Teaching the scouts a lesson 

The scene became tense as cadets emerged one after the other, causing the scouts to panic. Even Devilsnake Zhang was gradually surrounded, but he managed to slip and get into a group with the scouts.

All the cadets from Black River City swiftly surrounded Devilsnake and the other scouts.

Ian and Zhang both had a gloomy expression on their faces.

This didn't go as planned at all.

"Tell me, snake, do you think the Black River City boys are easily bullied now?" Wang Ben asked calmly.

"Wang ben, don't push it, our leader knows where we are," Ian said hurriedly.

In fact, the leader of the scouts was the one who arranged all this. He was a conniving and despicable person.


No one dared make fun of him because of his relationship with the leader of the knight's unit.

"I'm banking on it," Wang Ben said with a sinister smile on his face.

This shocked Devilsnake Zhang down to his core.

"Wang Ben had schemed against them? Was this all a ploy to get their leader to come here? " he thought.

"Damn," he exclaimed.

He was only now realizing this.

Although he had influence in the scout unit, he didn't have the authority to give out "swift." Although he said he could, he was just lying.

And it seemed like Wang Ben saw through him, so from the very beginning he was planning to do this so the scout's leader would come out.

"You go to the scout base and tell someone what has happened here." knuckles pointed at Ian.

He looked grim, but he had no choice but to nod and depart.

He moved through the crowd that was surrounding the scouts and dashed through the doorway.

"I have to let the leader know fast," he thought.

Frank stared at the whole scene, stunned.

"These guys are crazy," he thought.

Were they trying to cause a war between units?

"Frank, come over here," Wang Ben said.

Wang Ben saw the shock and worry in Frank's eyes, so he called him over.

Frank woke up from his state of worry.

He then slowly made his way through the crowd of people to get to where Wang Ben Knuckles and Jack stood.

"Come, let's take a seat," Wang Ben said, and he moved towards a bench not too far away.

"Someone get some booze," Knuckles shouted loudly.

Wang Ben was also whispering something into another cadet's ears.

The cadet seemed to be excited by the words Wang Ben told him, and soon a broad smile appeared on his face.

The cadet then stood up straight and left.

"Frank steel yourself; things like this happen all the time in military, conflict really can't be avoided," Marcus said in a rather flat tone.

"Yes, Frank, things like this happen all the time." This time it was knuckles, although he wasn't really looking at Frank.

His gaze was on Devilsnake Zhang. He also had a huge smile on his face. He was mocking Devilsnake Zhang.

"There's no need to worry, brother Frank. Your big brother is always here. You can come to me. " This tone really pissed him off because it was coming from


Frank was extremely irritated.



In a little isolated hall, a man was seated in a conference-like room.

He had a sad expression on his face.

He was the leader of the scouts' cadets.

"Yun di"

Yes, he was also a member of the noble faction and a Yun clansman.

"You say Zhang and the others were surrounded in the battle stage by Wang Ben?" Yun Di was very annoyed at this point.

This was bad.

He had to get the candidates without any fuss because he was the one that sent Ian and the rest to cause trouble over at the battle stage.

He planned the whole thing because he wanted the tickets badly.

But he had messed up. To be precise, Ian and Zhang had messed up, and now he had to go and settle it.

"Go and assemble some men to come with me," Yun Di bellowed at a subordinate standing behind him.

"Yes, sir."

Yun Di was pissed, but if it was only Wang Ben that was there, he would easily handle it.


He knew that it was much more complicated than that.

"They asked for Swift?" he thought.

A man came to mind This guy had tried numerous times to steal Swift from him, so his mind suspected him first.

He was the leader of the infantry unit.


That guy was a pain in the ass.


Battle stage

"They are here!" a voice bellowed.

It was a cadet who was currently running toward the doorway.

The whole place, which was calm for a moment, tensed up again.

Wang Ben dropped the bottle of booze in his hands and stood up.

"Let's go have some fun," he said in a calm manner, but the whole hall heard his voice.

Some men that had just arrived at the battle stage a few moments ago stepped out and followed behind Wang Ben.

They exited into the valley to meet with the scouts.

Knuckles and some others stayed behind to keep Devilsnake Zhang and the rest in check.


Two groups of a couple of dozens of men stood facing off in the valley.

"Wang Ben, you dare capture people in the scout unit? Do you have no honor? " Ian was the first to talk in a rather sly tone.

But Wang Ben paid no heed to him at all.

"I hope you know that I'm not here to talk to you." Yun Di stepped forward and said

He looked down on Wang Ben because wang ben was just a captain and he was the leader of the cadets of scouts unit.

"I'm sorry, but the leader won't be attending to you today," Wang Ben said with a smile on his face.

He wanted to fight the leader of the scouts, and he wasn't afraid at all.