Bad weather

Than meher said yes to sneha and began to work and at that time sneha was thinking about maya. That what maya had said her about meher ? Than meher said to her that, let's go my work is done and than sneha was thinking that, why did meher lied to me or Maya is saying lie  ? And first I have to find about it than I will ask meher about that .


And she than see went out of the office with meher and they come out of the office it was raining and then meher said to sneha that, go and sit in the car , I am coming in two minutes and then sneha went to the car and waited for two minutes and then meher come inside the car with a file in his hand and than sneha said to him that, let's go from here first because I am feeling very cold so let's go first and then meher said to her that, okay let's go and then he drive the car and after driving for 1km his car fuel was empty and his car stopped in the middle of the road and than sneha asked to meher that , why did you stop the car  ?


Than meher said to her that, car fuel is empty that's why the car stopped. Than sneha said to him that, now what will we do because the weather is also bad outside and than meher said to her that, okay I am calling subham to come with a car and then he said to her that, but there is no signal in the phone so we can't call anyone .


Than sneha said to meher that, so now what will we do  ? Than meher said to her that  , now we have to wait here in the car . Than sneha said to him that, but it's very cold here we will freeze here because of the weather so how will we stay here ? Than meher said to her that, let's go and sit in the back seat together and then they went to the back seat and sit there and than sneha said to meher that, but I am feeling very cold than meher give her his coat and sneha wear it but outside the car the weather was more worse . 

And after some time they both sleep there in the car and in the morning when meher wake up he saw his phone and then he called subham and said him that, subham my car fuel is empty so please come here with new car and then after some time subham go there and take them to their house . And when they enter the house than Mr mehra asked them that where were you at night I was really worried for you. Than meher said to him that, dad my car fuel was empty and that's why we were stuck on the road.


 That's why we didn't come home at night because the weather was also very bad at night and we didn't find any lift from the cars so were in the car at night. And than Mr mehra said to them that, now you can go to your room and take rest because you both will be very tired. So go and take rest for some time and than meher and sneha went to their room . And than they take rest for some time and than meher said to sneha that, today I will do the work from home and I will not go to the office and than sneha said to him that, okay then I am going for my work because today is my first day at the job so I can't take leave and then she went to her office and than meher called maya and said her to come home for work and than after some time maya come to his house for work and than she asked Mr mehra that , where is meher sir ?  


Than Mr mehra said to her that, he is in his room so you can go there and than maya went to meher 's room and than she knock the door and then after some time meher opened the door and then maya said 'Good morning ' to meher and meher also said 'Good morning ' to maya and than maya went inside his room and went to the study room and than they together began to work on the laptop. And there went to her office and went inside the CEO office and asked him that, sir what is my work here than Anand said to her that, from today you are my secretary and you have to do that work .


Than sneha to him that, yes sir but what will I do now than Anand said to her that, today you have to arrange my meeting time table. Than sneha went outside the office and than Anand called someone and said to him that, our plan is working and we are on the right track and then he disconnected the phone and called sneha inside and than sneha come inside and said to him that, did you need anything sir and then Anand said to her that,  no I don't need anything but now you have to focus on the work and why you didn't tell me that know we have to go on a meeting ?


Than sneha said to him that, sorry sir I haven't checked it and that's why I didn't tell you about that . Than Anand said to her that  , that's okay but let's go for the meeting because we are getting late for it. Than they went for the meeting and then sneha called meher and told him that, today I will come home late because today I have to attended many meetings with sir that's why I will come late and than meher said to her that, that's okay I am also working at home with maya but please try to come fast and than sneha said yes to him and disconnected the phone. 

What is Anand planning against Rajiv mehra  ?