Chapter 90

As I said before, being an artist is a hungry profession. To make your own work, you need a tool, and even the price of the tool is not cheap.

What's more, artists often discard their completed works because they have a firm belief or philosophy of their own. Because of this, money goes out according to money, and the work repeats itself in a vicious cycle where the quality of work falls short.

This structure gave rise to the perception that art is a culture enjoyed by the aristocrats. For the aristocrats, money is rotten unless they gamble or play extravagantly.

Therefore, if you take a look at famous artists, most of them are upper-middle-class aristocrats or wealthy people. For this reason, art was the property of the nobility for a while, and as it is today, it was the same for bands and theater companies.

However, after the Zeiros Revolution broke out in the Kingdom of Teres, the culture spread throughout the country, and even though they were commoners or lower classes, the number of people who threw themselves into the art world increased.

Of course, it's almost impossible to succeed unless you have some genius, and most of you tend to waste your money.

It is an ironic situation in which money is needed to continue art, but only people who recognize their work can make money.

However, there are artists who continue to create their own works even in these circumstances. In the beginning, there are many kinds of artists who choose honor over money, so it is inseparable from them.

For this reason, artists from commoners and lower classes are both strong-willed and strong in their own beliefs and philosophies. In addition to this, tireless patience and stamina.

These categories are one of two. Either you get tired of holding on, you fall out, or you succeed and imprint your name on the public.

People in this world exalt the latter case as craftsmanship and anything else, but for me, who has memories of my previous life, it was possible to sum it up with just one word.

called 'pervert'.

"…what's this?"

And as soon as I entered the village, I was able to experience the results of such perverts with time, money, and inspiration.

As I stared blankly at something that had taken its place from the entrance of the village, Cecily, who was next to me, spit out a word.

"It's a statue."

"I know it's a statue. But what is this… Why is it so big?"

Marie accepted Cecily's comments instead. However, she, like me, seems to have lost her mind to the statue of her that exudes great majesty.

I stood nailed down for a while, carefully examining the statue.

To explain the appearance of the statue I am currently seeing, a young-looking man is being beaten by a middle-aged man with a club.

The young man was in a hurry to block with a crumpled posture, as if not to hit him, and the middle-aged man was wielding a club with an excited expression.

What is remarkable here is that the carefully described muscles are also muscles, but the expression is the most impressive.

Should I say that it should be full of vitality, or that it was sculpted after a real human expression?

Above all, the quality is so terrifying that I doubt whether it was all 'sculpted'.

"There's a sign here, too. The content is… Zenon being trained by a master, right?"

While admiring the statue, Cecily found a sign and explained to us.

As soon as I saw the statue, I had an intuition, but I never thought that I would fully describe the scene at the beginning of the first volume.

I scratched my head while looking at the work of high quality uselessly and muttered in an absurd voice.

"Among many scenes, why is this…"

"It's also written here. I sculpted it because it doesn't seem like anything else to learn while being beaten by a master."

Thank you for your kind explanation, Sister Cecily.

Still, the embarrassing thing was still there, and I couldn't get out of it easily.

The expression on his face was really excellent, so it was difficult to take his eyes off his face.

"So, how do you feel as the original author? You brought the contents of the first intro intact."


While I couldn't take my eyes off the work, Cecily whispered into my ear. Her thick voice pierced the insides of her ears.

It's still a s*xy voice, but I couldn't help but be surprised to hear it whisper in my ear. My ears were itchy and my body was trembling.

"Hey, I'm surprised. You were surprised."

"Huh. So what's the answer?"

I was surprised, but Cecily smiled and asked me. She covered her ears with her hands and turned her head back to the work.

As I mentioned before, I'm also a bit good at drawing, so I tend to add illustrations.

This gives the reader a rough idea of ​​what the characters look like.

In addition, not only in the drawings, but also in the story, he worked hard on one aspect of his appearance.

Is that why? The appearance of Zeno and his teacher described by the statue is exactly what I was thinking of.

'It must have taken months to sculpt this one…'

I want to give the engraver a round of applause. Because this wasn't just a level of fandom, it was a level of respect.

Although I am not a sculptor, I can see how much effort and devotion I put into making this kind of result.

Moreover, especially for sculptors, it is almost impossible to grow without the help of a teacher, and even the result is changed by natural talent.

"I'm proud of it, but I have respect for the sculptor. I only have to write, but this person sculpted."

"Aren't you being too humble? You changed the world with your words."

"It's just a different perspective. Anyway, let's take a look around. Marie, let's go."

"Huh? Ah, okay. Let's go."

Marie, who had been quiet for a while to appreciate the statue, called for Marie to move in search of other works.

Not long after that, I was able to find another statue, but apparently it was displayed all over the street.

"Is this Jin and Lily?"

"You're sure to see the horns."


There were many passersby and tourists passing by on the street, but there was no difficulty in admiring the statues.

Occasionally, there were people who looked at Cecilina Marie as they went, but they also concentrated on viewing the work.

"Isn't that woman a demon?"

"Yes. Was there anyone among the demons who said they would attend?"

"It looks like they are aristocrats, so let's not touch them for nothing."

However, it was still the Middle Ages, and I could hear people whispering to my ears from time to time.

The thing that bothered me the most was by far the obscene rumors about Marie and Cecily. I wanted to hear it, but I couldn't hear it, so I frowned.

Of course, both women have their own beauty that suits their individuality, and they are wearing dresses that reveal their bodies, so it will be natural to draw attention.

At this time, my particularly bright ears were resentful. I'd rather not hear anything…


As I frowned and looked around, Cecily silently snapped her fingers. Then something amazing happened.

The noise of the rather noisy town is not heard and the surroundings become quiet. It became so quiet that it felt as if we were the only ones in this space.

Blinking at this, I looked at Cecily and she opened her mouth with a bright smile.

"It's a silence magic. It was a little noisy in the surroundings, so I took action. Isaac said you were uncomfortable."

"…Did it ever show up on your face again?"

"Yeah. I don't mind hearing stories like that, but it makes me feel bad because you're uncomfortable. And this is much better, isn't it?"

I smiled bitterly at Cecily's consideration. I used magic only because of me, so there will be no inconveniences like this.

There will be no problems with demons who use magic as if they are breathing, but I am sorry that I am sorry.

'But he said he was feeling bad too…'

Did I really need to add a backstory? I stared at Cecily's gentle smile, then put it aside for a moment.

What matters now is the exhibition, not Cecily's heart. Besides, it is rude to have such thoughts in the yard with a girlfriend right next to you.

Then he removed his face from Cecily and turned his head toward Marie. Marie was gazing at her figurine, perhaps immersed in the exhibition itself.

"Is Marie okay?"

"Huh? What?"

"Um… no."

The reaction was so cute that he pinched his cheek. Marie tilted her head as her cheeks pinched, revealing her doubts.

"Why are you pinching your cheeks? Are you asking for a kiss?"

"After a while. Shall we look around first?"

"Okay. By the way, why did the surroundings suddenly become quiet?"

"It's a little noisy, so Cecily used magic."

After that, he went deep into the village and began to enjoy the festival in earnest under the guise of an exhibition. Thanks to the various support provided by the Imperial Palace, there was plenty to eat and see.

What is particularly noteworthy is that not only humans but also various races come and go among the passers-by. Naturally, humans were the most common, but elves, dwarves, beasts, and even 'demons' are watching the exhibition.

Like Cecily, the demons had jet-black hair, red eyes, and, finally, horns, the symbol of the devil, so they couldn't help but stand out even more.

"…there are demons."

"Well… I wasn't the only one attending. It's like a dream…"

Cecily was surprised to see the demons enjoying the exhibition except for herself, but with a slightly wet voice, she expressed her feelings.

Until the start of the Xenon biography, the demons were treated as time bombs and it was impossible to openly walk the streets, but now they are enjoying the festival.

As a woman who has always worked hard to fulfill the wishes of the demons, she cannot help but be touched.

I was equally surprised like her, but then I looked at the people enjoying the exhibition with a happy smile.

With just one exhibition, all races come together to enjoy the festival. It would have been unimaginable before Zeno's biography came out, and it was proof that the world had changed that much.

'I'm getting more and more greedy.'

My father said that the exhibition itself could be exploited politically, but when I watched the exhibition with my own eyes, I couldn't avoid it unless I was greedy.

How great it would be if it became a festival where all races could happily enjoy like the current exhibition.

Of course, the goal of the conflict between the tribes will still remain, but it will have to be narrowed down gradually.

I moved my head to the side while watching the demons watching the exhibition mixed with the crowd.

Cecily held her hands tightly and closed her eyes, as if she couldn't tell if what she was seeing was a dream or a real one.

"Thank you. Morashi… for giving such blessings to me and our demons…"

"… …"

Seeing him praying to Mora, the god worshiped by demons, made my heart ache. I was admitted to the academy because I was a princess, but it must have been even more impressive because I was not from another demon.

Embarrassed, I rubbed the back of my neck and then turned my gaze to the side, and Marie's eyes met.

Marie whispered to me with a smirk as if she had seen Cecily praying.

"Our cute writer. Now you know how great the writer is, right?"

When he was joking, he simply pinched the ball without saying a word instead. It's addictive every time you pinch the white, soft cheeks like Snow White.

In my heart, I wanted to flirt, but it's just a pity that I can't because there are so many people watching.

I pinched Marie's cheek and waited for Cecily to finish praying. Before long, Cecily slowly opened her eyes, revealing her wet, red eyes, proposing to her.

"Sister. How about going to that person once?"


As I suggested, Cecily turned her head to me with a questioning look. For some reason, I could feel her red eyes getting darker.

"You're also curious about my sister. How did those people come to this place? Seeing you with humans, it seems like something interesting is happening, so how about asking?"


Cecily listened to my explanation and looked towards the demons, who mixed with a group of humans and watched the work.

If he was a nobleman from Helium, he would wear a robe, but the demons who are currently mixed with the human group are wearing unique equipment.

Therefore, there is a high probability that it is a rogue or an adventurer who comes out of the helium and wanders around the world, but Zeno's biography was just launched a year ago, so I can't help but wonder how he's been up until now.

After a while, Cecily watched the demon having a fair conversation with a human woman, and nodded her head in response.

"Okay. Let's go."

"Okay. Marie?"

"Heh. I'll look at you this time."

What does watching mean? I moved away for a moment with wonder when Marie treated me rudely.

Cecily also approached the demon who was watching the work with a brighter expression than before, probably because her heart was pounding.

"Hold on. Hold on… You can't do it here…"

As she approached, Cecily patted her chest softly and muttered a little.