Chapter 97

After that, I went out of the bookstore after purchasing various books. It took a lot of time to choose because there were a lot of newly published books, but thanks to Arwen, I was able to shorten it a bit.

Instead, I did not tell the storyline, but only told me whether this book had depth and whether it was suitable for a knowledgeable person like me, without my subjective evaluation.

"But all of them are books related to history. Do you like history?"

Arwen asked me as I was walking down the street after coming out of the bookstore. It seems that I have doubts when I only choose history books.

Then I answered her, lifting the envelope in my right hand. The envelope contains the books I have purchased.

"It's funny. It's strange that such events existed in the past."

"Well, as you said, the past is interesting. It makes me wonder if such an incident happened to me too. And the part that the past affects the present and the future will also attract a lot of attention."

"Arwen likes history? Not the history of the elves, but the history of other races."

The elves value history and tradition to the extent that they are a bit exaggerated, but that's a story limited to them. Until the racial war broke out, the elves had little interest in other races.

However, there was only one exception, and that is the demons. It is recorded in the book that elves, descendants of angels, had no choice but to be wary of demons, descendants of demons, and that there was a clash secretly.

However, since the two had similar powers, there was no direct armed conflict. If that happened, at least one of the two races would be annihilated, so the elves had no choice but to stand by.

"Of course. I am especially curious about humans like you. Humans have achieved remarkable growth despite their short lifespan. Even magic was only available to the elect during the racial wars, but now it is used by the upper classes. It has only spread widely. And as time passes, magic will become a power that even commoners can easily use."

"It will take a long time."


Arwen listened to my blunt reply and looked at my face. Then, as he pondered on something, he turned his head forward and brought out his own thoughts.

"As you said, it will take a long time. However, humans have infinite potential and are a race that even we elves cannot predict. Perhaps in the not too distant future, magic may spread to the public. And do you even know how the Asmodians' perceptions changed?"

"Well, this world is full of unpredictable things."

I laughed out loud after hearing Arwen's explanation. Even I, who wrote Xenon's biography myself, didn't know it would be like this, but the world will be terrifying.

Magic can be thought of as a privilege granted only to the upper class, but in retrospect, it is a naturally fixed phenomenon.

Unlike nobles, who receive higher education from an early age, commoners have no choice but to acquire power on their own, and even approach to magic is different.

Occasionally, ordinary people show the talent of a wizard, but that's a really slim chance. In addition, since he possesses unusual talents, he is intensively cared for by the state.

In other words, magic is a power that can be easily used by commoners as long as accessibility is solved.

The reason that elves and demons are proficient in magic is probably because of their innate ability, but accessibility alone is overwhelming.

"But is it true that elves view humans as inferior? You and the elves I've met so far don't seem to have that tendency?"

As I was pondering about magic, a question suddenly came to mind and I asked Arwen.

Cindy, Elena, and the elves I met may be unique, but they never put humans under them.

Rather, Elena ranks me high enough to enroll me as a recommended student, and so does Cindy.

"That's just a prejudice. Just as each human views elves differently, we also view humans from different perspectives. However, most of the elves who have been through the racial war still downplay humans."

"Why? If you've been humiliated like that, you might have a different opinion."

"The reason is simple. The reason we were actually defeated in the racial war was because of our own mistakes, and we never thought that humans were superior. It's really funny."

"… …"

I feel like I'm speechless at the thought of an elf. At first glance, I heard that elves have a serious generational conflict, but I think you can understand the reason.

Still, it was fortunate that the elves, who belonged to the younger axis, looked at humans in a good way.

'That's why I couldn't dig a well with a shovel, so I made a lake…'

Everywhere you go, nerds are the problem. Seeing Arwen also grimaced as if bored with his hair, it was clear that she hated them.

I looked around the streets to comfort Arwen, who was offended, and to resolve his bored mouth. As it was a festival, various stalls were arranged and there was also food.

As the son of a lord, if you can't buy food for a relationship you meet by chance, you won't lose face.

"Arwen. Is there anything you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

"Well, there's no need for that. I've already eaten before I came, so I'm here."

"Eating a meal and soothing a bored mouth are different. You don't fill your stomach with candy, do you?"

"I'm really fine…"

Arwen smirked at me as if it was uncomfortable for me to be disrespectful, and answered in a small way. Occasionally he looked somewhere other than me, but I didn't really care.

"It's a relationship to meet like this, but you have to buy some food. And as the lord's son, this is the basics."

"Large. Big. In that case, I won't refuse. Instead, I have one condition…"

"What conditions?"

"That is…"

Arwen, who is constantly glancing towards the side that is not me. I looked where her silver-gray eyes were headed.

But nothing could be seen or felt in the empty void. She must have been a little skeptical of him.

"…buy two."


"If you're going to buy one, I want you to buy two. I want to eat one right away and savor the other slowly."

"Aren't you going to eat both right away?"

"I might remember later. It is to prepare for the future."

When I asked about a truly unique idea, Arwen answered with a bewildered answer. Everyone has a different opinion, but even considering that, it was strange.

I glanced at her hesitantly, and answered yes. Then Arwen gave a slightly relieved expression.

'Is there any other party?'

If not, you don't need to buy two. Looking at it, I think he was going to meet up with the party later.

Subsequently, I bought three strawberry candies from a nearby stall. Its original name is Tanghuru, and it is a food made by putting fruits on a skewer, coating them with sugar, starch syrup, and syrup, and then freezing them.

It has a very sweet taste and is mixed with the original taste of the fruit. In addition, it has a surprisingly long history and is one of the foods that come to mind when thinking of festivals.

"Here you are, sir. Enjoy your meal."

"thank you."

"You look delicious."

When I received three strawberry candies, Arwen's eyes lit up like a child's. I paid the street vendor and delivered two strawberry candies to Arwen.

Arwen held one strawberry candy in each hand and looked at each other with eyes that looked delicious. Seeing her like this, she looked like an innocent child.

"Isn't this your first time trying fruit candy?"

"No, it isn't. It's one of my favorite foods."

"Then don't just look around and eat. Oh, and don't bite too hard. Then it will go bad."

"…You keep treating me like a child. As I said before, I lived ten times closer than you."

Arwen grumbles with his cheeks inflated because he doesn't want to be treated like a child. That's why I'm treated like a child.

He wanted to stroke his hair, but he barely persevered. She just smiles like she's cute.

Arwen also looked at me with a fat face, and then turned his head, exclaiming that he had given up. And then, abruptly, she throws one of her strawberry candies in her left hand into the air.

Around the time I was startled by the action, something that made my eyes doubtful unfolded.


The strawberry candy that Arwen threw into the air disappeared in the blink of an eye. As if it had never existed from the beginning, there was no sign of any kind.

As I watched with amazement at the phenomenon, Arwen explained that it was not a big deal.

"Storage magic. I put it in a space I made myself through space movement."

"Storage magic?"

"Humans call this subspace."

Arwen mentioned subspace, a crystal of storage magic that always appears when talking about fantasy magic.

Arwen said it wasn't that difficult, but it's possible because she's an elf, and it's one of the most difficult magic for humans.

If subspace is a form of sewing pockets with tools prepared in advance for elves, humans have to start from zero at all. As such, subspace is very effective, but very difficult.

It was the first time I had actually seen magic, so I looked at her with curiosity. Even though he looks young, the elf seems to be an elf.

"Then can you take it out again?"


"I kept it, so I can take it out again."

"Well, that's…"

Arwen was greatly perplexed when he heard my question. No, I'm more embarrassed than embarrassed.

When I looked at him with a puzzled expression, she hesitated and answered in an urgent voice.

"Come on, I need a little time!"

"Need some time?"

"Yeah. Even if an elf has a knack for magic, it doesn't mean they can use it randomly. This is especially the case with space magic."

Is it like a cooldown? I didn't know anything about magic, so I just assumed it was.

There seems to be something there, so it's a good way to pretend you don't know.

"Okay. Still, it's amazing. It's the first time I've seen magic with my own two eyes."

"I can show you simple magic if you want."

"For example?"


Arwen showed it with actions instead of answers. As she clasped her hands neatly, she floated a blue drop of water on top of her.

I was amazed when the water droplets floated from her white, beautiful hands. I've only heard of magic, but I've never seen it in person, so it was even more interesting.

Arwen also smiled happy as I opened his mouth to focus, and then moved his index finger smoothly. The drop of water also moved gently where her finger was pointing.

"You used to treat me like a child, but now you are like a little child."

When I was fascinated by her ability to freely manipulate water droplets, Arwen burst out the water droplets and said teasingly. She seems to be taking revenge on how she has been treated like a child.

But I nodded my head without denying anything. Was this how it felt to see a large soap bubble for the first time in a previous life as a child?

Magic has the charm of making a man have a child. Although it is only a skill level, magic is magic.

"Can you show me more than this?"

"Of course. Then…"


While Arwen was preparing for his next magic, an alluring voice pierced his ears. It's a very familiar voice to me.

I turned my head back and, as it must have been, Cecily was standing there as if I had just finished my personal conversation. Marie couldn't see where she had gone.

"Ah. Cecily's sister is here? How about Marie?"

"Marie will be here soon. But…"

Cecily, who first met my eyes, looked at Arwen, who was next to me. She was brief, but she was dazzled by her red eyes.

Then Cecily smiled softly and asked in a gentle voice.

"Who are these people?"

"… …"

At the same time as that question, an unexplained chill engulfed my body.