Chapter 137

The relationship between elves and demons is rather complicated, but it can be seen that the elves unilaterally dislike demons. The demons made countless efforts to be recognized as human, and they did not care whether they were elves or other races.

Maybe that's why, even if the elves are wary of and despise the demons, the demons don't even care. However, at the time of the tribal war, the demons looked after humans, so there was no point of contact at all.

If the demons hadn't helped the human union, even if the elves killed themselves, humans would have suffered a lot of damage. There is also a study result that the reason humans were able to use magic with ease was because of the participation of demons in the war.

As such, elves and demons have a subtle and subtle relationship. The elves despise the demons who are descendants of demons, but the demons say they are.

If Xenon's biography does not appear, the perception of the demons remains the same, and if Albenheim did not implement an open policy, the conflict between the two is almost nonexistent. The reason they do not step forward even if they recognize each other's existence is because there is a risk of extinction and there is no justification.

But time has passed and the world has changed. The demons got a chance to move towards the light, and the elves relieved their arrogance and reached out to the world.

Although they have never met before, the conflict between the two beings, which can be said to be in fact opposite to each other, is a situation that will happen someday.

"Sister. What's going on?"

"Whoa. Huh?"

I approached Cecily, who was having an argument with an elf, and called her. Cecily, who was holding her breath for a moment, widened her red eyes when I appeared.

Gartz, who had been standing next to her in the meantime, bowed her head politely. I also responded by silently bowing my head to him and focused again on Cecily.

Cecily was showing off her dignity as a princess in a jet-black dress that matched her hair color. Looking at the material of the dress and her modest appearance, she looked like she was going out, but seeing all her hangers, she sublimated the ordinary into a luxurious one.

While I was looking at my clothes, Cecily looked at Marie and Lina next to me once, and said with a hint of fatigue.

"It's not a big deal. My head hurts a little because of the immigration process."

"Immigration process…"

He turned his head to the entry procedure and looked at the elf who was arguing with her. He was an elf-like beauty, but he was a man with a firm and harsh impression.

He was dressed in a simple manner and had a pattern indicating his rank on his chest, and it seems that he was a manpower assigned for the immigration process.

"Again, please show me a more convincing proof. Even if there is a document, how are you going to prove that it is genuine? You are a demon, so you should be able to forge a magic document."

"Can't you see this seal with the Queen's approval on it? It's a binding seal that even magic can't do. It's something that even me can't do."

"So, I'd like to ask for a more convincing proof. The Queen's seal is not enough."

You can roughly guess what the situation is. It seems that Cecily is refusing entry because she is a demon, so she can't even become an immigration officer.

This alone is a big diplomatic rudeness, but considering the situation of Helium, it can be said that it was a foreign blow. As you know, before the appearance of Xenon's biography, Helium was treated harshly by neighboring countries and had to be semi-forced and quiet.

But not now. Helium started interacting with neighboring countries in earnest a few months ago, and by revealing the strengths it had been hiding so far at once, clearly imprinting its existence.

The problem here is that we are just getting started. Helium has hardly experienced diplomacy with other countries for hundreds of years, and even the awareness is gradually improving, and it is impossible to predict what will happen the moment it becomes twisted.

So, the moment Cecily misbehaves even the slightest bit, there could be a serious headwind. I don't know if the immigration officer really thought that far, but the difficult situation has not changed.

'I'm not an ordinary nobleman, but a princess, is it okay to do this?'

Maybe it's because they don't know how powerful Helium and, furthermore, demons are. Even during the tribal war, the demons supported the human union behind the scenes, not directly engaged in armed conflict with the elves.

The arrogance of elves towards humans has been diluted through tribal wars, but their gaze towards demons is still there.

I took turns looking at the examiner and Cecily who were having a nerve battle, and then I asked Cecily.

"Sister. Can you show me that it is the official document?"



It's unlikely, but Arwen may have made the approval weird. Isn't there such a thing as

Cecily delivered the letter to me without any doubt about my request. The official document was rolled up like a scroll, and the material of the paper was also quite different from that of ordinary ones.

Eventually, when I unfolded the rolled paper, there was an official statement written in a graceful cursive. At the bottom, there is a seal that proves that it is Arwen.

[I, Arwen Elidia, Queen of Albenheim, say this. I approve the entry of Princess of Hellium, Cecily Drat, Aicilia Bean, and the escort knight Garz Balak.]

Although it was brief, the words shimmered like stars, probably because it was written with a special pen. From the looks of it, it seems to be deeply related to magic.

Arwen's letter of approval is clear from the date written on the seal and from the magical context. There is absolutely no reason for Cecily to be denied entry for this alone.

I asked the examiner with an expression that I did not understand at all.

"Ar… No, it's an official document from the Queen herself, so why don't you believe it?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, but I need something more certain than this."

"Isn't this alone enough?"

"Yes. As it is the first time in the history of Albenheim that demons have entered the country, it is unavoidable."

What did you see with such a tight front and back? I think I know at least a little bit of how people from the Middle East feel when they enter the United States.

As with other races, demons who are in danger of turning into demons are always on the lookout for. But in the case of elves, it's a bit harsh.

Elves pride themselves on being chosen by the gods, and demons are the descendants of demons, so they have no choice but to hate them. It's like white people racist black people.

In any case, this kind of discrimination is not right. I asked the examiner in a voice that I did not understand at all.

"What if this is really an official document approved by the Queen? Are you confident in your responsibility?"

"I have already asked the superior for confirmation. As long as you wait, there will be no problems in entering the country. The Queen will check it yourself."

"How long does it take?"

"I don't know. This is the first time demons have entered, so it may take a long time. It will take at least two days."

Wow… that's admiration. Are you refusing to enter the country because there were no instructions from the upper level? Isn't it too inflexible without being flexible?

I knew that elves were stubborn because of their unique pride, but I didn't expect it to be this much. That's why they put Aiker in prison even in the tribal war.

Cecily also asked the examiner with a look of disbelief as to whether it was all sorts of frustrating things.

"You, can you take responsibility for this? This is a serious diplomatic disrespect. Do you have no idea what will happen if this fact reaches the Queen's ears?"

"It doesn't matter. I've watched 400 springs and realized that a 1% chance is by no means a small number. It's my duty to close those tiny gaps."

They say it's scary when an ignorant person has faith, and that's just the way it is. An examiner who clearly shows the stereotype typical of an elf.

It is said that they have lived for more than 400 years, so it must have been a generation that suffered a tribal war. The gaze towards the demons couldn't be any better.

But this is absolutely wrong. I quietly asked the examiner if he was serious.

"Hey. You said that you would close those tiny gaps, but if you close even the smallest gaps, you lose flexibility. Then, one day, you won't be able to overcome the power inside and it will explode!"

"It's not your concern. Go to another officer and go through immigration."

"I'm saying this because I think you should be concerned. One of your wrong judgments will cause great damage to the whole of Albenheim, is it really okay?"

"What else do you mean? I just…"

"Certainly, Nabal, I even issued a letter of approval, but you ignore it? Are you disrespecting the Queen or what?

The examiner's face hardened coldly as I looked through the documents as I presented them. I also felt the atmosphere sinking heavily, but I did not give in.

My woman suffers such discrimination, how could any man stand still? If he can stand it, he's even worse.

"If Cecily Nu… No, if the princess goes back to this way and formally protests? It will be an opportunity to damage the elf race along with Bonama and Albenheim. Even if Helium has only recently started diplomacy, this is the country. It's a disgrace. And you'll become an elf who has made a decisive contribution to the country's disgrace. An elf values ​​pride and honor as much as their lives, but the immigration officer who took them down."

"… …"

"You said you wanted to close the gap? That belief is good. There's nothing bad about it just in case. But the official letter that Princess Cecily showed you is a kind of assurance that blocks even that. Still, you refuse to enter? Are you just hating demons? , there doesn't seem to be any other reason."

The judge's face turned red and blue, probably because the strong rocking ball had an effect. When another person brings out the truth in their original heart, that person is bound to get angry.

You may be denied entry like this, but it doesn't matter. You can ask Siris or Arwen to sneak into the country. Smuggling is usually a big deal if you get caught, but if you arrive safely in the country, there is little chance of getting caught.

"…you're talking funny. Do you think I'm refusing entry because of my personal feelings?"

"Under the circumstances, it has to be seen that way."

"Ha! Well, you can say that because you are a human. Humans have been a race of greed and stupidity since ancient times. So, unlike us, who are impeccable, they cause a lot of problems."

The examiner even brings out discriminatory remarks as to whether the faucet has turned. She had never experienced racism in her previous life, but she experienced racism here.

Still, it's nothing Perhaps because the influence of previous lives is deeply ingrained, I am more sensitive to racism than to racial discrimination. I was just an elf, so I was able to move on.

"…you. You'd better cancel that statement."

"I didn't like the judge's discriminatory remarks to me," Cecily said in a low-pitched voice. She hardened not only her, but Gartz's expression, and she was no different from Marie and Lina.

I don't know on what basis the elf was chosen as the judge, but he has already crossed the line. I didn't take offense, I just pointed out the facts, but it's like digging a grave on my own.

I had a feeling that I would have to wait for a while to get in. I faced the examiner who looked at me with cold eyes.

Because he was tall, he and I were almost at the same eye level.

"Um… well, it could be. Humans make a lot of mistakes out of greed, selfishness, and folly."

"You know why…"

"That's why the potential for development is superior to any other race. Humans recognize and correct mistakes even when they make mistakes. Humans develop further the moment they recognize and correct their mistakes. But it's perfect…"

I grinned and said a harsh word to the arrogant race like the elf in front of me.

"It's a race with no potential for development, and without dreams or hopes. As someone said."

"… …"

"If you really want to be perfect, you have to recognize where you went wrong and think about fixing it. The moment you fall into pride and think that you are right, the only thing left is self-destruction. I believe you will understand well what I mean, having even gone through a tribal war."

Even though I've said this, if you don't bend your pride, then you really have to admit it. One stubborn one is strong.

I heard from Cindy that the elves have a strong sense of pride, so if they touch their pride, they reluctantly allow it. If you refuse like this, your pride will be hurt, so as an examiner, you will not be able to refuse.

"…is that all you mean?"


"Then shut it down now, you are all banned from entering the country."

But here's an elf who overcame his stubborn pride. Not knowing anything else, the old man in front of him seemed to have no answer.

Eventually, as he was about to retreat, he heard an unfamiliar voice from the other side.

"Hahaha. I came here just in case, so it's really like this."


It is not the elegant and noble tone of the elves, but the tone of frivolity. So, without saying who came first, he turned his head to the side where the voice was heard.

When I turned my head, an elf man was approaching here, and his light smile and light gait were rather unique.

Her hair was a bright yellow-green reminiscent of grass, and she was proud of her elf-like beauty.

On the surface, he seemed like a person who radiated positive energy, but…

"Ke, Keir-sama…!"

When I saw the judge's reaction, something was unusual. As soon as an elf called Keir appeared, the judges had a trembling expression on their faces.

Meanwhile, Keir, an elf man approaching us, passed me by, approached the examiner, and grabbed his shoulder. As I grabbed his shoulder, the examiner's complexion turned pale blue.

Afterwards, Keir spoke to the examiner with a still-smiling smile. Like her gait, her stern voice is impressive.

"I told you and sister. The princess of Hellium will be visiting soon. So, let her and the guards just pass through the country."

"Ha, but the demons…"

"Descendants of the devil? A time bomb that never explodes? Is that important now? You're a distinguished guest who came to see our Queen's speech. A VIP. Huh?"


"Don't say you're sorry, tell me why. The princess got the approval letter and even asked me to send it in. But why did you deny entry? Tell me just once."

It was easy, but that made it even more terrifying. Even me, watching from the side, feels the same way, but the judges will be thrilled.

As the atmosphere seemed to explode at any moment, the examiner, whose complexion had changed to pale, swallowed his saliva and quietly opened his mouth.

"…I couldn't help it."

"Would you like to say it again?"

"In case…it was inevitable."

A judge who keeps his convictions until the end. I don't know if I should say that it's amazing or that my stubbornness is beyond imagination.

"I can't help it…"

After hearing that answer, Keir sighed and tapped the examiner's shoulder. Then he smiled and spoke softly.

"Then I can't help it either."

Having said that, Keir carefully removed the pattern from the examiner's chest.


He kicked his stomach hard. The examiner fell far away and was slammed into the wall with such tremendous leg strength that he couldn't even choke.

How strong would it be if it was nailed to the wall? I guarantee that if I get hit by that kick, I'll be instantly killed or seriously injured.

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Even an elf with a basically strong body would have to recuperate for a few days.

Around the time when everyone was stunned by the sudden situation, Keir put the examiner's badge on his chest with a relaxed expression and looked at me.

Then, with a worldly friendly smile, he asked me.

"Since the immigration officer is not present, I will take care of the procedure for you. How far have we talked?"

"…I haven't said anything yet."

"Hahaha. Skip that, and I want you to show proof or approval to prove your identity. The princess there too."

After all, even elves were geeks.