Chapter 139

If I had to choose the most beautiful city in the world, no matter what anyone said, I would choose Yggdrasil, the capital of Albenheim and the pride of the elves.

A land flowing with milk and honey, the first civilization, the city of the gods, the standard of the world, etc. As many modifiers are attached, Yggdrasil is the pride and pride of the elves.

3000 years ago, during the war with the demons, the 'World Tree', a seed given by the gods, was cultivated and protected until now, and as time passed, it grew into a huge tree and became a symbol.

As a tree grown from seeds bestowed by the gods, it has various abilities. First of all, it is mana that purifies the energy of evil. The reason Albenheim was able to survive despite the world's uproar during the Demon War is due to this purification ability.

The demons burned bones and flesh just by touching the mana, and even the elves could borrow this mana and use it, so they were able to get rid of it safely.

The second is the ability to heal. If the magical power of the World Tree shows a kind of divine power, the dew of the World Tree has tremendous healing power.

It is one of the key ingredients of 'Elixir', which is said to revive even those who are about to die, and boasts a huge value because only the manager knows when and where it will fall.

Finally, there is the world tree itself. The World Tree is the most sacred gift from the elves, and it is also used as a temple. However, it is not a normal temple, but if you are a human being, you have to become a pope or a cardinal to enter.

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Even the queen is not allowed to enter, so you can see how sacred it is. Humans also have a sacred kingdom called 'Savior', but even they are making great efforts to step into the world tree.

As such, the World Tree is the symbol of the elves, the pride itself, and the heavenly fortress for demons. Moreover, since it can borrow power in times of crisis, it serves as the last line of defense for elves.

"Is that a real tree?"


"Ignoring perspective?"

We arrived at Yggdrasil after going through a lot of talkative immigration.

I couldn't help but exclaim like Marie, who was admiring her with her mouth wide open. Now, in our eyes, a beauty that cannot even be described as a superb view is unfolding.

It is beautiful to see the various buildings harmonized next to the wide road, but it is far from the big tree built at the end of the narrow road. Although the city and nature are separated and harmonized, it is like a painting.

no. Even a picture cannot describe this scene. The World Tree shows the beauty of nature by harmonizing with the city without any awkwardness.

The appearance of the civilization established by man and the great nature united as one, for me, surpassed freshness.

"As you may have noticed, the tree over there is the World Tree. 3000 years ago, it grew from a seed that an elf received from a god.

Lina explained the history of the World Tree while I admired the magnificent views of the city. As I was knowledgeable about history, it was knowledge I already knew, but when I saw it and heard the explanation, it felt new.

I was also amazed at the majesty of the World Tree, which had been firmly in one place for 3,000 years, and made me aware of the existence of this God anew. Unless it was really a god, it would have been impossible to give a seed like the world tree.

After that, I looked down at the World Tree for a while. Under the giant tree that seemed to ignore the sense of perspective, a beautiful street that could be compared to the World Tree spread out.

If the World Tree is a gift from God, Yggdrasil is the first civilization built on the ground. It is worthy of its reputation.

If the capital where Halo Academy is located is close to medieval European style, the streets of Albenheim exude an ancient Greek feel. In fact, ancient Greece had a great influence on European civilization, so it strangely fits.

The thing to pay attention to here is the citizens of the streets. As it is a country of elves, it is natural that there are many elves, but it is just a miracle.

If you think about it in your past life, it's like going to Europe to see a white or black person who was not usually seen on the street. Besides, like an elf, she boasted a splendid off-white color regardless of gender, making it pleasing to the eye.

Then, instead of looking at the citizens, I turned my gaze to the side. Marie, who was busy looking around the streets just like me, caught my eye.


Marie also turned her head to face me, feeling the gaze when I stared at her. Eyes full of doubts blink.

I smiled deeply at the unbearable cuteness and stroked her hair. Not only did she have pods, but Marie was just as pretty and lovely as an elf.

"If Marie has long ears, I think she'll believe her even as an elf."



"Heh heh."

At my sincere compliment, Marie hugged me and rubbed my face. The elves, who saw our love, cast strange glances, but were busy on their way.

But some elves weren't. Most of the time, they don't walk on the street, but they don't just gossip, but also show a strange reaction.

This is not because of me and Marie, but because of Cecily and Gartz standing next to them. The reason is that, as expected, they are demons.

Unlike the elves who wore overall bright clothes, Cecily and Gartz stood out even more because they were all dressed in black. In addition to this, the nobility and dignity that flow out in the secret.

Some of the elves even put on a displeased expression, and they showed it openly without even thinking of hiding it. There's a high probability that those elves are old-fashioned.

Just by looking at him, he showed that he is a high-ranking person, so he doesn't act like an examiner, and what would happen if he was an ordinary demon.

And Cecily, who is receiving countless stinging gazes…


It was a cute, cute sneeze that didn't suit her mature appearance. Plus, until you sniff. Her face was also slightly red.

After arriving at Yggdrasil, her condition started to get weird and she started showing symptoms. Even her, as well as her escort knight, Gartz, are in a similar situation.

He seems to be holding on like a silent impression, but he is sweating profusely. It was only the two of us who sneeze frequently, which made the condition worse.

I called out in a cautious voice with a worried heart.

"Sister. Are you okay? Gartz-san has been sneezing since a while ago…"

"Yeah. First of all, it's never a cold… Maybe it's because of the Mana of the World Tree? Khuh."

Cecily sniffled and looked towards the World Tree, which seemed to be built on top of the city. Others are fine, but since there are more than two demons, there is no choice but to put weight on them.

Actually, the World Tree is sending out mana to purify evil in real time, so there must be some influence. The symptoms were similar to allergies.

Perhaps this phenomenon occurs because the divine energy emitted by the World Tree is opposite to the devil. Fortunately, there are only allergy-like symptoms, nothing more serious than that.

However, if you are exposed to it continuously like pollen allergy, there is a high possibility that more problems will appear. Cecily was also aware of this, and opened her mouth with a slightly stern voice.

"…I guess I should give up looking around the streets. Let's go straight to the inn."

"I wish that was the case. We were going to go to the inn anyway."

"Then let's get going. I'll take the lead first. Cecily, did you also make a reservation at the inn I mentioned?"

"Yeah. I did… Echu! Whoops."

I thought about it before, but sneezing is really cute. The usual image of Cecily was far from sniffling even to the nose, but that made it even more attractive.


…Gartz is unique. He covered it with a mask, but it was he who covered his mouth with his fist and sneeze.

Anyway, we moved to the reserved inn without even looking around. While heading to the inn, countless eyes were poured on Cecily and Gartz, but they were busy on their way.

Unlike at the time of immigration, there were not only Gartz but also many Imperial escorts around us. No matter how elves are, if they threaten you, they have the right to dispose of them immediately.

It means that even if your head is turned around, you don't get into an argument unless you've turned your head properly. Thanks to this, I was able to move comfortably unlike before.


Cecily's wit is a bonus. Thanks to some measures, the redness of the face seemed to have subsided, but the itchy nose seemed to be unavoidable.

"Are you going to be patient?"

"I think I'm used to it now. I'm using mana to activate the defense mechanism. Even if it's a bit annoying… Etchuk! I can't help it."

"I thought about it before, but sneezing is really cute."

"Is that a compliment?"

It's a bit vague to call it a compliment. It's cute because it's cute, but it's cute to sneeze.

Cecily grinned as I kept my mouth shut and quietly walked over to me. Then he crossed her arms and gently leaned her head against her.

Her body, which stimulates her sense of smell, along with the soft feel of her arms almost made her faint, but she managed to suppress it. It's not just us, there's also an escort that Lina brought, so I don't know if this is okay.


"Stay still. Because it's cold."

"Ah… yes."

Yes, but what can you do? I looked at Cecily, who leaned against me with a confused expression and closed her eyes.

It would be nice to pass by like this, but there's no way our jealous girlfriend could just stay like this. I looked away from Cecily and looked the other way. just as expected.

Marie came out with a sharp look in her eyes and looked at Cecily, then met their eyes. Then she puffed up one of her cheeks and booed! and turned her head away.

I guess I'll have to calm him down at the inn. Cecily's health isn't good right now, so let's take care of her.

how far did you walk

"This is the inn I booked. How about it? Isn't it cool?"

"Oh … you look pretty."

"Elf is different, but it's different."

We were able to arrive at the noble inn that Lina had reserved in advance. Like Marie and Cecily's review, the exterior of the inn was not flashy, but expressed the beauty of simplicity.

The wall was entirely white, but there are vines that have been managed here and there, giving it a natural feel. At first glance, it looked like a ruin or a building with human hands.

So, what about the inside? I went in after Lina went in first. So did Cecily and Marie, who crossed arms with me.

"Welcome. Welcome to Starblight."

As soon as I entered the room, a woman's voice that was pleasant to hear pricked my ears. When she turned her head, a neatly dressed elf woman greeted us.

Like the color of the building, the dress she wore was also white, and her wavy blonde hair and a fresh smile made her heart warm. Judging by the looks, it appears that he is an employee or the owner of the inn.

Lina nodded her head at the elf woman's hospitality and spoke from the beginning.

"I made a reservation in the name of Lina Urmi Christine."

"Ah! They are distinguished guests from the Minerva Empire. I see. Did you book a single room and a double room, respectively?"

As everyone knows, the single room is for Rina alone, and the double room is for me and Marie. After all, Marie and I were engaged.

Marie clings to me, wondering if she's happy to wake up from sleeping in the same room with me. For reference, Cecily unwrapped her arms as soon as she entered her inn.

"Yes. Where do the escorts stay?"

"It has already been prepared separately. VIPs can go up to the 3rd floor, and escorts can go up to the 2nd floor."

"thank you."


The elf woman's gaze shifted and fixed on Cecily. At the same time, an unknown air current subsided inside the inn.

Could she make discriminatory remarks like the immigration officer? Everyone, including myself, was looking at the elf woman and Cecily.

After a moment of silence, the heavily closed mouth of the elf woman opened.

"You're the princess of Helium, aren't you?

"…Yes, that is correct."

"We sincerely welcome you to the sanctuary of the stars and to Yggdrasil. The princess can also go up to the 3rd floor."

Surprisingly, the feared thing did not happen. The former judges are like assholes, but not all elves have a discriminatory gaze on demons, so it's natural in a way.

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Even from the point of view of that elf, Cecily is a distinguished guest of honor. I don't know what's inside, but at least I can say it's wise.

"Thank you… Etchu!"

"Really. I'll turn off the purification magic in the room where the princess and the guard are staying. Since you are a demon, you will be sensitive to the mana of the World Tree."

In addition to this, until caring. He seems to have an open mind like Keir.

After that, we went to our respective rooms to unpack, and Marie and I stayed in a double room. It was a large room that was not lacking even if it was a two-person room or a four-person room.

"Wow~ It's really fluffy! Try lying down, Isaac."

"I'll be in a little while."

Unlike Marie, who was lying on the bed as soon as I arrived in the bedroom, I started to unpack my things slowly. To be honest, it was just a matter of time because there were only a few books.

Then I checked the time. The current time is exactly 5:20. In a little while, it was time for dinner.

It's going to be a speech tomorrow, so it's unreasonable to go outside today, and it would be better to stay at the inn.

'By the way, even the watch is very luxurious as it is an aristocratic dormitory.'

That was when I was looking at my watch and thinking about it.


Marie, who was lying on the bed, suddenly occupied my back. It was okay to occupy the back, but the next action was a problem.

It's called a naughty hand, isn't Marie's hand on my chest slipping down like a snake?

At first, I flinched and panicked, but then I couldn't help but sigh. Anyway, it had been less than five minutes since we arrived.

Then he grabbed Marie's hand and pushed her firmly.

"No. At least eat dinner…"

"Am I hungry the other way?"

"… …"

Like this horned white fox.


"Huh. I think I'll live a little now."

A single room right next to the double room where Isaac and Marie are staying.

A beautiful blonde beauty, Lina, took off her stuffy dress and changed into casual clothes. Even though she was wearing casual clothes, she was nothing more than a dress that was more comfortable for her activities, but she nevertheless had a big difference between hers.

Then she sat down on the soft bed and looked around the room. The scenery of the inn in Albenheim, which can be said to be the beginning of culture, catches my eye.

Although it seems frugal, it is strangely colorful, and flower beds are arranged everywhere. And even the air that seems to purify the mind.

According to the innkeeper's words, the World Tree's mana purifies the turbid energy, so it is natural to feel at ease. It would be a contradiction for the demon tribes Cecily and Gartz, but since they said it was cancelled, there was no problem.

'Is Isaac and Marie over there?'

Lina turned her head and looked at the wall. Beyond that wall, Isaac and Marie will sleep together.

Maybe tonight…

"… …"

Lina swallowed her saliva for a moment as her face quickly became hot as she thought of a harsh thought. She said she was soundproof, but that's not certain, she's just guessing on her own.

Of course, as it is an inn exclusively for nobles, it must have been well protected. However, there is one thing I brought with me just in case.

Then, she pulled out something she had been hiding. It was a short cylindrical tube with holes in the front and back like a straw.

It may seem like an insignificant item on the surface, but surprisingly, it is an item with magical powers.

'I said that if you put this on the wall and listen, you will be eavesdropping, and if you look at it with your eyes, you will be clairvoyant, right?'

It was borrowed from Leort for his own reasons, so the effect would be certain. The problem is that it is questionable whether this inn, which is presumed to have been thoroughly guarded, will work.

Still better than not doing it. Lina swallowed her saliva and moved her head towards the wall where the couple was staying.

I know this is a crime, but… it was too much to stop Lina's s*xual curiosity. Every time she looked at Isaac, the thought of it kept coming to her, and she went crazy.

So, I brought this item in order to properly satisfy my curiosity and to check whether it is true or not.

'Well, it's just a test. Test.'

Lina was unaware, but her face was so red that it was said to go away from tomatoes. Her heart was pounding like it was going to explode, and even her breathing was stifling.

After that, Lina, who had been looking at the item and the wall alternately for a while, swallowed her saliva once again and brought the item to her eyes. She plans to check her clairvoyance first.

After all, Isaac and Marie will be busy unpacking, so there's nothing beyond the wall…


What did I see? Lina hurriedly removed her item from her eyes.

Although in translucent form, it was clearly visible. Familiar people on the bed.

And on that bed…

pounding! pounding! pounding!

My saliva is dry, and my heart is pounding as if it's about to explode. She walked slowly towards the wall with trembling legs.

When he reached the wall, he carefully put his ear to it. Of course, the soundproofing was thorough, so I couldn't hear anything.

If so, what if you use the item? Lina brought her items to her wall and then put her own ear there.


hear more clearly than before.

She paid more attention and listened. Then, the sounds she wanted were transmitted to her ears one after another and entered her mind.

yes. This sounds obviously…


Lina let out the breath she had been holding back. At the same time, she pressed her ears even tighter and moved her empty hands down.

How much time has passed since then?

"Huh? Where did Lina go?"

"I'm tired for a while, so I'm taking a break. You say you eat dinner in your room?"


Lina did not show up to the party that day.