Pledge and gifts

And before you knew it, he was on the stage.

It was frank.

"He is back?" The crowd was stunned.

Although most of them weren't around to witness the fight between Frank and the young master Yun, they had at the very least heard about it.

This guy fought with young master Yun, and the battle was absolutely bloody. Most of them thought that Jack was the monstrous one in the group.

But hearing about Frank's battle made them question their previous assumptions.

Their impression of him had totally changed; they now saw him as an absolute beast that didn't care about his life.

He put everything on the line against the young master Yun.

What was more terrifying than that? to risk one's life just to prove a point

"I thought that he was severely injured too." One of the candidates' voices sounded from within the crowd.

Frank was indeed severely injured to the point of death,