Dreaming of a cruel mercenary 

That night, after the discussion with cadet Wang

Frank went to bed and had a very strange, life-like dream.

In this dream, he was called Frank, but this person looked completely different.

"Oh blessed warrior of the federation," a voice echoed in the distance.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen. To think you were once a warrior of the federation? Now a lowly mercenary" It was a man in a black suit.

The man mocked Frank, calling him a "lowly mercenary."

But Frank didn't look bothered at all.

"And you are a government official. Tell me, oh mighty government official, why do you need a mercenary?" Frank responded in kind.

The man in the black suit looked glum. He was a government official. It would be shameful to be caught with a mercenary.

But here he was with one; he needed Frank's help and he had no choice but to ask for Frank specifically.

"We are brothers at the end of the day," the man in the suit said.

"We're not; I severed ties with you a long time ago," frank responded.

"That doesn't matter, blood is thicker than water," said the man in a black suit.

"Enough! What do you want?" Frank asked

"You must be aware of the recent killings in the city. They are targeting government officials."

A chill went down the spine of the man in the black suit when he said that

"What about it?"

"I need to be protected," the man in black said hurriedly.

He wouldn't have picked Frank, but Frank was the best in the city.

Frank laughed, "Hahahhaha, who would ever think that you would need me to protect you?"

"You need to help me, Frank. We are related," he said.

Frank said mockingly, "I couldn't care less."

"If that's why you called me, I'll be taking my leave," he added.

and started walking off.

"No brother, please. I will give you 50 million credits," said the man in black.

"50 million?"

"Now tell me, Michael, where does a government official such as yourself get 50 million credits from?" Frank looked back with the sides of his eyes.

He smiled mockingly, making it seem like this ex-brother of his was corrupt.

"Never mind, I will take your money," said Frank.

Frank's brother sighed in relief. He had managed to contract him. He was very happy, not because his brother would be on his side, no, it was because he was afraid of death.

The killer had been aiming for all his friends who were corrupt.

The killer would later leak all the corrupt practices of the officials he killed on the internet with horrible pictures of how he had tortured them.

The scenes kept playing In Michael's mind, over and over again, he couldn't stand it. He didn't want to die.

Luckily, he had a brother who was strong even though they had long since fallen out. He had to come back begging for his protection. If not, he would definitely be killed.

Michael soon stood up and exited the room. He was afraid that if he stayed in one place for too long, the killer would find him.


Frank went to see his brother Michael who had his own team of mercenaries that would follow him around the next day.

"Everyone today, you are getting a new leader. I'm sure everyone knows him," said Michael.

Frank then walked into the room.

"He is our city's very own warrior of the federation and my dearest brother Frank," Michael introduced.

"I want everyone to listen to him and work on keeping me safe together."

Everyone in the room was dressed up in high-end amour and gear.

"Yes, official Michael," they echoed.

Of course, they knew who Frank was. He was basically a legend that fell from glory, a story of tragedy in the city.

He became a mercenary after that, a gun for hire.

Frank looked at his oh-so-lovely brother, who introduced him mockingly. He disliked everyone in that family. They were all hypocritical pigs.

"Okay everyone, things will change from here on out. The safety of my brother is our number one priority," Frank said flatly.

"Tell me where you all served."


And so the job began. He guarded his brother at meetings, conferences, and campaigns. No one could hurt them with Frank on their side.

Frank also got to relate to some government officials. He had two words to describe them.

"Disgusting pigs"

They didn't do much work other than meetings and private parties. All these officials really had nothing going on.

One day, another murder happened.

This time it was one of Michael's closest friends.

He got scared. He was convinced that the killer had something out for him, so he went on a recruiting spree.

He hired mercenaries from all over the place.

People even started thinking that he had done something and that he knew the killer was coming for him.

"Brother Frank, please, you have to stop the killer," said Michael.

Lately, he had become insufferable.

"You are the only reason I'm still alive. Come stay with me. I don't trust these guys," said Michael in a panicky voice.

"But you trust me?" Frank laughed inside Michael was overcome with fear. As a matter of fact, he acted as if He wasn't the one who acted with some people to have him chased out of the family home.

Michael didn't know that Frank disliked him.

He started treating him with much love and respect


Suddenly, the murders stopped. There was news on the TV about how the killer was caught.

And Michael was very happy that the killer had been caught. He celebrated for days with nonstop party drinking and all sorts of vices.

He didn't see any reason for keeping all those guards and soon started firing them for stupid reasons.

Frank didn't say anything and watched his brother fire all his guards one by one.

He watched Michael fall back into all these vices. He looked disappointed. Even though he disliked him, he was still disappointed.

Until one day,

"Frank, I am no longer in need of services."

Michael had fired him as well, and while he had expected it, he still had a surprised look on his face, which soon faded. It was finally time.


In the dead of night, a car crashed into another on an empty road. A figure in all black stepped out of the vehicle and grabbed the other passenger, and left.



"Where... where am I?" He stuttered.

It was Michael. He was tied to a chair.

When he noticed fear gripped him, he was overwhelmed. He had done so much to secure himself, even lowering himself to ask for help from his brother, but

Here he was captured. He could only blame himself.

"Hahhahaha mister Michael, it was very difficult to get you alone," a man who had just entered the underground room said.

"Please let me go. I'm rich. Anything you want, I can give it to you." Michael said hurriedly he wanted to preserve his life with wealth.

"No rush, mister Michael, let's talk first," said the man in black, who was also wearing a mask with a drawing of a mutilated human face on it.

" Who is your backer?" asked the man.

"Backer?, I don't have any backers; I'm just a poor official," Michael hurriedly explained.

"No no, mister Michael. The truth is what I want." The black-clothed man moved to Michael and punched him in the face.

"Arggh no, please no, it's the mayor, he's my backer," Michael said hurriedly.

"It appears you want it the hard way, mister Michael."The man pulled out some tools.

Michael stared in fear.


"Good good, that's what I was hoping to hear now, mister Michael?"

Michael had bruises and cuts all over.

"Please let me go."

"It's already too late for that, mister Michael," he paused briefly.

"Do you want to see who I am, Mister Michael?"

Michael didn't really care, he just wanted to get out of here.

The man slowly pulled off his mask.

It was frank.

Michael stared in shock. It was his brother, Frank?

"No no, this can't be how ?"

"everything is possible, mister Michael, or should I say brother?"Frank said.

"Please forgive me, brother; I have erred."

It's too late for that Michael It's too late. "

He pulled out a blade and cut off his head.

"Say hello to Mother for me on the other side."

Frank didn't fall from grace, he just got a better deal from a better branch of the federation and this mission was to find out who was backing the corrupt officials in this city and kill the official.

And as luck would have it, his annoying brother was amongst them.

The police later found the corpse and the mask on the ground. This mask was on the ground at all the scenes of the murders.

So people gave the murderer the nickname:




Frank woke up with a scream in the morning the dream was so real it almost felt like a memory it was so detailed

The man had killed his own blood? No matter how hateful your brother was you couldn't just kill them

Frank could only think one this when he thought of this
