Queen Yar reveals that the twins are not the Chief's biological children but somewhat to do with the witch, Ahang.

"Your Highness, I don't understand you, what sort of question is this?" Queen Yar asked. "I don't like this type of question my husband." She added trying to sound angry.

"Yar, just answer my question and stop beating around the bush. Are Mayual and Nyanachiek the twins my children, are they from my loins?" Chief Wong-heer asked, not caring about her angry look. "Raan e tor lueth ku thiak rot, cin den tok ka dong bec(if a deceitful person buries himself, one of his arms wil stick out)" He added.

"Your Highness, I don't like such questions."

"Riaklai doesn't tell lies. Yar, just in case you have forgotten, rin cie aye(my name is) Wong-heer and I have not lost my strength yet. If I stand from here, I will strangle you to death with my bare hands and the gods will not question me. you better start talking now that I am ready to give you a listening ear." Chief Wong-heer demanded with threat.

"My husband, it has not gotten to that extent, I will talk." Queen Yar finally said. "Hen abi jam yic(I will say the truth).

He asked.

"Your Highness, I don't think you are their father." Queen Yar replied truthfully.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Eleven years ago, I went to meet my mother to seek a solution to my barrenness and my mother took me to a man named Ahang. He slept with me for two days. I stayed in his shrine after that he told me to return home and sleep with you and if you sleep with me, I will get pregnant and I will give birth to a boy and a girl. I did as he instructed, so I don't know if they are your children or that of Ahang." Queen Yar explained as she started to cry. "I am sorry."

"Yar, you have killed me, so you slept with a witch, Yar? And you have the guts to pin the pregnancy on me?"

"I am sorry my husband, I was desperate for a child and my mother took me there."

"Your mother took you there but you are the one who agreed to sleep with a man who is not your husband." Chief Wong-heer said. "Before the end of today, I want you to takethose children of yours and take them back to wherever their father is."

"I am sorry please, forgive me." Queen Yar said, going down on her knees in tears.

"...…" Chief Wong-heer wanted to say something but stopped when an unknown woman appeared in their presence scaring Yar who quickly got up to her feet and went to hide behind her husband. The unknown woman was neither old or young, just in between. She was tying around her waist a red long wrapper. Chief Wong-heer managed to hide his fear as he stared at her. his guards coming inside the throne room to protect him.

She started laughing at them.

"If you are here to take anyone's life, take my wife's life and leave the rest of us. She was the on who had committed the sins and not us, please" King Wong-heer said.

The unknown woman continued laughing.

At that moment, Nyawiir (Nyanachiek the twin) and her brother appeared in the presence of them all. Standing near each other and near the unknown woman. The maidens that came home with the twins appeared also. The woman stopped laughing and pointed her right hand towards the Chief who flew out of his chair and her hand went around his neck. He struggled to get out of her hold but couldn't. his guards tried to attack the woman but were turned into sands. The twins started laughing in Unison as they saw their father Wong-heer struggling.

Then the ground they stood started shaking and the woman shouted letting go off Chief Wong-heer and entered the ground together with the unknown maidens. The twins were shocked, then a female voice was heard.

"You cannot harm him because he has my protection." The female voice spoke.

"Who are you? Show yourself!!" Nyawiir yelled out.

"I am Nyanachiek(girl from the calabash), the ground which you are standing on, don't dare me any further"

Nyawiir and her brother stared around them in fury before their gaze landed on Chief who was still recovering.

"We shall be back and when we are back, you are your stupid girl should get ready for us. The battle line has just been drawn" Nyawiir said as she and her brother disappeared.

If the twins are not from the Chief himself, why are they in Rumbek Kingdom? What is really their mission and where could Nyanachiek be?

Chief Wong-heer cleaned his two eyes when they disappeared been dead? Mayual, I thank for the protection and using my daughter to save my life." He added in a loud voice.

By now, the palace maids and the few guards remaining came out to watch what was happening and the reason why the Chief had shouted. "You heard what they said Yar, by the time they return, I am sending you back to your mother so that when they return, they will attack you first with your mother." Chief Wong-heer told Yar who started crying loudly. "If you like shed those crocodile tears of yours, you are going back to meet your mother today. I have made a very big mistake when I got married to you." He added.

"I am sorry my love, it is the handwork of the devil. I did not know when I did it. Queen Yar said with a sorrowful tone.

"Whether you did it purposely or not Yar, I don't care to know. You are leaving my palace today. If Mayual isn't protecting me in the form of Nyanachiek(girl from the calabash), I could have been dead by now. This would make it the second time your evil twins did not succeed in killing me. so, go back to your mother and tell her the plan you and her grandchildren has planned and failed." Chief Wong-heer told her.

At that moment, Riaklai appeared before them, scaring Chief Wong-heer and Queen Yar a alittle bit because they were not expecting anyone.

"Your Highness I greet you once again."

"Mouth piece of the gods, you are welcome." Chief Wong-heer welcomed Riaklai.

"Your daughter, Nyanachiek, sent me here to tell you not to chase your wife away. No one is above the mistake, your Highness, even if Yar has greatly sinned." Riaklai told him.

"Nyanachiek told you that herself?" Chief Wong-heer asked in surprise.

"Yes Your Highness. Yar shouldn't be sent away. In here words, Yar is still her mother so you should not send her away and so her Title as the Queen of this land still remains." Riaklai replied.

"Where is she? I want to see her with my eyes. I want to see my daughter." Chief Wong-heer demanded.

"She will come when it's time Your Highness. The Twins will be back so she has to get ready for the battle ahead." Riaklai told him.

"But why are they after my life and not Yar's life? I did them no wrong for me to warrant their anger upon. If they are looking for who to kill, Yar is available, she was the one who had given birth to them." Chief Wong-heer said to Riaklai.

"Your Highness, some things are better left unsaid until it's time for it to reveal itself." Riaklia told him.

"Please tell Nyanachiek how I am sorry. Tell her to forgive me for treating her in a harsh way." Queen Yar told the chief priest.

"I have brought you the message Nyanachiek said I should bring for you Your Highness." He added and disappeared right in front of them.

"Your Luck has saved you Yar. Just thank your stars today." Chief Wong-heer told the Queen who was still crying. "since my daughter said I shouldn't send you away, I will do as she has said but from now henceforth, you ceased to be my wife and you will chooses between the huts your evil children had occupied so that you will be sleeping there starting from today." He added.

"Thank you my love."

"Point of correction, I am not your love, don't ever call me that again." Chief Wong-heer warned her.

River World.

Nyawiir and her brother appeared before their mother, Abang, a powerful River goddess who was seated on her throne chair smiled a little bit when she saw her children.

"We are weakened by Nyanachiek, mother." Nyawiir spoke first. "We did not expect her to attack us." She added.

"I could sense it when she swallowed one of my servants." Abang told her daughter. "But do not worry, we shall kill her then wipe out Rumbek village and make this river the headquarters, mark my words. You and your brother should go and sleep for when you wake up shall you return to Rumbek village early morning." She added.

"Yes mother." Nyawiir said.

"Nevertheless, you are still the children of the mortal Wong-heer. Go and sleep, I will speak to Ajing." Abang said and closed her eyes her children entered her body.

Ten years later…

Abang was seen as she smiled to no one.

"You have slept enough and regained your powers. It is time for you and your brother to wake up." Abang said.

Mortal world.

Unknown place;

Nayanchiek, grown and beautiful, was seen with a beautiful lady outside her hut. On her left hand , she was holding a white staff.

"I will follow you to wherever you are going Nyanachiek." A beautiful fair lady dressed in white attire told Nyanachiek.

"No, they will return stronger than before. Who will heal me if I am hurt?" Nyanachiek asked her.

"You and I are one Nyanachiek, you have forgotten that I am your help."

"I haven't forgotten about that, but if you want me safe, you will sit behind and watch over me." Nyanachiek said to the fair maiden. "Let's surprise them my goddess, when it is time, you will show your face but not now." She added.

"Very well Nyanachiek, may Mayual guide you in your struggle and mission until it's complete." The maid told her

"Thank you for understanding me. I shall start my journey to Rumbek village now." Nyanachiek said.

"I am always with you Nyanachiek." The maid said and placed her right hand on the shoulder of Nyanachiek and disappeared.

Nyanachiek started walking, for some reason; she decided to walk the length of Rumbek village on foot instead of disappearing. She entered the forest that wasn't far from the hut she resides with her Help/maid.

Rumbek Village...

Chief Wong-heer and his elders were seen seated on their respective chairs, as they were quiet and in a deep thought. Wong-heer cleared his throat bringing the attention of the elders to him.

"it's been eight years, eight years since those devilish children left my palace with a promise of them returning. I have been slepeping with one of my eyes closed ever since that day." Chief said. "I don't know when they will return." He added.

"All these are the faults of your wife, Queen Yar." The Deputy chief spoke when he saw the chief wasn't speaking any further.

"I would have sent her away to meet her mother, but the gods did not approve it, especially my daughter, Nyanachiek." Chief Wong-heer said to them. "You know after the Deputy had spoken and left, I went ahead to invite different spearmen and they all said the same thing that the deputy had already said. I couldn't chase Yar away. Even my Mother who died five moons ago, didn't want Yar in the palace. I am only waiting for my daughter, Nyanachiek to return to know her reason and why the Twins are hell bent of killing me." He told his elders.

"The gods are wise Your Highness, and they will want everything to happen at the right time. Kuer poth bin awai tuc cham thin e bi e maath (the best way to eat hot soup is little by little)." Elder Majok said.

"You are right, but nevertheless Your Highness, just be careful of your surroundings and don't always stay alone." Elder Majak said and the rest of the elders nodded their heads like lizards to what elder Majak had said.

"Even though I sleep with one of my eyes closed, I know my daughter is always watching over me." Chief Wong-heer boasted. "Before any evil befall on me, she is already aware of it, but those twins are something else, something different entirely. And I don't know what I have done to them, that is the only question giving me a headache."

"All I know is that no matter how it rained, the sum will still emerge." Elder Majok said.

"True, but the sun has refused to shine. All the same Mayual knows best." Chief said.

River world….

The twins are all grown up, came out of their mother's body. Their godmother Abang smiled when she saw them. It is time to pay the village of Rumbek a visit." Abang told them. "And this time around, if that stupid daughter of his shows up again, then you know what to do."

The twins nodded their heads and disappeared.

In the Forrest.

Nyanachiek who knew her way around the forest was at the heart of it before she heard the footsteps of someone. She stopped walking and stared around her.

"Who are you? Show yourself!"

A young handsome man tying a white wrapper around his waist, came out of his hiding place. On his back were his bow and arrows.

"Who are you and what are you doing in this forest?"

"My name is Makoi, I came from a distant village of Maper to hunt in this forest." The Young handsome man who introduced himself as Makoi replied.

Nyanachiek moved closer to him and stared into his eyes. "You are lying. Your aura isn't that of a human but of a god. Who are you?"