A show of force

"All of us?" Carlson looked at Frankenstein with some confusion in his eyes.

not to talk of the rest. Carlson himself was being paid 100 gold coins a month, and that was a lot. If Frank wanted to hire all of them, he would need to give him more than that.

"Are you secretly a rich tycoon?" Carlson asked Frank

He just couldn't wrap his head around how Frank, who was looking for money to the point of joining the guards on contract, would be able to afford to pay a whole team.

"I have my ways...." Frankenstein replied casually.

They couldn't see it, but Frank had a bitter smile under his helmet.

How was he supposed to explain to them that he had not only used Carlson's connections to carry out an assassination mission, but he had also managed to extort one of the biggest, if not the biggest, entrepreneur in the north west of the city Blades in just two days?

"The contract is right here," said the head guard pulling out some paperwork and handed it to him.

He then stood up.