Still Alive?

{dont mind restarting the book if I had enough chapter unlocks, it's the only way we get paid }

Section 4

Deep inside the fiery mountain

There lay the body of a young man, bear chested and surrounded by raging flames.

The fiery mountain was akin to a volcano in the amount of fire energy it emitted, but surprisingly, this energy couldn't penetrate into the body of the young man as he was being protected by a force field.

This young man was frank.

[The host's body is being diagnosed by the system...]

[System notification: Diagnostics have been completed, the host has suffered a severe injury that nearly pierced the heart, system is requesting permission to attempt healing]

[No response recieved]

[Because of the host's condition, the system will override the host's authority and treat him.]

[applying treatment using the energies around the host]