Chapter 85

'Festival' is one of the concepts that cannot be left out in the history of mankind.

It is still the same today, but for the ancients, 'agriculture' was a particularly important means, so they were sensitive to the changing nature of the seasons. Even in an environment where farming is not possible, the environment changes with each season.

Due to the changing environment for each season, people made sacrifices to them, believing that the 'gods' must have intervened. The custom of offering this sacrifice is a festival.

As the years passed and civilization developed, festivals began to appear in various forms. Festivals were still held while offering sacrifices to the gods, but as history piled up and accumulated, people gave special meaning to special days.

Of course, the famous festivals are 'Konjeok' and New Year's Festival. It is safe to say that the festival of the largest scale is held because the founding festival includes the meaning of overcoming various hardships and adversity in the country.

However, even such a founding festival is not enough compared to the New Year's festival. The new year had a variety of meanings for all people regardless of race, so it had to be the biggest.

As mentioned before, 'festivals' are an integral part of human history and are still ongoing.

So, what is the most important thing in opening a recent festival?

A sacred offering to the gods? Capital to make a grand feast? Variety of sights?

not all In essence, a festival changes in its true meaning only when 'people' gather and enjoy.

No matter how much money you put in, no matter how well you plan, and how much to see, in the end, it is all useless if there are no people.

And I am experiencing that common sense.

Not in a negative sense, but in a positive sense.


I opened my mouth in admiration at the unbelievable sight out the window. Previously, the peace that emerged from the silence was the atmosphere of our estate, but now it is crowded with people and is lively.

As I said before, our manor is a rural manor with no special features. The reason for the high potential for development is that many young people live in the village and it is close to the capital.

Still, the fact that it was a rural village did not change, and it was always quiet. The reason young people remain here is because of their father.

You may not know that his father was famous as the commander of the Navy Knights, but the fact that he is a commoner who became a noble is enough to stimulate the curiosity of young people. Because of this, every day I heard a song in the mansion's yard.

But now it's different. Buildings and stalls were being built one by one on the almost empty street, and a performance hall, the flower of the festival, was also being built on a wide plain.

In addition, the villagers, who have been awake occasionally, are also contributing to the preparations for the festival. Apparently, it is not a festival planned by the village itself, but a festival supported by the empire, so you will have no choice but to work hard.

Of course, there was no dissatisfaction engraved on their faces. On the contrary, the village is prosperous, so you may not even know that it is difficult to feel happy.

"It's been years since I was granted this estate, but it's the first time I've seen it as lively as it is today."

My father, who was standing next to me, opened his mouth as he watched the situation where the building was created in real time like in a game. I turned my head after hearing his words with a characteristic heaviness.

As always, the upright face exudes manliness, but today, he was stern. She hadn't slept for several days, so it could be said that her complexion was layered with fatigue.

Actually, the exhibition was decided on the Michelle estate, and my father became very busy. It is basic to handle the piles of payment documents that are piled up like a mountain, and I have to face various people.

Whether it's signing a contract with Sang-won, who visited the estate out of curiosity, consulting with the construction manager, or planning an exhibition in detail with Leort.

Due to the sudden surge in the workload, I was exhausted from working overtime every day.

"Does your father look very tired?"

"Even if you're tired, looking outside makes you feel tired. And I've done this many times during my active duty. It's been a long time since I've been there."

Come to think of it, he wasn't just a knight, he was a knight leader. He was not a member of an ordinary Knights Templar, he was just a leader, so he must have done clerical work.

Moreover, the Navy Knights have no choice but to use the allocated budget thrifty by taking charge of the border. It's money, you get more money than anywhere else, but no matter how much money you put in, the army is lacking.

Even the Navy Knights are similar to the special forces, so just training one knight is an astronomical budget. My father would have to distribute the budget efficiently as a person in charge, so his ability would naturally increase.

'It must be difficult though.'

I heard that my mother also helps my father with his work. You're probably suffering from a lot of pain in the pile of documents by now.

I felt sorry for him, so I laughed bitterly, and my father smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. The feel of the thick palm was conveyed as it is, and the heaviness was felt.

"You don't have to be so sorry. Actually, this festival is just for you. As I said before, I'm proud of you. You're all accomplishing things one by one that even I couldn't."

"It would have been difficult if my father hadn't helped me."

"I haven't done anything for you… just a word is fine."

These are words that express the feelings of the parents. Children can do nothing without the love and devotion of their parents, but the parents say that they have done nothing for their children.

As I looked at him with frown, my father ruffled my hair without saying a word. Just being in front of your parents makes you want to act like an immature child.

I smiled bashfully, pointed to the job site, and asked my father.

"Then are all those things going to be finished before the exhibition starts?"

"It's probably close to completion. First of all, the plan is not to build a complex building for the exhibition, but to use the entire estate. I heard that the scale of the play is large, so it is suitable for our estate with nothing."

As my father explained, the exhibition is held using our entire estate. So, it is not an event held in a complex designed building like a museum, but a form close to a festival in its meaning.

Of course, the event will proceed according to the plan as bands and troupes will come. The lively days will focus on art, and the quiet evenings will focus on theater and theater.

I asked my father as I pondered about the troupe that was going to take place in the evening. I've seen the band last time at the academy's freshman event, but I've never seen the troupe before.

"Father. Have you ever seen a play?"

"I've seen your mom a few times in the past. It's going to be pretty fun."

"Did that play use the whole plain over there like it is now?"

It is normal for the play to take place on the stage, but for some reason, this play is planned to be held on a wide plain.

For this reason, the place where the concert hall was established was also a plain, and the audience seats were surprisingly wide. There was even a translucent membrane installed, similar to what we saw in the academy dungeon.


My father looked at me in the direction I was pointing with his finger, and then touched his chin. And he replied as if he was curious too.

"The play I saw with your mother was a play on stage. But the troupe that is coming this time is famous in many ways."

"What do you mean? All I know is that it's called Matrix Troupe."

"This is a troupe that is famous for its most realistic expressions. For example, if it's a snowy background, it actually makes it snow, and if it rains, it makes it rain. Besides, I've heard that it even explodes, making it more lively than other troupes."

what. It's almost like a movie, isn't it?

In terms of directing technique, it is very similar to Christopher Nolan, a famous director in his previous life. But that is a film director, and with the science of this world, such a direction is almost impossible.

My father smiled when I made my bewildered eyes and said,

"Even this dad doesn't know the details. You'd better ask your mom about this. Still, most people think it's magic."

"It's a bit like using magic in a play…"

"That's why it's even more famous. There's a good chance that some of the members are mixed with elves or demons. Most of all, it's enough to see how well we made it."

It's a play that uses special effects… I'm really looking forward to it.

Maybe it's like watching a movie. Even though it's only a short amount of time, that's enough.

I looked out the window at the increasingly anticipated exhibition. In the blink of an eye, several buildings were erected.

It is normal for it to take several months to build a single building, but I was worried that it might have been built roughly.

'I'll have to visit it later.'

Even if you do poorly constructed construction, you never know what kind of disaster will happen. There were many cases in which buildings collapsed due to poor construction in previous lives, so it is better to be careful.

Of course, it would be rare if the imperial family supported it, but the world doesn't always go the way you think it is.

"Isaac. Did you send me a letter saying that you would attend the exhibition?"

As I was looking out the window, my father asked me. So, after taking my eyes off the window, I looked at his father and revealed my doubts.

"A letter?"

"Yeah. We know that you are a writer, so you might say it's a festival for you, but to others, it's a festival for the author of Zeno's biography. If the main character doesn't appear, I don't know if this festival has any meaning."

Again, this exhibition is a festival where masters from all over the world have been impressed by Xenon's biography and present their own works.

Therefore, if it is a Hong-cheol team without Hong-cheol, and if the original author does not appear, the fun will be halved, and the artists attending the festival may be greatly disappointed.

I listened to my father's words and thought about it, and there were many obstacles, so I asked in a cautious voice.

"And what if there is a problem?"

"Don't worry too much because it won't happen. There will be a lot of people attending the festival in the first place, so all you have to do is say that you will. After the festival is over, send a letter mentioning some artists and saying it was really fun."

"Um… I see."

If you listen to your father, you can make rice cakes even while you are sleeping, so it is better to keep quiet. My father also laughed when I gladly accepted it.

"Then I'll go take a break. In a few hours, the paperwork will pile up again, so it's better to take a break now."

"Take it slow. What if you fall over."

"Compared to when I was active duty, this is nothing."

"Even if I can help…"

"No. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the festival. As I said before, this festival is for you."

My father left those words and went back to his room. I looked towards the door my father had left, and then I turned my head back to the window.

A festival exclusively for fans of Xenon's life. The quiet Youngji was filled with vitality and vitality, and a smile bloomed on his face.

I watched the scene quietly and was immersed in emotion. The work I have written becomes another culture and breathes life into the land. I didn't hear the news through the newspaper, but seeing it with my own eyes was a completely different experience.

'Come to think of it, there was a similar place in Korea.'

It is called Kim Gwang-seok Street, and the cultural street was created in the area where Kim Gwang-seok was born, and it has changed into a characteristic unique to that area.

'If our estate becomes like that…'

Seeing Yeong-ji's changing appearance in an instant made me greedy. The place where I was born and raised has become a landmark, attracting many tourists, and festivals are held at regular intervals like now.

How proud is this? I am not greedy for money and power, but there is a strange charm that is hard to bear for my novel to become a culture.

Should I call this an honor? It seemed like he could understand why so many people die and can't live to honor.

'It must be difficult for artists to move around…'

Perhaps it was because of greed, but from the inside out, rationalization began to proceed. It's not that I didn't realize it, but it was hard to bear.

I muttered a little while looking at the street that was gradually changing like a manor.

"It's a festival for me…"

In what form will this land develop in the distant future? Will it grow into a cultural city like Kim Gwangseok Street, or will it remain as a mere estate?

'Can I just tell you that your birthplace is Michelle's estate?'

As always, people assume that the author of Zeno's biography is an experienced sage.

So, since he was born, he only knew that it was Michelle's estate, so he'd only do a little research, and there's a high probability that there wouldn't be any more. His birthplace is only in the Michelle estate, but no one knows where he is currently living.

'I can't decide this on my own. I'll have to ask my father and Lina as well.'

After that, I looked out the window for a while.