
"We are close," the special instructions officer said to Frank and the others while riding on the carriage.

It had been three more days since the incident with the death soldiers, but it was still fresh in their minds.

After the special instructions officer knocked out the soldier that was attacking Frank's team, they left the oasis.

But what awaited them was gruesome.

The special instructions officer had brutally murdered the other three death soldiers he even placed their heads on tree branches that he placed there as a sort of warning to who comes after them

"He's awake again," the special instruction officer said from the front of the carriage.

He was referring to the death soldier he had knocked out in the oasis

The guy wasn't giving up in the slightest. He just kept on struggling no matter what, so they had to increase his binds.

Right now he was basically cover with binding rope coupled with the fact that the special instructions officer sealed his cultivation