Happiness, sadness and the truth 

"How do I get to the base? I need to see Cadet Wang," said Frank happily.

"Normally you wouldn't be able to leave the mountain without the old man's permission," may said, looking at Frank amusingly.


"Why are you asking me? How would I know? " said may

"The old man was right, You are always in a rush," added May.

"I said normally, but he's not here right now and guess who has the key." May looked at Frank with a knowing expression on her face.

"Since you have the key, then hurry up and let me see cadet Wang," said Frank imploringly.

"I never said the key was with me though," said May.

"Who then?"

"He gave it to sparrow," said May.

"Then let's go and ask him," said Frank.

"It's not that easy; in fact, it's very strange for the old man to give that kind of responsibility to a sparrow," said May.

"He must be planning something, you have to be careful," she added.

"Now that he thought about it, it was a bit strange, according to what may had told him, sparrow was the youngest and most irresponsible of the old man's disciplines," Frank frowned.

"I don't have a choice, though, do I?" Frank said

"Then come with me," said May.

They then began to descend deep into a tunnel. Frank thought, what was it with these people and tunnels? But the descent lasted for much longer than he expected.

Frank thought "Why was it so deep?" but soon they came to a halt in front of a door.

Knock knock

May banged on the door loudly, "Come out, sparrow."

She continued doing it over and over again until

"Why do you keep disturbing me may? leave me alone!" sparrow screamed from the other side of the door.

"You better come out now or else I'll come in there myself," said May in an angry voice. This guy sparrow had no respect.

"Come in, may come in, I dare you, just so you know I'm naked," said Sparrow mockingly.

May was fuming, but she still didn't open the door.

"Hey sparrow, can we talk?" Frank suddenly voiced

"Oh, is that you, Frank?"

"Come on in, just make sure she doesn't come in here with you," said Sparrow.

Frank opened the door and went in.

"Frank, what brings you to my door?"'asked sparrow

"I need a favor," said Frank.


Frank then proceeded to tell Sparrow about his predicament. Sparrow just kept smiling at Frank like it was amusing.

"It's not a big deal. I am willing to open the way for you. It's good to keep good relations with like-minded people," said sparrow.

"Come with me"

They both stepped out at the same time, but sparrow paused and locked eyes with may. They seemed to have issues with each other.

"Come on, Frank, let's go to the exit," sparrow said.

Sparrow took the lead and led them to a location with a large pond, pointing out that the exit is inside the pond.

Frank looked at the sparrow and then at May.

May nodded at him, and then he prepared to jump into the pond.

"Wait a minute, you still need someone to open the door on the other side," sparrow pointed out.

"I can come with you if you can fulfill my two requirements," said Sparrow.

"What requirement?"

"First the maid stays here, and she has to cover for me if the master comes back," said Sparrow.

"What's the second?"

"I want to spar with you when you start cultivating."

"That is still a long way away."

"Not necessarily," replied Sparrow.

Frank took a look at May.

She then nodded back at him in approval.

"We agree."

Okay, then let's go

They both dived into the pond.


In front of a waterfall, two figures slowly emerged.

It was frank and sparrow. They were wet all over.

"Are you good?" sparrow asked Frank, looking pale.

"What was that?" said Frank.

There was a huge monster inside the pond. It wanted to eat them, but soon recognized sparrow and left.

"That's the old man's pet," said Sparrow.

A pet? Was that monster a pet? Frank found it hard to believe and thought to himself, "How strong was the old man?"

He soon snapped out of the daze.

"Let's go to the battle stage," said Frank.

Sparrow nodded and followed behind Frank.

Frank was a bit surprised that he had changed so much since he got into the base. He was now far stronger even though he hadn't started cultivating.

The wind was in his hair and he felt free, but then they got close to the valley and stopped. They descended.

"Battle stage": these characters gave a feeling of aggressiveness and the will to do battle.

When they walked in, all the gazes in the base looked their way. Most looked questioningly, but the rest were actively showing disapproval in their expressions.

A voice echoed.and It sounded familiar.

When Frank looked to see who it was, the person was already right in front of Frank's face. It was Cadet Knuckles.

"Kid, I've been looking for you for a while now. I even went to beat up that good-for-nothing Luke a few times. I was afraid that your body would be lying in a ditch somewhere," said cadet knuckles. He was so excited he hugged Frank.

"Who is he?" said cadet knuckles.

"He's a friend," said Frank.

Sparrow frowned. Normally he would be angry because Frank would call may "senior." Even though she was older than him, he still didn't consider himself any less than her, so it naturally pissed him off when Frank called him "friend."

"Can I see Cadet Wang?" frank asked

"Oh, you want to see monster wang?" asked cadet Knuckles.

"Okay, come along."

Frank followed and so did Sparrow.

"Monster Wang, you have some visitors," cadet knuckles said.

I soon noticed Cadet Wang seated amongst a bunch of guys. They all looked tough, like they had seen battle. Wang Ben was drinking a bottle of booze.

When Wang Ben looked up, he was surprised to see Frank. When he got back, he found out that Frank had gone missing during the "punishment."

He got angry and took some people to beat up cadet Luke and ask him where Frank was. A senior cadet tried to intervene but Wang Ben beat him up too. That's how he got the new nickname "Monster Wang".

"I'm glad to see that you're alright cadet wang I also heard that you were attacked on your way to check up on my parents. I've wronged you cadet Wang, please forgive me," said Frank. He then bowed to wang ben.

"Honestly, it was more of an opportunity," said Wang Ben.

"I got the chance to break through thanks to your father," he added.

Frank looked stunned for a second. His father? How had his father helped Wang Ben?

"I don't understand Cadet Wang Ben."

"Long story short, your father saved my life. He is also a very strong cultivator. Why didn't you tell me that?" asked Wang Ben.

That confirmed it His father was a cultivator, and Wang Ben wouldn't lie to him about something like that.

"I never knew he was a cultivator cadet wang," said Frank.


"What about my mother?"

Wang Ben suddenly looked glum.

"Frank I don't know how to say this, but your mother was gravely injured," he hesitantly said.

Frank frowned, "How is her condition now?"

Wang Ben replied, "Your father said he had managed to stabilize it for the time being, but it wouldn't last for long."

"Did he say anything? Will he come and get me?" asked Frank. He looked sad.

Frank, your father said he was going to cure your mother. He just needed time. So he told me to tell you not to look for him. He has left the kingdom. Wang Ben also had a look of pity in his eyes.

But he was soon shocked. He felt a massive aura invade the air and it was coming from Frank. He was angry. His fists were clenched.

So, he wouldn't even let me see my mother through her pain. What is that supposed to mean?" For the first time ever, Frank released a side of him that absolutely terrified everyone around him.

Don't be unreasonable, Frank, he had no choice," added Cadet Wang.

"What do you know about my father?" Frank said

"Ever since I was born, he had looked at me with hate."

"He scorns me and treats me like thin air."

"If not for my mother, I would have long since gone insane."

"And now he takes away the one person that cared about me?"

"Shut your mouth, you ungrateful shit," a voice in the distance echoed.

Everyone turned around and looked at who it was.

It was the old man? What was he doing here?

"You ungrateful little shit"

"Is that how you talk about the man that gave you life?"

The old man suddenly appeared beside Frank and punched him in the gut. Frank couldn't even dodge The old man rained down punches on Frank while hurling curses at him.

"Do you know why your mother is still alive?"

"You dumbass, your father sacrificed part of his soul just to keep her alive long enough to save her," said the old man angrily.

"He has to keep doing it until he cures her. There's no going back for him now. If she dies, he will die too."

"Don't you think you deserve to be beaten to death for disrespecting your old man?" said the old man in a loud voice.