Chapter 114

The pleasure that started at night and continued until late in the morning ended, and as soon as I woke up in the morning, Marie was doing something stupid, so I almost fell into pleasure again.

However, thanks to that, he did not mix his body by discharging a little of accumulated desire. Marie also touched my lower leg out of curiosity, but it was unreasonable to do it because she was already exhausted.

After that, I got out of bed and put on my pajamas that had fallen on the floor to deal with the rest of the day. While putting on the clothes, I check the traces left by me and Marie having an affair last night.

It was wet enough to be thrown away right away, and there were plenty of traces of it, as well as some white solid that had hardened. Most of all, there is blood from Marie, so you will have no choice but to throw it away.

There was no problem with the bed, which was filled with all kinds of liquids, if you ask the maid to take care of it, but the biggest problem was another.


"Wake up Marie. The maid has to clean it up."

"I want to cut some more…"

Marie woke up briefly at my hand, but her body was so exhausted that she didn't want to fall out of bed. Whenever I called, she would answer in her sleepy voice.

He said that he sometimes had a stomachache, and yesterday something so big went in, and he was whining about if he could take a break. Because it was too messy to leave the bed like this.

Besides, Marie's body is already dirty enough to get dirty, and so is her inside. Keeping your body clean by washing it somehow is the top priority.

Fortunately, the bedroom had its own private bathroom, so I think Marie should wash up after I shower.

"Then I'll be washing first. If I wash, you…"



"My legs don't move."


"Isaac, wash me."

If you ask with a smile like that, who will refuse? I smiled uncontrollably and hugged Marie, who was lying on the bed.

It was not lifted, but the soft texture of the skin was delivered intact. This caused my lower back to sting again, and Marie could feel it too.

Marie grinned as she hung from me like a cicada and spoke to me with a playful look.

"Isaac is really a pervert. I took it out by hand earlier."

"… it's because you're so naughty."

"Shall we wash?"

"Sorry, I already called the maid. And the bathroom is not soundproofed."

"Zeep… Okay."

Marie clicked her tongue in regret. It seems he wasn't kidding me, he was sincere.

Marie's s*xual desire, who woke up to the castle, was terrifying, saying that she wanted to do more even though she was doing it while consuming not only her physical strength but also her energy.

Of course, I have nothing to say about making it that way. It's addicting because I've been pushing it like that since the first night.

"But Isaac, are you really new to this? Where did you learn that?"

"I just did what I saw in the book."

"It's different from what you see in a book. Haven't you already done it with someone other than me?"

"Who else but you?"


"… …"

An answer that left her speechless came out of Marie's mouth. It's not like she's empty, because if she hadn't dated Marie, she would most likely have had an affair with Cecily first.

Of course, that can't happen anymore, and Marie is the woman who gave me the first experience in my past and present. This is an undeniable truth.

I looked at Marie with a bewildered expression and then burst out laughing.

"Absolutely not. You're really the first."


Marie clings to me and hugs her even tighter, perhaps feeling better when she hears she is the first woman. Her secretly rubbing her body showed off her hidden lewdness.

If you see blood on the bed, she is a virgin, but how can she be so lewd? I lowered Marie to the ground while receiving warm water from the bathtub placed in the bathroom.

Marie was sitting on the floor, smirking as if she couldn't really walk. In the meantime, I figured out how many gowns were left.

'It's a little big for Marie, but it'll be fine.'

Since it is not possible to wear an evening dress in the morning, it would be better to replace it with a gown. So, before entering the bathtub, I washed Marie's body in every nook and cranny.

Marie accepted my hand without being rude. It was almost dangerous because he made a strange moan in the middle, but he suppressed his lust.

"Wash here too."

"… can't you do it there?"

"Woo special

Even the lower part was asked to wash instead, which made it difficult. Originally he was going to refuse, but Marie bulged her cheeks and complained, so she reluctantly allowed it.

And what… I couldn't stand it anymore, so I had no choice but to wash her again. I hope there's no her maid outside her please.

with a splash-


"Is the water temperature right?"


After that, after soaking ourselves in the bathtub for a while to relieve our fatigue, we both put on our bathrobes and went out of the bathroom. Of course, Marie couldn't even stand up, so she hugged me.

When I came out of the bathroom, the bed was in a clean state as the maid had cleaned it all up in that short time. I put Marie down slowly on the bed, thinking to myself that it was amazing.

"I'm hungry…"

"The meal will arrive in a little while. Can you move your hands?"


I think it would be better if I just feed them. Currently, moving Marie itself is a drudgery, so it is desirable that I be her servant for today.

Originally, I could have made a maid, but I wasn't comfortable with it. They accepted me that much yesterday, and I think this is basic manners.

"I've always felt it, but Isaac is very considerate. I usually instruct the maid to do all these things."

Of course, from the point of view of this world, even this seems to be an overflowing consideration. I smiled shyly when I looked at Marie with a shocked expression.

Sometimes I forget I am a reincarnation, but these meticulous details made me aware again.

"Being a man, you have to do this much. Aren't you?"

"There aren't many men like you. We're in a relationship, but men rarely date women."

"Yeah? Those are really bad guys."

"You're weird. But I like you."

What a lovely and cute woman this is. Yesterday, she showed lust like a yobu, but now she shows the loveliness of a young girl.

I welcomed Marie's confession of love with a warm smile. Marie also blushed slightly at my smile and smiled brightly.

Knock- Knock- Knock-

"Isaac? Can I come in?"

As we were both facing each other and making love, we heard a knock and a mother's voice outside the door.

Surprised by this, before giving permission, Marie, who was lying on the bed, was moved to the back of the bed and barely sat down. Even so, it is absolutely rude to greet you while lying down.

I sat Marie down and covered her with a blanket. And after a light kiss, he shouted at the door.

"Yes! Come in!"

"Then excuse me."


As soon as the door opened, the tray on which the meal was placed entered first. Surprisingly, it is the mother, not the maid, who pulls the tray.

Embarrassed and hurried to move for a while, my mother waved her hand, saying it was not necessary. She then leaned back against the back of her bed, her gaze on Marie her seated, and her eyes softly narrowed.

"Did you have a good night?"

My mother used half-words to Marie, not respectful words. She seemed to have already established her as her prospective daughter-in-law.

Meanwhile, Marie quietly answered her mother's question, blushing red. It was really cute to see her shy away from making eye contact with her.


"Aren't you sick?"

"Rather than hurting… it was great."

"Oh my. Is that true? That's a good thing."


When her mother brought the tray herself, Marie cautiously called her out. At this, her mother tilted her head and looked at her as if she had something to say.

After that, Marie glanced at me once, then barely opened her mouth in a tone that seemed to suppress the embarrassment.

"The… are all men as big as Isaac?

"number of animals?"

"How big are you?"

It was very embarrassing to ask such an obscene question while I was sitting next to you. She is also Marie, but she is not at all embarrassed and her questioning mother is also unusual.

"Maybe this is it? Wait a minute."

Whether I was bewildered or not, Marie roughly expressed the length with both hands, and, perhaps vaguely, brought it to her lower body hidden under the duvet. She then mumbled a small mumble, and as if she was just about right, she showed her mother her hands, her hands wider than before.

She was so honest, I was ashamed of her honest expression, and I had no choice but to cover my face with both hands.

"It was like this. Are all men like this?"

"No. It's much bigger than average. Isaac looks just like his mother, but he inherited his father's body below? Hohoho."

"… …"

please stop please.

Whether or not I clamored, the two women were busy talking to each other.

"By the way, it must have been very painful, are you okay? If it's really hard, bring me a potion."

"It's fine. It's a little tingling in the bottom, but it's not unbearable."

"I'm glad if that's the case. So how did you feel?"

"Is it… Should I say it feels like I'm flying in the sky? It felt like my eyes were flashing and my hair was melting white."

"It was your first experience, and that's how it was?"


Please, tell me about it in a place where I am not. Are all women here like this?

"Anyway, I'm relieved that it was good. I was worried that Isaac would treat him harshly without consideration."

"You were good for the first time? Mother, I'm Isaac's first girl, right?"

"My sister and I were the only women I met before Isaac entered the academy. I was shocked when I heard he was starting a relationship with you."


"Ho-ho. Was I too mean?"

When I called to stop, my mother put her hand to her mouth and smiled gracefully.

Then he looked at me and Marie in turn, and quietly left a word of encouragement.

"Then, please take good care of our Isaac from now on. Isaac, you treat Marie with respect too. A woman's body may be subtly strong, but her heart is as delicate as glass."

"I'll keep that in mind."


"I'll be very hungry, so let's leave the meal here. Oh. Isaac?"


My mother put the tray down and called me right before I left. Her teeth on her teeth I looked at her and her mother opened her mouth while keeping her grinning smile.

"Even if you go to the academy, always bring your medicine. You never know when or where you will."

"… …"

"The most important thing is cleanliness. If you accidentally get a s*xually transmitted disease, it's dangerous for both of you. Okay?"


"Oh, and…"

Finally, my mother left me a meaningful message.

"I hope you include your experiences in Xenon's biography."

"… …"

"This mom wants to see Jean and Lily come together rather than Zenon and Mary."

Because Jin is the last boss, mother. Of course, I will describe Jin and Lily continuing before the last battle, but the internal wounds will be that much worse.

Mother, who did not know what I was thinking, said hello to us and left the bedroom. As if a storm had passed by, I was stunned, and then sighed.


"That… Isaac?"


"Are you really going to write about Xenon's biography?"

"… …"

I couldn't help myself, so I smirked and asked Marie.

"Why. Would you like me to write it?"

To that question, Marie shyly answered the question.



"Can't it?"

"…let's have dinner and think about it."

The same and yet different day began.