Chapter 94

If anyone asks about the closest and most complicated relationship in the world, I will answer without hesitation that they are blood related.

Blood is an inseparable relationship linked by blood as you can see from the word, but ironically, it can be a relationship that is inferior to others.

Also, just like the word slander there are virtues and responsibilities that must be observed in the family. The moment you break it, you become a disgraceful child, and you are committing a great sin as a person.

Unfortunately, there are countless people in this world who neglect their family responsibilities. Moreover, this is even more pronounced in the Middle Ages, when the characteristics of a class society and the concept of human rights were sparse.

It is basic to not accept an illegitimate child as part of one's own family and throw it away.

Since ancient times, people have been trying to avoid fights between blood relatives as much as possible, but if you are blinded by greed, there is no blood relationship.

In this way, blood ties go beyond being inferior to others and can become objects of hatred.

'I was expecting it, but…'

I looked at Adelia's face, who was nervous and anxious. Her sky blue eyes as well as her lips are trembling aimlessly.

Seeing that even a cold sweat was flowing, anyone could tell that he was suffering from severe anxiety. Considering Adele's bubbly personality, she is so heterogeneous that I wonder if it's the same person.

And the reason she trembles so much is the three men and women facing us. It must be because of the royals of the Kingdom of Teres who attended the exhibition.

Not only the eyes but also the hair was light blue, as if reminiscent of a blue sky, and the dignity unique to royalty naturally flowed out.

"Red hair… Are you a child of the Michel family?"

When the subtle confrontation continued and he was unable to speak, the man muttered first.

I was able to get a chance to open my mouth thanks to Ernie who spoke small and mumbled so that I could hear it. At this, I gently released Adelia's hand that I had been holding onto.

Of course, he did not forget to check her condition while letting go. She wanted to say something, but she kept repeating that her mouth opened and closed as her words did not come out.

From this, it is clear that complicated circumstances are intertwined between her and the royal family of Teres.

"Excuse me for a moment. My name is Isaac Ducker Michel, the second son of the Michel family who hosted this exhibition. It is an honor to meet the sky of the Kingdom of Teres."

"Hmm. The rightful heir of the Kingdom of Tersu, Laos is called Duckerd von Kutchers."

When I greeted politely according to the etiquette, the man introduced himself in a low and low voice. Even during the introduction, his gaze was directed towards Adelia.

Next, the woman next to Laos introduced her with a characteristic low-pitched voice.

"Hiriya Ducard von Kutchers. Lara."

Then, Hiriya calls out the name of the girl he was holding on to.

The girl's eyes widened at Hiriya's call, and she hurriedly took action.

"Ah. Yes! Nice to meet you. My name is Lara Duckerd von Kutchers, the third princess of Teres Kingdom."

A girl with a cute appearance like a doll greeted politely by holding both ends of the dress up.

The combination of her mellow voice and cute appearance seemed to put a strain on her heart, but she was more concerned about her manners.

Even if they were called nobles of other countries, Lara was a royal family, so there was no need to greet them politely. Like Laos and Hiriya, it means that it doesn't matter if you give a rough name.

Hiriya seemed to be aware of that too, so he wriggled under his eyes, but eventually responded by gently closing his eyes. It seems that Lara didn't make her mistake more than once or twice.

"Did you say Isaac? It was a very well-organized exhibition for an exhibition that was held in a hurry?"

After all greetings were finished, Laos approached me and spoke to me in a friendly way. As he approached, he still looked at Adelia next to him.

I replied with a little startled and a little bewildered as he strode closer.

The use of banmal was not so bad because Laos was a royal family. It is only in public places that the royal family pays respect to the nobles of other countries.

This exhibition is more like a festival rather than a public event, so there is no diplomatic loss.

"Thank you. Actually, the imperial palace supported everyone, so our family didn't do anything."

"It's good to be honest. Are you a half-tourist too?"

"Not half, just tourists."

"Unlike the blunt tone of speech, you are witty."

"If it's a compliment, I'll take it sweetly."

"Hahaha. Okay. Okay. But…"

Laos smiled broadly as if he liked my answer, and then slowly moved his gaze to Adelia.

It was difficult to even make eye contact now, so Adele kept her head down and didn't say anything.

Her expression was exposed due to the short hair cut, but it was no different from before.

Hesitation, fear, worry, tension, etc.

All kinds of complex emotions were mixed together, so it was impossible to define them arbitrarily, and a cold sweat is pouring down.

Just by looking at it, I could tell that the condition was more serious than bad.

And Laos, with a mischievous smile, asked me if he had even thought of an interesting thought as he stared at Adelia.

As if to prove that they were family, it was exactly the same smile that Adelia had on her face.

"I'm sorry for the first time, but what's your relationship with this woman? We were holding hands before… Maybe?"

"No. Just a close older sister."

"For something like that, you were even holding hands affectionately?"

"We're not like that."

Because it wasn't really, I could draw a line like a knife. The reason she held Adelia's hand was because her condition was not serious.

"Hmm… yes?"

Laos listened to my resolute reply, looked me in the eye and shrugged. I don't know if they believe it or not, but it doesn't seem to cause any harm to me.

"Okay. You mean we're not in a relationship?"

"Yes. By the way, may I ask what your relationship is with Adele?"


When I asked that question, Adelia seemed to be surprised and raised her head, which had been lowered down. Then, with trembling eyes, she began to alternate between me and Laos.

I wanted to say something, but as if my throat was blocked, it was so sad to see my lips open and close again and again. What the hell is going on between them to make Adelia react like this?

"…what's going on?"

It seems that it was not a very good question for Laos as well as Adelia. As soon as I asked, Laos put on a friendly smile and immediately fell in love.

It was as if he didn't want to even associate with her, with a very unpleasant expression. For a moment, her expression was so bad that I wondered if she had stepped on a mine.

When he had a foreboding that something was wrong with this, Laos turned his head with a displeased expression and looked at Adelia. Just at the same time, Adelia had turned her head toward us, so her eyes met.

"… …"

Adelia, who faced Laos head-on, hardened like a mouse in front of a cat. Even his mouth, which had been clenched, was tightly shut, and only a cold sweat was flowing.

I'm worried that I'll pass out like that. It was when I was thinking like that in my mind.

"…isn't it anything?"

Laos, looking away from Adelia, looked at me and answered. The displeased expression disappears from nowhere, leaving only a mischievous smile.

However, unlike Laos, Adelia's expression… lacked even the expression that the world had fallen. His heart pounded, his complexion turned pale, and his eyes began to lose focus.

This would be enough, but Laos' cruel words did not end there. He acted skillfully with Adelia right next to him.

"I don't know what you were thinking, let alone me, we don't know a woman like this. First time seeing her today?"

"… …"

"Looking at you, you seem like a commoner, so play with them in moderation. Even though you are a noble of the Empire, somehow I like you."

"…all right."

Is there anyone who dares to express his refusal in front of the royal family? Laos nodded satisfactorily at my positive reply and looked at Adelia.

Although Adelia's focus had already completely vanished, Laos did not stop lashing out at her.

"You should know the subject, don't you?"

"… …"

Perhaps thanks to this, Adelia's focus returned again.

But then a surprising thing unfolded before my eyes.

"Ugh… Ugh…"

As if all the emotions that had been buried in her heart were spewing out at once, isn't it that tears welling up in her sky blue eyes?

When I saw that even my lips were biting tight, it seemed that I was forcing myself to bear it, but it seems that I have already crossed the limit, so I can't control my emotions.

There is nothing in this world more shocking than being denied your existence by your family. She herself was denied openly by her family, even in front of me, so the impact must be unfathomable.

At this, I slowly reached out to Adelia, who was about to explode. It was an act that kicked her out of her mind that she had to somehow stabilize her, but…


"Huh? Adele sister!"

Before my hand could even reach her, Adelia ran away one step faster. I called out to Adelia's back, who was moving away in an instant, but she didn't want to stop.

Despite a large crowd of people gathered around her, she managed to get through them all. Because of this, her figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"That's why commoners don't know … politeness."

"… …"

"I apologize if I messed up the atmosphere. There are a lot of common people climbing up these days. No matter how much the J-Loss Revolution broke out, we have to protect what we have to protect. Isn't it?"

I didn't answer. He was just staring at Adelia with a complicated gaze in the direction he had left.

As if Laos didn't pay much attention to it, he tapped me on the shoulder and gave me advice, not advice.

"If you can, don't get involved with that girl. And do today's work as nothing. Then, stop."

Laos passed me by as if nothing had really happened. As he passed me, Hiriya and Lara, who were only watching from behind, followed.

Hiriya passed me by indifferently, while Lara passed me, staring intently at my face. Eventually, when they completely passed by, Lara's roaring voice could be heard from behind.

"Unnie. That oppa is really pretty. Isn't she prettier than her sister?"


"Can't we play with him later?"



Looking at Lara's seemingly immature behavior, she seems to have grown up with a lot of love from her family to be the youngest. It's completely different from Adelia, who had just left.

I glanced at their backs as they started looking at the exhibition, then moved to the place where Adelia had just escaped. I don't know where they went by now, but if you ask questions, you'll find them.

"A woman with brown hair and blue eyes? I'm not sure."

"You ran away crying? Oh, I saw you there before…"

"I went through the building over there."

It wasn't difficult to ask a question because Adelia's appearance was so good. I approached a nearby alley in her village where she supposedly entered.

It was an alleyway, so there were few people, and it was a dark place even in the daytime. Originally, there were no alleys like this in our estate, but it seems that it was created because many buildings were built.


– Uh-uh… Uh-huh…

Someone's sobs pierced my ears. The sound was even louder thanks to the quiet alley characteristics.

I roughly calculated the direction the sound was coming from and walked towards it. The closer I got, the louder the sobbing started to get louder.

Eventually, when I reached the deep alley where no one seemed to come, I found a woman crouching on the floor and crying.


"… …"

"It's too much… It's too much… As for greetings… Kew… You can do it… Hib…"

Adelia, who was always confident and passionate about everything, is in tears. As if the dam that forced her to gather her emotions was completely destroyed, she is pouring out all of her own sorrow.

I watched Adelia sobbing at a level close to weeping, then slowly approached her back. She was so busy with tears that she didn't even notice that I had come.

"Just… just… once… hib!

"… …"


Adelia is crying so sadly that she thinks she might be exhausted from that. I was busy wiping my eyes to see if the tears wouldn't stop.

I decided I needed to calm down a little, so I pulled a handkerchief out of my back pocket. Carrying a handkerchief is a basic skill of a nobleman.

The handkerchief was an ordinary handkerchief without any special patterns, but it will be of great help to Adelia now.



"Sister Adelia."

"Ugh… Huh?"

Adelia heard my voice and turned her head as if she had poured out some of the emotions she had been hiding. How much she cried, her eyes were swollen and she was running down to her runny nose.

Unable to hide my pity, I silently held out my handkerchief to Adelia. Adelia called my name in a hoarse voice, not sure if she could understand the situation.


"I think I'll need this."

"…Did you follow me?"

Adelia is busy asking her own questions without taking the handkerchief I handed out. I replied by nodding my head.

Then she came out with a slightly confused look and looked at the handkerchief, hesitatingly, reached out. Although she is different from her usual self-confidence, she has a completely different look.

I am having a hard time even dealing with myself because it was such a shock that I was denied my existence by my family.

"Just take it."


When I said that, Adelia was taken by surprise and took the handkerchief. Then she looked me in the eye and she started cleaning her own face, which was covered in tears and runny nose.


"… …"

Still, her personality didn't go anywhere, so Adelia unwrapped her handkerchief and her nose. I laughed bitterly when I saw it.

It seemed like it would be better not to take that handkerchief and throw it away. After all, handkerchiefs were all around the house.

While I was thinking about it, Adelia snorted, trying to calm down a little. Her face was clear, but her eyes were puffy and her nose was red as if drunk.

"…thank you. I couldn't see you."

"No. But Adele noona. With those Terus people…"

"Sigh. That's right. My family. Even half blood."

half mixed with blood This means that Adelia is an illegitimate child.

It's not very strange to have an illegitimate child in a world where there is a hierarchy, but I was a little surprised that it was the king's illegitimate child and no one else.

But it was strange to be treated so harshly, and I couldn't understand why Adelia had feelings for them.

I must have had a bad past when I saw that Laos treated Adelia as an incompetent. If it was a normal person, even if they cut off blood ties, it wouldn't be enough, but Adelia's case was a little different.

"…My mother was a prostitute. And my father… I had a relationship with my mother when I was very bloody. And the result is me."

"If it's the King of Teres…"

"You're usually a romantic and famous person."

The king of Teres Kingdom, he knew a little about Friedrich. He deserves a concubine, but a king famous for looking at only one queen.

Despite how good Geumseul was, he had four children with him, despite not having a concubine. She even said she was going to have more children, according to rumors she always hears, but she didn't because her queen was so hard on her.

However, it was a surprising fact that such a king had an illegitimate child, and that the illegitimate child was Adelia.

"You don't know, but the life of the lower class is very miserable. If I had been raised by my mother, I would have lived by selling my body. I would have a pretty face, and it would have sold quite luxuriously."

"… …"

"My mother knew that too, so she took me to my father. To avoid that kind of life somehow. But, as you can see…"

Adelia did not explain further. To be honest, I don't need to explain.

Laos treated Adelia as a missing person, and Hiriya blocked Lara's approach. From this alone, we can roughly infer how Adelia was treated.

Although he avoided the life of a prostitute, he must have lived a life of contempt and contempt by his family. She may have even been abused. She feels even more sorry.

Meanwhile, Adelia lowered her head and continued speaking as if muttering. She had a voice that sounded like despair.

"So I entered Halo Academy as if I was kicked out when I got older. They say that if I graduate with good grades, I will be recognized as a family…"

"I had a gut feeling that it wouldn't be possible."

"That's right. At least if you show that you're making an effort… I'll admit it… and… turn it off…"

As she spoke, Adelia clenched her lips and began to weep.

Tears flowed from her eyes, which resembled the clear sky, drop by drop.

"I'm just… like a normal family… Hib. I just wanted to play…"

"… …"

"It's hard to call you sister or sister… is it that bad bastards…"

drip- drip-

Tears streamed from her eyes, not even thinking of wiping it with a handkerchief, falling on the cold floor.

Seeing that he clenched his fists in anger, it seems that his miserable life is painful.

I am worried that this may lead to suicide in the future. I bent her knees to bring her to eye level with her and spoke quietly.


"Ugh… Why…"

"Is it because of your mother that you have feelings for those people?"

Adelia nodded at my question. She and she sobbed as she talked about what was going on.

"Yeah… My mother… Hib! It's better than living like this… so much better…"

"… …"

"Even now, my mother is cuddling! I don't know what happened… If I became a princess, I would be proud… Huge. I wanted to visit you…"

What a miserable life this is. Adelia's life is very different from mine, who was born as a noble and grew up with nothing lacking.

Perhaps the reason he joked with Nicole was because she was the first friend he had made. Nicole must be very precious to Adelaide, as she must have been physically and emotionally abused by her family before her admission.

If even Nicole stops paying attention to herself, it will be difficult to endure the loneliness that comes upon her. I glanced down at Adelia as I watched her weep.

Her hands were full of calluses and scars, as if saying that she had worked hard was not in vain.

"How am I supposed to live now…"

"… …"

"I no longer have confidence. After graduating from the academy, I have to go back to the realm. And again…"

Adelia trembled just thinking about how badly she had been abused. The fear and fear engraved in her mind are slowly consuming her.

I decided not to go on like this, so I carefully grabbed her hand. A hard, cold sensation passed through my hands.

Adelia stopped shaking and lifted her head slightly, perhaps because the warmth was transmitted as I held her hand. Her messy face had turned full of her doubts.


"It's okay. Sister. Don't cry."

I can understand Adelia, but I can't empathize with her. So whatever comfort she gives now will be of no use to her.

But it's much better than not doing it at all. In such a situation, just having someone there is a great comfort.

He knows it well because he has lost his entire family in a previous life. Friends who came to me while I was bruising at the funeral home became the driving force that made me hold on to life.

If it hadn't been for those friends, I would have committed suicide sooner or later. Humans are infinitely weak beings when they are alone, but if they have just one support, they are extremely tenacious.

I got a handkerchief from Adelia and gently wiped her eyes. Adelia did not refuse and accepted my hand.

"I understand that your sister has complicated circumstances. And there is nothing I can do to help you. For now, I have no choice but to comfort you."

"… …"

"More than anything else, she has a pretty face with a confident smile. So don't cry. Even if you can't help, I'll be by your side."

Finally, after wiping away the tears from the corners of my eyes, I ended the conversation with a soft smile.

"You see?"

"… …"

"So, I want to vomit out everything that happened today and return to the Adele noona I know from tomorrow. And, as always, they call me cutie."

Adelia looked at me with a blank expression somewhere. There was a deep confusion in her sky blue eyes.

After a while, she gathered her thoughts, trembling her lips and forcibly pulling the corners of her lips. It was a bizarre smile, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

"Hey, like this?"

"…I'd rather just cry now."

"Um, sorry…"

Adelia immediately turns pale. I grinned at the colorful change of expression and tried to put the handkerchief in my back pocket.

I'm thinking of putting it in the trash can after a while.

"Come on, wait a minute."


"The handkerchief… I'll wash it for you."

Just before I put it in my back pocket, Adelia grabbed my wrist and said urgently. I questioned and opened my mouth.

"I don't think there's any need for that? Handkerchiefs are scattered around the mansion."

"Still, you got dirty because of me. At least I have to take responsibility. Aren't you?"

"If that's the case…"

I nodded and returned the handkerchief to Adelia. Then she noticed Adelia's expression brightened, and she held her dearly with both hands.

"Thank you. I'll definitely return it later."


"And… Isaac."


Adelia called my name and gave me her characteristic, lively smile as before. Her eyes were swollen and the tip of her nose was red, but her smile I knew was certain.

As I was gazing at her face, Adelia thanked me.

"Thank you so much. It seems to give me strength."

"Thank you. This is nothing."

"Thanks to that kind of consideration, he's dating you. Now I understand."

I think he's talking about Marie. I shrugged my shoulders and said it was no big deal.

"If my sister was like that, then it would be."

Adelia said as if convinced of my words.

"That's right."

She was still holding the handkerchief with both hands.