry said he was fine and said it would be okay to buy it later.

I don't know if it was because I was Marie's boyfriend and gave it to me as a gift, or if she had other intentions. Maybe you liked it while talking to me.

Anyway, it's clear that Dmitry has a crush on me, and the daughter-in-law wasn't too bad. Dmitry is an ordinary father that can be seen anywhere.

'Maybe you know that I am the writer of Xenon's biography.'

I mumbled a kebab and guessed in my mind. It's just my speculation, but the excessive favor that Dmitry has shown me is enough to make me suspicious.

Of course, like Lina and Leort, they didn't put pressure on them, and they didn't ask directly, so I can't be sure. Again, this is just my guess.

'For now, let's just think about the way home.'

I finished all the kebabs and threw the leftovers into the trash. When I felt a sense of satiety, I looked out the window to check the time.

The scenery seen through the window was a sky that was slowly starting to turn scarlet. We left around lunch time and it took about 6 hours.

The distance from the house to the capital takes 10 hours by horse-drawn carriage, but it will be less than that, as these carriages are expensive. Maybe I want to get there after a little bit of reading.

As soon as you arrive, greet your parents and finish dinner, and the day will pass quickly. In the wagon heading home, I carefully planned what I was going to do during the vacation.

'The biography of Xenon seems to be written metallurgically…'

I had already posted a notice that I was going to take a break, but my hands were already itching. There is nothing to do here except reading during vacation without a smartphone or computer.

I will occasionally exercise with my father, but even that is not enough. A month seems like a short time, but it is a story when everything has passed.

While I was contemplating on how to spend my vacation to the fullest, a brilliant plan flashed through my mind.

'Would you like to write a side story?'

In the announcement, he said that Xenon's biography was on hiatus, but he didn't say that he wouldn't publish another book.

There is a history of the past that many people have been curious about. That is the story of the master and the elf queen.

I wonder how the two were able to love transcending races, and for what reason did the master only look at the elf queen until he got old?

Although the main story of Zeno sometimes describes the past, that alone was insufficient. So many readers are guessing, but you will never know unless you look into my head.

'Besides, the teacher was close to a gag character, so it was difficult for people to understand.'

When he sees his teacher giving instructions to Zeno, he is absolutely eccentric. He also used a frivolous tone that was not appropriate for his age, so there were quite a few readers who were shocked when his relationship with the elf queen was revealed.

However, he said that this is more attractive, and usually said that those kinds of people are more devoted to their own people, and highly valued the teacher. From then on, the teacher's popularity rose rapidly, and many people looked forward to the future development.

Of course, he relentlessly beat Hyujae and sublimated into anger.

'It's okay. It's a side story anyway, so it won't matter if it's short.'

As soon as I got a rough idea, I took out my notebook and started writing down plots one by one. It is a side story that shows the relationship between the teacher and the elf queen, so there will be few direct battles, and it is almost like a romance.

It's a bit impulsive, but Zeno's biography is nothing more than a hobby, so there's no big problem with writing it. However, it should be written in a quality that all readers can understand.

If the relationship between the two people is revealed more intensively through the abduction, the death of the teacher can come with a more impact. Moreover, since the will has already been decided, it seems like a similar story should be included in the first meeting of the two.

'Let's see… The Master was once a famous mercenary, and the Elf Queen had just been crowned at this time…'

On the carriage going home, I worked hard on the plot.

"Isaac. Look at this. These letters are all for you."

"…all of these?"

"Yeah. My son is very popular."

As soon as I got home, I couldn't hide my embarrassment when I saw the fan letters piled up in the box.

The letters my parents sent me to the academy were just the tip of the iceberg. Not empty words, but looking at the amount of piled up, it seems that it will take several days to read them all.

"And can I see this first before I see it? This mom picked it up and I want you to see it first."

My mother delivered a few letters to me while I was staring blankly at the fan letters piled up like a mountain in absurdity.

I came to my senses and checked the letters my mother had sent me. Some letters were painted with colorful patterns, and one letter was plain.

What the hell kind of letter did your mother choose? With such doubts, she checked one of her letters.

'The Lyrus Band?'

This is the name of the first band I've ever heard of. I glanced at the name of the organization that sent the letter, then glanced at my mother.

My mother was smiling brightly at what was good. Looking at his face, at least it doesn't look bad.

I turned to the letter again and opened the envelope. Contrary to the splendid surface, the contents were plain and plain letters.

[Hello, writer. My name is Lyrus, the conductor who runs the Lyrus Band in the Kingdom of Tersu. And I'm also a big fan of the author's work, Zeno's biography. I do not know if this letter will be delivered to the author, but I am sending you a letter because I have a small wish.]

I had a small wish, so I expected it to be a strange proposal. But the more I read the letter, the more my expression turned into surprise.

[…] It's not enough, but we want to express Sakran's life through music. Every time I saw his end, the scene played vaguely in my head and music played at the same time. I'm not good enough, but if the writer allows me, I want to compose a song. The revenue generated through this can be decided by the author as desired. If you give us this golden opportunity, we will surely repay you with a wonderful song. Above, Rirus is raised.]

I want to express the famous scenes of the novel through music. This is a surprising proposition for me.

And considering the background of this era, it is safe to say that it is a kind of 'fan art'. Literally, fan art in an artistic sense.

I stared blankly at the letter sent by a group called the Lyrus Band, and hurriedly checked the other letter as well. Since it was chosen by my mother, it must have been sent from a similar place.

just as expected. From groups like bands and theater companies to painters, engravers, finally crafts and so on.

Each field that plays a major role in the arts presented a similar request. I don't care about profits, so please let me describe a scene from Zeno's biography.

I looked at the letters with similar proposals, then lifted my head to face my mother. She said her mother still had a grin and she was waiting for my reaction.


"Tell me."

"I'm not sure, but everyone who sent this letter…"

Even if I blurted out the end of my words, my mother nodded and answered proudly.

"You are right. They are the best artists in their field."

"… …"

"This mother is really proud of you. I'll have to ask the publisher to send the letters home from now on. Maybe I'll ask for it from other places as well."

So my vacation started by receiving letters from the cultural masters.



A fortnight has passed since Xenon's biography was declared on hiatus, and the president of the publishing company sighed deeply in anguish that grew day by day.

What happened to the president in the last month was a turning point in his life.

Aren't there suddenly large-scale protests because Zeno's biography is declared on hiatus, isn't it stolen within a day of the first draft being released, or are they subjected to tax evasion investigations after that, resulting in huge fines?

Fortunately, the tax evasion part is a joke, but if it wasn't for that, the publisher would be confiscated. However, the fine itself is painful for the boss.

'How long can you last?'

Although Xenon's biography has declared a hiatus, his popularity is by no means waning. So far, Xenon's biography is selling hot, and the printing house is actively operating.

However, they said they would take a leave of absence for at least one year, so the sales will drop sharply as the days go by. Although he had no debt, he was desperate as a president who already knew the taste of money.

I have to endure until a new book about Zeno's biography comes out, but I wonder how long it will last. Even with a printing shop that runs right away, the maintenance cost is not a joke, but it is difficult to survive with only the profits of Xenon's life.

'Damn it. What madman robbed the safe? driving me crazy…'

The culprit who stole the draft is still unknown. He expressed his displeasure that there was no clue from the investigation team sent by the Empire, and he had to return empty-handed in the end.

Just having the first draft stolen makes me go crazy and jump, but I can't even get a clue, so every day was hell for the president. Even if he is stoned as he passes by, he is at a level where he has nothing to say.

Fortunately, extenuating circumstances have been made among the misfortunes, but the psychological pain is unavoidable. The president washed his face with both hands and shed a sigh.

"Ugh… Should we reduce the salaries of our employees… No. Then we will have to hire another manpower… We have no choice but to save and save."

It is said that one's ability is demonstrated in moments of crisis. Now that he was facing the greatest crisis of his life, the president thought about how to overcome this crisis wisely as much as possible.

In my mind, I want to go to the writer and ask him to give me one book by holding him even by the crotch of his pants, but I can't, so I pass. It's an impossible story because we don't know who the author is anyway.

'If it goes on like this, sales will drop sharply within a month. I have to write a number somehow…'

It was when the boss was in agony with his head wrapped around.


"Boss! I have something to report to you!"

Matthew, the boss's favorite employee, came in without knocking and slamming the door open. He was the one who suffered damage at the time of the first theft, but because he was simply stunned, he was able to move without difficulty now.

And the president jumped in surprise at Matthew's surprise visit for a while, even with anguish. But even for a short time, he may have sold it after gaining courtesy, but he stared coldly at Matthew, who didn't even knock.

"…are you going crazy now too? No matter how busy you are, you have to knock…"

"No, look at this! It's a manuscript from Xenon!"


The boss jumped to his feet at the news that Matthew showed him the mail. If Matthew's words are true, then what's in that mail is a lifeline.

The boss then left his seat and strode towards Matthew. Then, without saying a word, he snatched the mail from Matthew's hand.

It seemed like ordinary mail, so the boss asked Matthew in a trembling voice.

"I, really? Did Xenon really send it to you?"

"Yeah! As usual, he hired an errand and sent it to me. That's definitely right!"

"But obviously they're taking a break…"

"I don't know why, but I recommend you take a look. I haven't opened it yet because I was in a hurry."

As Matthew said, the mail boasted a clean and unscathed appearance. Realizing that his words were true, the boss hastily opened the mail.

Then, the manuscript was stored in the mail, and the boss took it out with his trembling hands like aspen. He pulled out the manuscript and a letter that had been sandwiched between them fell to the floor.

The president delivered the manuscript to Matthew and checked the letter first. I don't know why he changed his mind, but if you read the letter, you'll know.

Eventually, the president checked the neatly folded letter with a pounding heart. Familiar, hardy, familiar handwriting caught her eye.

[Hello, boss. This is Xenon. You'd probably think it's strange that I sent a manuscript after I declared a hiatus. But I said that Zeno's biography was on hiatus, but I didn't say that I wouldn't do a side story.]

"Others, Gaiden!"

The contents of the letter stating that he had written a side story brought a smile to the face of the president. It is a shower that exceeds the rain of drought.

The president could not hide his joy and quickly read the following content.

[The name of the Gaiden is 'Kair Gaiden', and it is the name of Zeno's teacher. It tells the story of how Kair met the elf queen and how her love blossomed. I don't know if readers will enjoy it, but I think it's going to be boring, so I'm sending it to you.]

Up to this point, it was the same as salvation for the boss. However, the content did not end there.

[And many artists have asked me to do it. I want to express my work in the field in which I am most confident. I would like the president to deliver it to them on behalf of me. It doesn't matter if you make a profit or not, you can do whatever you want. Instead, I would like you to send me the visual artwork separately. In case you don't know, I'll also write my own autograph that I made. Above Xenon.]


After reading all the letters, the president knelt down without realizing it. When the boss got down on his knees, Matthew, who was reading the manuscript, was startled and hurriedly called him.

"Sa, boss! Are you okay? What's in the letter…"

"Oh! Luminous! Thank you so much! You haven't abandoned me yet!!"

Whether Matthew was worried or not, the boss was busy looking for God, kissing the letter.