
[ Sarah's POV ]

" Ohhh, you sure are a passionate couple, Can I join in for a threesome ?" a male voice sounded behind me

I turned to look at him and found he was a handsome man wearing spectacles, " Don't you have any job at the start of day, you blind toad" Brooke shouted at the man

The man frowned " you called me a blind toad ??"

" Yeah, can't you see this Swan meat is taken by me, you must be blind " Brooke hugged my waist

" Why did you call me toad ? "

" Yeah sorry for insulting toads, as your mouth stinks like rotten carcass of a pregnant skunk, you are better to be called as public toilet, hmm wait attest they are useful, your worse than a toilet "

" Fucking bitch !!! " He roared at her and was about to slap her, but I held his hand before it reached Brooke's face

I applied life drain effect, causing a tent to form in his pant, I fully restored my mana within a second and used my charm effect on him

" Don't you worry handsome, my girlfriend doesn't like to interact with short dicked man"

" Who told you mine is short? " he frowned

"Then why don't you show your true worth to her handsome, maybe we can have a steamy threesome if your up to the size "

Brooke was about to shout at me for agreeing without her consent, but seeing the scene infront of her she widened her mouth

The man infront of her removed his pants showing his erect dick " See my dick isn't it long ! " He proudly showcased his dick in public due to his thoughts dulled by my charm

I kept my hands at my cheek and screamed " Kya, Pervert!! "

I kicked on his balls making him hold his crotch and fall down on the floor, He cried unable to bear the pain

Just seeing him roll over the ground like a pathetic worm made me horny, I wanted this man to suffer more I raised my leg and kicked on his balls again and again

With each kick I increased my force and I crushed his balls by kicking his crotch like a football making it rupture and bleed, He passed out due to pain

But I didn't stop at that, I dug my heel piercing his balls making him wake up due to pain

He started screaming like a captured pig " Ppp--llleasse I beg you, stop it "

It just brought me to the peak of orgasm hearing his pleas, I just want to end it with a final kick, with all my force making his crotch flat, with blood and sperm splattered all over the floor

" Aahhhh, Ahhhhhhhhh " It just made me orgasm like I never did in my life

" Sis, S-sis, sis " Brooke was pulling my hand I wasn't sure, from when she was pulling it but I was so focused on torturing him that I didn't notice it

" Whhhaat have you done sis, let's run out of here !!!" Brooke pulled me out of the shop and entered a dark alley

" What happened to you sis?????

" Didn't you enjoy seeing him squeal like a pig, it just makes me horny seeing him plead like that !!"

I recieved a hard slap " Sis, it's not you, your not the kind woman I knew " She screamed at me

When I received her slap it just made me snap out of something ' I noticed a red notification popping infront of me !! '

[ ⚠️ Warning ⚠️

Host influenced by Succubus Queen's Soul emotions

Please have proper sex to decrease such reoccurance ]

I pulled Brooke and hugged her " sorry Brooke, when he wanted to slap my precious GF sis, I just felt angry "

" What, who's your GF " she blushed while trying to push me away

" Even then you shouldn't do like this, police might Be searching for you now !!".Brooke sighed

shit I totally forgot about it, Sigh I am not sure when they'll find me, for now I should just have sex to stop the succubus Queen from taking over my soul I activated my charm and rubbed her face " Why don't we run some where and enjoy ourselves and have some steamy sex forgetting about others

" Yes, Sis, I never thought you would accept my side, I always dreamt of doing it with you " She jumped and hugged me

I still have 90 seconds left till my charm deactivates, If I run to some hotel, the police might find us, I looked at house nearby the bar and knocked on the door

A good looking 30ish woman opened the door, Brooke was still kissing my nape forgetting about surroundings, I wanted to direct my charm towards the woman and make her allow me in the house, but Brooke might wake out of daze

But she pulled me in and closed the door " hmm, a naughty couple is it, you want to have my bed right ? "

How is she so open, But I didn't think about it and nodded my head " Thank you miss -- "

" You can me Sophia" The woman continued cheerfully " you can take my bed, but I have a condition! "

" yes, what do you want ? "

" I want to watch you having sex!! " Sophia spoke excitedly

" Ooh, you wanna watch us, I am fine with a sexy woman watching me have sex with my sister " Brooke interrupted and removed her shirt exposing her perky tits covered in black bra

" Are you real sisters??" Sophia grinned widely

" Yes, biological sisters, can we head to the bedroom" Brooke was already trying to pull my dress up

" Sure " She led me to her bedroom and sat on a sofa next to bed, removing her panties

I threw Brooke on bed and removed by dress, and panties becoming naked fully

*whistle* " what a fine body you have there mam " Sophia clapped her hands

Brooke to became naked completely and I sat on her face with me knees next to her head and deactivated my charm, Brooke realised she was doing something which she wouldn't do in normal mind and whimpered under my ass trying to push me away

I spread her legs exposing her pussy to Sophia " Why don't you join us miss Sophia ?"

" I would be glad to " She kneeled between Brooke's leg and licked her pussy a bit , she just touched it with her tongue but, Brooke trembled and squirted all over Sophia's face

Sophia wiped away all the vaginal juice and laughed happily " My, my we have a waterfall between your legs, Younger sis " and slapped Brooke's ass hard
