After you

Frank stared at the statistics in front of him with a look of shock and delight.

He didn't think that the diluted blood boil pill would not only push him to level 5 of the body refinement stage, but also take him to the peak of that stage, meaning that he would step into rank 6 soon.

He felt the power in his limps grow much stronger as he moved his hand, though it was still flexible.

"Hmm, I'm getting closer to senior Wang Ben's level, but it's not enough," Frank thought as he smiled.

He had been slacking off for too long; he needed to gain more strength. Now he didn't know which realm the pill refiner or the second grand elder of the Yun clan were in, but he was determined.

In fact, Frank knew that he was nowhere near the realms of these old men, and if he tried to kill them now, he would doubtlessly die.

Even Wang Ben and Arthur, who were only students, could probably wipe the floor with him, so he had to keep on improving.