Chapter 117

Alvenheim, the country of elves, Machina, the country of dwarves, Animus, the country of beasts, etc. As there are various races in this world, there are many countries representing each race.

Since human population is a population, there are various countries such as Minerva Empire, Teres Kingdom, Principality of Velua, Kingdom of Savior, etc., but most other races have only one country. This is because humans, like humans, tend to unite with the same race.

However, in the case of Helium, it is correct to say that it is slightly different. As everyone knows, demons, unlike other races, do not exist from the beginning and are a new race that has appeared since the Demon War.

It has a tragic history of being deeply influenced by the devil and being severely discriminated against because of being close to the devil, and even being slaughtered by humans. Because of this, he was a fugitive until Hellium was founded, and he could not even lay the foundation properly.

However, if you persevere, opportunities will always come, and when the other races were holding each other in check, the demons found a suitable land and founded Hellium. They transformed even barren land into a granary through magic, and achieved remarkable growth in the blink of an eye.

As a result, 'Hellium' was founded in the land where the demons fled. In fact, the first king of Hellium built Hellium for their own safety, and if other races accepted it, he was willing to give up the land.

Of course, hatred towards demons was no joke, so as time passed, it just became a powerful country. Even at the time of the Tribal War, he spoke like that, but he was ignored because the demons tried to deceive him with sweet words.

For this reason, the founding ideology of Hellium was a little unusual compared to other races. Not for better development, but as a cradle for fugitives.

However, since time passed and Zeno's biography was published, 180 degrees have changed. Helium is preparing to become a nation in the true sense of the word.

"We, Helium, are ready to move forward as a race, not as a cradle of fugitives. So, we started 'diplomacy' in the language of this world. A few days ago, a delegation of Helium visited the Kingdom of Teres and presented special products. I did."

"What are the specialties?"

"It is silk woven with magic. Oui, Helium, have honed our magic so that the fugitives can somehow survive, so we can pride ourselves on being superior to anyone else in making magic-related items."

"Better than a dwarf?"

"We focus if Dwarves on their ability to craft themselves, we can say that we focused only on magic items. For example, if Dwarves make even basic swords into excellent swords, our demons may lack their own crafting ability, but we can supply them with magic. You can think of it as crafting. Enchanting magic to increase cutting power and durability."

Just by listening to it, I can't help but think that it's like a Gaesagi tribe. I looked at Gartz who gave the explanation with sincere admiration.

"Then, isn't it much better than the Dwarfs?"

"It's not. If a sword made by a dwarf has excellent cutting power or durability, we have to inject mana for the effect to be activated. Moreover, there is no race in this world that can match the dwarf in weapon crafting."

"Still, it's the same as being outstanding. You haven't been able to do diplomacy until now, so you didn't know this?"

"Yes. I sent the delegation and gifts, so you'll notice sooner or later. And since it's been revealed that the director of the Matrix Troupe is a demon, you can see that he has a deep knowledge in art."

I didn't forget to look around while listening to Gartz's explanation.

A day has passed since Gartz visited our mansion, and now I am wandering the streets of Hellium. Just as humans imitated the civilization of the elves, the demons imitated human life and were very similar to the streets I knew.

Various buildings have been erected next to the road through which the carriage passes, and the form of the building is also similar to that seen in the capital of the Minerva Empire.

The only difference is the people roaming the streets. They all had black hair and red eyes, and the horns on their heads were not similar but slightly different.

Still, because it was a place where 'people' lived, the street was lively, and the sight of children running around smiling brightly was enough to give me a sense of stability.

'There's really nothing else. What kind of devil is that?'

The reason I was able to get to Helium so quickly was, of course, thanks to Gartz's magic. After he greeted my parents when everything was ready, he teleported to Hellium's border. And, of course, he went through basic immigration procedures and went inside.

The soldiers (warriors) were startled when they found out that I was a human while going through the immigration process, but it was surprisingly easy to get through because Gartz was a tourist. Instead, he forgot to ask for a few things.

First. If it is discovered that 'intentionally' discriminated against demons in Helium, even foreigners will be punished. In fact, it was like racism, so I didn't take it seriously.

Second. If possible, avoid walking around at night or early in the morning. When I asked the reason, there were quite a few demons wandering around at night because they couldn't stand the musical cycle.

If it is the same demon, you can help when you find them, but foreigners may suffer damage. As soon as I heard that story, I thought of Cecily, who pushed me with tremendous strength.

Lastly, do not even approach near the Hellium Castle unless specifically authorized. Basically, a powerful barrier was activated, so it was dangerous if a human, not a demon, approached it.

You may be wondering why there is an immigration procedure in a field where teleportation is also available, but the outer wall of Helium is basically formed with a large membrane that makes teleport impossible. It is almost impossible to penetrate through warp or teleport unless exact coordinates are entered.

When I asked Gartz what the principle was, he said that it increases the probability of failure by irregularly twisting the flow of mana. Of course, even for demons, it's a complicated magic, so it's impossible for me to hear it and understand it.

"Mom! Mom! Look at that! Is that red-haired man human?"

"Shh! Come here. Then you can't use it!"

Then came the child's immature cry, digging into his ear. Turning her head, her eyes caught my eye as I saw a young woman, presumed to be her mother, hastily drying her tiny child.

Maybe it's because he's walking confidently without even wearing a robe? Occasionally, as I was walking, some people glared at me, and curious children shouted openly.

Probably, I will stand out even more because I am human and have red hair, which is rare in this world. Not to mention, all demons have the characteristic of black hair and red eyes, so their distinctive appearance also plays a part.

'You're young because you're a demon.'

Even the woman who dries the child is young enough to be mistaken for an older sister if anyone sees it. It must be because she is also a race that lives long with elves, so aging is slow.

I suddenly wondered how to distinguish the ages of demons. As elves are a race chosen by the gods, they instinctively know when they see their opponent, but I wondered what the demons were like.

"Mr. Gartz. Can demons instinctively tell each other's ages like elves?"

"Even though it is difficult to distinguish them instinctively, you can guess mainly by the color of the horns. The youngest demons are black, but older demons are light gray. It's also small."

"Still, it's hard to tell them apart."

"That's why they often mark their horns or get their age engraved through tattoos. Being old means you've been victorious in fighting the evil within you for a long time, so you're respected by many demons."

After all, demons die more often as demons than by natural death. So, it is only natural for older demons to be respected.

After that, I started hearing about demons from Gartz. Perhaps it was because he arrived at Helium, but his curiosity about demons arose.

When I was with Cecily, I was busy thinking about other things, but now I can only focus on demons, so I have to ask.

"Isn't there any difficulty every time you use black mana? If you use too much, your inner evil will run wild."

"In the distant past, that is,the first generation demons were like that, but now it's okay. Still, I'm prepared just in case."

"There are very few first-generation demons, right?"

"As of right now, it's practically nonexistent. Unless the devil comes from another dimension and sows seeds like in the Devil's War, there will be no first-generation demons. But the benefactor. May I ask one question?"


When Gartz, who was eagerly answering, asked a question, I looked straight at him and agreed. His red eyes were so indifferent that it was difficult to read his thoughts.

Then Gartz opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, and asked me in a cautious tone.

"What does Helium look like to the benefactor?"




I listened to his question and looked around. Helium, where the demons live, was a haven for fugitives in the early days, but over the centuries, it has evolved into a power that no one can lose.

Of course, diplomatically, it is like a frog in a well, but there is a high probability that it will gain the upper hand sooner or later. Therefore, Helium will emerge as a country with unlimited potential for future development and a strong voice.

However, this is only when you look at Helium's national power, and in it… the country of humans is no different. The sky was always blue, and people under it were busy going to their respective jobs.

Some people don't even come to Helium, the red sky is always ominous, the devils live every day, and murders happen, etc. Strange rumors were floating around, but after stepping in, well? I have a question that

Helium is a place that smells more of a human being than anyone else.

"You have no idea?"

"To say that I have no thoughts…"

"It's the same as anything I've seen so far. A country is established, the king and the nobility are different in the country, and the people enjoy life while acting according to their rule. The end."

"… …"

"I don't know what you're expecting from me, but here's what I think. It's a place that smells of people."


At my answer, Gartz smiled as if he was a little disappointed. I thought he would always be blunt and show no emotion, but his smile surprised me.

In the meantime, Gartz smiled a somewhat satisfied smile and opened his mouth quietly.

"I've been rude. It seems that the answer was too obvious to the benefactor."

"is that so?"

"Yes. It's a place that smells like people… It's a word that touches my heart."

It was just a rough word, but it seems that it came as a big emotion to Gartz. I glanced at Gartz, who seemed to be immersed in the afterglow, as if thinking about something.

After all, he's strong enough to be a soldier, and even Cecily's escort knight. As strong as he is, he must have been handling the missions that threatened Helium all along.

For now, it should be enough to make you think he's guarding people who aren't demons.

"I think you can see why the princess expressed deep interest in the benefactor. The benefactor deserves respect as a person, even if he is not a writer."

"You paint my face with gold. As I said before, I don't think much of it."

"That's the most important thing. It means that we have seen our demons as human beings without even realizing it."

Is that so? While I tilted my head and questioned, Gartz stretched out his hand in the air. Then a book was held in his hand.

As I was looking at it with a curious expression because it must have been magic, Gartz held out the book to me and asked carefully.

"I can't stand it anymore after hearing those words. I'll ask you one more time."

"What is this?"

"This is the 5th volume of Zeno's biography. It is a book that describes the end of Sakran, and it is a book that has changed the perception of our demons in earnest."

"Why is this…"

As I looked at him with a questioning expression, Gartz opened his mouth with his characteristic blunt and indifferent expression.

"Please sign."

"… …"

"Originally, the princess wanted to receive it, but I don't think I'll be able to receive it now."

I just did it because it was so sincere.

Anyway, after signing Gartz, I went to the villa where I had an appointment with Cecily. He couldn't enter the royal castle, so he made an appointment with Cecily's private villa.

Her villa was located inside Helium, and to her surprise, there was a thick forest within the city. She told Garz that it was a forest of rest, and that she explained that it was a kind of holy place that only the royal family of Hellium could enter and exit, and that there was a separate villa in it, she heard.

Here you can practice magic or calm your mind through meditation. It can be used in a variety of ways, and there is no chance of an accident as it has a defensive barrier.

I was worried if I was allowed to enter such a holy place, but Gartz replied that it was okay as long as Cecily had allowed it. Thanks to this, she was able to enter the forest without any worries.


At the entrance to the forest, Cecily was waiting. Instead of a festive red dress, she was wearing a black dress that exposed her shoulders and collarbones.

I was taken aback when Cecilie ran to grab the hem of her dress, but I had already made up my mind to welcome her with open arms. When I welcomed Cecily, too, she hugged me with a smile like a flower in full bloom.


"Wow… Are you really accepting me now?"

"There is something to be afraid of in the yard that even Marie has permission to do."

"I like it. Really…"

As I hugged Cecily, the feeling of my heart was conveyed, but I persevered until the end. I couldn't stand it if there were only the two of us, but Gartz is by my side now.

No matter how much he has a crush on me, it cannot be compared to Cecily, the target I have to protect. There is no way to destroy the affection you have built up.

So I shared a deep hug with Cecily, then slowly fell down and looked at her face. Her red eyes, painted with her affection and love, caught her eye.

I thought about it myself, but I couldn't help but feel that I was truly blessed. Not only Marie, but like Cecily, I had women with outstanding charms.

But I can't be immersed in the emotion of the reunion forever. There is another essential reason why I came to Helium.

"Sister. Where's the thief? I want to get rid of it as soon as possible and get around Helium."

"They've already arrived. Let's go."


It seems that Cecily also wanted to make a quick decision on her treatment. She put her arms around me and me at the same time and started moving her slowly. Gartz followed us like that.

For a moment, Cecily opened her mouth to admire the natural forest scenery.

"Oh. They've already decided what kind of punishment they're going to give. It's up to you, Isaac, to make the final decision."

"Yeah? What kind of punishment?"

To be honest, I expected that I would not impose such a severe punishment on my family. Because it was a matter of elves versus humans, not elves versus elves.

What should I do with the ultra high theft? It means that the probability of having this mindset is high.

However, the intensity of the punishment Cecily spoke out far exceeded my expectations.

"500 years older brother."


"The deal of being imprisoned for 500 years in prison. It seems that the dark elves have also imposed a heavy sentence because it is a matter of course."

"… …"

That's a really hot race. I laughed and shook my head from side to side.

To be honest, it didn't matter because I was a stranger, but I'm going to decide on my treatment after seeing my reflecting attitude.

So we arrived at the meeting point…


"… …"

"Why are you here?"

I had an unexpected guest.

The little elf lady, Arwen, smiled bitterly as soon as she saw me, and spoke in a voice as if tired of exhaustion.

"…see you again."