"I've seen the improvement in Frank and the rest, but Jack, you need to show me how far you've gotten with your training," cadet Wang said while looking straight at Jack.

For one reason, he didn't mention anything about Jack siding with the noble faction.

He didn't care.

Frank too would probably join the four pavilion faction, so why would he feel bitter?

"Come spar with Frank; let me see how far you've gotten," Wang Ben said.

Frank felt a sudden rush of adrenaline. Truth be told, he has always had this unspoken rivalry with Jack. He wanted to know what it took to take down Cadet Luke.

Frank smiled and turned to Frank and said, "Don't worry about it, Frank. I, your big brother, will not hurt you. Just try your very best. "

The fatty is always so full of himself, but no one can deny that he was indeed very strong.

"Stop talking nonsense jack, face me," Frank said, his voice a little excited.

He turned around and dashed towards jack.

Jack didn't dodge; he stood his ground as he had always done.

Frank looked at him mockingly. Of course, the fatty had formidable defenses, thanks to the strange skill he must have learned from the nobles and his family.

Frank went low and, like a ghost, vanished.

He was never interested in a full-frontal assault; he wanted to catch the fatty jack off guard.

The fatty jack turned around abruptly; he wanted to intercept Frank.


He was sorely mistaken.

Frank wasn't behind him He just reduced his speed a bit, so Jack would think that was where he would attack from.


Frank collided with the fatty with a shoulder tackle right to his shoulder.

The fatty couldn't react in time, so he lost balance.

And fell

"Damn", the fatty was a bit frustrated.

Frank was towering over him.

"A moment of carelessness can lead to your ultimate death," said Wang Ben.

He had a smile on his face.

"You are truly powerful, Jack. At least you're one of the most promising candidates I've ever seen. "

"But" Wang Ben looked at him dead in the eye.

"You are overconfident."

Jacks face changed.

Wang Ben was right He had always been talented, and although his senior brothers were more powerful, he was the most talented.

Now that he was in this backwater part of the country, he couldn't help but look down on them.

Even though he took Frank and the others as friends, he still thought nothing of their strength

"I'm sure you're aware that this is a sparring match. If it were a real fight, you'd be dead in three moves." Wang Ben had contempt in his eyes.

And that pissed the fatty off.

He stood up once again.

"Come," he said, motioning to Frank.

Frank looked at the cadet, Wang Ben.

Wang only nodded at Frank.

The fatty had grown serious, and the first thing he did was use a skill.


He lunged at Frank's with his fists pulled back. He wanted to win in just a few moves too.


Frank also activated the fire dance technique.


They were both using the same technique.

But Frank still had the upper hand. He was suppressing the fatty jack.

Jack was slowly getting frustrated.

He was slowly losing his cool.

"Frank, go all out," said Wang Ben.

Frank nodded.


His speed increased drastically Frank had experienced true life-and-death situations. He had never stopped training in the fire-dance technique.

He had mastered it to an extreme level.

Jack was now losing drastically.

"Stop!" wang Ben announced the end of the spar.

"Jack, I know what is going through your mind."

"You are thinking that if you used the four-mountain stance or another technique in the battle, you would have defeated Frank," Wang Ben said.

"Am I wrong?" The fatty jack inquired.

"No, you aren't. If you had used one of those techniques, you would have won. "

Frank's face darkened. The fatty really had a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

"Tell me, Jack, what would happen if Frank had the same skills?" Wang said

"Would you still be able to beat him?"

Frank was an absolute monster. Jack frowned. He would definitely lose.

"I won't be able to win."

"And why is that?" asked Wang Ben.

"I don't know."

"It's because you are lazy and overconfident, a fatal combination."

Jack frowned once again.

"You also lack real-life battle experience. Tell your noble faction people that I will be taking you on my next mission. "

"Yes, sir."

Although the fatty was a bit lazy, he also wanted to gain strength.

"By the way, I heard that you injured Luke," said Wang Ben.

Jack nodded proudly.

Wang Ben flatly said, "Don't attack him anymore. You were lucky that he was already injured before you came." said

The cadet, Luke, was already injured when they fought. Jack was stunned.

"No wonder," they thought.

If Luke was a cultivator, it would naturally be unbelievable that an ordinary person could beat him up.

"Frank's agility has improved a lot, but don't underestimate your opponents like Jack did," Wang Ben said.

He then proceeded to pull out a little book and handed it to Frank. He then said,

"Take this combat skill and practice it."

Raging fists

That was the name of the combat skill.

"Thank you, senior"

His speed had improved a lot since he started using the fire-dance technique, but his raw power had slowed down.

Building muscles can only do so much.

"Jack, you don't need any new techniques; the ones you have are enough. Just practice more. " Wang Ben was nonchalant about it though.

"Jake, your body is too weak. You need to build up some muscle. " Wang Ben looked at him and smiled. It wasn't a normal smile, though.


A huge boulder hit the ground from nowhere.

"Take this wherever you go from now on," said Wang Ben.

Jake stared at us with pity. That boulder was huge.

"Joey, I can't help you," Wang Ben said, then paused.

They all looked shocked. Was Cadet Wang abandoning Joey?

"My senior pointed out something to me about you. I'm not the best person to train you. "

"Go to him. I'm sure you know where to find him. " Wang Ben also stated,

Joey and Jake knew what Wang Ben was talking about because the senior told them the same, although he wasn't stronger than Wang Ben.

He had his own specialties.

"Jack, you come with me."

Frank, go and practice this technique. "Don't disturb me for two days, and if you're having any problems within these two days, consult knuckles," Wang Ben said.

Jake, go up and down the stairs. It's a good idea to do whatever. When the boulder becomes light, practice this skill. "

"You're all dismissed, Jack. Don't leave."

They all saluted and went out of the boiler room.


"Where will you be heading to, Jake?" Frank asked

"I'll take cadet Wang's advice," Jake replied.

He looked at the long staircase.

He looked determined.



Frank set off with one destination in mind.

The waterfall

Though he would love to enter the mountain, he didn't really have a means of getting in without permission.

Minutes later, a huge waterfall came into sight.

Frank remembered the scene of him and sparrow emerging from the water. The old man's pet had scared the living shit out of Frank.

Who keeps a huge pet like that?

The old man's pet was on the other side of the gate though, so Frank didn't have anything to fear.

He pulled out the raging first book.

The skill was separated into 4 levels.

raging fist 1st rapid

raging fist 2nd rapid


raging fist 4th rapid.

The technique lays emphasis on using speed and strength to deliver powerful attacks

Each stage was significant.

An ordinary person could use rapid rage at first level one.

However, without an A-ranked physique, it would be impossible to reach level 2 without extensive training.

Those two levels would be pretty easy for Frank to grasp, but the third one requires fists that could break stones.

"What?" frank had a look of dismay on his face after reading the description

That was the exact training method.

Breaking stones with the fist

Frank had a look of glum on his face. He had to break stones with his fist.

It was hard, but after achieving that level, he would easily break through one's defenses

The fourth level is made up of


"If you attain this level, you would be able to injure a level one body refinement cultivator?" frank looked shocked

That was absurd

An ordinary person injuring a cultivator? Only beasts like Jack could do that.

When frank, read through the requirements.

His heart fell and he shut his mouth.

It was inhumane training.

He put it behind him because it was too far away right now.

Let's see what I can do first.


They were all practicing for the assessment in their various locations.

To attain strength, one must go through hell and they want strength.