Chapter 100

Usually, the festival starts during the day and ends in the evening when the sun goes down, but in special cases, the festival extends beyond night to dawn.

Festivals with special meanings, such as founding festivals, tend to do this, and the scale is much larger than other festivals.

And the festival that runs through the night is different from other festivals, that is, the deeper the night, the stronger the vigor.

During the day, it is difficult to focus on one place because the surroundings are bright, but at night it is the opposite. It's easy to focus on a spot lit by a lamp as it's dark around you.

The reason for the increase in vitality is close to a kind of illusion. Many people get a good night's sleep to end a tiring day.

To do this, you need a comfortable home, as well as the stillness to immerse yourself in rest. Therefore, the perception that 'the night is quiet' is basically ingrained in people's minds.

But what if the festival continues during these nights? What if it's noisy rather than quiet? What if there was a more intense and fun performance than during the day?

People are busy enjoying the festival without even sleeping, which makes it even more noisy. There is no problem in concentrating on the festival as it is enough to light the dark things with light.

The true essence of such a large-scale festival is revealed only in the evening, and performances that can be called the highlights also begin at night.

"No matter how you look at it, it seems to be more crowded than during the day? You might get lost if you do."

"Yeah. I was surprised during the day, but it's the first time I've seen our Youngji so active."

"… …"

The entrance to the village where the full-scale festival began. Dave and Nicole exchanged words one by one through the bustling, crowded townscape.

"Father. How are you feeling?"

"Umm…it seems like I just have more work…"

"It's really good, too. If it's good, say it's good."

Even my parents, who had just come out after working so far, showed different reactions to Yeong-ji's activeness. My father had a slightly bewildered expression on his face, and his mother had a smile of genuine happiness.

I was equally surprised to see a village full of tourists, but now I was busy thinking about something else. Naturally, it was because of Cecily who came into my bedroom briefly before dinner and left after making a shocking remark.

Cecily asked if love between a human and an elf could truly be achieved, and I replied that it could be regret or longing, depending on the choice I made.

But until then, I hadn't noticed. She was asking about the love between long-lived and short-lived species, not between elves and humans.

Since then, she has left me confused with many meaningful comments. The fact that the bed is so wide can be guessed by even the ignorant person.


I organized my head one by one, which seemed to have been tangled here and there. Cecily is usually a good prankster, but somehow I had a strong feeling that it wasn't a joke this time around.

As the musical cycle approaches, we become more faithful to our desires, and accordingly, the frequency of directly expressing our desires is increasing.

So, what she said to me was close to the truth, which to me is embarrassing.

She must have clearly seen the relationship between me and Marie, but I can't understand why she said that. She really ignored Marie and was a little afraid that she might be doing something.

Even if that happens, I will firmly reject it. She hasn't even gotten to that point with Marie yet, but it's absurd to say she's with Cecily.

I can assure you that it will never happen unless Cecily attacks me, or I covet Cecily because I can't control my s*xual desire.


"… …"



"What are you thinking, your face is hardened?"

My mother called me while I was rolling my head. I listened to her, pulled out of her thoughts and turned her head away.

My mother is looking at me with a worried expression. In the purple eyes, worries about the child were dripping.

I looked into her eyes and then smiled bitterly. To think of something else even though I have a whole family, I am a very poor child.

"I'm sorry. I was a little surprised because it seems to be more than what I saw in the morning."

"So? Seriously, this mom was surprised too, but would you say it's you? So how do you feel?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Yeah. It's all thanks to you."

I turned my head at my mother's kind words and looked around the village. I think I heard similar questions during the day, but in the evening, I felt a new emotion.

"It's just… it's strange. I'll have to work hard to write a book in the future."

"Ho-ho. So, do you plan on changing the year?"


I was worried as I looked through the town, one by one, in the spirit of the festival. As long as you have been registered as a recommended student by Professor Elena, in fact, from the second year onwards, you just need to focus on history.

So, it means that the time has been wide since the end of the second semester, and there is no problem with serialization from then on. The reason I stopped the serialization was to focus on my studies, but also because I didn't have enough time.

More than anything else, I couldn't help but be greedy as I faced the festival for the life of Zeno I wrote with my own eyes. Especially since the elf side is going to have a wonderful character, the desire to write a book arose.

'What kind of reaction will you get if you resume the serialization after seeing the festival and saying you were moved?'

Wouldn't everyone here be cheering? Just imagining it makes me shiver and feel thrilled.

My heart was shaken slightly as I realized the popularity I had never experienced in my previous life.

"…I'll think about it."




When I answered that, not only my mother but also other family members were amazed and asked me. I was a bit bewildered and looked over the faces of my family one by one.

They are looking straight at me with their eyes wide open. There were expectations and aspirations in their different eyes.

Even his father didn't show it, but he had an expression of secretly looking forward to it.

"Uh, I'm just thinking about it. I haven't made a decision yet."

"Then you're saying you can make up your mind after watching the performance?"

Why is the thought going that way, Mother.

Mother put her hands together and her eyes lit up as if she was really looking forward to it. She seems to want to see Zeno's biography quite a bit.

I just rolled my eyes, unable to come up with a definitive answer. I don't know how good the performance is right now, but I don't know if it will live up to my expectations, having been exposed to the splendid culture of my previous life.

'Still, they said they were the best bands and troupes, so you can expect a little bit.'

I've even heard that both groups have some perverts. In particular, rumors abound that the Matrix Theater Company is unmatched in its directing.

I shrugged my shoulders and calmly opened my mouth after facing the expectant mother and family one by one.

"I'll take a look and think about it. How much time is left until the performance?"

"About an hour left. I think we should look at the works exhibited until then."

In the morning, Cecily and Marie, the three of us had a tour, and in the evening we planned to enjoy the exhibition with the family.

Marie also left for a while for family reconciliation, and Cecily wonders if she will watch it with Gartz.

Finally, Adele… tried to bring her in because Nicole said it was okay, but she refused because it was too much of a burden. She may have been wandering around and enjoying the exhibits by now, but her concerns are still there.

Perhaps, because of that useless regret, he could have approached the Teres royal family. As I watched her tears from my side, I couldn't help it if I didn't have to worry.

"Come on. Let's stop talking now and enjoy the festival. Father, have you made a reservation for the show?"

"What do you think of this father? Even if it looks like this, he is the lord who directly manages this estate. Don't worry about that because you can see it from the front."

"Nicole. Let's go over there. I think they sell cosmetics?"

"Mom. I'm not interested in makeup…"

"Hey. A woman's going to have to dress up someday. Do you know how pretty you were the last time you wore a dress?"

After that, my family started to enjoy the festival by going around town. There were so many people moving around that it almost scattered at times, but I don't know how, but my father found it right away.

Thanks to this, I was able to see the works that I couldn't see in the morning without any worries. In addition, works that we couldn't see in the morning were also on display, which made our family's eyes happy.

'The mansion must be well guarded by the knights…'

Currently, our mansion is being strictly guarded by knights dispatched from the Imperial Palace. Of course, someone won't be robbing my room by grabbing it, but I'm relieved that I'm protecting it anyway.

My father said that even in the Imperial Palace, the knights are quite talented. There's no need to worry too much about it, as my father will admit it.

"Isaac. There's a water balloon tossing over there, would you like to give it a try? The person who loses by rock-paper-scissors is right."

"No. I lose all the time. How am I supposed to keep up with my brother's body vision?"

"I'll close my eyes instead. Nicole, do you want to do it too?"

"I'm fine. And don't be rude, too. You can predict what the other person will do with your eyes closed now."

"Why are you saying that? It's not funny."

"Am I not having any fun at all?"

Dave, who had a short vacation left, wandered here and there as if trying to relieve all the desires that had been suppressed until now. He had little interest in his work and focused only on the festival itself.

Fortunately, I'm not acting like a fool and I'm controlling myself. She struggled to shred her bones in the military, so she deserved her gaze on a woman, but oddly enough, she didn't pay any attention to her.

'Did the capital solve it separately?'

Roads are not yet developed, so to get to our territory, you must pass through the capital. So, he may have dealt with his s*xual desires from a brothel in the capital.

I silently looked at Dave, who was just starting to have fun with the paycheck I received from the military, then shifted my gaze to the other side.


Then, suddenly, some people caught my eye. Although far away, her golden hair and gorgeous looks stand out even more in the dark night. Finally, a neat outfit that suits each individual's personality.

Leort and Lina were siblings. It was not seen in the morning, but it seems that he participated in the festival only in the evening.

As the noble atmosphere subtly emanated along with their appearance, it felt like only their space was separated. In fact, it was not a metaphorical expression as they had an escort knight attached to them.

'But your face looks very tired.'

Lina, whom I met last time, looked like she was tired, but she looks worse today. She sees everything even when she is looking from a distance.

It seems that she was hiding her face with makeup, but she couldn't hide the gloomy expression on her face.

'I'll see you at the concert.'

Right now, it seems like they're too busy looking around their works, so let's not interfere. I wouldn't be the first to intervene just because I'm crazy.

Anyway, after playing like this, the performance that can be called the start and highlight of the full-fledged festival came close to my nose. Dave, who was too busy playing like a fool, was also caught by his father.

Before long, a large number of people, including my family, arrived at the concert hall, but it was not a small concert hall located in the town center square. It is a truly eco-friendly stage that was temporarily produced using the entire vast plain as a stage.

Time was too tight to build the building, so it was inevitable, but the people who performed the show seemed to like it. Rather, I did it in my mind because the stage was wide.

I remembered that Lyrus, the conductor of the Lyrus Band, had alluded to me. We will collaborate with the Matrix Troupe to put on a fantastic stage.

Will they be able to satisfy my heightened eyes with the culture of their previous lives? I'm pretty much looking forward to it.


"number of animals?"

While waiting in the center of the grandstand, which can be called the VIP seat, Marie suddenly came to visit. Seeing that she is alone without any family, she seems to have found me while sitting in another seat.

As Marie came, the eyes of the family sitting next to me also turned to Marie. Even when she received the attention of her family, she was not embarrassed at all and greeted them politely with a beautiful smile.

"Hello. Nice to see you again."

"Yes. Did you enjoy the festival enough?'

"It was a really fun festival as much as the founding festival. There were so many things to see."

"I'm glad. How about your family?"

"I'm sitting over there."

Marie answered, pointing right down. She turned her head towards it and saw her family really sitting side by side.

The VIP, or in other words, aristocratic grandstands are designed to be two stories high so that the stage can be seen more clearly. If I couldn't build a building, I decided that I would rather make a spectator's seat.

It means a rare stage surrounded by spectators around a wide plain. I don't know how to deal with it after all the festivals are over, but it's not something I could be involved in, so I turned my attention off.

"I'm really sorry, but can I take Isaac with me? I want to see the two of you together…"

"Of course. Isaac?"


My mother accepted Marie's earnest request instead of me. I also wanted to sit down with Marie, so I got up without saying a word.

As I stood up, I noticed that Marie's expression brightened up. I blinked and looked at Marie with her blue eyes twinkling.

Umm… Even on a dark night, Marie is cute. This is an undeniable fact. It's not because she's my girlfriend, but Marie is always pretty.

"I'm envious. I want to sit with my girlfriend too."

"What are you talking about when you don't even have a girlfriend?"

"You don't even have a boyfriend."

"I don't make it, it's not that I can't make it."

"Did I say nothing?"

Let's put aside the quarrels of real brothers and sisters. I was led by Marie's hand and pressed her ass to her seat that she had foreseen.

It was higher than where I sat before, so I had a much better view of the stage. Yongke knew this place too.

"Heh heh."

"… …"

As soon as Marie sat down, she wrapped her arms around me and started rubbing her face. He gently stroked her hair with a gentle smile as if he was grooming a cat.

She also made a rustling sound as I stroked her hair and cling to her even tighter. I feel sorry for everyone who thought of other women after having such a charming and lovely girlfriend.

"You two look good."


As they were showing affection for each other, a familiar voice dug into their ears from behind. It's dark, but it's a voice that seems to contain dissatisfaction.

The two of us looked back in amazement at him. I was deliberately sitting in an empty spectator seat, but I couldn't imagine who would be there.

And when I turned around, Cecily, who didn't know when she had arrived, was watching us with a smile on her face. It's like something I've been through somewhere.


Cecily moved into the seat next to me amidst our embarrassment. Her actions were so natural that Marie and I couldn't say anything.

Either way, Cecily secretly wrapped her arms around me and whispered to me in a strange voice.

"After the show… you know?"

"… …"

"You can look forward to it."

I wonder if I will be able to focus on the performance.